- - - _.__ . . .. _ _.�:. .__.._ . . .' ' ..-c: -
<br /> � . ' ''a'A=3E__
<br /> .._--__ .- .. .__ _ __ -._.—. .._.—: '" —'-- ____—__ —_-- —__ _-._ '
<br /> _ _.-__". _ , • . ' ( �' ��_ ��i � . . .
<br />� :TOGEfi�ER WITH sl� d�e iiupe�avan+aets aow a 1►ere�tter arocoad oa tbe p�acxy..ad �11 .a�inaail� .. _ .
<br /> � ��pp�noa�,�nd finue+a�no�or.lWe+e�f�a prt at the properc�Atl iapi�aananti and ydd�tiaas�hlt sT�a be oorp�d '
<br /> �:b�r thntSecue�i�t�',tir�tnut�eat AU d t6e fa�e�oini�s t�daet+al�ia ttna SecueitY In�a�t�tpe'Ptvperty' • �
<br /> . BORR�WER COVBN!lNtS tbst$oretiree is larrtul{y�raised ai�esta�a hd+eD�cor►ra�ed sod 1�t6e ri�i►t�too.�
<br /> • p�mt sad oonvey tT�Ropeety�nd tHat the Pkopa�tY i��ma�cu:nbee�.e:cept foc eecumbranoes ot reooctil.Hocso+irar .
<br /> � ' �acraats add�rill de[md�ig tbe title to tl�Property ipiasti!!cisime�aad demat�d�subject to aaY aactpnbranoes
<br /> ot mc�a�cd. . , , . :
<br /> , . 'TEBS SECLJRI?Y QISf'RUMEN'P aombiees uAiiam ooveamts[or nstiaa!�ee add naruniiam w'venmts with
<br />� , li�ised v,riatioas by�w oaa�wtca unifam eecurity ineavrneat covairi�ra�1#ru�-
<br /> - � UNII�ORM CO Barro�ra�ud Gar9e�r mvmant aod ajrea�s iallo�rae,.- .-
<br /> � .. t.Payaseat d PKiiciPal stid if�terest;PrelNYmeat a�8 Lita C�u�es.Borrova tl�it promP�Y P�Y xi�en due
<br /> tlje principtl oi atd iaterratan t6e d�bt evid�enoed by tht�Tooe�nd anl►P�'�P�Yment and lat�chic�esdue uoder the NnRa � .
<br /> � Z.Fusds fa Tuas md lasara�aea Subjeet to appliwble la�r or to s�rrittai xaiver by I�eaaer.Borro�rer a�ll .
<br /> y to I.mder oa tt►e d�y ma►th1Y P�yn►eats are dut unda the Nat�.uotil tha Nou is pid in fdl,a sum('Fupds')fa:
<br /> • (i)Yeu1Y�es ud�menta�rbicl�may amia priority over this 3ecaritY I�neat�s s lien aa tbe Pnopaty;(!+)< .
<br /> yarlp laae3wfd pyments or gtxu�d rents on tbe Property.if anp:�(a)Yar1Y hazutl or pu+�pereY iaswanoe pcenuu�..
<br /> ca)Yesrly nona ins��ranee pc+emiums.d mr.(e?Yarly m«t�e i�anoo pe�emiuma.ii.qr:and(tl�M1��P�n�� �
<br /> by Sonnxer to Ireader,ia a000�ece�rith tbe proviaiaas d pratcaph 8r in tiw ot the pyment nE m,q��tp�e itfeu�stwoe .
<br /> premium�.'1'fx�e items are callad'F�cc+n�Items'I�eadet nnay.at any time.ooitect and hdd Fwds iti�u�s:aount aot
<br /> w�ceed tbe marimvm uno�►t:teader for a•feda'�I}y rdstal mort�e lout msy sequire for Bure+o�ra's escror .
<br /> � �a000uat wjder the fedaal Ral6atau Satleraent Piroce�d+xrB.Act of 197�as amet�ded fmm time`to timG 12 U.S C. '
<br /> ` Section 2601 et aq.('RESPA').uote�,ane*�eer la�ar ihat rg�ie$in t1�e Funds aets a teaeer amo�mt Ii sa�.l�diet msy.� . -.
<br /> at any wn�cdiect and bdd Finds ia aa amamt aot to.esoeed the le�e�er aaiouat�Le�des may rsoimsu tbe unouat oT . � '
<br /> Funds duG on the b�eis ot cmreat d�ct snd rasonable estimat�of e�tumm a�fucnre BaixoA Itemsor otl�risa ia �
<br /> a000rduroa�rith spptiabte tax.�. � . � � -�.:
<br /> .� Tl�c Fimds sh�ii be Irdd in sn institution xfroee depaeits u+e in��ad by a faderd a�etwy,iastrue+entility,or eatit�r"
<br /> . (inctudinE I.ender,ii l�etider is such sA ir�titution)or in any'I'oderal Ho�ne lro�n B�nt#.endet stall apply tbe Fimcis#o
<br /> :P�y ihe F�crov Itema,I.ender msy rat chsr�e Bonoxer tar hd�md.sPW7ing the Fwds.annially anslyzin�the
<br /> escrow�sccount,or ves�yiag tbe F�croW Items.unlesa l��der paYs Bono�rer inurest on the Fuads and applicxble!aW .
<br /> � � p�m►its I,ender m.mat�e s�xfi a chsrga HoMever. I.ender may�c+equire Bomoxer ta pay a oaE-6m�e chu�e for,aa
<br /> indepen�dea3 rral estatetaY reportingservice umed by Lender in coin�ectioa rvith this tosa.emle�s appliable la�+povidea _ _
<br /> . other�vis�:Unless an sgroement�s:m�o or applicable tsx requires interest w be paid,I,e�r sbaiJ aot be required to -
<br /> • .. PsY Bonv�rer anp intec+�tor arnin&s on the Fun�BorroRet and I�ender Auy agcx ia�g,itd�va,tbat interest
<br /> :,:shall be ptid on the Fuads.Lec�der shall giva w Hotroxec.�rithoui chsrg�.aa annual a�aro�itiitg of t�e.,Funds,sho�►ring :;
<br /> :;:;r�edits and debits w the Funds snd the purpose for Which each debit W tha Fisnds was msdc.Tlie Fwn3s are pledgod ss. °
<br /> . .�,'4:'.�ditiona�axurity for a11 sums sxur�ed by this SecuritY Instrumeat - : ,
<br /> If,t�Fuads held by Lrender ei000d the amounts permitted to bs�eld by spplicable law.Lender sha11 axount to
<br /> $orta^��`�=''the�xcess Fund.9 in aocordance Nith the reqsiireme�ts oi applicable��ax_If theunount of the Fimds hetd .
<br /> .�;,�Sy�':t.E any time is aot suircient to psy the FacruW Items�rhen�uue�,I.ender insy so notifp��rer in�v�itin�. . -
<br /> � �id�,j��.°czse Bor€�er shatl poq to I.encies the amount�aece�srY w m�up tlie�ciatcy.Bc�r,i�arer shall�naYt - -- _-
<br /> �p tfie�t�`c�ency in namore tbm tkelve monthlY Payments.st Lender's soEe dt�ration. ' <`� '"'
<br /> iip�i paymrnt in full of all sums socured by this Securiry.lnstrument,I.rnder shal.b�r!nmptly r�nd to Borrower -
<br /> � anp Fa�fisld by Lender. U.iinder paragrsPh 21, l.endes`shatl acqnire ar sell the F�r.�serty, I.ender. prior w the _
<br /> acquisitras�br sale oi the Property,sha11 apply any Funds held bp l.ender at the time qL,aaqui�tion os sile as s credit C.
<br /> agatinst the sums securcd by this Security Instrasnen� � ' ,
<br /> 3.Application of P�pmeats. Unless applicabla laa provides othenvise.all pyments raxivod by l,ender under =
<br /> perdgr�.�1 and 2 shalf be applied:fi�st.to anY prepaYment charges due under the Not�seoond.w amouats p�yable =
<br /> • under p�,�s�.�-*�ph 2;third.w interest due;fourth.w principal d�and l�st.w any tau cUarges due under the Note. -
<br /> • 4.C�airses:Lieas.Borrower shall psy all taxes,a��nts.charges,Cnes and impostions attributsbte w the '
<br /> Property wtrich msp attain priority over this Secin�ity Insar�nent,and leasehotd payments or ground cents.ii any. �
<br /> Borrow�r��I;`ply.�1s:�obligztions in the manner provided in psrageph 2,or it not paid in that n�annet.Botmxer F
<br /> sh�ll p�y them!n ti:ne�:arectly to the person aa�t paYment.Bomoaer shall pmmptly turnisb to Le;:r,Pnr all notices oi �
<br /> �mounts�be p�id und'er this�ra�ph.If Borr��4er makes these payments directly.Bomoxer sP.r��'�i.romptly fuu�rrtish ;
<br /> . to Let�derrxeipts evidencing the��.;�ents. . � ��' �
<br /> Bartower shall promptly disc�s'ge any lien which has priority over this Security�1�o�uent untess$orrokei:(s) -
<br /> agrc,es in writing to the payment oi the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepta�te to l.er�c�CS:(b)ooat�sts in =
<br /> gaod Gith the tien by.or defends against enforcement o!tha lien in,legat proceedings wluch in tire L,endet's opinioa t
<br /> aperau to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agroeme�t satistactory to ;_
<br /> Leuder a�i�Taordinating the tien to this Sacurity lnstrument.If L�ender deterir)ines that at�y psrt of tbe Property is�sb�ect E,
<br /> to a lien�ivtUCh may attain priority over this Sec+�rity InstrR:m�t,Lender may giva Borroxer s noticx identifyiAgt�ie ;
<br /> Iien. Barpzwer shall satisty the lien ot.take one or more.bf it�e�ctiotLS set torih above arithin 10 dsys of the pvtz�oi �
<br /> notice: • �
<br /> � � , _
<br /> '. ' . i�r� lIQ� !/!� _.
<br /> �—�Ilp�oeiot � ►ai.s u s IMtiNt -
<br /> • . _-
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