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<br /> ,.� • , � �:�-=-
<br /> ��.r��, , . _. __
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<br /> ' ' . . :. .�°_:;-:�:�., � . :. . � ,
<br /> � S; S�=�ed er i4spt��I�a�cs.Barm�re�s�tl:��ft�et'`'��i�nremeots no� a��aa tl�a. _ .
<br /> Pcopaty i�ced ag�mt.loss lry fire,hasuds included wittim�ttq t1�i'estended oo�ra�age•�anY�a 6arxds.ioadud�n� � ,
<br /> lloods or 800diag,for wSicA La�der taqnin.s insa�aocc'it�i��qtcptK'�:s'[t�[16e m�intaiined in t6e amoaaEs aod far the petio�
<br /> th�t i.e�der'raNices-Thc i�xo��'cauier psoviding t}�e inw�`lu�ve si�{ibe cfwsen by Bormwer�subjast�o l.e►idea�s appmval '
<br /> wh[cfi sl�all aot be atmason�bly.withheld..If�Bcnrn�cs,f�ls..to-ttt�tt��wverage desen'6ed abov�.I,eader msy,at Ixtid�r's ,
<br /> _._. o�e.a6pin coverage to pratect L:ender'��ig��u�P�ape�t�,�1��u+�7_ . �
<br /> 'Ai1 i�canae policies�nd renewais sb�i�be acoep!ts�lt�ta,Lec�s;and sball inclade a standa�mortgage clwse. i�ader
<br /> shall.d�av�e tlr��hc m hold tht pnlici�s.aod�Ia..If:i.etx�r te�q4�it+FS.Bonawer sBati pmaipt[�`�tie to I.en�kr a{I tieeeipa af
<br /> ��.�ad�ewai notioes.In th�event of,Mss.Hprtmvsea,�ai1�►ve piotnpt mtioe to i�ie s�a¢rae c�ar�nd Ir,nder. ,_
<br /> - �����ioof qf ioss if aa a�de pnpmpt(�!�i�y,&r�mw�t�::_,.:.� . . .:-.. °�.. .
<br /> . -•;cQ'aC�s#':',�spd�'er atbet�,agnae in,a�ritipg�;�uait�iic�Pcoc�s s i�E[6 e app l i e�u�:testaration ar.npii[oftho
<br /> propaty d�zi�,t�_�`�`ari+�4t'�sAe0000�nicaiiy,�'�lkraoE!��des's security is not Jes+sajod.�I€tba�atian ar
<br /> trp�ir is tat`eob"sc�uica�y�3'e or�.ende�s sooarit}���auld t���.tbe in.garanoe ptooeecta sbe�ll:be�ppliod to tbe wms•
<br /> saco�d bY t6is SxutitY Ia�t.whetbes�ot�nat;dld►,dsito. witb aay excess ptid ta Botrower.If Borrowet ab�ndons tbe
<br /> FmQe�ty.ar das not ans�ver•within3Q dtys a_trcxiao f�,I:eader th�t tLe insaranoe cu�rier�otf'ead to re�tk a cUdm,t6en _
<br /> Itnder mry oollect tbe i�sutance pr0000ds:.Leades.�miy use[be ptacteds to iep4ir or zestore the Pmperty or W p�y sumR
<br /> aecure�by tlds�ty Inttrument.wtKtbet or.not that dne.T6e 30-day period wilf 6eain wha►the aotke is�iveu.
<br /> Unla�s i+eider and Bormwer abe�wiae agroe in writing.inY�pptiatioa of peuoeeds to principi shatl nol�eaterd o�
<br /> poWpone�the due d�te_of tLe montNY p�ynia�a ieferied to ia p�bs 1 md 2 or ci�nse�he amwnt of tbe prymnMs. If
<br /> ��� uoder p�ragnph 21 the P�upe�ty is�oq�ttrod 6y I�der.HOf[GNtCt�3 dgM t0�11y UWR�CC pOIt�ICi illd pf0000t�S iC�t�ii��Yt)IItt .
<br /> '' drw,e w tbe.PropMY P�Or w the�cquiisitian sl�ll pass to LaKler�o tbe eateot Of dwe wms seaned by thls Savrity Inmument
<br /> ;nwiediatety prioe to.tt�e�cquisit'an.
<br /> f.Oc�►.P't+aa�tia�►Md�rtqwree add�PraRadion o[t4 Prapat7,�rnwee's Lo11a APOiicatio�:I.erel�olds.
<br /> ' HoauMa�hwll oocupy.esta6�lisL,aad use the.Prapatg.as,Ho�mvrer's pciucip�l nsida�ce within siaty drys atter the exaution o�
<br /> tbis Sxurlty I�trument and�sl�p continub ta oora�py�•tt�a Pta�ty ss Borrower's prineip�ll na�demae for at i�t ono yar�r
<br /> � the d�ce of axupency.unless I.ender at�w3re agrees•in,R'�itt�tR�,whicb'oonsent shall not be unn�asane6ly wit6held,or unless
<br /> exunuatiag eireumztanoes ezist which;aie��lkycmd:�mrmt�ts's�:ixmhol. Bocrawa st�ail nat desaroy, darnaga or impair the .
<br /> Propen3►.allow tlse Froperty w deterioiata,.otoommitiwasia vu,dta Property.Borrower st�aU be in defanit if aay forfeiture
<br /> xtion or p[a�eeding.wlKxher civil or.crimisuli•iS-,li�un�tli�t�in�Lender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> P�,opaty or otherwise materi�tiy impair�tb«1{en,��d�hy ttus�Socuriry Instnttnait or Lender's sa�urity intere,st.Borcower may
<br /> c�u+e svch a defaa[t and ca�iat,�.as pravidat�in�paragraph�ig;bY.cau.�'�..,�the acdon or proceed'wg to be dismissed with a raling
<br /> tl�t, ia Lea��`�+md futh determi�Etun�:precludes fodeitiira a�'�'Sorrower's interest in We PropeRy or other maur�.. . ;
<br /> impaim�ent�C'�t�fi�a c�tod by Uris Stcuriig,Inst�umait or I:en��secarity interest. Baciuvva shali also 6e in def�ilc s�:;::.: ..: ,:�_
<br /> Borrowu.d��loau application prncess,gave materially false ar.inacc�uate iafoimation or'sratements to Leader(or failed`�:''.'.:._:
<br /> to provide L�a3��'vith airy material�infflnt�atlou)in connoction witi�the`.loan evidenwd by the Note.inciuding,but not limitat:.'.� .::.' .'
<br /> to.cepc�.'�s canceming Borrower?s'occug�ncy of tbe Praperty as a principai r�sidence.If this Security Instrument is on a •
<br /> Ieaseho(d. Ba�irotver shall cumply �vitli�aU'the provisions of the I�se. If Sorrower aoq�ins �ee title to tUe Property.the
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> T.Prutectbn ot L,eader's Rigl�t4�n tht Property.tf�Barrower faiJs to perfaua the covenants and agreements contained ia . '
<br /> this Sxurity Instrumen�ur there is a legal proceeding tiv.�may significantly affect�.ender's righu in the Prapes¢y(such as a '
<br /> proceoding�b�tcn:ptcy, pro6ate,for condemtatlan or forfeiture or to enforce fa�ws or regulationc).thea Lender may do and , .:
<br /> pay for whate��c.�s�sary to protect 1he value of the Prope�ty ardi F.�adeR's rights in the Property. l.ender's acxions ma3� ; ... .::�
<br /> iacinde papirn�,aii-r � secured by a tlen which has priority avor tt�is Securiry Instrument, appearing in coutt, paying �,_' `.
<br /> rcasona6le�r�*�'�s�sd entering on the Property to make ropaits.Aithough l.ender may take action under this puagrapti� ,:.
<br /> T.Lender ds�es�oi�ave b��so. , .
<br /> Aap aca3ynts disbarsed 6y Lender under this pamgraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by flsis;� : _ ,
<br /> Secarity.i�nen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other termg of payment,these amounts s6a11 bear iaterest fmm the
<br /> , c'ate of dis���nt at the Note rate and sh�tl be payable, with interest.upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesti�g �
<br /> '���� t. ,
<br /> .�8.�f�rtg�ge.Ia�an�anoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a wndition of making the laan socured b3�this Savricy ' . �
<br /> In�.`t�arrvwer shail pay the premiurr�required to maintain the mortgx�e y�surance in effect. If. for an}+ reason,t�e •
<br /> �ortg�ge ine�.�oe coverage required by l.ender lapses or reases to be ist etlFFecx.�cirrower shall pay the pnmi�ms ra�uired io ` .
<br /> � obtain cvv�e�sulsstantially equivatent to the mortgage insurance gsrevin�slq.i�effect.at a cost substantially aryivalrne t4�ie �� - :,°'•
<br /> cost to Bat��:wsr of the mortgage insurar�ce previousty in effect, f�am a�aScemate mortgage insunr approvod by l.ender. [£
<br /> snbstantialty�uivalent mo�tgage insuranoe coverage is not availabte.Sonrawer sl�a"�pay to Lender each month a sum equat rm•� .
<br /> one-twelNt.aB�se yearty mongage insuranoe premium being paid by Bonraa�er ufien the insuraace coverage lapsod or oease�Ga
<br /> ba in effect.C,m�ier will acapt.use and retainwhese paymenu as a 2dss ceserve in �iw of mortgage insurense. Loss �e '
<br /> �. . � i0rm 3028 f/80
<br /> vyr3ols '
<br /> ' � , ,� �� ,� ;.�,.
<br />