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<br /> . . . ` 1l�oa£.tiori�t at.p�ya�a�t ot tre �ias bidl. T�s�ae �isit aeltrer,to�� �•s`livi: '
<br /> ' �r^�l�i�+�3��''�ridtaM i�tM Tr�'��i dut�6r��e�l�faois e�►iiwos at tw fcsli.et� . . . .
<br /> .. `��a�ifs a��ti�ni�.Trrt�ea s�It aprpt�t6�pi�dve�dr ot�t1K sde i�.dr�totl6wls=orie�:�io�U dosti: :`: .
<br /> aia eip+�NS o[4t�si�i�.P�w�r ot wia �d.tis rl�, �actrdl!t ti6 psymeat d�tM Ts�is's tas` �. � ,
<br /> - , a�etwHy,i�e�rrad.aot�to etceed� '�'P�'�!` ' 'k d�t�a pri�cipat unorat.at tlre ao�e�t fie tiaw d' .�� .
<br /> . t�s dxluat;oa d�d�fa�tt,ud reaso�6N aitortMeys'faes ss pwrmitied by taw;(b}w alls�ms iactrnd 6�.t6u� ,�
<br /> - s��ty t�m�,ne.�:s�d�c�`sny e�oess to tLe per�or per�ois iapitya�t�tiee to it ` � '. � ! � : ��-
<br /> . . � .2�ltecaaveyaace.UPon pa9matt at ali sums eacured by this 5ecurit�►Irutrt�meat,Landerr�ll tnqitest'Ftustqe
<br /> to e+eoa�vey tl�e Property�!ehall e�rander tbis Sei.vcit!'iaetiwiaeat aad al!notas evideac�ns deb�secured by this
<br /> � .SecurlfY I�tnui�aat to Tnatee.Tn�edee atsel3 e+ecoavep t1�Pnopaty Mitmut�urantjr sAd�thoutcl�c�tt�taa�otE _
<br /> ` �. or I�e+�r leptiY eotidedw i�Such peteon or peesoos a�l[pag aar t�eoordatiun castR � '� , �
<br /> 23. St�bstitute Trtittea.I.endtr.at its option,nis�fcrnri,tima to time ranav�Trusoae ad appoiat a�tx.�ce�eor: ,
<br /> t�ustee to�ay Trustee appoiatad�der by�n i�tturte4tt�ncorded ia the camt�►in.�rhicb this Sacurity�ntaetis
<br /> rxonled.Withaut w�cveyinoe oi the Prnpetty.the e�icceesor uusooe�1 s��cceed m aU the tit10.P�Ma and dutias
<br /> ' ooniaced upon Trtntee l�a+ein and bq appliable ta�r. .
<br /> 24_lta��uest for Notices.Borro�rer requeets th�t oopita oi tha.notioes o[defiuit�ad sale ba aeat to Borr+aNer's
<br /> ' . addms which is tha Property Addreas. .
<br /> ?5_ltiders to this Security lnstrumen�.I!one or more ridas are ezavted by BornoMrer�nd teoorded tu�etha
<br /> � �rith this Sacurity Instromait,tlic cava�aats snd agroements a#each such dder sh�ll be incocpos�ted into and s�n11
<br /> amead aad svpptement the c�venarits..uul�s�eements of this Securcit�g�nstcumcat�s if tAe rider(s) rra+e s p�rt af thia
<br /> Secnrity It�men�.LCheck aPP�ica�t��i�:zj,rs)] ��: ':.
<br /> .- ,:::�.�: .•:... ._. _ . - -.- - �-
<br /> Adjdstable Rate�Rider ';�:�;;:-:. Condomininm Ri�a`�;:�' . 14 FimifyR�da'
<br /> Gradwted Fsyment Rider :<<:�;'<�. . Plannod Llnit TkveIt�bieat Rider &watly Rymeu,t Ride�'
<br /> &rioa�Rider � - ��-'�-� Rsu Improvenneat,��r Secand Homa Ridet . , .
<br /> v.�►.�aa . . or�cs)r�;�� . .
<br /> , , . .
<br /> BY SIGIVING BELOW;Bornower acixpts and sgras to the urms aad covenanfi�s.uc+ntain+ed in this Socurity
<br /> Instrumentand in any ridet(s)e=ccuted by Bonower�ad rxotded ai�fi i� ,
<br /> . �� � :
<br /> ;�• ;"�;'; ,{�t)
<br /> -.,: � �- �. ��' .
<br /> , . . =� -,�5. - r,: - -:., _
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<br /> .7:'' V `�N:,-
<br /> __ _ ' b�' � 'B011Orl'�f:
<br /> ���� . ' �����_..
<br /> -BorroNOr � -Bormw�e
<br /> ' STATE OF NEHRASKA, � Couaty as:i�11LL ,
<br /> � The totegair,�insttument was ackna�{m3ged before me this�� '��.�29'� day of I�1V��t , 1993 ..
<br /> 1�Y iQ11�E 8�L' �.AtD I�t#fi.�� �D l�.�'F,. = � � .
<br /> • Witness irs��T�and notarisl seal ar : . in said County,th�dau doresaid. � =
<br /> � h�fs-C`ommission E:pites , . � ���� ��� _
<br /> ,�". . Noja�'$ublio
<br /> . �•- - - - �^�-�---r-. �
<br /> • , � t,'`��'��`��.:::r:,�,�.Y�;;' '.t� t.�. ',' .
<br /> `' !''. <I�i�i•i�t i 1�. ...'t r', • ,
<br /> �_;:' ..�-.� .._.:...',f., . , :,� � � , . , , -
<br /> � . � . . . . :•r' -
<br /> . �!t�l�sTaeioi ,�w,�.s.e s Rr� l�ti 11�.. -
<br /> ' ... t• • ' - . ' ,• i 1Y, �5 �� .. -.
<br />