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<br /> . - .� � IQIOa AU.I�P•N BY.7�P3i�E��t�t SMAT.L BUSII�IP.SS _ `� � .
<br /> � . ADl�!]IN1�'I'i�ATiOrt,fa�fWl p�yment aad s�t�,��bl►rekt3e a�discl�atge . . .
<br /> ,: . �tbc.Real Fstate Moct�e d�ted Nan►em�e'r 19. 19�0�n�ada a�rd eaoecuted by►Sdwppwn �
<br /> � � �nter�in�ta SM�L BUSII�iBSS AD1��11S1RA►TION anct reoorded�in tljee C�a of
<br /> .`�: - - , :-tbe;Re�ar a�Deeds af Ha�t Ca�tty.Nelft�isYs,as Iasbnmrent No 8QOOG6�3 on Nasrcmbtr - -
<br /> lA;?�9�Q. T1�t�+Cl�ued mott$s�b:d�SRIIxs thG i011awln�n�I�qtatC�
<br /> A ta�L.6��d tmpcuirs=p�t.�tlta�Qo�oE tlia NatLea�t Qwcter(NB!/4 NB
<br /> ' 1/'�>9f Sactio�Ti�elMa(12��'o�u�ip�Ta�(f0)Nat1i,.Raq�s TeE(]D)We�st of t1+c 6th P.M..
<br /> � NaB Caa�t?,N�►.�oce p�rdealulq daa�ed sc�o�oMrx
<br /> � B�at a po�ot af ttie So�1'na af�d I�acd�st Qwtta af ttr�I�a�Q�(�' ,
<br /> � � i/4 NB'!/��s�poiac t�twa I�w�csd d�crse�ea(237��xc wa�:�s�S4at�,a�c mEaa
<br />:.
<br /> : of=rid�Qoa�te�of t3e�Naet6e�t Qaactac{NE i%F NB:i/4}; i�a Na�ii1o�a � .. ..,,
<br /> i.: . • _��Esr:�60A1 ket:vr�_of-��_�tothe.�liteatal�r_±�at!PaT-6ne of�;2�i_aod34.._.:_�--_�-_-_. -; —
<br /> - a�taooe af foar Dtwdror�(�p0.0�fat;=tLeuca Weite�j►P�raltei to tLa SouRh�e o�s�id .: � � ,
<br /> rta�tieast Qo�utcr aE tbe xaAhea�c Qw�ter iNB il�WI%1/+?. t�oa�a�1!►�s��•:.-=�' �
<br /> - . rme:a.E�e f�Taethes�t Qn�ter oE tl�e Naedieast Qwrter(NE i/4 NB.II�},;�dRt�e at t�o , .
<br /> 'i hm�ii�.a�teea�(?18 0)ket to do ptaoe af be�meias and��!�IIZ�aeS mace ac less. .
<br /> , '�/J" � /a - .
<br /> � �':���X�QT�IIg OffittiAl 1S I1CtiC�1 S1lt�1011ZE��A31J.�t4�ISCb�SC S81d RCSI
<br /> . F,state Mortgage.af rccord,and after reoarding this release„to`ei�=�upon the margin�o��re
<br /> record of said mortgage the baok�in�page wflere this��clease is�ir��c�t�d,:�n acoorda�ica�svith ��,
<br /> the provis�o�of tbe statutes in sucl�cases. � ' . � � ;�-;; -_
<br /> , - ` . ::,°:°�, .
<br /> . D�ted at Omaha,Nebraska t�ii;�day of� ,. :I�,�,��� :�. .
<br /> � � � :�� ,;.�: :�., ���,;��,;_ .
<br /> �' SMALL BU�`"cSS ADMINIS"I�'�`�.TON ' ,
<br /> . , :;� �
<br /> ,`,�� ����-^-�-- _ _
<br /> . � F.R Bachma�o�a;Acting Chief ��
<br /> ; �. � Portfalio Management Divisioa ---
<br /> srA���:s��sx,�, � � �.'
<br /> ;. eov��F novc�s j� ., �=
<br /> . ...� ,, �':
<br /> �.�_��Befor�,me,the uadersigned,a Notary Pc�blic in and for said County and State, �;
<br /> � � is� .'::: �ame F.R:��clmaann,v�rbo beia me du1 swom,ds�say that he is Actfn F',
<br /> �. �'.' ��'� y �....
<br /> ,�ie���?�olio Maa�gEinent Division,of the Omaha District.t�,cc�.�f SmaU Busiwes�', . �'��-`
<br /> Admini�uon�,an ABency of tha United States of Am�rir•a,and:s:a�thor�by SBA's . ��;:-
<br /> Ru1es ais���egulations,Part 101,Revision 2„pubUs���the Federal Re�%..�at January 15, ' �
<br /> 1982,4?`�It 2305,and that the abova anid foregoing instrument was signed by him on beha�f
<br /> of said Small Business Administrauon and said F.R.Baehmann a�bmowledged said in��aaent
<br /> to be the fret act and deed af sa�d Small Buslness Ad�inistrationy � ,
<br /> ' Subscn'bed in ary presence and swom to before me this�ay of . , �
<br /> I�wv.,.�i,�/ , 19g3. • �,. �
<br /> r . � '^� �
<br /> � (5EAL) ����w� � . . , f�;
<br /> �.yra,�,,� otary Public � �
<br /> ��14'�.�f�. . . . �`�.�1_
<br /> �.�'. I: _
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<br /> -^:r,�..�.�....�-� . „_. 7"m''T-^----...
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<br /> -- __._�i-,°-'r;����dL'�'.�i•' 7�'.:�.,zw,�.� ti'��'�,: ..,
<br /> – �_ .+B'��YiT�c.a1�n."_.- �
<br /> =—-='3.' �_�T�L17'�_'";`�c"�7`-� .i _�/+.�M�Yi�a�-�_
<br /> _' �~ � .. - ; _ . . ' ^ ' ' i .. . . -' . -. .
<br /> _ _._r_--.�_� .._. _.. ._ .- -' . ..._. . . . ' _ . . . :'i�2'�ti: �,•!'Nfv ..�. .. . � . •- . . . '
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