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<br /> ��.��rU.'lire�neil�Ii ia�e Tetrbe's�i�tie�rW Qieie e�iii■ce�t•!�e!��t tlic itMw�rls�1Mwri�.`
<br /> '��rw�s�Y/a�i�lie��+Mi�ut Iie��le i�We�Mwl�wiR:W t�a��e�s�M a��t a�e��!M'�'�`'�
<br /> �•a�ii Me are,�e�is tb�rl�laeit af tre'l'rnMee's tea�twlh►wc�rM.�t!ts esoe� ` � . . �
<br /> �[1Me!r'��a�wd�i iie a�ie at t�!Ye at f�red�ratNt�l iel'a�lt,aM tea�ite�s'fe�s as�t�i1Mi �
<br /> byr hir,ib)to�!!s�uere�d b�tMs See�ltp iMen�e�t:a�l.td�1 eeoe�s ts tie�sM ir�e�s�t 1�7 aflfl�d w �
<br /> �� �2. �a�cG Upoa P� of aU wa��ecered by t�ds Soauity Jn�untaeaR. Is,nde,r s1W1 1'eus�ee m
<br /> a
<br /> `: re��onveSr tbe Pmpaty sd.adlt�ue�eada�is sa�rrity tn�qKaR aed stt aoees-�+►Sd�t�d�bE eeaitet �.�aanitg.
<br /> b�meat b'I'tue�Teurtee sWll eeconvey tbe pb���rit6o��t w�rtaatg aad�►�ct�r�e�die P�►soo a;Paa�s k�1y ,
<br /> � , .a�titled n�t.�pe�soa a�per�o�a s1�11.paY aa� oo� . �
<br /> Z3.S�b�tkw�e'i�wlee.Le�oder,�e xs a�tioa.m�p fr�om th�to time eea�ove Trustoe aad.�ppoiK�auooesfor trwfee w
<br /> , sy Tre�o��a�e��era�nda by ae ia�uw�nt reoo�ded in th�oouotp ia�rhich tWs Sa�uity In�uummt iu i+eca�ded.Wi1MYt
<br /> oon►�r.y�soe o�it�Prope�ty.d�C auooa:or�usta sl�l!iuc�oeed�o all tbt titi�Paiwes ad d�tia cook�ral upon Tnuke�ee�ai�
<br /> �Z/.��ir Ndie+e�.Ho[rorNer�eque�z tlrt oopies a�tbe fatioes aE deGWt aod�tie be sen4 b Borm�ra'a�ddt�eu .
<br /> �bkh is drc Prcp�tx Ad�ress.
<br /> . . ?3.Aiiea�W NiisSeaR�tJ Ir�hw�at.tf ooe or mane aclas�a ere+c+ood by Ham�ver aod nc�ded w�ether with tbu
<br /> Secur�oty�t,the ewe�ax�ao�l i�of acb su�tider sball be i000�po��ad inta aod shtU�noeed aod wpp�enteot
<br /> tha aairr.�t��rd a�,raemmts of t5is Sawrity Im�t s if tht iida(a)w�e a p�rt of thia Sewriry In�mnaM.
<br /> [Cbeelt�Tia�ble bo�{es)] ��` �
<br /> [:j�djaq�bie it�o Ridqr :. ;., �C,aodamim�uaa Rida Q 1�F�iiy Rider
<br /> � ��ada�te�d psymenc Rides:�:.: .0 Plao�ed Unit Devda�p�nait Rider BiNrod�ly Paymavt Rider.
<br /> �� . . o��� �����
<br /> . o Y.�.� . � o�s�c��� � � � .
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<br /> ��f;SIGNIIVG BF1AW,Baioxa aocepts a�saroe.t to the tan�s�od ooveaants ooial�Ei�ed in this Sewrity�tiii�t aad
<br /> to�`slde�(s}eucuted by Borrowa aod ez+�aded�rith'i� . . , ` - .
<br /> • N1'imeates: . ,
<br /> . , ��,�� ' ;r::Y' MICHAEL Q RUZI . -sw�o.a
<br /> - :,: -
<br /> .r. . . . �.�.- - .. �U�itA �-��:(tir.`�.e� ` � � .- ' (�
<br /> �'.��"�• � JUNA F RUZICfUE : ::"._Bono�oa
<br /> (Seal) �" (Snl)
<br /> .9ortown -��.
<br /> STAIEOFN6dRASIGA, �����'' Cau�Y� .HALL �,':,``
<br /> The fareaoirtg iasaament w���owled�al befare me Wis 1 ST �Y�. `�OECEMBER ' • 1893 • .
<br /> . bY MICHAEL O RUZICKIt';:i�i���;sC!!�A F RUZICKA '. ' � �'���. . •
<br />' Wlmas my h�od�ad notarjsl sr,��t,:�:� .� �"':e�s��C.g�;,'tbo d�te afons�id.
<br /> � - ' � '�i�lINO ISLAND, �,B�R'A•S'KA .;,��� '
<br /> � My€�romiuion Bxpins: � �M 11 Y�I� ��`?� � a�-R�'--
<br /> . = a1Wd/OOiMrI t�onryPnMic .
<br /> �'�A�■�.L�I►AI�l1!!{ �
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