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._�'` ---�-� , :{, <br /> - r. �.�' .. .. =;K.. ---. <br /> .. . ,. <br /> .,, _ _ _ _ <br /> 5:; <br /> _ -- -- -- ;�� <br /> - uo�4 <br /> �. �y�e or pr�.�,i.�c..a t..k cwn.. Bartowu dWl p�y wiwlsn d�ue the principd��, <br /> We d�bt nvWenced by tbo Note�nd tate chv�es due under the Note. <br /> - — 2. MuNMIy P�ya�eal�ot'A�sea,lwau�ce aNd ut�er l:�r�e�. ltormwer shall include in each rtwn�i�iY P�Y�� � <br /> to�eU�wilh the{xincipat�nd intercu ws�et fortD�in tbe Note a�d�ny lu�e cha�es,�n in�taliment ot�ny(�)wca u� <br /> - — �peci�l aueaunents kvied or to be kvied t��in�t the PropertY.(b)IcmelwW p�yrne�►t�a�round rcat�oa the Property.and <br /> ' (c)prcmiums for In�tuu►�e roquired by Aiu+�Qraph 4. <br /> ' �ch monthly inusJinKnt fa item�(a). lb) and (c?�I M� �-twelftli of the �nnwl anwunts.a4 roawnably <br /> �� e:timued by Lcnder. plue an wmount suft�cient to m�int�in An additian�l b�lance of not mae th�n une-sixth ot tha <br /> -- est3m�ted smounts. The full rnnu�l �unuuut Por e�ch jtem ch�ll be accumulnted by Lender within a period ending one --, <br /> .— n�h before�n item would bxome dellnquent. Lender�ull hold the amouius coltecud in uvst to pay item�{a}.(b)and <br /> - ----. _ — lc)beforr,theY become delenquent. � <br /> -°""�� If�t any time the toul af the payrtxnts hcld by Lerder for iums(n). (b)and(c),together with the future manthiy <br /> ___ _� pRyments for such iums payable to Lender prior ro ihe due elatea of such items, excxds by mo�+e than one-sixth tha <br /> -�� W estimated amount of poyments required topay such ftem�when due,and if payments ai thc Note arc cument,then L.endG� <br /> "'--'°"°-`�"'=��� shsdl either ttifund the excess over one•sixth of the estimated payments ar crcdit the excess over one-sixth of tlx estimwted <br /> _=��y_�.�,��� payments to sub6equcnt paymentS by Borrower,ut the option of Bomower. If thc twal of the payments made by Bomowor ___ <br /> -� for item(a).(b).or(c)is lnsufficient to pay the item whcn due.then Banowcr shall pay to Lender any artwunt necessaty to <br /> '� � malce up dK deficiency on or before the date the item becomes due. <br /> "����= _ As usod in this Securit�Instrument."Secretary"means the Secrctury of Housing and Urban Dev�lopment or hfs or iwr <br /> ___n___.e.. �signec. In any year in wluch the Lender must ps►y a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretery.eacl�monthly payment <br /> ; — ��•;���'�:�".'i . �'�'- shall also include either: (i) un instellment of the annual rrwrtgagc insurw�ce prcrr�um to bc paid by Lender to thu =- <br /> S«:ret�uy, w�(iiy a tnonttily charge instead af a mortgage insurance premium if this Sccutiiy Itssttument is held by tha <br />� ' ,;�;.:_��:;�.,:�y� SecrcGuy. Each monthly installment of the mortgage insurance premium shall be in an amounc sufficient to xcumulata tha <br /> , ,;.�,�,M�..,.:' futl annual mortgage insuru�ce prernium wtth Lender one month prior to the date the full annual mortgxge insuranca __ <br /> ; �� ,t � pr+emium is due to the Secretary;or if this Sccu�ity Insaument is held by the Secrctary,each monthly clwrge shall be in an _ <br /> �"� amaunt equ�l to one-twelflh of ono-half pereent of the oucstanding principal balance due on the Note. _ <br /> • If Borrower tenden to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Borrower+s account -- <br /> ,... • • shall be credited with the balance remainins for all installments for items (a). (b) and (c)and any mortgage insurnnco <br /> • � � ' � pnemium installment that Lcndcr has not become obligated ta pay to the Secretary,and Lender shnll promptly rcfund uny <br /> .. ' ` excas funds to Borr�wer. Immediately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its ncquisition by Lender.Borrowork <br /> �ecount shall be credited with eny balance remuining for all instaliments for items(a).(b)and(c). <br /> 3. ApplicaUon ot Payments. All payments under Puragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows: <br /> �$,T,to the mortsAge insurance pnmwm to be paid by Lender to 1he Secretary or to the monthiy charge by tha -- <br /> ••1 • Secre insteud of the monihly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> ` �,J � ���to any ttuces.special acsessments.leasehold payments or ground rents.nnd itre.flood and other hazard <br /> � insurancc prcmiums,ns reqwred; <br /> TH1RD,to intei�est due undcrthe Note; <br /> FOURTH,to nmortizution of the principul of the Note; <br /> �,to lute churges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Fire,Flood and Other Hozard Insurance. Borrower shall insure all improvements on thc Property,wheth�r nuw <br /> in existence or subsequently erected,a�ain5t any hazards,cusualties,and contingencies, including fire,for which lu:ndor <br /> oequires insurance. This insurance shalt be maintained in the amounts and for the periodti tl�t Lender requires. Borrower <br /> shall also intiure ull improvaments on tix:Property,whether now in existence or subsequendy erected,ugainst loss by flqads <br /> to the extent rcquired by thc Secretu�y. Alt insur:ince shull be carried witt�comp:►nies appraved by Lender. The insurance <br /> - " policies and any mnewalr shul! be held by Lender nnd shall inrlude losx payuble clauses in fuvor of, und in a form.,. _ <br /> acceptable to,Lendcr. _- <br /> 'y;,, , ,,,,. ,. ,_ , In the event of loss,Borrowcr shull givc.Lcndcr immrdiate noticc by mail. Lender muy makc pmof of lot;�c if nnt �, <br /> + , made promptly by Borrower. Each insurance a>mpany conrerned is hercby authori�ed and directed to make paym�nt.for <br /> „ ; such loss directly to Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lrnder jointly. All or any part of the insur:�nce proceeds mny be <br /> applied by Lrnder,at its option,either(a)to the reduction of ehe indebtednesx under the Note and this Secunry InN.ntm�nt. <br /> ' ' first to nny delinquent amounts opplied in the order in Prragraph 3, and then to prepayment of principal,or{b) to thw <br /> , ,,,, cestorntion or repair af the dumuged propeny. Any appliration af the proceeds to thc prine�pal sh•rll na extend or�st}��na <br /> f the due dute of the monthly paymcnts wh�ch arc refcrred ta in Parugraph 2,or chungc the amount uf such paymenta. Any _. <br /> • excess insurance proceeds over an:►mount reyuired to pay all outstnnding indebtednes.under the Nae und this S�cwiry <br /> " . Inswment shall bc pnid to thc cntity tegally enudrd thercto. �, <br /> . • [n the event of fom�:losure of this Securiry lnstrument or other trunyfer of titie to the Pcoperty that extinguisJ�ess the <br /> indcbtedness,all right,titic and intercst of Borrower in and to insurance force.hall pi�.ti�to thc purchasar. <br /> � ! • �-� 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance und Protection of the Propertv; Borrower's I.oan Appliwtion; <br /> � `' Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,etitablish, and uyc the Propert�• u�Borrower; prinripal tesidence within�axty days _ <br /> ;`?'��,,.;'' nfter the execution of thix Security Instrument and vhall continue to occupy [he Pro{krty us Borrawer+principp!r�sidence <br /> ' for nt Ieast one ycur after the date of cerupancy,unless thr Srcretury detemiine+this rryuiremeni will cause unduo fiurdship <br /> •S":""� ''�` • for BoROwer, or unless extenuating circu►ristances exitit which arc txyond Banower's wntrol. Borrower shait notify <br />� ;.,.,.'R �` <br /> '`� ' Lenden of any extenuating circumstunces. Borrower shall not commit wntiu ur de+troy,dumu�tc or substantinlly chunge <br /> � � the Property or allow the Property to deteriorate,rcasonable wcar and trnr excepted. Lender may inspect the Praperty if the <br /> _�� ' i::' Property is vacunt or abandoned or the lo�ut is in defuult. Lender may takc rca�anublc uction to protect and preserve such _ <br /> ;",� � � , vacant or abundoned Property. Borrower�hall also be in dcfuult if Borrowrr, during the luan upplication pmcess,gave _ <br /> � � materiall� talse or inuccuratc inFormution or statcmentx tc> Lendcr (or failed to providr Lcnder with uny muterial <br /> informat�on)in cannection with the loan evidcnced by the Note, including:but not limited to,repre�entations concerning <br /> •�►" Bortowerk occupuncy of the Property as a prineip�+l residence. If thi.Srcunty In,trument is on u leasehold,Bornower shall <br /> �r comply wfth thc provisions of thc Icase. If Borrowcr acyuir�s 1'er cidc co che Propeny,thc leaxehold :uid fee dtlo sh•rll not <br /> -• • ' be merged unle�s Lender agcee�to the mergcr in writing. _ <br /> ° - 'I� 6. Char�es to Borrowcr and Protection of Lender's Rights M the Property. Borrow-cr.h�U pay all�ovemmental <br /> .C;� -°�� '° .•• or municipul charges,fines and impositions thut am not included in Purngraph 2. Boaower shull pay these obligxtions on �', <br /> ---�. rs�:��,,,:�,;�:;`j��•.:�: time directly to the entiry which is owed the puyment. If failum to pay would advenely affect Lender's interest in the <br /> ``�'�t Property.upon Lender's mqucst Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> - : If Boaower fails to make these puyments or the paymcnts reyuired by Paragraph 1,or fails to perform nny other <br /> -- covenants und agreements contuined in this Security lnstrument,or there is A legul proceeding thut may significantly affect _ <br /> Lenderh riahts in the Proaertv (such us a proceeding in bankruptry,for rondemnut�on or to enfor+ce law,or rc�gulations), _. <br /> _.�+�: then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessury to protect the value ot the�ropetty anu i.ender's risncs in ine rroperry. <br /> — ��' including payment of tanes,hozard insurance und other items mentioncd in Par�graph 2. <br /> _-;;� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Para�raph shall become an udditional debt uf Borrower und be secured <br /> by this Security Instrument. These amcwnts shall bcar mterest from the date of disbursemcnt,at the Note rsite.and at the <br /> option of I.ender,sheU be lmmediately duc und payable. _ <br /> 7. Condemtwtton. 'Che ptoceeds of any award or claim for dam•rges,direct ur connection with uny - <br /> cw�demnation or other taking of any part of the Propecty.or for conveyance in place of condemnation,are hereby atisigned <br /> and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of d�e indebtedness that remuins unpatd under the Note and this <br /> - Securiry Insuument. Lender shall apply auch proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this S��curity = <br /> Inatcunkn� first to any deltnqueat �r►ounts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3. und then to prepayment of <br /> princjpil. My application of the proceeds W the principal shall not extend or postpone the due dat,e of the monthly <br /> �:. . . w rµ7Xe2 y(�puges) <br /> . � _ <br /> _ _ ! . , <br /> __ - _ . �_ y--.-��. <br />