. � .t� � . � . . .(.. _
<br /> . . .i . � �. ��! _ _
<br /> .. �.
<br /> �•.
<br /> . .. . . . . . _ .. ....
<br /> . _. , � -" •. _ .
<br /> , . . . � � .. �-� � ` � � � , . r . . ��3_ : - � ` ; ' ..
<br /> � , , , , � � . . . � - iia�li�� . .j�, -
<br />� . � ..7naB!'f�R wm!au tbe i�p[o+nmena aow or herratia�aecfea on tne pape�ty..na dl easeme+Ka..+�• .
<br /> � . �ed fuci�res now ar ba�afkr s p�ec�ot'tbe'propMy. All.npt�cada�ts�nd addi6a�sh4U�lso be Wveoed tiy tdis Secu�icy►. .
<br /> �aea�nk�at. Ati at tbe fare�oi�is t�duRd to ih d�is Security 6�u�nn�t a�die"Pt+opdty."
<br /> � � HORROWFR ODVENAN'CS dt�t Bamwer!s lawfuUy seisod of tt�e aqte heoeby conveyed and h�s the ri�t to gr�ntc:
<br /> �ud ca►re�r the Ptopaty�rd t6at t6e Pmppe�ty is u�cwmberect.ezapt for eactimi�ces of�rco�+d..BoROwa w�rans oadi
<br /> `wlll detdd�IIy d�e titk b the Ptnpaty aaainst�all claims and dem�nds,aubject Lo my encumbrmees of rxand. � �.
<br /> ��J $���Y�S�U�OOfi6111C.S iN1lfGfdi COYEIIi1N3 fOt i�flOflV YfE �lid IIOR�YfIjfO�l11 COYCOylltt WI1111�
<br /> . � limtted varLtionsby Jari�iction t�ootatitata a imifaqt secutity�ins�nmmt coraug�a1 pmp�erty"
<br /> iJN�ORM�OVENAM'S. Bacower imd L.eoder covenant and agnee s foilows:
<br /> 1. ���wt d rri�ei��i aM Lhrrat:Pe'eM7�e�t f�i I.wle Cdr� Bo�rower al�U P�PVY P�Y whan due d�o>
<br /> prioc�of�nd tt�aest aa�he debt evidenced by the Nate and�sY P�'�WY����8�due under the Na1r.
<br /> I��hr'ii��es aN Iiwrs�ta Snbject w�pplica6k isw or to a vmtten wairer by Lender.Bo�rowa sfi�1!p�tY,t�
<br /> I�eoder on t6�day mont�lY WYmeots ue due uoder t6e Nat�.uoW the Note is psid in fu1�.a awn("F'+u�dsh Cor.ta)yent�,::
<br /> ' w�es aM zvessmeats which m�y.�xtain piairy oYer this Securit7►tasaument u a liai on the Ptapeny:(b)YeutY kaselwittl:
<br /> Qayments a gtnwd teats ae tho Pt�oQaty. if any;(c) YeulY Iw.ud ar pmpeity insuraoce premiums: (d) Y�Y��..
<br /> u�oe P�emiums.�f�ny:(el Y�Y�SG�P��if aay;aad(t?anY�P,Y�bY���.
<br /> l�nder,in accoN�oee with th�pavisions of g�agr�pd 8.in lieu of the payment of mo�tg,age insurance premiums. TBess�r
<br /> iums are c�allod"Es�crow Item�" L.endet may.at any wae.coUax and hotd Funds in aw amount aot w exceed thc muimumi <'
<br /> amount s lendes fer�feQe�ally ielated martg�ge lwn may�+equin for Hoaowe►�a esaow iocouot w�der the fede�at Reail�
<br /> • ��tate Senlament Pmc�dums Aat of 1974 as��endod from time to time.l2 US.C.$2601 tt stq.("RESPA'7.anless aootl�-::�:,
<br /> taw Wt applies to tln Nmds sets a ksser amoan� If so.I�der may.it aRY tiine.Colkct arn1 bold T�unds in an atnwnt uotso .'.
<br /> , � eaceed the ksset amouM. l.endec may�te 1De amoirat of Ei�nds due oa thr 6asis of cument data and�u+nablc �
<br /> esamues of eapeodinues of fhtune Fsemw Items a othenvise in secoacl�nce with appticable 1aw•
<br /> T6e�shap 6e heW im an iastitatian whose deposiis 9c�e iasuied by a feder�l a�e�xy.insawnentatity.or e�rtitiv
<br /> fmcludin8 I.eadet.if Lajder is such aa ii�stitution�or in any Federal N4me Lo�n Baolc. LeMer shaq s�pply the�w pay
<br /> tbe Etciow Itan�. Lsoder ma�aot chuge Bonower for hol�ing and applying the Fvnds.aawullY�oalYzing the escmvv
<br /> � �000tmt,ar vaify�g the E.t�tbw Itears,unless I.ajde�'pags Samarer imet�st on the Fiu�ds aad appiica6k taw pecmits
<br /> La�der to maloe such�chargp. Howaver,l.ender may zequue Bonow er to pry a one-dme charge fa an independnu ceal
<br /> es'tate tax repoRing service used by Lender in cauuctiou with dus Wan.unlesc applica6k!aw prmrides ot�xrwise. UNess an
<br /> agnoemtnt is msde a applic�Me taw tequi�es inteiest to be paid,I�ei�der shaU not be iequirod w psy Barrower any iataest a�
<br /> ' eamings on tbe Ainds. Bamwer and l.ender may ag�ee in�vciung,however,that intenest sha116e paid on the Fau�ds. Lender
<br /> sh�li give to Bariower,rvithout charge.an�nnuai accoaa�in8 of t6e Fimds.sdowing credits and debiu to the Fuuds and the
<br /> p�apase fa wtuch each debit to ttie Poads was u�ad� Tl�e FUnds are ptedged as additional securitY for all swns securod by
<br /> " this Savriry Iasduma�t . .
<br /> If the Fiu�ds 6etd by l.�ndcr exceed tt�e amounu permiited N 6e held by applicahte iaw.L.ender shail account to
<br /> Bormwer for the excess Fw�ds in accacdance with the aqu'uements of applicable lav�. If the amount of the Fands hetd by
<br /> Lender at any wne is not svfticient W pay the Escrow Items wNen due,Lender may so notify Botrower ie wi'itiag,�nd.in
<br /> such case Barower shaU pay w I.eoder t6e amount nceessary co malce up the deficiency. Borrowec shaU make up the -
<br /> deftciaxy in no moie than twelve mant�tY P�Y��•at I.ender'�sole d�scretion. ,
<br /> — _ iJpon PaYment in fuU of aii sums seciued by 13us Security Inss��t,Lender sfiall promptiy refund to Bosrower any
<br /> FWnds held by ixnder. If,under paragrap�Z!,Lender shall acqui�r es srlt the ptopetty.l.ender.prior to the scqaisition or _
<br /> sale of the Pr+npeny.shall apply any Fun�s�e1d by Lender at the tim�of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums _
<br /> secund by this Security L�swment °.
<br /> 3. Appiicatbn o�Payments. Untess applicable law provides otherwise.all paymenu received by Lender under -
<br /> pazagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,w amounu payable under =
<br /> . paragraph 2:third.to inurest due:fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late cAarges due under the Note. _
<br /> � 4. Ch�r�; Lieas. Borrowtr shall pay all ta�tes, assessments,charges.fines and impositions audbutable w the =.
<br /> Ptuperty which may attain prioriry over this Security Insttumen�and leasehotd payments or ground rents,if any. Barower _
<br /> si�il pay these obligations in the manner pruvided in paragaph 2.or if�rot paid in tbaII manner.Bmrower shal)pay them on =
<br /> time d'uosdy to thc petson owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lende��nodces of amounts to be paid under -
<br /> this paragraph. If Harrower maices these payments directly.Borrower shall pramptly tumish to Leadet mceipas evidenctng -
<br /> the payments. -
<br /> Borrower shall pcomptly discharge a�.7 Oi�n whicti has priority ovcyr this Security lnstrument unt�Barrower:(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligatioz se,^�.ved by the tien in a manaer acceptable to Lender.(6)�iatests in gvod faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends against enfcxcement of�.'ie Ii�n in,t..�ptoceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate s��ev�nt the _
<br /> e�.°acement of the lien;or F�t;s��:tes P:vx12�e holcie��II�sz lien an agreement saGsfactory to l.ender subordImeTing the lien
<br /> , ur�ffiis Savdty Instrumenr. HE ILe:�r,�."'ses sJ.a:a�}p�rt of the PropeAy is s�bject to a lien which may atsain priarity =
<br /> . . ' aver this Securicy Jnstrument,�,x�'anay�ve 8acrou�er a notice i�iawfying the lien. Borrower sts�?1 satisfy the liea or take
<br /> fne or moa of the actions set�c�t;b�E��ihin 10 da3�s of the givir�a.`norice. •
<br /> ° S..�Auud or Prop�ty iiosmanc+� Borrow�s��„t?keep tI�:enprovements now existing ms�iereafter erected on the
<br /> � Pmperty insured againsc Ioss�3t�ire.hazarQs incIudaf u�in the terr_s"extended cove�age"and any otAer hazaTris;including
<br /> tloods or flooding, far whe�k ender requires insara��. This if�r•+�tz.e shall be maintained in the amo�ats�tl for the
<br /> � � Flf��l� 9� IIA�M20,�6Q1C�P5i� , -.
<br /> . .;�. . � , . ' ' _
<br /> .-.'.�,v� i ti��j:3(�:T= �rn 7,
<br /> ���sw1�1Ki��.13.�'t:f_f 3�r�{� x "' i..::� '1..�'��r,;-.
<br /> � .�.K9�iH��Ma� S's.ai.._
<br /> ys,r+;��c:;Y�;- �- --------' �e�.�� ��..,�-•s-,�,-�..... _-
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