_�_ - .� `.. .:�.1�-
<br /> c_ — ---
<br /> .,r:_ ..._�� , .. -
<br />.-. --- — - ;�.�. . —:— - �__ :� - -
<br /> �' ' . ` . - . . , _�_,..�� �,
<br />� . ` � � the sents - iaeues and profito, includiagl,��.rents, roy . 'tiea; . � _
<br /> All of .
<br /> � boauses a�nd benefita under any ex3atiag.or futu��.:�rf l, gas ox+mineril'or,
<br /> � dth�r laaaes f all �aaemeate aad rights. af Na�;p.,:ar�tl _rightp of hoaaestead -
<br /> ' ' �and homaste�d exeaagtioa and any eurviving:epouae�'� marita[i or df�ticf.bu= �
<br /> � � tive �Iluare, amd a21 other contingent righte ia,a�td to e�id pre►�niees j and
<br /> All ffxtnres.' improvementa, buildings. au=1� Che p�umbing� heating,
<br /> ventilating and lightiag syatema_ and equi�sn�'.:�hereiat, a21 0£ wlzf.ci�.
<br /> eha21 be ao�e�ruGd and conaidered. as affixed�.ta� ���:�tart ef the real
<br /> eetate. . .
<br /> All of the foregoing astate, propesty. aud� inter�sC .b�reby conveyed to �he
<br /> said Tr�atee is he�einafter collectsvely, ref�rrec�l���c��aa the *Property."'
<br /> � Tp �AVE AIIp TQ HOLU �he,same unto�the said�Txuat�ee, Trustee's successors
<br /> and assigna forever, IN TRIIST HOwSVSR�and WITB`.PO�AR:�OF SALB hereby expressly
<br /> granted un�o� the_,eaid Truetee, Trustee'e:s�r.�eseors, and assigns far the
<br /> .. :�-.- ...
<br /> purpose of securing:` .
<br /> = (a) The paymei}t �of TrueCer'a �us� iiidsb�edness to Beneficiary f.n the
<br /> griacipal sum of •Twenty .Thousatnd� Doiiasa •t�,�a.0�0.00)� for money borrowed,
<br /> ` y�i,tl� intere�t tkereon, all � e.��a���a�h�>•�aiad ia strict accordance with the
<br /> terms c� that ceztai.ni promissoi^lr.�aate here�:Aafter calied the "Note", bearin3
<br /> eyea ��:;�'�ewith made gayable to� the a�der of Beneficiary, execuCed by
<br /> Willi�s;-�'�:"�en and Mary Aan Deganr,,h'uakana a�d wife, �and providing for the
<br /> Paymeri.�.,:::,€�-'said indebtedneae in� fas�a��l�,�rsts.�uta�.11merit�of Cerinci al or `�'
<br /> matua�i:y� on default in the payhrr�nC cE:: anY P P '.
<br /> inte�at or. in the performance . o� anK���covenant, agreement or warranty .::,;
<br /> contained fa thi.s Deed of Trust j, • , . � "�
<br /> :�::
<br /> . (b) The performance of ea�li�agxaeta,ent, ca�-�n.��,.and ivazranty of TrusCo�� .��`.���_-; �
<br /> herein contai.ned or set forth iu� ��ie Note or '�;�,ag�'eemenr "or i.nstrument �� '
<br /> exeauted by Trustor in connection�with the iaidebt��sa hereby secur�df aad .
<br /> (c) The payment of any aum or sums of��oaey with iaterest thereo��whic���`
<br /> may be herea�ter paid or advanced under the terans af this Deed of Trust._�,� .�-:
<br /> does for :�stor and for Trustor's heirs, r��eesentatives, vendeas�, - -
<br /> ' successors and assigas, the owners of said .grep�rty, hereby expressZ�
<br /> � � covezzant, agree:aux� .w�sras�,t to and with t�iA fi�ust�� and Beneficiary, and �
<br /> the�is succeseors, w��uees and assigns: . ; , � _
<br /> . �� gi�st z That the Truator hereTa� cts�re�i'its ax�.r� agzees, to the exter..t _
<br /> permitted �ry .1aw, as follows: (a) to g�y.�ro�tly when due the prinaigal an�
<br /> interes't �a�.other aums of money provided for in the Note and in this Deed aE�
<br /> TreBS�g - tb� to promptly pay before delinquency all Caxes, asaesaments aii.�. �
<br /> ctl��� ,"c&argea impoaed by law upon. the Property, the Trust�r's interest`� _
<br /> therein', 4� upon tlsis Deed of Trust or the Note; provided, hoyvever, thaC i.�:.�
<br /> � � the� event���'any change of the law provid�� for the taxation of deeds a£ ' _
<br /> � trexst or deS�s thereby secured so as to a�fect.this Deed of Truat, the entire '. _
<br /> in��Tatedness secured hereby ehall at the apticn.�f the Beneficiary become due ;
<br /> aad �aayable; (c) to keep the above-descril�e� Prape�ty and the improvements i
<br /> the�EOn in good condition and repair and � nat �ta conaniC or auffer v�raste _
<br /> thete.��: and except as authorized in any ecYied�le annexed hereto and Eorming
<br /> a �art hereof; (d) to maintain and deli�rer to Beneficiary policies of -
<br /> insuranre agai�at such hazarda on the bufldings and improvementa now or -
<br /> hereafter locate8 on or constituting a part o£ the Property ae the Heneficia- -
<br /> � . xy ehall require, in such companies and amounts and with such loss payable
<br /> � clausea as ehall be eatiafactory to the Bene£iciary; that in the event of
<br /> losa, Seneficiary is expresaly authorfzed to settle or compromi�se alaims ;
<br /> un8er eaid policies and the proceeds thereof ahall be paid to the Heneficiary _
<br /> who may a�ply the same or a►ny gart thereof on the indebteduesa secured.hereby
<br /> or toward the reconstiru�tioa or repair of eaid buildings and improvetoenta or `
<br /> release same te the Truetor; (e) to pay any lfen, alaim or charge againat the
<br /> properCy which mi.ght take precedence over the lien heYeof;. tf) to pay an -.
<br /> demand alI legal expensea, title searches, appraisa]. or attorneys' fees
<br /> reaeonably incurred.or paid by Beneficiary. to aollect the Note or foseclose _
<br /> or protect the lien .of thie Deed of Tsuat t (g) that in the event Traetor
<br /> � shall fail to caoaply Nith the proviaiona of taa� through (f) above, the
<br /> B�aef9.cfary may exp�snd�auch funde and �ake euch action as ie neceseary to
<br /> .� ... _ ._
<br /> - .._....:���eucFi-failiir� -�td-a2�.-eum�pai�t-by the Ben�£i.e.iary g�rsua�t here�a w3th
<br /> ' �'�. . •
<br /> .��.: �� .
<br /> ,,.7n. ' , _ i
<br /> . ..i: � .. , .
<br />