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99 11165 � <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> All that part of Lot One (1), Block One (1), First Artistic Homes Addition to the city of Grand <br /> Island, Hall County,Nebraska, lying North of the North line of Oklahoma Avenue and West of <br /> the West line of Elm Street extended, all in Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska <br /> Lots Seven (7), Eight(8), and Nine (9), Bels Second Subdivision, in the city of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County,Nebraska <br /> Lot Thirty One (31), Bosselman Second Subdivision, an Addition to the city of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County,Nebraska <br /> All of Lots Six (6), Seven(7), Eight(8),Nine (9) and Ten (10), in Block Two (2), in South Park <br /> Addition to the city of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska, less and except that part of Lot Ten <br /> (10) conveyed to William Frank by Quitclaim Deed dated April 12, 1912 from CB&Q Railroad <br /> Co.; subject to and reserving, however, unto Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad <br /> Company, its tenants, licensees, permitees, grantees, successors and assigns perpetual right, <br /> license, privilege and easement to reconstruct, maintain, operate, renew, repair and use a <br /> standard gauge railroad track or tracks on, over and across that part of said Block Two (2), in <br /> South Park Addition lying ten(10) feet normally distant on either side of the center line of <br /> existing CB&Q Railroad Co. tracks numbered 26 and 5, and appurtenant drainage facilities <br /> thereto <br /> A tract of land comprising part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter(NE 1/4NE 1/4) <br /> of Section Twenty One (21), Township Eleven(11)North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�' P.M., <br /> in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Elm Street with the southerly line of Anna <br /> Street; thence running Southwesterly along the Southerly line of Anna Street a distance of Two <br /> Hundred Seventy Four(274) feet to the East line of Cleburn Street as condemned by City <br /> Ordinance No. 1591, dated February 2, 1938; thence running Southeasterly along the Easterly <br /> line of Cleburn Street a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet; thence running Northeasterly <br /> parallel to the Southerly line of Anna Street a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Four(274) feet <br /> to a point on the Westerly line of Elm Street; thence running Northwesterly along the Westerly <br /> line of Elm Street a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet to the point of beginning. <br />