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<br /> , `���ftiE!�110W at tiC�►;�f��e���s���t�.�*� .,
<br /> }�i lION'► Ol'��[ � �t Of 1�4i�• � �f:.�}�iW� /�fD�Ct1Y'�� 1�{ .�y;
<br /> ��I�1lOt:/�O�IbC��fE�lfl�Cl�td�1�!SOpIt�E�%�/��p41�;�fF;�t:�0�1•` . •.
<br /> - - --�It---•--- -- tmtBOffmlfl13t1[�!f�tY�ilR�i�.�����1ndlnitAlci�lMb�(a�i�d.---
<br /> _ -° `canve�t tir�F�opary aod t�t die Pteperty i�uoeaCa��bet�o.e�S���'ci6�1�:k'�'a of rocatd,.Barto�wntiet�t aoii wD�--
<br /> dafeod.E��Y t6e tiile ta t6e Pmperty apimt iLF t�l�am6.ar�dt�:,�to any�of tec�e�t.
<br /> 'Ft�S SECtIRPtV/NS71tUMF.Mt'c+ombines uoitam ma�iF:�cra��o�i use iod eoo�unitam covee�nts widt IiMted
<br /> , v�ri�tions by juritdicticr�tv w�stitute a nnifarm eeaaity i�?�r�xi�gi!i�l�npe�ty-
<br /> � U1VIPt)RMt?(}V�ISAi�'1'S.Baaowa��en0e�.���ak�bl�wx
<br /> ' I.!'a�ast et iri�etNi a�Lree+e� �1!��`�;�,��8ot[uwer slWl p�omptlY Pn'.whp�.due tht
<br /> � priodpJ of aod inttiest cn t6e de6t evide�x�ed bytl+�:!ic+tCaifrb�ny`p�aycmR(f��1�we c�ss dua unda the Nota -
<br /> 2.�l�dc[or Ti�a a�d I�ea��e..Siub�4�ct:tor a�#�a�l�:mis,Kti.a�.v�tiuta v�aiver by l�enda,Bonnwec shall pay W
<br /> IsnderonthodaY P�Y P�Y�+'a�e�dwstuiMet:tht�Na�;t1ar,��2!tcta�fS�rud iefutl,asum t'Fuuds")for.(a)yadY wr�dt
<br /> aod��cnay atnin priu�ii��,wtcs:t�t,S�cit��.�ic,�tuimeaGas�a;�i�mon t6e Propetty:t���eu1g 1ase�otd pY�t.
<br /> ar aroaod mrs on tUe Pt�opptty:if aay:t�?ya�rlj'�qxu�+�.�?�m1�c P�emiaua:(�Ye�tY flaod inwnwce ptaaiva�.
<br /> if anY:(e)Yariy moitp�i�&uranoe Pceud���ifTan�:-.�cb;((��:�d��AYaD�bY Bo+�'er to 1.endor.in a000raanoc with
<br /> dk provisioas sf.paagc�pTi,S.m liai of d�e pay�iti-afi�t�1?ixnx��ums.Tbese items ore catkd'Fsaow it�ms."
<br /> Lp�der m�y,at aoy.tiuc. caUoct�td fwid•Fwnds�i���tr�;��triR��Cr�,i�aea!tha m�cimam amount a kader far a fedaally�
<br /> ��8���►�Y�Mn for Bosrowti's escnnvtt�.�cOO�N',i�+td�1'itEe fed�1 Itd E�tata Sdticment Pmcedurcs AcE of.
<br /> --1�7.4as�fsn�2 t�ase.to ti� !2 l�.S.�!�:�;2fl�t=ix�.�i�,{'!R.��StPA'2.-smlcss�a�tha.law tlut applits tn.tht Fuuds --
<br /> set��lessa�if.ssa,:.i;toder may.at�r,r:t�.,c�t(�'oFai�ititrt��Funds in an uniwnt not m excood the lesssser�ount.
<br /> Le�er may eu�te tIie'.atnnupt of,Fvnds duc,ac�atit�s��(�dya and te�.sonable�af expadituns of future
<br /> Escmwttem�osot6e:wisriffacco�danceivitg' n�teii�yir:�:�:=.;-';:-:: -•-
<br /> , , . .. �� ........
<br /> 'ibe Furds shaU 6a tie��ia;aa;�:wTd�i�e;..:�fs�_�.:�awred by a federai agency, i�uumentdity. or entity
<br /> ('mclodiag Lender.if Lader i�-�ipF�n�ti��ir iasury:FateiaF'�Hame l.o�n H�.Ladec a1nU app1Y the Faods to pay the
<br /> Fscmw IteIDS.I.eoder ma�tt�k r.}�ige H�aptiver foir`,t�t�i%ig and applying tbc Fuuds.�nnu�11Y atulYdnB the esrraw ac�caant.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow It�i�„carTrzs.`s Leadet�ays Bo�rei interest on the Fwds aad applicable taw pem�ts I.eadtr u��1oe such
<br /> a clsaige.Hov�-ev�er.T.ei%d�ii�y ieqtsir��a'trower so pay a ono-mne cttarge for an�reat estate tauc nep4ttitt�savia
<br /> .,.,,..;�. . .
<br /> qsed by Ie�es in'ean�on with this loan..unless applicable.taw provides otbuwise. Unlas an agroemeul is made or
<br /> sipplic�Io tas�;eeyuii�'.�fi�td 6e patd.I.eader shall�not be requi�d ta pay Borrawer aay inteast or Guainga on tt�t Fuods.
<br /> Har�wer asd t:�cler enuv a�e in writing.however,that intaest sha11 be paid on t1x Funds.Lendec shall give to Bomowu.
<br /> wi�Hout Cf�tge,;;an anmca����ounting of tha Fwids, slwwing crediu and debits to the Funds aid tl�e purpose for r�3tich eac6
<br /> debit to t8e�•was made.The Funds are pledged ac additimmi seaa?ty for all snmg secured by t�is Security i�t.
<br /> If the�'-�t�eld by Lender exceed ldie amounts pernutted to t�ti�Td by applic�ble law.Lender sl�alf acmunt to BonoRer
<br /> for the ex��fs:in�ondanCe with the rcquiremenEs of appli�rt�L.-a+.If the amount of the.�unds held by La�der at any
<br /> time is not sui�"r.cx�.tn'l�.y it.r��scrow Item4 when due,i.ender may so notify Bon�wer m writing.and.in such cdse Bormwa �
<br /> d�Fi pay W�.ii�e>�ua��acessary to malce ug tbe deficiency. Borrowerst�ali.make up tde defiaerky.�uo more than
<br /> t�;eive mo�liiy:gay'ipe�qi�.,�Tt.eader's sole discretion. '
<br /> Upan�p��t irt i`aIC.�;;f'all snms secured by this Security Inctniment. Lende�shall pmmptly refwd to BorroweT a�p _.
<br /> Funds hetd by•Lender.I�'n:n3er paragraph 21. Ixnder shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or s3Te -
<br /> uf Ihe Properiy.shall ap�l�:�y Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against tfie suu�secured by
<br /> ,tt��Security lnstzument. � . -
<br /> ; 3.,Appli�ation ot P�yments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.alI payments received by L.ender u-iider pardgraFl�.g
<br /> 1 and 2 stt�i be applied: first,to any pLt-�ayment charges due under the Nate: secand. to amaunts•payable undet paragraF6 Z:
<br /> third,to ii�.ti.���ue;fourth.to�rinoipa�d�:and tast,to any late chai��s due under the Note. _
<br /> . � 4.Cb�tges;Liens.Ba�cnwer shat:pay ali taxes.assessmenu.i�ges. Gnes��imposi' .;�amibutabte to the Property -
<br /> +��`,�f.cR may attain priorit�•o�:�.�c this Security Mstrumem.�d teacehd*.•3 paymecs�.��r�SOUnI rents. if any. Borrower shall pay _
<br /> •.t�e.obligdtio�s in the�.n.��:r provided in paragraph�.�.if not pai�'in that cr.a�uea:Bbnower shall pay ttu��a time directly -
<br /> to the persuit owed payment• Borrower shall promptty famistr to f:Fr�all notices af amoun�s ta Ue paid 4:.der this paragraph. -
<br /> If Borrowerm3.tces these paymen�s directly.Borrower shal!prom�c�s•�5r,r�tish to i.ender receipts eviwettcing the payments.
<br /> Borra�er shaU promptly discharge any lien which�:.�,�iority��a�±��this Security Instrument'untess Barrawer:(a)agrecs in
<br /> writing to tbe payment of the obligation secured by the�l:rrs��in a�:tar.::�r acreptab[e to Lender:(b)contests ir�guc+�3 faith the lien _
<br /> by, or defen�s against enforcement of the lien in. Tc�]:grocee�ir.�s;which in the l.ender s opinion aper�:�:c+a prevent the :_:
<br /> enforceme��eE�#he lien:or(c)secures from the hatder'c�f thc liert ari.isreement satisfactory ta l.�der subordinatieg the lim to
<br /> this Security E�s-trument. If Lender detecxrar.�s that any part af ttn:f�•,��er[y is subject to a lien�uii�:h muy attain priority ac•�r =
<br /> this Savrity Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice tdentifying the lien. Borrawcr shatG satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actions set Ca»}s iatwvc within 10 days of ehe giving of notire.
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