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<br /> � :� .t�,�,�t�, ii mOttp�e in�tjranoe oover�Iuq tbe amount�td for tk�c.petiod t6at l��der roquite��
<br /> provided!pr in�ntu+�.approved�r I.ader apin beooma svaikbla ud it obnined.Boetow+er`i�1�P�y�be peeraiwn�
<br /> . `re�r+ed ta nui�t�dn mory�e inw�oe in dta�ct�or�o provide s tom r�eerva tiab'� the e+enuintmeut ta tnoeip�e .
<br /> inrursnx mds Ia aooq�dana aiYh any Mrit�en s�reeme�it bet�reea Boemweraod I�andeR or�ppiecsble law.
<br /> . � 9.isspectiop:I:aider oe its�er►t inay�alre taeonabfa a�tties upon and�npection�of the Pe+opert�r I�a�der tTail
<br /> �ve Boee+nNa notia at the time d or pria to an ir�epa,�ion epeciiytnsre�ean�bte cau�e ta ttja irapecpon.
<br /> {0 Cflsdemaatioa.Tht prooeeifs otaAg axKd or ctaim tor duna,Qs.die�t orconeequaitiat.iA ooneecsion iritb
<br /> , � ,any condernaatiaa oc other t�n�of�ey part ot tha Propierty.or for oonveyanoe ia lieu of owdemnttion.are beneby`
<br /> a�eiy�ed and ahi11 be psid to I.ender. � � `
<br /> ._ — Ia tf�e even�ot.s tot�l akin�ot tha Propect}:th�e ptoceo�s sha11 be applia!'tto tbQ-anms aecuced by tfiis Secu�ity
<br /> _ �li�srpment.MhathGr or not then due.irith my etoaes p�id w BonoMer.In tho event of�Puqa1 tsti�ot t6e Fe+opaty in
<br /> � .rhich the fur msrtcet vafue oi the I'soperty immediitety betace tha takin�ia eqwl to or p+eater t1�n the am4uat vf the
<br />_- sums secue+ed by this Socurity Insttument.imme�stely be[ore tha LYine,unlws BomoWer and L�ender otherxist a�ree
<br /> ia�ritin�,tbe suma secured by this Security Iastrument s1W1 be redaoo�by the amouat o[tha proceeds multiplied by
<br />-- the fo{loMin�tr�ction:{s)the wtsl amounR oi tbe surua seet�red imsnedisteiy betorc the tskin�.divided by(b)the fsir
<br /> - nnaricet valus oi the Praperty immediatety betoe+e the tatis��.My balanoa shall be paid to Borm�r.In the evdit ot s
<br />-= prtial taken�ot the Pmpaty in+rhich tAe fut market vatue.oi the Property immediauly bdae tbe t�icin$is le�a than
<br />� the amount af tha snms sec+md immodiateiy betoratbe talun�,ual�ss Rors�wer�ad Lender ofherMise a�x ia�rritia8 -
<br />,�;�: or unless spplicsble taM othervise provid�s, the Prooeeds adal} be spplied to tAe sums exurod by ttis Sec�uity =-
<br /> I�entRhcthet ot not tbe sums are tMi due. —
<br />-- � Ii t1�Property is sb�ndoQed by Borroxer,or if,atur aatioc by Lender w Bormwer tLat the condemrwr oHere to —
<br /> - malce aa aMSr�or aettle:claim!or dams�es.Borro�rer fiiIs tn r�pond w Lender�rittun 30 dsys aitet t6e dau the ___
<br /> - - , notix is gvan,I�ender is auuwrized ta collect and spp1Y tl�e Proaeedss.at its option,eithet Lo srstontioa or c+epsir of the
<br /> '= � Property os to the sums sxured by t6is Secucity Insuument,�vhetber or aot tlkn du� _
<br /> Unkas.Lender aQd BorraWer otbaKise agtx in Nritin�.anp applicatioa of proceeds w princi�i sfn11 not e:tend or -
<br />- postpone the dv�c dite of tlse moatNY payrtnes.*s.t+eferreal to ia pus8capl►s 1 u�d'2 or ch�age the amo�rat of snch =_
<br />= paYmeats. .
<br /> i 1. Batroxer Not Rele�aed; Forbarsnoa By Laader Not s Wsiver.E:te�sion at the time for payment or . �_ _
<br /> modiCqtion of st�ortization oi the sums securod by tl�is Security ln4trument gesnied by I.ender to any suvice�or in �--�=�--
<br /> .� , .-..�. . �'?i::�s�.'-=
<br /> : interest of Botrower shall not opecate ta.release tAe liability of the oti�inal 8ortoWer ot Bomnxers succeaois in �:�,�y.�_
<br /> - �`_.°. ' iaterest.l.ender sh�ll noi b� uired to commena s nst any successor in intMest or niuse to'eitend � -:--�-.:--=
<br /> ;.�;.•s;:t.�.>_:.• . �9 P�� &� : .�.�.
<br />_ - ,;��:�::{. � time for paymeat or other�rise modity arnortizstion of the sums socured by this Secutity Insdvmeat by re�son of u►y �._���:
<br />= '"':-�a'''`"'� demznd made by thcoriYir►al Borrower or Borrower's succe�ors in inurast.Any forbearance bq Lender in e=ercising ''„�°_-_
<br /> - n �f�•,-�-..
<br />' .:� _�;'`�`.`�.� �� any right or rertiedy shall not be a aaiver of or preclude the esercise of any reght or re�nedy. �1��,�-4"�=—
<br /> _ � -�:;, .
<br /> �,.����"'�,,:<`. 12.Sucx,cssors sad Assijas Hound;.laint and Seversl L'ubility:Co-si=uers.The covenants snd agreements +.��:�::
<br /> u �:::`�•� �_
<br /> _�`- � ot this Security Instrument shall bind and.bene�t the succes�ors assi of Lender snd Borrower.subjoct to the _
<br /> , ay,;��-, �, S� ��,_�-�'.
<br /> . .•���r: .� � provisions of paragra.ph 17.Borrower's co�en�ts and agrcements�6�lJ;Fie jo�nt and sevenl.Any.Borcower who vo-si�ns
<br /> ` , this Security Inscsunsent but dces,not e�ecisoe the NoLe�(a) is co sigring this Seaarity Instrameat only to�nortg�g� --- ��' '�'' --
<br /> -���, ..:�,.,;;'�'±- gcaat ansi eonvey that.Borroc�r�&interest in the Fm�"«nder the urms of this Seeurity Instrumen�tb) is not � - _
<br /> : an.
<br /> ... �,��•,h�, , ��� per�as�a i�y a b liga t e d to pay t h�r,urns sec u r e d by t h i s.S e�i t q I�u u u m e n t;a n d{c�a g�r a s t h a t i.e n�e r a n d a u y a t h e r {�°
<br /> �ts F
<br /> _�j'`�s�,. ���� Borrowev may agree w estend,rti�odify,fotbesr or make any accommodations with regard w the teims af tbia Sxurity r �r=:.---
<br /> :�,�-. �:_. ..�'�. ,'t i. lnscrument or the Note without thas Borrower's consens. : ;""t,'--'-
<br />- ,�;:.;:..: ,,. -•i- �` ' ' 13. Losa Chsr=es.li the toan seeured by this Security Inscrnmern is subject to a law which sets maYimum tosn - _
<br /> . � ,�.�.;;,_,. .� : charges.and that law is finally inteipreted so that the interest or other toan charges collocted or to be collocted in : .�0' �:_
<br /> �-�,.:;� connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shal) be nduced by tAo amount „ --:
<br /> :�'.�:',, : ' . nece�ary to reduce the charga w the permitted limit; and(b) sny sums already colleeted from Borrower whieh �' �°'
<br />, ;�,�z:;l4 y.;�. ,. e:ceeded permitted limits wi11 be nfunded to Borroaer.La►der may choase to make this cefund by roducing tt�e : ;'�::�
<br /> r -;:s;t:"L;.:'' -� principal owai tlndsa'the Note or by maicing a direct payment to Bonower.If a refund teduoes priracipal.the reduction _ �:�,=���-°-
<br /> �t :;.;;:_.,,.•.; _ . ;.�; ai11 ba treataia�a�rcial prepayment without any prepayment charge under t}u Note. � , ���..'
<br /> �',.. ' !:��r--.;;:��;:,•,�.��:,� !4i•'4oii�s:.:�ay notice ta 8orcower provided fer.in this Security Instrument shPJl be given by delivece�g it or by ��,,, ,;:;,:��._�
<br /> _ ... ,•.�.a�., . ��t4 t,,., ,:
<br /> T#�r,;:�;�� •' maT� it b fsist�etass mail.unl�a licable law s�'use ot another method..71i�notice shaU ba ditected to the �;,,± _
<br /> ��,��k $ y PP � l�, �:'�:�.�
<br /> , ty�i2. ',��,fk'�F��. , ': Propetty Address o�any other���iess Barca,.er desigri�es by notice to Lender.an�s:rytice to�xnder shall be given by .� . . ,,..�;�1�; ,_
<br /> "#�;-:�° ., � , ' Crst class mail w Lender's address stated is.�:i�or any other address Lender d�g,stes�,�r��:e to Borrower.Any .,. .:, �_:
<br /> ,. �. , ,.::--_
<br /> �;���,;", . , � notic�provided for in this$ecurity lnstru:ns�n�c�.'iall be deemai m have been given tu�`5urroa�r.or Lender when given � -;',�:___
<br />_:.�.� �.:.;i� ': �':�--.
<br /> �:_ , r,�t,�..: ,: as provided in this parsgraph. � , .� ,, . , . r,r�.;;-�:.
<br /> I5.Gavernia=Law;Severability.'i`fiis Security Instrument shsll be goveraecfi�sy~fa��ral taw and the law of the E-:.� r i��.�;,��
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propect}is l ocated.l�s the evcnt that any provision or clause oi u�i��srity lnstrument or the �- �__
<br /> -`� '�`" � Note conflicts with appticable laov;such cor�iict sha11 not affect other provisions ot this Sectrsiry�itstrument ar the Note � � .
<br /> �•'� iY`'',,"�. • - Nhich can ba given efiect without the ton.ftti�:tir.,g pravision.To this end the provisions ot tP.is Sccurity Instrument and ' � .
<br /> ,°. �.1�.�;';� the I�ota are declared to be se�erable. . . �
<br /> ,.. . ,. ,
<br /> - . � , . ..
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