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<br /> ��001M C[b!(!�' •�E Of fbE.Qf�OQ!l�y.•�[E�f�OLf 11��Ida6 1��i��ff�1C COY��►_I�S�EC1�1�� '
<br /> ]OSh1�. �Of fbC f0l�G�O�!f t'��fl�{O l�.i�113$lti9flly�ftSttll�Cll[it 1���1y� . , ' � .
<br /> $(�jt��(t CQV�IA1�7'S hc�BOfl�EIWCr fi IsWfY�I�►!GIlCd Of fbC CS1�1xIC�►�OM►C�Oi��dfi 1�fljbt i0 jli0t � .
<br /> `: �CppYEy tbC pk0�lilyt�l�f[1bE$lO�it�I IS 1�11Cf W�El��.CXCEp[fOf!`IiL9iQi�f�Of[ECdli�.=�YY�I�111s� --
<br /> , � . w;u arfeoa�a.uy m�bt�e�a,�e rrcpeny ap�c.n c1�s ana aen�nM.�w any�un�6raooa oE iec«a. � , � ,
<br /> ' TEIIS SECUR1T1f IlHS7RUM�NT combibes�ifam caveaants fa natioe:l use�d�aon�nifa��n covaw�ts vrit6
<br /> _ Timiud v�ioas DYl�u�dictia�W caa�oc�pnifarTn�c�ity imoct�ma�teov�ieal�p�y • ...
<br /> `UATIHCIRM Ct)V@JANFS. Bamwer mrl Le�qca�vdN�t atd sgiec as tollaws: - -
<br /> L l��aat atlr�a�i 1Ma�at,heNJ�nta�WMe Cl��ea. Baco�w�er shali D��P�r wLm due die
<br /> p�ip�l af an!inoaest an tbe deht evidenoed by the Nae aM anY p�ep�Ymmt nd 1a�e c�s�s due ueder tbe Nae.
<br /> 2 6irittor.7luoes a�i Iiw�ra�ea Sub�ect to ipPlic�k Isw a oo t�rriqea wnivechy I�der,Ba�owefr slaU py ta
<br /> l,eod�er an t6e daY�Y P�Y��due�d�er the Nata.unW the Noec is p�d in fuU.a su�m("!�r►ds"y fa:(s)YarIF
<br /> nxes and a�sasme�.s wluch aaay�aire pnonty uver this Savriry In�wna�t as a fien on tbe Plupeqy;(b)YeulY ka�1�oW
<br /> p�yme�t aR poupd.�us a►tde Ptop�e�ty. if�ny'•, (o)Ye�iY��ProDMY �utmce p�miu�:td) yar1Y tlood
<br /> i�wuaoce p�e�mi�ms. if�ny:(e)Year17�&�� ��P�'�•��Y'^aM(t?aaY s�s P�Y�ble bY Barrovrer to
<br /> I.eoder,ia acaxdanoe with tbe pmvisions of pusgaph 8�.in lieu of the payme�t of mottgag�iosuzmve piamun�s.�lbese
<br /> iums•se plled�"LscmM►Items." Ldsdec rosy.�t any tiox.collax aad bold R�nds ia an artarmt not ta exceed thc maxinnum
<br /> aasount a knder fa�fe3et�ItY nl�ed matgage loan may cequiae for Barmwerk escrow aoeauit undec tde feder�i Ral
<br /> F.s�.�Sss�essi P�As!of_1974_rs a�from time m timc.12.U.�.C.3.Z6(!i rt seq.(°RESPA'�,untess aaot6er _
<br /> law that spQlies�tc tbe Fvnds sels s lesser�noun� If so.I.eader may,at any atne,coitoct aaaT�o13�in 9n�w�pu noc co
<br /> exceW die ksscr w�owx. Lender m:y esa�te tde amoont of Fbnds due ore the bASis of cu�rent dus and reasaab�
<br /> e�t�s of a�pendinu+es of fut�Escnuw Items or od�eiwise in accotd�nce with�pp1�ca6k Faw. .
<br /> 'Ibe Piuuis s6aII be i�ckt i�1 w institu6on wlwse dcpasits�e insund by s f iedaal agency.iasuumentali►y,;�tr eiuity.
<br /> (iociudiag L:a�der.if La�der i��siCb an institatioo)a in any Fider�l Home Loau Bmir. l�ender shall apply the,�-10 P►y
<br /> the Fscro�w Itenu. l.ender mz�?:aot.charge Baaower far hoWinB�aPPjY�B��ods,�nnuaUy atu�ly�ing,.lFi��scrow,
<br /> , account,or vetifying dn Esetew IGems,aaless Lender poys BaROwer interest on We Funds and applicabk��IstMr•paa4itS���
<br /> t.eoder to malce such a,charge.'However Lender may ra(uit�e Borrower w pay a one-tlma cliuge for an indepe�dent reat �i
<br /> astaoe tax nporting savice us�by.L�tadeti�,�otusection with W441oan,unless applicabk I�w pmvides od�envise. Ualess aa
<br /> ag�nen�ent is tusde ar applicaF�E�acc..�int�to be paid.Lender shaU r�ot be tequua!io psy Borrower any interest or
<br /> , eunings at tbe iiuids. Bora��a�L�may agree in writing,however,that inte�est shaU be paid on tLe Funds. Lender
<br /> • shall give w Bor�ower,aritF�ouir:fi�e�»:�¢�ual accounting of the Funds;stiowing ciedits and debits to the Fimds aad the
<br /> Pu�pose for whs�ir.eacl�de�s;¢�tst;�e�s g�s�tiada. 'I]ie Funds are pledged as addivanat security for all.swns secuned by
<br /> tldsSccurityicss�a�n��. •;•.: :.., . . ,.
<br /> ��puio��iietd(i�r �er.exceed ch�amo�nts��emriued to•be held by applicable law. Lender sdatl account to
<br /> Bori�nwer for the.euxss�iu�acco�nce with the c�ccqr.cmtnts�of applicabk•law:,;If the amoant of tlje�beld lsy
<br /> Lender at any time is not saffccFOnt w pay[he Escrow[t�as.�hen due:l,ender ma..�r:sa notify Bormwer in wriRq+�,'and,in•
<br /> snch case Boaawet shall pay to I.ender ihe aawunt aea�ssazy to�make up the def,aierwy. Bormwer shall c�sa�Ct�p tbe .
<br /> deficieacy ia nar,3are than twelve moathtY PaY�ts.at Leetder�s sole tliss�ian. . . _
<br /> Upop yayme�t in fW�of afl sums securr.�by this Security 1ns�t,Leudor shall prompdy�.�d to Be�;ower any . � _
<br /> FY�nds held 6y Lender. If,anacr paragraph 21.I.encfer shall acquire csr 5ell the Property,Lender.priat•ta the.a�c�,�sition or
<br /> sak of 1he Ptoperty.shall a�t�r any Fvnds held by Lender at the dme of acquisititx�oc sale as a czedit agaicst#�e sums
<br /> secnred by this Securiry Insna�t�
<br /> 3. Applicatbn ot P�.g�fs. Unless applicable law provides othercvise,all paymems received by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs i and 2 shall be agFiied:fitst,ca�ny prepaymeat chargea dne under the Note:second.to amounts payable under
<br /> p�ragraph Z;1hiM,to iaterest dne:fourth,to�sincipal due;and L�st,to anq��ia�e.chazges dae under the Note.
<br /> 4. C6�rses;Lkas. Borrower shaTl pay all taxes.assesstneats.charges,fines and impositians attributabte to tfie
<br /> praperty v�r}���y auain prioriry aver this Security Instr�rnent�and.leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. BQrrower .
<br /> s1�aU yay these obligattons in the manncr provided�n para�r��h,�o�if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay�em on
<br /> time dittictTy to the person owed paymenG Bormwer shaU,�mptly fpmish to Lender a11 notices of amounts to be�vnder
<br /> this paragraph. If Bortower makes these paymenu direct2y,�Bmra�ver.s'hall promptly fumish to Lender receipu evEuencing .
<br /> ` the Palmunts•
<br /> : Botrower shall promptly discharge any lien which ha�s priority over this Security Insuument unless Borrower.(a��gtees
<br /> in wtiting to ilx payment of t,�e'obligauon secund by the lien in a manner acceptable ro Lender:(b)contests in good faith the � •
<br /> lien tiy,or defends against enforament of the lien in,legai proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the "
<br /> enfa�ement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lIen an agreement saasfactory co Lcnder subordina�ting the lien
<br /> • to this Security InswrtKnt If Lender detemiines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priadry .
<br /> over this Securlty Instrument,l�eader may give Batrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ur take
<br /> oae or mae of the actia�s set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. ,
<br /> 9. Huard a Yroperty lea�raeca Bortower shall kcep the impravemenu now eaisting or hereafter ere�t on the�
<br /> �perty ins�red against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazard�.rs:i�ding
<br /> f�oods or ftooding,�for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts�c6 fQr the
<br /> , " Fw.3il� f!� IPox�aolf'ha�t
<br /> ...----- ----- . . __.. _..--�� -._ ----w.d.�.'�iny�R�a'��4`r�Sltt1�'l�}h-'�jt1���.��' � ,�_�__� .�r_
<br /> - - '-�w�::.•�,:a-:S°-�:'^�Sr"�s _ -- _- ---.._ ^,- �.1'°`.'�",.°'ic�rnT:.--:;�ur.c•,.-i^ ,-.
<br /> --.- _� .. r_ .._._ . . . . .-- --'. ., .�_ �. - - -.. .--- � -.'-_'.-'-'-
<br />