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<br /> . - -
<br /> -., -- - ��-�--- - — �� -- - -� . .. _.�._ ,.. - - — ;°----�---- , � _-_
<br /> .. . .. �. . . _ . .- . .'- - - - �`_ - -
<br /> .. ` - . �_� ..� � -. ;- - . _ _ . .. - �+`�' ��-�':. . 3�.�.
<br /> ; . . .` ; F R:. . �F�►.rft QF R��`�S"r1�1��[ORT�flICiB r, ,.. . . . . . :�
<br /> . � ��� �NOW`ALL 1V�1 BY 1HESE PRASENTS,;tMt 5MAI1.B�JSII+IE$S . ` � �
<br /> : `A�1��1frTISiY�A'IiON,fo��11 paymeaEaod_at�tc�oa4 doe��7►iek��ad dtaci�tr�e ' . , , �>
<br /> . . .thc Re�l Fststa I�fart�e�tad D�eo�ember�, 19�0�msck��utad�Sdnippon .' .
<br /> Enterprl�es.I�to SMALL BU�ADM�IRATION�od r�rded in tbe O!"Hce oi � `
<br /> - ,, tbe R e�t e r a E Ueeds of Hatt t�o n u t y,I�tebc�ir�,a�Imncu�`�1o:B�OOG99�4a Deaembei._,,� ._-. :�
<br /> 2,198d Tba rele�moctg�e describeo the folla�a�real an►�e: . : . .. . . .
<br /> � A,tr�e#o[i�d oa�,li�L a pirt dd�rtpettiart Qwr��ei dt�e Nocliert Q�ta II��/4 NE
<br /> � i/4j aE Satioa Z�ei�(12},Ta�w�iP Tas f10j NaM1r,Rao�a,Td�(f�j Wert d tie 6f��.li�►
<br /> � g�y Co�,�,aore�de�aibod s�follo� . �
<br /> Bq��t s poiat oE t1a Sad1�Tr�a af qid AToRtl��t Qwuar a�E tt�e Na�dreaat Qa�ta(I'�3 �
<br /> ii4 N81/4j,aid lwiat beiai lwa Lo�d�a�d�g�qe C2�J�foet Wat o[tLa So�ea�t taaet .
<br /> , :ioE said Naet�r.�t Quaet�t -�_,Q�, ��.�.�1��/'�� ..
<br /> •af tl�e Nost�ea�t
<br /> � ��iah(60.0)6eet wdt a�a�1 pc�. '' Fac�t,a i:�a S��d�ad _ - -- -,�.-..— _ -- —
<br /> m. ; ° T aod 3�,
<br /> _ . -. . "t�tasoe oi fdor 1wa�d f�Q�ff��oia�;���=�' .. ' � ' H. ,
<br /> N1o�tlr.ast Qoattv af tbe NatLe�w�.:.. . �. '{Nk�J4 NI�i f4); tLeac�e F.�r�10�s��oOth . .
<br /> �• 6se af tb�Nartyawt��af ticl���(NB 1/4 NE i/4?,s�ita�oe of t+a .
<br /> _ '�drod.�(218�0)fat to i�e p�Oe�i b�r�6�d�L 2002 aare��sote a te�ss. ` � .
<br /> ' . :;Tii�.record'mg official.i�:�ieraby au`t6urized arid directed to discbsrge said R,�al
<br /> � . F.�at��_M�4±�f reoord�and afte�.:a�rding tbis releas��o enter upon the margin of the . .
<br /> �rt8�8 Pa8 ia a+000rdanoe vvlth
<br /> r���if sai���iio e tbe boolc a�'�� e w��.this.ret�ast is reoord�
<br /> . ttia��.sioas�of the statutes in snch.���� `; . . , � ,,
<br /> , .,=� =�;�� � . . .
<br /> ba�ted at Om�a,Nebi�;��day of � .
<br /> , � '�;:::;�-;,; .. ..,
<br /> .''�;��:;�BUSINESS ADMIIV[[StRATION
<br /> , . � _ �.
<br /> � ,: . _
<br /> . . - . . , ':.F:It,.���r,,,+���ing Chi� ' .. ' . -
<br /> � - . Portf'o;�si Managc�ient Divisioa � -_
<br /> STATE OF I�SEBRASKA ) .. � .r~��.
<br /> , , � , �:,y
<br /> � ... _.����
<br /> ,
<br /> OOUNTY OF 1JOUGI.NS) • . , .� -___
<br /> ': . �`�.=
<br />- Before me,the under�gaed, a Notary Public.in and f�a.�azd County aad State, �.:. �+..�,,
<br /> 1.'. . 71 a�Gt�
<br /> ,�, personally c�c F.R. Bachmann,wi�c��being by me duly s�.�i�did say�that he is.Acting � ,� ,
<br /> .', Chie�Portfolio'iVtanagement Divirir��,.of the Omaba Di.nai��Of�ve of Small Biisiness ,��;.t�'
<br /> Administration,an Agenry of the L3isited States of Aaierifa;and is a��o r i z e d b y S B A's . � ��f=-
<br /> Rutes and Reg�lations,Part 101,Reu:ion 2, pzc�n�ished i�.t,he Federal Register January 15,
<br /> 1982,47 FR 2305,and that tbe aba�`�ad faregoing iast�ncccrsnt was sigaed by him oa behalf %
<br /> of said Small Business Administratic�ia and said F.�t.Bac#sr,sa�:;nn ackn�awledged said iastrument �:'�' i'���='=
<br /> to be the free act and dud of said Small Bnsiacss Admtnistratton; ' �� 3s'�`
<br /> .'��r,-�-
<br /> � Su 'bed in my gr�ce and swom to before me thi��ix�day of � , ,� � � H
<br /> 19g3 $`.�.
<br /> , �..
<br /> �gp,F�,� i�Nt�rMrsa�e��. .. „�;.:
<br /> rM� N. , �iblic
<br /> -- �. '.-�.t.� . r. � , �r�r�rr�.� :
<br /> - _� ��c•���;�f�}�i� . �_.��� .'.. �s. .� � � �.f-•.st: rc�-.•�(; .� � �
<br /> d��{ a S'y:• �,;y�� ' '
<br /> �Jrr,n�f ,' i _:�.:•'�it''.�it�::�."��' '��1+�.1t�:sXi,�a��t >
<br /> _ � _ �.�:`�"i�C�`�:°=.
<br /> .__� y-... •.�:5�_ � _�.. ��
<br /> _ - _. . .. ._ - .. _. -� -. . Zq��:� --- .a.�..
<br /> — - . - � .- .. ' • ' � . • ., -,�- ,�_.:�:: .... .. . _ ' ..
<br />