__ ----- _ - - - - -- - -
<br /> ___ �.-� -- -- --= - - - -- ---- = -- =
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<br /> _. . — .. _. .. . .. _ __.� - - -
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<br /> �� 17..11rsMir�t die �c a 1li�di�id�er�t h 1�ns�er.if aU�or�ay p�t ct tie Piopat'o�an�t ia�t�it � .�..
<br /> ` i��pld ar tnwd��mi(or ifl s�d�l iiace�t L Doirc�rec it iold`a t�rred ad Bo�ro�ec i�aot a�Inrai p��a)�ri�t. , . .
<br /> � -� ��I�der's prioE wtMlea corat..I�der ary. at i�s q�as, imned'o�le p`rymmt-i�fidl d rl ��vo�rvd b1►.4t
<br /> ` � Sec�rity Io�t.Ho�rer+er.this aptioq i�ll�bt be eux�ci�el�IRa�er if e�cer�e is p�ohibiied by iede�ril iew as d iie dwe .
<br /> , otiii�SearriiylWnm�ent. ` � � � . ��
<br /> it i.eader's�erci�a�thi�•apion,i:e�dar�lt give BacQwer naioc�of waeterati6n.TLc mtiee sWllp�ovtle a perbd pf not � .
<br /> te�s tl�o 30 dryt fram d�G d�te tbe�atioe r�ddivered as mrilod'writhie�rhich Ho�w��er nn�st psy alf surt�c�e�c�ue�d by tl3s . ,
<br /> : 5e�ority Imtnanait.If 8orrowei f�s w g�r ti�+e sm�s prior p�the rspir�tion of�hi�s periai.L,enda m�►envdrr�ay ranod� .
<br /> P�reiittad b�►d�i Sa9inqr l�t witbout fiutbar m6ce at demmd on Borna�er• . •
<br /> 1�. eo�s�wet's R�t t� tf Bam+n�et mee��afain 000ditioas. Botrorret shatl fisve tLe risht to hwe
<br /> - - �of lhi�sec�uiey te�en�med�t any 6me pmr to�he arl�of__��?S days(or wcfi at�a pe�iod st `
<br /> applipbie!aw ni�Y spocify fa�+eia�dircaseacj pefooe sve of tlx Pnopedy parsv�ot w aay poxer�of s�le co�taimd irt tbis . .
<br /> 5ac�iky�ad7ut�nt:or(6)eatr9�f a jod�neet enl`ortiug this Sea�rity��mttuakat.71nse cooditions m�iat Bortorver:ta)prys •
<br /> Ls�der aI!sums�vhicb tben woald be due nnder this Securiry I�tnunett and tlu Nota as if no�ooderatioQ t�oe�vned:(b)
<br /> � au�s�n�r dd'auh of a�d�ha oavenmts or a�r�eanats;(c)IKYs all expenses incurted in a�foning dus Se�v�ity i�uua�nt,
<br /> inc�dia�.6ut not luniMed to.tr,a�ombk atianeYs'fas:aod Ed)takes sucb sccwn as L,rnder mty ndac�btY t�ecNin to asau[e
<br /> d�t die lia�of tb�s Secucgy Iastnuoenl.I.ader's rights in the Propaty ind Boaowar'a oblig�tan w pay tbe wa►s seca�ed by
<br /> this Savrity Iostroment a6W codtinue-u�od- Upoa teinst�enoa�t by Bortnwer. t�is Sacurity InmuaKnt ad the
<br /> , ubiipitioa sawed�eby slf�ll ram�in tullp effxave as if ra axtlaation had aaeaned.However.this riEht w�einst�te sb�ll
<br /> not apply in the case of�ooeler�tioo azder�aragr�ph 1?. �
<br /> 1�SUIe�f N�t�,4�e o[Lwo Saevioa:The Nou or a p9utisl 'uNen.0 in tbe Note(toget6er with itus Sa�iricy
<br /> Iasttumeat)mtY be sold one or�ao�e tirt�es withart prior notioe to Borlowu.A sale mry result In a d�n�e in the eatity(Imo�wn
<br /> is the'Lmn Savicu')ti�t edkcts moathly paymeots du�u�der the Note and this Saearity Instnm�wt.1'be:e also may be one
<br /> or mae chaq�es of the,Laaa Serviocr w�nelaud to a sak Af.the Note:If thae is a e of thc Lwn Setvioer.Bomawer wil[be
<br /> given�rittatnotice of tbt c�nge ia a000ni�aot wit��ric�$s�ptt 14�t►ve sud��a�.-'ttx tscs'sbt�ii!sl�e!Ix�s,asne ss�-.- -
<br /> � address ot tht nav Lout Savicer and tLe address w wta�fi payir�ents sfiaWd bc m�de.Tfie notice will alsa cantain any ot�ter
<br /> inform�tion requined by a�piiwble 1aw• �
<br /> Zi.Htados S�Mta�ee�.Bort�ower sinD not caase or peimit the p�eseacc.use,disposaf. storage.or release of�ny
<br /> Hara�dous Subsl��es on or in the Properey. Borrowel' sd�il not do. nor a[low a�ryone else tu do, �nything af�'octing thc .
<br /> Pmpe�ty th�t u in violalion of aay�tvironment�l Law. The ptroediag two sentences shall nart�pply to the prasenot.use.�ar ,
<br /> , s�or.�ge an the P�My of sa�all quaz�tities of HazaMa�s S+ibstaooe.c tl�at are geaerally recagni�eit to be apQropriate tn nn}mal ,
<br /> rrsidauial uses�nd to mairaenanoe of thc Ptaperty. . .
<br /> - .. &xrowu sl�l ptom��t1Y Sive L�Cx wriva►mHce of aay investigation.ciaim.daman�,L�isui��Qtber,actiau_ aay
<br /> govemmental or�egalatorY a8exy or Pr►vate PartY invotri�the Prnpetty and asy Ha�ardaas Snbstaiic�ar Ecic6��w
<br /> of which Bortower has actual knawlodge. If Borrower leams.or is aot�t'ial by arry govemmental or regi��iy autiwnityT tl�at. . .
<br /> my trnwval ar ot6a rtnnediatiaa of amr HaTardous Substarxae affe�ctiog the Property u necessary.Borrower sl�all ��a1ct .
<br /> . P�II'���=,;
<br /> all ne�tssary temodiat actioac in aocordancc with Environraental iaw. •'
<br /> As usod in this paagraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances"arc d�e sabstauces defined as toaic or haz�dous sabst�a��by .
<br /> ,, . Environmental law aait�ziie followi�g substan�xs: gasaline, kerosene. ot�er�ammable or toxic petroleum,pnnducG, toxic
<br /> ::pesiicidcs and herbictide�,:�xolatile soivrnts.materials contaumag asbestos or foe��►�dsYde.and r.dioxtiveu�als.As used in ,
<br /> tt�is paragtaph 20, "Ern?�aurtmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the yui�sdictian where the Ftu� is located that �
<br /> ' telate w health.safety o�'+�rironmental protection. � ' `.'.`:`;`•
<br /> � ' � KOPI-U1vIFORM C��TANTlS�.Rorrower aM I.ender further covenant and agree a�faltii�s: �.:•
<br /> Zl.AoodertEioe:l�esia��ies:�a[des sbai�glve tatioe to 8orroveerprbr to s�er�qr�t�foila�ifiorroRer's5irac� -
<br /> ot any oovenaqt or�+xae�¢i�.r� Secarity Instrum�t (but not prior to aooderatioa uader p�ar.t�p6 17 ankss
<br /> applieank Isw pmvides�the�i�iu�t+-;Tde ootioe st�at�speciry: ta)B�e aerauli; (b)tbe actioo�+eywrea r�r�cure We aerautt;
<br /> (e)�dnte,not Iss tLa��d'ai�fc�n the date the notice Is given to BorroKer�by whk6 tlx default mast be enred:aad
<br /> (� that tailtte+e to c�ghe defsdl't r3n or before the date specitied in the notice may resWl in acceleratbn ot tLe sums
<br /> sp�u�d b}�tbis Secprity Iaslramsc¢-�nd�le of tl�e Properts.�Tde notice shatl iurther inforn�Borro�ver o�t6e rt¢et_to
<br /> reinstste adber scceleration and ttie flgbt to bring a court a�a to a.csert the non�istake ot A defAUlt or ae�;;i�t3'er
<br /> de[ease ut Borrowres:t�aa�dersition and sale. it the de[auN is aot cured on or be[ore the date spe¢itie�In t6e aotia,
<br /> La�der,st its optio�,'�Y Rquire immedi�+te payment in fiili of�fl sums�ecar+cd 6y tbis Security inst�vment witboat :_�". '
<br /> ' turtber danat�d�nd ax►��nvoke the poWer ot s�le and any other remedies permitted 6y applicabte Ipw;Lender sball be �
<br /> ent�tltd to cdiat sdl exqa�es inaured in pursuing the remedies p�vvided in this parngraph 21,includiug,bnt oot limitcd
<br /> W,eea�onabte auorneys'fces and aasts of title evldeoce. . :�. ��
<br /> [t the porrer.oi sak is Invoi:�}.Trustee shall reoord a u�Hce of detanit in eaci�o�m�y �n vrhkh any part oi t6e
<br /> Pnopa�ty is bptM and.56�11 mao�oopies o!snch notke in t$�triianner prescribed by�� bte law to BorroWCr and to
<br /> : � tbe Mher pe�sons p�r�ed by apptica6le 1aw.A+�r t6e time t^equind by appfkabte I�Y,7rastee si�il give puMic notice
<br /> � of sak to the pe��+asd in ihe nwnner presceitirrl by 9pplkaMe Is►w.Tnntee,without demand on Barra�er,sb�lt sell .
<br /> tLe Property at pu6lic duction to tbe higbest 6iddes at.the tiam�e,�ad place and under the terms designnted in tNe noNce ot
<br /> sale in o�e or more p�r�eis and in any order Trustee detenrri�c�.Trustee may postpone sak ot aU or any p�n�el oi the
<br /> pnupatg�iy public annoumm�cnt at the ttme aed{�ce e�E'��prevlously'scheduled sate.l.ender or its dcsigaee may _
<br /> . pa�+c�e tbe Prnpa�lr r�,nny sata , . ''. : .
<br /> ' , � Fann 302C 8/80
<br /> • P�+9�,t.8 �
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<br /> ; ' i�.. . �s . � .
<br /> . „ . .. ,. . � .
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