. , ,
<br /> . _ .; _ • . .. • � ' �. . . ` .
<br /> ,._' . = -__�
<br /> �. � - - � . ��� � �o�. _ .
<br /> eecurity for the performaunce of the: �ndebttdness and obi gations �ecured �
<br /> hereby, a�l prepaid reata aad all eaoneys �rhiCh�msg have beeu:pr.maY hereaf ter
<br /> ; be depaaited with Truetar by aany leasea of.;the Property. to se�ure t1�e
<br /> . payment of aay reat or damages, and upoa defaul.t ia the per€o�nance of �ny a€
<br /> the pxoviefana hereof, Truator agrees ta deliver �such�,reats and depoaite to
<br /> B�reficiary, De3.ivery o€ �rittr.rt not#.ce- tif Benefi�aury's exerciae of the, � ,
<br /> rfghts granted; by�this paragraph THIRI�� to aay tena�}t occupying the Prap¢rty
<br /> or any.portion thereof shall be s}uffic3ent to require said_t�n�nt to pay sai.d `
<br /> rent to Beneficiary unt�l �further na�ice. �
<br /> �� ��. Yf there. e2�a11 be filec� by or ag�inst the Trustor any petftion:
<br /> or proceeding seski.ag .an�r �arraagement or composition or extenaion of• any .
<br /> , other relief under or pureuaat: to the Fed�ra}.� Bankruptcg Cede or aay other
<br /> eimilar atatute as is now or herea�ter in effect, or if the Trustor.shall �be�
<br /> ad�udicated banlcrupt or insoYveat or any of�Trustor's prope'rty sha�l have
<br /> ,; �°� sequestered and auah decree shall have continu�d undischarged:�and
<br />_ -..`�,��,�2e.�ed:€���_9O days.after.the entrY thereof,, thea tlie whole ot the Nate aad
<br /> -:� . :��tedne�s.� herebY secured� shall, witheu�.:;°;°�o�ice:- ati- -the aptio� o£=-th� -- - . -
<br /> � ��t�fiaiaxy,� becc�.�_a�ue and��payabl�. '; ,<;~ '
<br /> , . . . ;�::;�- �;��.
<br /> . _:, . , „� -
<br /> � ���. . Upon`defau2t�bg Trustor iin the �5��;:� or p�er�or�ance of the .
<br /> �� . �erms and conc�itions of��;�`he Nvte, or. :���,;�ei�ewals, ":,���:���ons .or
<br /> >.;,exe�utions _thereof, the pay�r!ent of any oth�r;�;�udebtedneas��i���%�iereby or
<br /> � '`�p:;�e performance of any agreeme�t�. cavena�"�o� wa�rantY he�e�i°��a��.ai.aed or
<br /> ` 'se�' farth in any agreement or ins�iment;esc�cuted:�by Trustor iri�;coimectien _
<br /> with the .i.ndebtedness hereby secured, B�neficia�y may declare ��al1 eums
<br /> secured hereby immediatelg. due and paya�i�e. and the same ehall thereupoA
<br /> . become due and payable withaut presentment; ,:demaad, proteet or notice of any
<br /> kind. , Thereafter,..:.Seneficiary ma�r,,-deliver to Tru�tee a writ�en declaration
<br /> � of default and 'de�sau�l for sale. 2"a��stee shall have`_�he power of sa�].e of� the
<br /> � Property and if�°H�eficiary deci�z3es the Propert��i�; te be soZd*:-°;��:t ehall
<br /> depo»it with�Tz�s*e�'thi-e �eed of Txust and�,the lvat� or nctes and-;�a.*�y other
<br /> documente e�icden�ing exp�q3itures secur�dt�;.hereby;� and .,i�s�3.1:���1�Iiver to . -
<br /> Truetee a �c����in:»iot�ce af: default..and electidn ta. cause �h�' ,1�pe�ty to be
<br /> sold, and Trustee; �ia turn, sh�?��•�prepare a s�a�.lar notice �e:�:the form _
<br /> required by Iaw, whieh shall be ��1�*��•filed, for record. by Trustee,..'.. . _
<br /> � (a) A�ter the lapse of such time as i�ay he required by law followimg _
<br /> the recorct�iticn of Notice oE Default, `a�ad notice of Default and Notice =
<br /> of Sale ha�g.been given as required by law, �ru�tee, withou�;�mand on -
<br /> Truator. aha?:3 sell the Prcperty hereinbefvre� deacribed, aad �ny and
<br /> every�par.t t�texeof, �.ri separate parcels or en. masse as, the 'I�ristee may _
<br /> eleaC aad xa� such orc�e�r as Trustee may determi.ne on tis$����t�„and at the _
<br /> time and place desiqnated in said Notice of Sale, at �gu�bii� .auction to ;_;
<br /> the highest• bidder, the purcTsase price payable in cash in ���?€ul money .;
<br /> of the. IInited Statea at the t3me of eale. The p�rson condu�ting the -
<br /> � a.ale a*�y, for any cauae he or she deems expedient, postpone the sale
<br /> from�Came te,.time until it ahall be compl�ted and, in every such case,
<br /> ' notice of poatponement shall be give�a .by public declaration thereof by
<br /> auch person at the time and place laet appoi�ted for the sale; provided, _
<br /> if the eale ie poatponed fer longer than oae tl) day beyond .the day
<br /> designated ia the Notice o£ Sale, notice these�f ahall be givea in the w
<br /> eame manner as the ariginal Natice of eale: Truatee shall execute and =
<br /> deliver to the purahaser its Deed conveying the praperty so sold, but
<br /> without any covenant or warra�ty, expreea or xmplied. . The xecitale in
<br /> the Deed o£ any matters or facta ahall be �pnclusive p�am€ af the .
<br /> truthfulneea thereof. Any person, incicd3.ag without 1ia►itat�on,
<br /> Henefiaiary or Truetee may purchase a� the eale. Said saYe ahall be �
<br /> aonduated at the real estate forming a part ot the F�toper�y or at the
<br /> court houae� in the county in which the Property to be sald, .or some part
<br /> � , thexeof, is situated. ' � _
<br /> � (b)� i�ihen Truetee selle pureuant to the powera hexef:a, Trustee ehall
<br /> apply the proceede of the sale to payment of the cogt� and expenses of
<br /> exercieing the power of eale and . of the sale, includi.ng, withouC
<br /> limitation, the payment of Trpstee's fees iacurred. which Truatee's fees
<br /> � � shall nat fn the aggregate exceed the �aum of Five Hundred and no/100th
<br /> � Dollars ($500.00) plus 1/2 of 1� of the anwunt secured hereby� and
<br /> . rthasi.ning unpuid and then to the iteme set forth i.n subparagraph tc) of
<br /> � this paragra�ph FIFTB in the order therein etated.
<br /> :-:-,.,:-:.:,.__. . � . � .
<br /> (c1.�_7�iffd�--paying--the���ztee� -epeciffed in� subp�ragrapk -t�s3���aE .thss - . .
<br />