, _ _ ----_ - ---�--- —- ------ _ ---- -- - • -- - - — _ - --_-
<br /> `, . � .. . . _ ` � '��. ��� . ` - :- ---. -=_-- -..-_
<br /> �`�W1TH alt t6e improv�emest��o+r a ha�ler aeeaoed m d�e p�opaty.ad�14�qneW►�ietar�wod..�..
<br /> � A:poac �ow a benadls=p�et o[tae peape��r. AU �epi�oaea�s and additioa�:�411 a�o be oo�rr�.b�►tMia Saark�!_
<br /> � I�eermeet.A11 af�he fa�esoiq�ic nfared 10 iu this Secrnty I�omeat a�We`Propat�i.` '
<br /> -- - IIUkRtl�lifER COVBNANTS t�i�t Ho�t'n'�'is 1�feiied of t6�ahle 1�'ebi!aom�y�ed and t�i 1dt ri�[�p�at aad
<br /> oonvry tht Rapetty aod d�t the Peope�tr is ueao�iunbaed.exoept for��of trooid.Bo��rex�varrmts iad wUl
<br /> deiead�mmlhr tht titk w the�opety a�aimt�Il ct�aad dea�ods,aubjoct`w anY enc�mbr�aoes of neonad� . .
<br /> THiS SECtJRI'fY INSTRU�MENT ootabine3 aniforia o�veo�ots"for�tioa�l yse aud qon-u�fam oo'veoan(s wit6 timited
<br /> variuions by j�ai�diaion to oo�e�e uaifonn se�vriry ir�strumrsit coveriag�eai prope►tS►• , .
<br /> 1JNIFORM OOYENANIS_Bo�cnarer aod Imder cova�aad sg�oe as follows: .�` ' ,�
<br /> i:I���e�t d Pri�tlrl t��teret: rrepq�art,�La�e�.'i�es.BoROwa sl�il p�omptl�psY�vi►beo dua fLe '
<br />` pcinc�Ml;Qf and i�t on ihe debt cvidenca!bY the Note aod anY P�Y�_�:��due under tbe Na�e.
<br />' 2�Fueds fos Tsus�d T�ce.Subjoct tn applicabie taw or.m a writteu waivec by I.ender.Bonovrar s6�11 pay w
<br /> Lmder on.tbe dsy moathtY P�Y�ace due aodet the Nat��the Nde is paird ia fWl,a sum('Funds�)far:(s?Y�Y�
<br /> �d�aaa wfiidi m�Y�P��Y�ver this Sowrity Instmma�t is a liae a�.d�e�opeity:(b)Y�Y�pY�
<br /> ' or ground r�ts on tlx Propetty.if my;.tc}Y�Y�a P�'P�Y�P�!�s:<fi Ywiy floo¢i�ua�e pcm�iva�,
<br /> i�a�ryZ�(C�Y�Y�E�-'�P���umS�if any:aod t��Y.�P�Y�bY Bormwa w I.sader.iu�000cdmCe with
<br /> d�e proxp;iot�of p�ragr�ph 8.in lieu of thc Qayment of mortg�.i4guraoae Premiams.Tlkse uans arie caUed`Escrow tLdns."
<br /> Lr.oder.m�pr,ac ury ame,-oollax a�jd hold�FuMs in an amounc nox w.ex4��m�cimnan�amou��leoder fos A faieril.ty
<br /> id�tad nipttga�e 1a�n taaY rapi�e for Hot[ower's esctow aa:ount nnder the foderat Real E�tate Sdflemeat Pcaceduns A�.of:
<br /> 19T4asammded from ame co ame, 12 U.S.C.Sa�ion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA�),wiltss anotfler taw tLat spplies to tha�s,�
<br /> � �aets a�amount.If so,t.ender mak.�at,say tinoe.coltoct smd hotd Fmds in an amnant�mt ta easea�ti�e tes�r amo+ir�;.-
<br /> ; L�ridatas�r�GStim�e tbe anm�nE of Fimds due oit Ebe b�sis af curieat data apd n�sooabk�of expmditui�e.s a��-_
<br /> � Fsao�a.,It�acotothavviseina000rdancowithapplic�blelaw. �' . . �;���. �.•:' `•',
<br /> j74a Funds s6a11 6e Leld ia ah ir�stitution arhase deposits are insuned by a fedec+l ageiiiy;�i�trotaa�tality, oE'..��� `_
<br /> I � (idc1w1i1fg Lender,if I�eoder is such an instiiution}or in aay Federal.Nome Lo�8anic.I.ender s6�11 appiy tbe Fucds m p��bC�
<br /> Fscmw���tems.Lender may not cHuge Borrower for holding and applying tde Fwds,ann�11Y amlycing sl�e a9aow aaoount,`or •
<br /> verit�iug the Escrow Itans,nnless L,rnder pays Bormwer inter+est on tbe Fwds and aPPlipble law permlts Leoder w maice s�dr'
<br /> : a ciu�gq�However.La�dec may aq�ice Bartower w pay a ane-time chatge for.an independent real estete tax�orting�issipe
<br /> usod by� l.eader in oon�acaon with this loan. nnless applica6le taw prnvides otlxrvvise. Untess an agrament is made�.or
<br /> ' app{ic8ble law requires�to 6e paid.I.e��der sl�all not be r�aquirad to pay Borrower any intenst or eaminSs oa the Funds.
<br /> Botrower and�nder may�ln writing,dowever.that int+erest s}�a116e paid oa the Fands.lrender shall give to Sorrower,
<br /> wi�twat�charge.an annua�a�c,counting of the Funds:shaaing credits and debits to the Fuads:and the purpose�for which�e�ach
<br /> ' deblt ut�the Fw�ds was d�ade.Tde Funds are pledgud as additioaal sect�rity for all sums secuiod 6y this Sec.vrity�Instniment�. .
<br /> • ISthe Fwids hetd by�.ender ea000d the amonnts permitted to be betd by a�plirable law.I.ender shaU aecount to Bornnwer . .,
<br /> Cu�.th�,escess Funds in acrucdance witti the requireme�s of applicable taw.If the'amount of the Funds f�eid�y I.ender at any
<br /> tniie,�is not safficie�to paY che Esccnw Itans when @u.:lxnd�r may so mtify Battia'wer in writing.and,ia.wi3�case Bormwa �.
<br /> �i=?1�}�y ta Lender tT�e amoant necessary to m�ke.ap ths defciency.Borrower shal!make up the deficiency in no morc thaa
<br /> twelvt mamhly payments.at Lender's sole discretion. �
<br /> Upon payment in full of ali sums saciued by this.Secnrity Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund tu Borrower any
<br /> Fut�ds held by Lender.lf,under patag�aph 21.Ixnder shall acquire or sel!the Propetty,l.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> a�the Pwperty,shalt apply any Funds held by Lendet at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums securod by
<br /> ''ttiis SecurIry instrument.
<br /> 3.Appl�calloo o!Payma�ts.Uniess applipble law pravides otherwise.all.paym.ec�a seoe'sved by l.ender under paragtaphs
<br /> � , 1 and 2 shalt 6e applied: first,ta any prepayment charges due under tho Nate: sew�;.,u�a�aa�tts payabfe undcr p�agraph 2;
<br /> �' ifil3td.to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and tas�to any latc charges du@ uridet r�:��.�:•�
<br /> � 4.Charges;Lieas. Borrower sha!!Qay a0 taxes.-:�sessmen�s.charges,fr.�es��impositions attributabte to tha Prc�perty _
<br /> crwich may attain priority aver this Security instrunre�: and leasehold paymenrs•i3r'graund rents. if arry. Borrower sfiall pay •
<br /> t�esc obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.ar if not Fri:.i in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> to.the person owed payment.Borrawcr shall pramptly fumish to L,an,i.�r all natices of amountr.to be paid under thia pa►agraph.
<br /> I�Borrower matces thesr payments directly.Borrower shall promptiy fumi�h to Lencler receip�s evidencing the payment�.
<br /> '� Borrower shall promptly dixhargc any lien which has priarity over this Security lnst�umem unless Borrowet:(a!agmes in
<br /> . +a:r:ting to the paycnent of the o6ligation secured by the lien in a manner s�cceptuble ta Lender.(b>contests in gaad faith the liea
<br /> ::;•}ry,or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal praceedings which in the L.endet's opinian operate to prevent the
<br /> � enforeement of the lien:or(c)secures fram the hofder af the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender su6nrdinnting thd lian to
<br /> • �. thls Securiry instrument. If l.ender determines ihat any pan of the Prapeny is subject ta a lien which ma�uttuin priority over
<br /> �LiSi&SeCUrity Instrument.I.ender may give Borrow�r a.rulice idcntifying the lien.•��trower shall satisfy the Ei:en or take one or
<br /> morc of the actions set forth above tivithin 10 days a�ifi:;iving of noticc. • � .
<br /> . � . �form 80�'8�'!�� .
<br /> • v,ge 2 016 . . ,
<br /> i. ,.. � . , � -
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