• C. -
<br />, . �
<br /> ` -
<br />' ` �r . � . ` , f - . _. . �� ��� �, `(
<br /> 3. ��K�a���Ot• �Ofl1��ll!���tbE � `I�IOM�f 10�11 Et�ll� Q�aOC� a�.
<br /> pro4ert�r i�weed a��oit!o�6!f6e.6�id►�pded�r�tLia dee ten�-exkndnd�etyd•aad ag c�ha h�M:i�clr�i(�'
<br /> lloodR ac�ooi�eE,for�rbuch I�c1es teqait�et itaue�e�e.'T1as iewn�rce�h�li be�adued io the aioouetir��ta t�e peripd� � .
<br /> • , dMt I.eoder reqwnes.'1pe t��i�'+�6 ehe inwr�nct ahid)be ctwrrn�y 8ormwer aubject to L�eada'a appoovd �::
<br /> w6ich•s6�11 uot'bet�mura�otibljr lvitbi!eW..if 9onp�ru ttjLt to nwinqdn cv,vetye de�cfibed��6ovt,l.ct�de�'mry�at l�det�s
<br /> ' opt+on.obuin tuvei�ta pe�ect l�ender's rig6rs ie d�t P�opaty in�aoaidMr�oe widt p�r�ph?. E .
<br /> s All inwrinx Pohaes�ad ra�v�sh�11 be aooept�bk w�.eader aed aMl!include a staaditd mixty�e ci�ae. i.etider
<br /> .�brve t6e ri�w l�oW tbe poticies�od im�ls.If,I�eoder t�6quiKS.Boa�u+yer sh�ll P�Y 8fva to Lender d!ta�iptt oE
<br /> _ p�pe�aatmi��e+�at notias:in the evsaE o(lusg.Bonower si�it gi��e�ampt notiot 1a s�e iasnraaoe tatriecaod I.endar..
<br /> its�ddr mry m�i�ptoof of loss if mt mde proaup@yby Boaowa.
<br /> . . � U�das.i aider atd Botm�r�er oH�a�vix�ae in�rreti�,in�anoct pncneds sldl be�PPlied ta tr�oatioa a�ir of tl�
<br /> � prupaty.d�nr�ed,if tLe nao�tiaa ar rt�ir is eoonomidly fas�bk.and l,eader's stwritY is not iessa�od.If the rato�an or
<br /> � ir,piir is bot�ooua�wlt9 feaaible or Isoder?s seca�ityr w�uald be lesseoed.the imuianca p�w.�aeds s6alt be applied io We sqm�
<br /> � �eaned.by t6i�e SaauitY�num�t,wl�ther ar mt 16en doe.aith ary exoas.pid ta Bo�nrrer..If Hote�uwpr�tbe
<br /> Prapetty.or does mt answer witHin 30 d�ya a datis�from Lenda th�t tbe iawaaoe c�rrier Ira offaod w sdtle�1 cla�.tbaa .
<br /> •1.�eder mry ooibcc t6e iasar�noe Pioaeals• La�der a�aY use tbe pcoatds to rep�ir a natae the Rnopercy or to pay sums
<br /> seaued by tbis Savrity In�ment.�vlxthec or mt then doe.Tde 30�day pariod yv716eEia�vbea the uotioe is giva�.
<br /> U�I,ender�d Bu�rror`rec othavrise agnee ia vPtidng,aay„apptication of p[ocer.dS to prineip�l sdatl not eat�d ar
<br /> postpone the due date of�he.aionthiy paymeots�feQed to in pan�aphc 1 and 2 or�ange the.amoutY of tt�e pryments.If
<br /> n�er p�ays�b 21 the;P�t�p!�ccy is_acqpirad t►Y L�endtr>Bormvra's rigbu w a�ay iawean�e poticies and proceeds r�wlting ftnm
<br /> _ �e��ie gmQec[y��uba aoquisi6oir siait paE5s b��xMCr ta tbe ex[ent of ttk�secarad by d�is Security 1r�tn�at
<br /> umpo�a�Y Prior to tbc ac�"tiao. �
<br /> • f.Qoe�c�.he�dr��a�oe,Ma�le�o�ad Pkitbetto�of 11�e Ptopat9;Barmwe�s Ia�n Appikstioo;I�diolde.
<br /> � Bomo+Masialt occapy.esdWish,aad us�We Pio�ty.�s.Borroi�v+er's Par�iPd residenoe wit6in aaty days aftec the exacutioa af
<br /> tlas 5xauiry I�trnment aot#�;sl�ll ooatinue to oav�i t&e�PmpeitY as Burruwds prmcipai t�e for at least aae yar afla'
<br /> t6e dsrte of oa�pancy,wotess Lender othecvvise agro��`�rising,which ooasent sfiall not 6e unt�uaablg•wiliibeld,or unless
<br /> exte�uting c�r�noes eaist �rhich u+e 6ayad Sat�pver's i�ontrol. Bomuw�.str�t� naf:desniay. d��qr i�a�i* tl�e
<br /> P�pe�ty.�Ilow the Pmperiy to dderiotate,or ooaimit waste oa tLe"Property. Bnrivrva s�a1F�fi�icXn c!efaeiFs`�aaY forfeittt�r �
<br /> �ction or pmceadiag.-whether civil or criminal,is begun d�at in L�+rdgr's gaod faith ju�gdepkds�c+esWt.in fotfeiture.af�; ,
<br /> P�operty or dherwise m�tetiallY impair the lien cteated by this Seatm�Inswmeat�os T,ende�"s s�itY intense.Bonaae�r� ,
<br /> cuie sach a defaalt aad car►s"aAe.as pravidod in pa�agta�ph I8;bY�nS the actii�a.r psooeed"'r�so be dlsrpiss�,d with a r�ing
<br /> th�t.in I.e�der's g9odf�'riletermina6on,Prxtudes�.z�ituie.ef.�die'Borraae��.qaterest it{..tJ4e Qnnperty..a�:ut6er material
<br /> imp�i�of tlre tien�by this•Seauaty U�t or ixr,►i�a's security��.�+e?sLsl}atsa�in defwlt if
<br /> Bernawer.dnring the laaa a��catian g�s.•ga�v��':�:ly f�1s�,ii�uiaccurate infom�atioa ot statements to t.ender(or failai
<br /> ta provide I.ender witb airy'¢r,�eri�2� . ,C��.�r�'c�tiuit�uF�on with the loan avideaced by die Note,including,6ut mt limitod
<br /> •to.nPresentafions conctir�ro�8orro�YS s���t�i;:Pmpe�cy as a principal residence.If t6is Savrity i�uirxnt is on a
<br /> �asdwtd. Hotrower s1�cs3rhWY witli att the pravisfx�s of the tease. If Borcower aequires fee tide to'the.Property. We
<br /> Ieasehold and the fee title st�all not merge unless l.ender agrces to the merges in cvriting.
<br /> 7.p�,utection of Len�er's Ri�hts in tUe Ptoperty.If Borrower faits to petfomt the covenanu and agroements contained in
<br /> this Sa�rity Instrument.or there is a tegal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's tights in the Praperty(such as a
<br /> proceoding in banlaugtcy:probate. for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or ngulations).then I.ender may do and -
<br /> paY for whauver is n�a'y to protect the value oi the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property. ixnder's actians may
<br /> incuude p�y;ng any sums,securad by a lien which has priarity over this Security Instrument, appearing in caurt. paying -
<br /> reason�ble attnmeys'fas and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although i.ender may talce xtion undor this p�atagraph
<br /> �,[,Ef1�G!dQt3 IIOL f{SYC IO d0 SO. '
<br /> At�y amounts disbursod by Lender under this paragraph '7 sF�al� become additional debt of Borrower secured by tAis
<br /> ,Sea�rity lnswment. Unless Borrower and i.ender:egree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall Dear int�test i'rom the
<br /> date of disbursetncnt at tfte Note rate and shall be @syable. with interest.upan notice from Lender to &�nuwer ieguesting
<br /> PaYmmt• . � �':.� � ` �
<br /> �.Mortp�e Ingannee.If Lertd�r°qaired'martgage insur.uue as a condition of making the loan secutod 6y this 5eac�ity
<br /> ItWtumau. Homower s6�11 pay the prerniums raryiraf to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.,for arty rezSOn.�e
<br /> mottgage insuraxe oover�.�roquired by Le�der lapses�or ceases to be in effa4„�el�rower sha!{pay the pmniums roquired to
<br /> obfain oovrnge substant"r31t.-equivalent to the mortg�,*�insurance previousty in eff�t.at a cost substantiatly�equivalrnt to the
<br /> oost to Borrower of the ti�ortgage insurance previously in�effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approvod by i,ender. If _
<br /> snbstantially equivatent moRgage insutance coverage is not availabte.Borrower shaU pay to Lender each month a snm equal to _
<br /> onatvvelRh of the yearly mortgage insurana pnmium being paid by Borrower when dte insurance coveraga lapsed or c�sed to -
<br /> 6e io effxt.Lender wjll accept,use aad retain these ya�mnts as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss resern =
<br /> ��ant30�8•�8J90
<br /> . , � '. . . . . va�y�ao/8 . � :
<br /> � � '• ' � , � , � , 4� ' .
<br /> ----==—�s,'-'i 34,i_`'4;. _;„'Q�"'�rrr.3-,q�"-?a.- ' -----�-'}T2s aAs.+T-c��a :�:i',"!:-.
<br />