_ .c _ � . . `,,, :_
<br /> ._.. —.__._. . �.�.—� . _ __ ^_.-i . -_- �___'—._ _ _--_ � _
<br /> . � . . . . � . . ` . . � � � . � 93� ��. �. , �;� ;
<br /> � � , ,� r� , . ` �� . � �
<br /> �O(��X��IMi�!�l�IINE 1R�t Of WlM�R�CI�tlw 1�!�fOpM�y��lrl��fs�1�M��/ • �
<br /> ez�ar wMw ar.IM.iMt s�p�t ar eha �o�ert�..AU r�pl.o� .�f .eaitio�r .MU ,�t.o 6e ooraw.;i�r,ir�ro�rbr
<br /> t�trrwe�t.All�d IM ia�oi�i�t r�efarod b in dJs 5�a�eitY L�ait aatl�r"�rappty.` < . .
<br /> liORRdME�EXyyVF.NAI�!'rS tdt 8ono�ee is LMr1Wt�r�eirnd o�d�e aeiMe`Me�eby��exa1 aed 1�d�e r�bt 10 pa�e Md '
<br /> ' oonvry die P�openy aid dwit ehe Pmpaty Ls unaicambee�ed.exoept fa inambran�ea aE�ecard.�Mraer�ots iod�rf�ll
<br /> defe�d_�peaalty tbc tkk w the Prapatp y�im atl cl�iar�nd dearrids.aibla.t w aey'eaeumbnacrs ot naord. �
<br /> - ._. _ _ THIS SECtJIii'i'Y IN�'fR�3MENT combines wdfocnt ooveo�ats far a�s!tue�d aart-natfam cxi��nts wiQt liarited� , _
<br /> �varia�tioas by jurisdktioe to aoa�itute a unifom�sxmrity iustrument oovaius iral prope�tY. �
<br /> _ . .. . ,: �[JI��cO��.Bo�t+owa aud T�nda oov�ot and ag�ee as foltows: ,
<br /> i.Fi� d atl L�taaR;1't'e�il�e�t a�d Lite Cirese�. Bon+ower s6ali p�o6�ptly pay wbea due tl�
<br /> princip�t of sad inta�+t on We debt c►ideace¢DY th�Note�nd any p[ep�yment and i�Re chagrs doc wder the Nate. �
<br /> 2.l��for Tsrea aed I�ra�Subject to applic�ble law or to a wrium Rr�iva b�►i ader.Bormwer s1ni1 p�Y to
<br /> I.eadec ao thtday moatl�ly paraeats m duc nnder the Natw c�d�e Nate is piid in full.a smp t`�unds')for.ta)Y�Y�.
<br /> a�d a4ses�aYs which m�y adria pciotity over this Sauriry tm�uma�t u a ljat at tht PmpertY:(�)Y�Y�P�Y� _
<br /> . ur aroue�d n�s oa tLt Pmparty.if any;(c)YeulY 6a7atd or propaty iasur�ce p�na�>(d)Yea�f tIood insuratr�e p�emium�. -
<br /> • if auy:(e}ydrly mo4tp¢imanoce pcmd�s,if any:�ad(f?anY�P�9�G�9 Bocmwrr ta I�er..ut svcadmoe wilh
<br /> tht�rovisions of p�rsgr�ph 8,in.lieu.of thc�ayineat of mExtgaga ins�trance�.'�hes�iteus ace calfed"F.scnnw Items."
<br /> t.eaYlar mry.at any wna;.collecc a�ad•.i�okl�mds in an�•ao�to ezaeod:tl�.�-u►�nouat a lades for 9 fedasflg
<br /> ' related mExtt�low;maY reqaiie.�fqr��eac's esauw ao�ame�cuder d�c foder�i,..�1€�,,`��',..:�state Sddau�t Proceduns Act of
<br /> 1974 as artxndod finm time ta aree, #2 U.S.C.Sectiai,26Qi a srq.("RESFA'7,�����iibther taw ttrat applies w the Fand�
<br /> �ets a;i�sser a►�it.if sa, I.e�e;c�y,at��uy 1'n��c�:and 6oid Ftiniis ia��a��aot ta e;.ceed the t�:��oat�t,� -�.
<br /> L,pwier'm�r estim�fe the�ouut of Fwd3 d��ou tbe'.�;!�'��fument data a��e�of txpaididues,af fatune
<br /> �scmw ttems or ot�eawise in aocbcdanet widi a�ipble�::• :, , -. . � " ..'.�; ,.,'-, :�!=
<br /> � Tl�e Fands sb�U be held ia an.�,w;nn;r:T; �its�are �` �hy a"fedeni nga�;��� �'�h° `
<br /> �:.-.�.,._ •
<br /> _ �'.�se �<", , ��l- �, ..:
<br /> _ (includiag Laider;;i�i,eades is such an i��rs.f:ix in aay F.qkrat A�ne�Ban�.I.ender shstf;�.�'�ihc F�`.�d�pry t6t;;.-':;;:;,,:•
<br /> • FscYOw Items.Le�r'�y na char�Bb���r.hold'm�'?i�d aPP[yia���emds,•au�atlY an�3'�`iFte esei��v�oarN,oe° ��•� ,
<br /> verifylag ttie Es�n�v<Items,nate��`�ZtSS•Barrow`tr,in�f oti tl�e Bulods a�' �ap�e Iaar�ec�ints I�EndeP tf,r maTce such' :,
<br /> s c�rg,e..HuRiei;�S�d�c i?�;.i�'�$omoi�sr to pay`a`v,�e-time charge for aA�3�?t.r',�:�'t�te ta�c reporting service -;.;`-.
<br /> . ....... .. ...... . _
<br /> ':;,.:,;:
<br /> nsed tiy i.tnda�;mn:�;:���s'`tlii�loan;,unless a�pHcable faw provides.otber+�c�.����;��raxnent is roade or�,��:°.;....� �.:
<br /> apptiea�te.2a�:ri�iit���a�pa�d,��shall not 6e roquired to pay Bonov�:ea�.��,�";�s:;+�-�'.�cnings on We Fards.. . "�.��,
<br /> Boma����.�s?:�e.;�;tv�idng,�aevcr,tt�at is�eresc shaU be paid on tls�.£�t�F:��si�a11 give t�:Ba�+uwer, :'��
<br /> �., ..,.:...,. ,.
<br /> wittMtu�`i�icge.:��s'�i�i'S of t�c Fm�ds,six�w'vs��redits and debits to the�mi,35::�;�i5,�:.�*spose foe'�r�each
<br /> debit t�tf�e'Fim3s�s in3de.'!'he�unds are ptodged as additio�sai security►for at1 sumc s�t���i3�-.�.�c".�.a�u�lty Lutiu�t•
<br /> � If tLe Funds bdd by I.ader eaoeed the aaRwnu permittod to be hdd by applicabte law.L'ai��'1 a�ount to Bormwer
<br /> for the excas Funds in aa�ordance with the rcqui�ma�u of appGcable la�r. lf tl�ee amount of the F�snds held by l.er�r at any
<br /> tttne.is not wf�ciene to p�y the Fscrow Itans vrhea due,Lender may so notifjt Borrawer fi writing,ancl,in such case Bormw�er
<br /> ahall pay tu L.ender the artwune nocessary to'make up the deficienry. Borrower shall matce up the deficiency in no mare thm
<br /> tweWe moethly payments.at Lender's sole discrctian. '
<br /> Upon payment in fuU of all sums sacured by this Savtity instniment, l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrowcr any
<br /> Funds held by Le�der.I1.under paragraph 21.L.ender shal!act�uire ar sell lhe Prnperty:LenAer,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> af ti�e RapeKy.st�ll apQly any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale ag a crodit against the sam�securod by
<br /> this Savrity lnsttumrnl. . .
<br /> 3.AppUcatio�ot P�yn�.Unlesc applicable taw provides aherwise.all payments�+eceivod by Lender under par�grapl�s
<br /> 1 and 2 slall be�pplied:first.to anY P�Y��c�rges due under the Nate:sccond.to anaunts payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> thitd.ta interest due:fourth.to principal dve:artd last,to any late charges due under the Nae.
<br /> 1.C6�es:Lkns.Bormwer shali PaY all Gucs.assessments.cha�e4.firxs a�imposition4 attdbutaDte to tMe Property -
<br /> which may auain priority over this Security� instnunent. and leasehotd payments or gmund rents. if su►y. Borrower�hall pay
<br /> thest obligacions in the mtinner providod in paragrnph 2.ar if not paid in that mannev.Rurrower shall�pay them on time dircxtly
<br /> [o the pe�son owod payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all ntKices of amounts to be paid under this ppragriph.
<br /> If Botrower rt�lce�these paymrnts diroctly.Borrawcr shall prampcly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Bortuwer shall promqty disehatge any lien which hac�iriority aver this Security Instrumem unliss Bamawer:(a)agroes in
<br /> wrriting to the payment of the obligation socured by the lien in a manner xcepta6le ta Lender.(b1 rnntests in gaad faith the lien
<br /> by. or defends a&vrtst enforaemertt of the lien in. lesal ptoceedings which in the l.er�der'c opinion opemte to prevent the
<br /> p�for�canrnt of the lien:or(c)�ecures from the holder of the liea an agrecment satisfactory to L.e�er subordinating the lien to
<br /> this.Savrity inurument.If Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may zttain priarity o��,�� -
<br /> this Savrity Inutument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifjim�tIIa:lien.BorroRer shaU satisfy the lien ar take one vr�� � -
<br /> mot�e of the action�se!fortb abovc within!0 days of the giving of notice. .
<br /> � Fone 302� !i!a•`��.�.
<br /> vp�2a�e� � •
<br /> ..•:i
<br /> � , � . �
<br />