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<br /> . , - � �au�owt�maw�rr oF o�c��nusT_ i�
<br /> n�,�Ta+�an�s�s� . � .. . � , � � .
<br /> Tna�orunM�wmdathMiMdv�u�«ie�tniMor�sabow�.�.cw.r•D..d otrru.isna�ls+NOr�aiw�oo+r�
<br /> bf�MproMidrdbcM,tlf�DNdOtTnMP������1►d��iQ����bTrwlo�t�a�o�p�h�M�k` , -
<br /> WadM��itao�eA doblt�on und��OMdof Trw�i�fCN�din�.butnatM��l��Widw'sripMaQMw�iarrop�l��dd
<br /> b��Tn�Mr�wiNOut ae�1 b!dbi�M P���TnrMor�Pri�NS and�rr�nCi ttrt wis ac1�n wM��d bf►
<br /> Tn�b�or���ta�on ot�OMQ ofTi'�t. - � • , , .
<br /> .f.s..� .
<br /> . , : ASIi G. �i�i TruNOr �arrsect YeraQa-
<br /> . ^ .
<br /> • 4IN G. rF.N�� Tt1M0f Mairt�d Psrsoa
<br /> pEED�F'1'Rl1ST IKIT�1 FUTIIRE ADNAIrCES. - -- ,
<br /> . 7t�c6ED of TAtI�is�M oe tl�_._�ilst�lr ee- ita�r. - --1�-��1t�iaii!�' ,
<br /> •IfTfl�fqt. ItbNGL�k L MF�Ih. C��II+ 'A L �FNN � }7AY72Pr� �P£H�1L_' •
<br /> f ������� 2414t.uver2an� Tzaii Gir E:rand Fs1a��,.T��iew����,`+�,� •
<br /> �T� F1v Pmj�ts �apjf, 3 Kpbrss�a nrForatien _ ` �:;��
<br /> < <
<br /> ���g��� P O' 8ox �298'7 Gra�nd Is2and. !1£ 6880� (h�r�in'Tn�Jw1,anc� �
<br /> ��,� �sve �osnts Bank � . . • - -=�:=.
<br /> , . °�
<br /> ���rt�p��b � '�015 N Fsrnadralj� 7'rsnA 2alanA'� V�_�`+akA7-j��y ��"�7, .
<br /> `��OFi WIWABLE CONSIDERnTIOt�inCiudinp L�nder'*e�qnsion of crodit identiA�d hsrein b ARHOI.n C. MENli � �
<br /> •.`� E.FH�A G Yf EHN ptsrMq"Bwtowe�".whelfNr ont or mOCiy and b tu�t lNt�k1 C+M�4
<br /> � ihe reCeiM of wllicb is hEteby acknOwiedQed.Truator hereby irrlvOCably prantr„translb�aonveys and a��a 1�TrusM.M� .
<br /> _------ TRttS�T.WfTHPOWEROF9AL�tathebe+�efitandaecurityotLender.underandsubject�othetermsandeaMitionshaneinaller�st
<br /> - iorlR:t[�nN Pr�h►.di�Cri�ed as folfowl:
<br /> ----�=�� � � , Lota 5, 6: 7. S, 9, and 10, Dickey Seventh Subdivi�fon, �
<br /> � City of Grand Ialand, �all CounCy, Nebraska. , ..
<br />--= i�av-.,+�� Togefher with a0 buildin9�,improvemenb.nxtures.sueet�.alleys.Pasa�ewaf�s.�emenls.�i�ttb�D►WiMD�s and�OP�� `
<br /> °="��'-�`'�`� � nartCeistacebd 1Mreon Ot in enywise pertainin�thereto,and ffie renta,issues and profit�reversioas and remsinders lhsrsof.and
<br /> -_= G',,��. _���1 propery Ih�t ia�ftachad to the improveme�ts so aa to constitute a fixhna�irtciudir�.but not NmiNd b.tf�Mkg a�b
<br />�--a.-L��� ,T•�P cooGng equipmenx and togefher with the homeatead or marital Interests.it aay,which irtteresta ere hereb�l relessed and w�iwa:�11
<br /> �_ .;5;k�;�`�:,�..
<br />_�.-;�_�,...;��sy�� ot which,includtnq repiacements and additions thereto,is hereby dectared to be a part of the reai esffite aecu�ed bythe tien of tAis
<br /> _--__-.�;,�• Oeal ol Trust and atl ot the foregoing heing�eferred to herein as the"Property".
<br />- �4����;1.�-
<br /> -� � Thb Oesd of Trwt shaU secure(a)Me payment of the principal sum aad interest evidenced by e pramissory nots a credit
<br /> =r-�e��:_;a .
<br /> ;'��,�jy'�'�•r�'-.�'�p,���r. e�ree111ent deted U �r�- :,�:.�� 1991 having a maturity ttate of_;�a'�}-�s�ss3ri •
<br /> Y_
<br /> �: `}'r ' "! '4�'n
<br /> -_:S'..:-�' . .��"�, i
<br /> -�;, �.; . in 8�e aislnal prtn�dpat amoum a1 S ��.:':'°_�� .ana any artd atl maditications,sxbnsions snd rsnewals
<br /> `� T'� '�� �'� tl�eteol or 1t�erH►ps�r0 any and atl tuture adv�rces and readvances to 8orrower(or any ot them i1 rtwre thsn one)dareundar
<br /> :��i.�i:�.:,., ..._ ,.
<br />-��,w�eL(�� . .�•.+,, . purwant to one or►nore promisSory notes or cr�0ii agreerner:r�(herein calted"Note'�:(b)the payment o1 otl�er wms sdvanad by
<br />=- __ -��� Lsntfe�aoprotecithesecurityoltt�eNote;(c)theperbrmarrce�L�allcovenanisandagree�razqotT�uatorsettorthhereiistsMl�aN
<br />`- �'.•'�j;,,�.�:T�r,. presentand futurs indebtednes9 3^.4 obtigations ot BorrC,x�1'�any oi them it more than vne)W LenQer whefher Ouufii.tindlracl.
<br /> -�.�::::_ aWoluts or conUnpent and whetlfer arlsing by note,�uarar+y bverdraft or othenNise.TAe Note,this Dsed ot Trust and any an+d aN
<br /> T=T�.=��_: ;;:�: ptherdoeuenlslhatsecurotheNOteoro}h�erwf�executedlnconnectlonmerewlth.incfudingwithouelinsit�e±onyuar'rnees.securiry
<br /> _�:;,2Y��:_�� ayreemenm and aasi�nments ol feases and�r!�,shall be reierred to herein aa the"Loan Instrume�ts'.= - ��•
<br /> '-'' �' fnaWr co+renanb and s�rees with�ender ae fo�towx •, '��
<br /> _r'c�fir 4:' � � i� •
<br /> , • 4..�'jy�N p��.All indebtedness eecute�t�ereby shail be paid when��•.
<br /> .lrizy�., �:::•,,•; �s
<br /> �- �' �,tMl�.T►ustor ls the owner of the Property,haa tne nr�nt and authoNty to convey��+°Property,end wananlstRat 1M IiNf
<br /> ;;:�.y'�_��7�;ti..�:d��, .
<br /> -',h.F.,...: • ..,,.;,�! • crtited hereby i�.a first and prior lie�o�the•P(operty.,e�ci5ept for 11ens and encum�r�,r.r.e�aet fortb by TnifWr m��rritlnp and
<br /> ._Q��.�'z:�� dstivered to Lend�r.belare sxecuNon o1 thi�DeeC ol Trus1,arrd the execu�acr en4 delivery ol this Deed of Trust dws not viotaa any
<br /> --_"`-�=-�� co�b'act or otl�er cihtf�adon to whlcA Trustor►��LroJecL . . �
<br /> __—= 3.ta�,A��M.To pay before de±'�:�,uency all taxes.apec+�ms�es�nens�atnd ap olher charpM ap�irallfN Prop��►
<br /> ----- � '� now or hareetter 4e+ried. , :.. � ,
<br /> — f.I�rana.To keep th�Property Inaure0�igain�tdarn��y.�ire,haTarda ineiiided:wiittln thsterm"exMnd�d owwp�".and
<br /> -- -- � such oNe�ha:a►ds as Lender may roqutre.i1 aeaC+,rni!asf�ir�ih i�Aante�aciCePtabib hT.La�r.der.nam)rp LerMer as an addiYaW ;
<br /> namsd insured wNh loss payabie to the Lendrtr ii�v case of fc�unQer sucri=�icie�.the Lender is atrthar�zsd to adJwR tdket and
<br /> oortpromi�s,allcialms thereunder and ahf�tl hatiotP.�a option of apprying aJl,orpaR of the inaunnce proceads(i�10 any ind�bNtlnw
<br /> Ncund heteby and in such ordsr as Lendsrt�neyQetermine.�(i3)to th�Trustor to be ussd forthe rpWro��+e�for�tlon dth�Prap�ry
<br /> pr pil)1or�uty atl�er purpols or objeCt astlsiaCtoryto Lenderwi�fiC�.Kaflectingthe tlen otthis Deed of TrusilOrlM fuil amouMS�cur�d
<br /> h�nby bMors woh paymmt ever took placa.Any eppliCaticn a!%proceeds to Indebtedneas shall not exbnd or pos�ons Ms dus
<br /> Q�of aayr p�Y�rMt�ind�r 1tN Nar.a cura any QM�Wt lharaunder a hereunder.
<br /> 5.E�orMw Upon�rrliMn d�m�nd by L�nd�r.Truslor�hall p�y ti terd�ir,in such mrnnM a�L�W�►m�y OMi�r�tuliel�M��
<br /> wmsto.tias Lenaer b osy athey eaeon+s dueoneor moce atne following:(1)aHf�c...iN�IMn«+�ana aN.r efw�ap�IrMt
<br /> - tl�Property.{ii�the premiums on the property insurance required hereuader,and(iii)ths premiums an any nwrt�ye InsurancA
<br /> -- �quir�d bfl 4N�fl�r.
<br /> 6.wM1�oM,��x+d����rfw larn.Trustor ehatl kNp tl�e Prop�rly{n qood car�difion and��ir,MiaN..
<br /> p��omp�t �p�ir�pr nptip�any imptOwrtiMK�rfMeh may b�damsD�d or dMlroy�d;a1rN nof ewMnM or M�mk anY w�a
<br /> d�ri0ratlon M�e PrapKtY:�h�N not rMnaw.d�moli�A a wbWndally aikr an!►of 1h�Improwrt�enb on the ProOMY•MWi noe
<br /> • crM�MAiRa��MrorplMlitsnyaCtbb�darNMoruponlfl�PtopMtyinviotafbndanytaw.otdinuk�.ortpfBMio�bandMallqyrtd
<br /> Ix��O�ll dreh�at TruMor's oat and�xpw�ae all N�r�s.�ncumbranon and eh�rpw Mui�O.in�powd a a�d apw�t Mw
<br /> Peo�eb c►an�l t�t�nd. ': , �
<br />_ ._ .�_T.�w�tOwir�it,E«xt�rislrwbfl��aiFCampa�isiot��tr�sd�:d��ndo4s��sy�at�al�. .
<br /> "ProoMtU'�inoon�fioewiihoond�iMionaokNrdkiigdlh�Prop�rryap�Ath�r�aforcor�wYana�nN�uMoand�ia- .
<br /> �on.L�nd�r MwM b��r�iWd af ib opdOn b certunme�.appw in and o�oa�cub�n ib own n�an�r aetion a proc�dirq�.and
<br /> MWI atlo b�uNilird b m�tc��r1y oomDrondM a�MU�nt ln eonn�efian wiQ�wch hkinp a Q�mpn in tlw�wn!any porUon of
<br /> �1N7Arr/IMMdOnrM.10/R � ��t�'���� .
<br /> � �1rM�11rrt�YMMCM�whMtM�MMA�wMMS trw�'tMYrY
<br />