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<br /> yaiods dat lmda requua.. 'Ibe�u�oe c�rkr pavidia�the�e�11 be cAo.ea by so�rower subjoct to I,waa�
<br /> . �pprovai which st�aall aot be ua�aoably�rid�beld. If Bano.Mes f�iis to m�irwirt covaa�e de�cn'bod�bave.La�der inaY.ic
<br /> Le�tderh opiae.oMain coverase to pmtect Lender�s dtMs iu t6e Ptopaty in�cooidanoe with paagraph 7. �— �
<br /> All tos�uaooe policies�nd:eaewals eh�be aaxpts6le tol.ender�nd ahall include a sqnda�d moctgsge cl�we.-Larder
<br /> alall hive ti�e tiShE to 6old the policks�td m�va)s. tf l�nder�o9ui�s.$ottowa�all protnpdY H+va to Lender all saoeipts
<br /> of paid piemiums apd t�enewal�iatioes. In the eva�t of iass.Borropver shall give prontpt noEice ta tl�e�s�rier aad
<br /> Lender. i,rnder rnay make proof of loss if mt mde prnmptlY bY Bo�wa -
<br /> � Unless I.eader aad Bexiurra otbec9vise age�in wrising,i�stn�nce Pmc'�s slnli be APP�ied to iestorafion or tepiit of
<br /> .the pmpettx damagul.if the restaatian or tep�a is 000aomialiY fe�sible wd I.ender3�secur►ty is nat� If dte
<br /> ieuauian ar�pair is aot wonomically fam'ble or Leadcr's security woyld be kssened.�the ins�innce procads si�ali be �
<br /> applidd to tUe snms sec�uod by dii�Sawriry Imtiumen�wl�ether a nait thet�due,witb�}i exoess paid to Bamwer. If
<br /> Bo�mwu ab�ndoas the P�+opetty.ar does not�aswer wilhin 30 days a notice from Ltinder thst We insatuloe c�rtier das
<br /> oPfued w seule a c1um.�m L�endec nury wllect tBe insu�ooe p�ocads- l,ender may ase tLe pcocads to re�air ar nsw�e _
<br /> the Pmpaty or w psy aums sauerd by this Security Instr�mxcu,whether or oot fl�en due. 7be 30-day peiiad vn11 begin when
<br /> iLe notice is given.
<br /> Unkss Leider and Bamwa�tt�eiwise agroe irt wriEinB,anY application of Procoods�P��P��mQ mt e�end or
<br /> pt►stpoa the due date of the moatblY PiY�ts tefetrod to In parag�aphs 1 uid 2 or change the ars�onnt of the payments. If
<br /> �mder patagnph 21 t6e Ptnperty is acquined by L.eader.Borrower's rigUt w any insurance policies and ptuoeeds�aItinB
<br /> fmm damage to tbe Pmperty pria w tbe acquu�aoa shalt pass to�ader to the exteat of the sums soc�ced by tbis Security
<br /> Iastrameat ittu�ety Prior to the ac9uisition. .
<br /> ._ _..�, �_p�� ���� aed ProtecttaR ot tbe Propert9+ Borrower's I.a�o ApplLeatioa; _
<br /> i.et�6oid�.Somnwer sLali occupy.establisb,Aad ase tve Pkopeity as Sarower's princigat nsidence within si�tty daps after
<br /> the executian of this Saauiry�t and s6a11 co�tihue to.occupy the Ptoperty as Bnm�v�er's principal tesiderxx fur at
<br /> kut oae ysar after the due.of ooc�Y. unkss Lender atheiwise a$�es in wr�n�;.,p?bich consa�t s6ait r�be
<br /> wueasd�ably witht�eld.or tmkss exteawting dn:ums�es exist wWch aie beyoad Boiioiz�'con�oL.,BoRar�recsli�'aot
<br /> destmy;damage or impair tbe Pkopezty,allow d�e.Ptuperty to deteriorate,or caemit wastc aa t`�ie�:��oim��
<br /> be�n default if aay forfejdu�action or proceed'mg,vrbetl�civil ar criminal,is be8un tmt in I..ei�r��+ood�'aith j�nt _
<br /> coadtl.iesWt in farfeitue+e of the Plopetty or dherwise materially impair tbe lien ae�td by tfis Securiry In�us ;':�::',:,�"•,;..;;
<br /> l,end�r�s sccu�ity inte�est Bon�ower ma�cme sach a defaalt and reinstate,as pmvided in paragraph 18,hy c�using tbe acaon ` .
<br /> or Prac�eeding to be dumissed with a rWiag that,in Ltnder�s gaad faidt detetmuratioa:Fjecludes forfemme of tha Borinwer's ' -
<br /> mterest in the Ptopecty ar ost�e�material impaim�eat of the lien cceated b�►[his Security Instnunent or Lender's soc��rity
<br /> intecat. Bomawer-�ratl atso be iri defauit if Boaower, during t1►e loan appTuaaoa.pmce�s, 8ave materiaUy false or •
<br /> inaccurau infoaaatioa ar staueme�ts to Lender(or fa�7ed to pmvide 1.enderRith aitg�aial infonnation)ia eonnaKion with .
<br /> tGe toan evide�seed by the Not�,including, 6ut not limit�d to.rePmseutau�uns cu�cning Borrower's occupancy of tt�
<br /> Aroperty as a prmcipai residenoe. If th3s Serarity Inswment is cin a lea9eehoW,Bormwer stiall compiy witb all the pmvisions
<br /> of tbe kase. If Bcxmwer�cquines fec tide to the Propecty,the leasehold and tf�fx title shall not merge unless Lender ag�es
<br /> w the merger m w:iting. �
<br /> 7. pe+nhation d I.ender's Ri�ts ie t6t Property. If Bomnwer fails ta perfonn thc cmenants and agrotmeats .
<br /> contained in this Securiry L�soi'ament.or there is a Iegal procading that may signifxcan.dy affect L�ender's rights in tho ' •
<br /> Pmperty(sueh as a pcocoeding in bankmptcy,prai�ate.fo*condemnation or forfeinue or ta r�.Io�e taws or ngulatIons).then
<br /> Lrnder may do and pay for whauvtr is necessary to protect the value of the Property�d��er's rigl�ts in ti�P�vperty. _
<br /> Lender's actioas muy inciude payinS any sums secured by a,licn which has prioriry a�er�fiis:�fassuument,appearing �•
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entcring on the Property eo m:�ae�ega.crs-�v-:,��ender may take action ;
<br /> undet this paragraph 7.Ltnder does not have to do so. < ' �
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall bera��sr�.�i�cia=aC d"ebt of Borrower secuied by rhis . _
<br /> Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to other tertns o���i�..c�:d�es����unts shall bear inte��r�.e •: . -
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interess.„c�on troiiae f�ixnder to Borrower�a���.ia� • � =
<br /> t -
<br /> ��5. Mortgage lnweanea If Lender required mortgage insurance ac a condition of making the loan secuied��sy c�is � . ' =
<br /> Security Instrument,Bartawer shall pay the premiums requimd to mainiain the rrtortgage insurance in effect ff,�..'�r any ' , -
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceascs to be in effect. Bonower shail.�r;r the -
<br /> piemiums requireA to obtain wverage substant�ally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost _
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cast to Borrower of the moRgage insurance previously in effect.from an attemate moAgage =
<br /> insurer approved by I.ender. If substantialty equivtilent moRgage insurance coverage is not availabte,Borrower shall pay to =_
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelftit of the yearly mortgage insurance prem�um 6eing paid by Borrower when the _
<br /> insurana coverage tapsed�aaxd to be in effect. I.ender will aecept.usc and retain these payments as a toss nserve in lieu =
<br /> a€mortgage insrat�ance. l.uss tesea►e payments may no longer be re�uired,at the opdon of l.ender,if mortgage�stttance -_
<br /> ' cmerage(in the amoimt and fat the period that Lender reyuires)pravided by an insurer approved by Lender again Fae�flmes =
<br /> avaitable and is obtaitied Bortower shall pay the premiums required to matntam mortgage insumnce in effect,or to Qr�vide a • -
<br /> loss reserve.u�zti[the rcquirement for mortgage insurance ends in acwrdance with any written agree�ent between Borrower _
<br /> and Lender or appticable Iaw. -
<br /> 9 Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonabte entries upon and inspections of ihe Pmperty. Lender shall -
<br /> give Bomnwer notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause fi�s W1e inspection. _
<br /> 10 Coademoatbn. The procetds af any award or clalm for damages,direct or cr�equential,in connectian with any
<br />. . ' Singk Fimity—Fae�ir M�dFfeAdk Mae IINIFORM 111SYRUSNEI�T�Unifmm Corenants 9!!� IpaBe 3 oJb page�l , -
<br /> a�trtec earr,�P�he.■ `
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