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<br /> . ���is��f���N�i�YN��yiA1{����.��I�iil�!� ' '. .
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<br />_ ` !� V�.�..1�i�A�afD�eM. :l`.;.•.,.._` ' '
<br /> � � (a)Deli�M.�I.eodermay.exa'Pt a�bimiled bY ie�ul�tias isa�ed by d�eSec�!in We cre oLp�e�+le�<<;:...
<br /> ,. : , e�quiie i■�aAi�iepay�tm tWt af all wmt�ecu�ed b�r t6is SeaKity b�oc f[ `.;;�;.':^>:
<br /> .�.
<br /> • (�8oa�res def�es by f�in�to p�y�in tult+�oY�Y P�Y���a!'��I':��'''``'
<br /> � � .. � — taaE,oethtdw�d�teaEt�cAextmo�typaYmeat.ac _ �..:�-•��
<br /> ,_.
<br /> .' . (w'����.by,failioj.far a period of�etY�Ys•�P���Y���M�°0'�+!��� �
<br /> btw�qd wid�tba ti�`tUe
<br /> � af s.r�w�w.�c��wr. ��,��aa�a�y.�� r�;,��.,..
<br /> �q�ry,�q�e�n�edi�e payme�m fuu of�u mG s�s�o�ea b�►tl�s searicy r�orome�c i� :, .
<br /> . ' . � (i�1Li a ptt d U�e�p�ty,pr�beaeficlal�in�wst o�miaa sl!a p�t af tl�e�.�iy.is sdd or
<br /> . atLauri�e uartfared totLa tf�a 1r�r devise a desoeat}hy the Baaorvac.and .� �� .
<br /> C�i 7Ue Ptn��ty is mtvc�upied by tLe parc6uer or�anta as his a Uer priacip�i naidaio�.oi tl�e`Pxrha� .
<br /> . ` flr ganlee does so �ocupY tLe Ft�apaty`but ms or ber crodit fias mt beea a�ppta�r�k-:�+.��o4roe�nce
<br />_ � �rithtbe�ofihe Sa�cy.
<br /> - te)�Ta�f'i�i�er. If arau�noas oocvr d�at wonld pamit I.aider to ioqaii+e u�o�i�e paYto��ai�fi�J.k!!�I� . .
<br /> does not�equire suchp�yma�.I.eader does not waive its ri�ffis witle rapect m aabi�equeutevaro�:,. : ��_
<br /> - . . (d�Re�o�d H�1D&ce�rT. In m�ay ci�nns�n�o�n�1�ans iss+ied bS►d�e Saret�cy,�t1E F��.�er'� - -
<br /> _ riglps, m the cate of.PaYm�at dcf�uha.to��inNnedi�oe_�►yrr�a�t_in,fuII�od faecTase:�t.tiot�; Tbis
<br /> -' . ..- - Sec�uity In�na�t does mt aatho�e�ooekra�oo�ur faeciusin�e if not pettinitled bY re�Ltioea+�f tLrt•��•
<br /> -==°''.:'�t�_l�lpe�/e Nat Tawnei. Borruw�er'sgeees W�st�oaW�S Seaaicy��d�S���Y�
<br /> `_ �. __ ',,'•::��.`���:`�e:eJi�ie for�imder.;thcNuia�al Aousiag Act widtin .9(I..OAYS �•.� :ltcw tbe . .
<br /> � . '.�`�: ;.;`'=�:,`$e�e i�eof,I.eoder may.�t its optian aod notwidtspMing�yt1n�ia P�pit 9:re�c�imm�p�h�t b° ,
<br /> .'';`-`;: {ulI v��ll sams sec�ued by this Soc�uity Tnmamau. A wridea s�ea�t�iE�ay wthorizsda�et�t�,`th�Sec�ry: _
<br /> � . • . dued subsoquent m �90 OAYS frum t6e da�t haeof,dxlmin$ta�:t5iis'Sct�ari4y .
<br /> In�ment�od thc note�ec�u�ed thael�y.shall bc damed conclusive praof of such meligt"bilic��:.N4tw�.,_.
<br /> � , d,e fo�eaou,a,mis upua�may rwc b�exexcisoa 8y l+enaa wbm iha anavail�b�7icy of 5�0;3s�sokty ductn '' .
<br /> Lend„-r'�failutie w�emit a matgage insarou�ce premium w the Saretary. .
<br /> 1! ReL�tte�a� Botr�wa has a right w be seinst�ted if I.endct has roquired immecliate . m fuU becwse
<br /> e M ed
<br /> ' of Bamwer+s fu'tare w pay an �unount du�uader the�Nae or t6i4 Socurity Instrument. '11tie �lies cya►after
<br /> fonclosu:e prooadings are mstiWtod. 1b reinstue ttie Securiry Insdwaen�Bormwer shall�tendee���a Ium�s`swn ail
<br /> arnouats roquind tobring.Barower�s accouat curtent including.w the exunt thay are obligationa.o�,Bomawa uodtr dus
<br /> ' Stcarity Iaatcurt�en�faeclosune costs aad reasawble and customary aaomeyrs'fees snd expaases txrt�rlp�wiW
<br /> the fonecclosu�ie pr000edin8. Upoa reiaua�ment by Borrower,this Sarunry Insuament pnd.sLe.oFili�ons ttrst.it seciurx
<br /> ' shall remam in effoct as if l..ender had not�uued immediate_�+aymes:r�full. Hawever.Ltn�t�t��aot zequiial i4�ermit ` -
<br /> �t iF (i)Lender has accepted iemstatertKnt after the�snucncement-of faeclosta�'�rac4edinEs R�tua two
<br /> ���s i�nmodiatelY P�B.the cummenament of a cwrent faioctos�ue ptnr.r�dirY�(ii) tetn�atacement w�I'preclude .
<br /> ,fcsr��.isure oo diffarent�ds in the futus�.or(iii)reinstatcment ivill adverseiy a�ct the prnorJty of thc lien ccesttd by
<br /> 'this Secdriq+Instxumr+�. .. . .
<br /> . Il. :Ba�1ot Released: Fi�r6easaaa by Lender Not a R'�iver. Exunsion o���he 6me of payment or
<br /> � • madificatioa_aY�mortixaz2op of the sums s�cwed by this Secarity Instnament granted by�Lendec ao any successor�n inte�t� �..
<br /> of Borrower sT�all not oper,}Le to rclease the liability of tt�e original Borrower or BacmwerS�'successor in interesx Leader,',�.,�
<br /> shall not 6e requind to ce�mence proceedings against�riy successor in intercst or m�uca tatextend time for pa or • .
<br /> otherwise modify amortu.�on of the sums secv:ed b2.�.cs Security Instrument b�reaSOtL�nf�any demard ma��sbe.: .
<br /> origi��al Borrower or Borrower's successors in intec�est. �,:.y forbeazance by Leader in exeniaing any right or retr�ed3s sE�'�;` .:.,
<br /> not be a waiver.of or preclude thc eae�ise of any right or tem � ' "
<br /> IL Sic��ora snd Asgigns Bound;,1dnt and Several�ia�rty;CaSigners.�Tltn cov�nar►u and agrame�'c�:;� � . •
<br /> this.Ses�urity tu�nt shal!bind and benefit the successors and assigas of Lxnder and_Borrowee,subject to the provisio�s.::;:
<br /> vf Paragraph 9b. Bonower's covenants and agreements shali be joint su�d sevetat� My Borrower who co-signs ttiis ',
<br /> Seciuity Instrufienf but�oes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing•thi��Security fa�ment only to mortgage,grant and .
<br /> ' . cQnvey that Bar�FerTS i�t in the Property under the tenns of this 5ecu�ty instr�.zent;(by is aot personalty obtigated tu�•�,
<br /> pay the sum's s��Csy�r.�sis Security Instrumen�and(c)agrees that E�ender and an�r other Borrower may agree to extend, .• .
<br /> mad�fy,fafie��ar`�n;.�;e any accommodationy with regard to the termscf this Secunty Instrurtient or the Nate w�thont that, '::
<br /> Bamwer�so.�»'� '�• '.
<br /> L� �xs. My noGce to Boaower provided for in this Securiry Inswment shali be given by detivering it or by
<br /> tttailing it by'�#'ust ctass mail untess applicable law requires use of another methad. The notice shalt be directed to the
<br /> pteperty Ad+3c�ss or any other address Horrower designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender sha11 be given by
<br /> fiist class msi}�to Lender's addres.c staeed herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice
<br /> providcd f�rin�is Security Instrument shall be deemed to havc been givcn to Bortower or L.ender when given as provided
<br /> in this para�'n.
<br /> 14. Governing Law;&verabUit�s This Security lnstrument shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of the =-
<br /> jurisdiction i»wbieh the Property is located. [n the event that any provision or c�ause vf ihis 5ecurity Instnur�ent or the
<br /> Note coaflicts,svith ap iic:�le law.such conflict shap not affect other pravisic�;.�af this�Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> which can be,�#��eti et�e�x+�:thout the conflicting provision. To this end the proi��:siuns of ihis Se,.-�ity lnstrumene and the
<br /> Note are d�ctantd�to be screrable. • .
<br /> 15. �'oi�caR�er's Copy Barrower�J`,at1 be given one conformed cepy of this Security Irtsaurrr�nt:
<br /> ' Ib. A�eat ol Rtnts. Borrower r,usconditionapy assign�.,aa�i tzansfers to Lender all the tents and tevenuess nf the =
<br /> Htpperty. Bortower authorizes Lender or Lender's sger c.�t�r collect 4�re rents:ux1 revenues and hereby dire.cts racti tenant of
<br /> ' t�ie Property to psy the rents to Lt�xler or Lencke's a�er.*a. However pdor to Lender�natjce to Barrowet oY$ormwer's
<br /> " l�eti�fi o€anr coventt►t ot agroement ln the Secudty lastnunent,Bacrawer sha3t coitect and necelve all rcnts and nnvenues of
<br /> ��t:�e��in�cr.tp•ax dusta for the beneflt of Lendcr and Boaower. 'i'his a�ignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment :�
<br /> . aod nub u�aasig�unent for addition�l security only.
<br /> :�'�. V�.ender pves notice of ixrach to Borrower. (a)all trnts rcceived by Barrower sh�il6e fietd by Boaower as tmstee
<br /> `�:fi�u lienefit oP Lender only,W be�pplied to!he sums secunA by the Security°instrUment:•(b)Lender sha11 be entitkd to
<br /> � c+oilect end receive afl of the rents of the Property;and(c)eacfl tenant of the Property shalT pay all tents dae and unpaid to ` '
<br /> ' I.endCr or Lesider's agcnt an Lende:'s writtcn+dcmand to tha tenam. =
<br /> ' &xmwer has eM executod uty qior assrgnment of the rents and has not and wili nd perform any act that woWd • •
<br /> ptevent l�nder from exercisin$its rights t�kr th'�s Paragraph 16. :-. � � . _
<br /> Len�fer shtll�wt be tequued to enter upon.taice control ot ar maintain the Property before or aher giving notice oP
<br /> bradr yo Beaower. However,l.�xier or a�ud�clsliy apoointed receiver may,do so at any time tixre is a breach. My _
<br /> ap�lication ot rents sia11 na curo or wdve iny defautt ai invalidate any otl�er nght a nemed�r af i.ender. 71�is assignment � -
<br /> • • of�ab of die Ym�petty ehall termin�te whrn the deM securod by the Security lhswment is pad in tLU:
<br /> ' . � � (Dnita3ol�Oa�r�1 ' ' .
<br /> � . , -q . . . �
<br />