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.�.,- _ _ . <br /> ,� �_.,,� r,- •, . `;i:+� <br /> � `' ' • . ..- <br /> �. _ _ __.. <br /> - _ _.,.�ear+�Yl►„�yG� <br /> = uoaoo <br /> - - �--- - - piyments,whic6 u�e referred to in PAC�gt�p}�2. ot chanQC thc�unuuui uf such payrticnts. ��cxccc��ver� <br /> : � nnount rcquired to pay�II outstandi��indebted�tee�under the Notc uKi this Security Insuument stWl bc ppid to�he entity <br /> �_� k�ally entided thcre[o. • <br /> _ ,��m�,��� 8. Fees, l.ender may collect fees an�c:huees rutho�ud by the Secrctery. ' <br /> �� _ _ 9. Gnwnds tor Acceleration of Debt. <br /> - -- � (�)DefaulA L.ender may,cxcept as limited by regulations issued by tho Secr�tary in the c�se af p�yment defaults. <br /> �= �` roquire immediate payment in full of all sums recurcd by this Security InRtrument if: <br /> � �""""'p'�"'p101"`° ti)Bo�;ower�efauits t fallin tu a in full an month! � ment�e uic�ed b this Securlt lnstnsment rfor <br /> .�. Y 8 P � Y YPY 9 Y Y p <br /> -- to or on the due dete of the nrxt mnnt ly paymenr,nr <br /> (it)8orrower defaults by failing,far a periad of thirty days,so pcdorm any other obllgations contnined in thie <br /> �=,��-;-r_�� Securlry Instmment. <br /> �,�,.,�.r�,....�..,� (b)Snle Wlthout Credit ApprovAl. Lender shall,if permitted by applicable law und with the prior approval of the <br /> =,_.�y�._„,: � Sec�+etary,nquirc immodiate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Instrument if: <br /> ,���. (i)All or part of the a 6eneticial iaterest in a trust owning ail or part of the Property,is sold or <br /> ��.�,� s� otherwise uansfemed(othcr than by devise or descent)by the Borrowcr.and <br /> (ii)'Itrc Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal the purcha+er <br /> �:� or grnntee dces so occupy the Property but his or her credit hs�s not been approved in accordance <br /> �.•�• •_�•:,' wIth the mquiremenGs af the Secrctary. <br /> (c)No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lcnder to require immediate payment in fu11,but Lender <br /> -_�=; ,.,, daes not rcqui�+e such payments,Lcnder daes not waive its ri�hGti wlth mspect ro sub.sequent eventc. <br /> . ,�c�.ti.i; (d)Re�ulntions ot HUD Seeretary. ln meny circumstances regulations te�sued by the Secretary will limit Lender s <br /> �� <br />- ���'i�%s�%?�. rights, in the case of paymcnt defaults, to rec�uire immediatc payment jn full and foreclose if not paid. This <br /> � &" `. � '. � Security Instrument does not sutharize xcelerauon or foreclosure if not permitted by regulatians of the Secretary. <br /> .;. � ' �° (e) Mortgage Not Insured. BoROwer a�rees that should this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby noc <br />' � . ' • be eligible for insurance under the Nutionul Housing Act within $ months from the <br /> .. • • date hereof,Lender muy,at its option ond notwithstanding unything in Paragraph 9,require immedintc payment in <br /> �;:';� r : "" ' full of nll sums secured by this Securiry Insuument. A written statement of uny authorized ugent of the Secrets►rry <br /> ;���;;,, ;.„;,.,.;,.. ...v�� dated subsequent to S moAths from the date hereof,declining to insure this Security <br /> ' , � . InsUvment and thc note s�cured thcreby, shall be decmed conr,lusive proof of tiuch ineligibili►y. Notwithstnnding <br /> '' ' ' - the foregoing.this option muy not be exercised by Lender when the unavuilubility of insurunce is sulely due to <br /> Lender's failure to remit a mongage insurance premium to the Secretary. <br />_ " . , 10. Reinstatement. Borrowcr huz a right to be minstuted if Lender hns mquired immediatc payment in full because <br /> ° of Borrower's failurc to pay an umount due under the•Note or thiti Security Instrument. This right applie+ even ufter <br /> _ _'�:?�"_____ ___, foreclosure proceedings ure instituted. 7b reinstete the Security Instrument. Bonower shull tendcr in a lump sum all <br />„ amounts required ta'bring Borrower's account cument including,to the extcnt Ihey are obligations of Bortower under this <br /> ' .. Security Inattument,fomclosure cotit+und reusonuble und customury uttomeys'fees and expenses properly atisceiated with <br /> � the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer,this Sccurity Instrument and the obligations that it secures <br /> . shall remain in effect as if Lender had not reyuired immcdiutc paymcnt in full. However,Lender ix nat reyuimd topermit <br /> , � reinstatement if: (i) Lender hus accepted remstatement ufter the commencement of forccloxure procecdings within two <br /> _ years immediately preccding the commcncement of u currcnt foreclosure proceeding. (ii) reinstutement will preclude <br /> fareclosure on different grounds in the future,or(iii)minstatemcnt will advenely affcrt the priority of the licn created by <br /> - ' this Security Instrument. <br /> `� 11, dorruwer Not Released; Purbearance by Le�der Not a Waiver. Ext�nsion ot thc time of payment or <br /> modification of amoni-ration of thc xum,securcd by thi.Srcurit�•Inscrument granted by Lender to any suceessor m tnterest <br /> ,y " of Borcower shall not oper�te to rcicatic thc liability of the original Borrower ur Bcraower;successor in interest. Lender <br /> ' shall not be mquimd to commence praceedings against�u�y succes,ur in intemst or n fu+e to extend time for payment or <br /> n a• otherwise modify umortizution of the tiumti ticcurcd by this Sccurity In�trumcnt by rca+on of uny dcmund nr.+dc by thc <br /> . original Borrower or Boaower:successor�in intercst. Any forix:uance by LenJrr in exercising uny right or remedy shall <br /> �, not be a wniver of or preclude the rxerci�e of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and As.rig�s Bound;Jolnt and Several Lfability;C'o•Si�ners. Thc covenants ar�d agreements of <br /> • �• this Security lnstrument shaU bind und tknefit the+ucce.tiorti and assigns of l.ender und Borrower,,ubject to the provisiom <br /> ' of Ptuagraph 9.b. Bortower.l covenantx 3nd agrcements sh•r!I be joint und ,rvrral. Any Borrowar who co-tiigns this <br />,` � Security Instrument but dcxti not exrrutc the Notc: (a)i,co•signing this Security Imtrument only to mortgage,grant and <br /> "';�:,: convcy that Bortower i intcrctit in thc Pro�rty undcr thr tcrtnx of thi,Security In,trument;(b>i.not per.umally obligatcd ta <br /> Zt, , ,,;��; pay the sums securcd by thiti Srcuriry In+rrumcnt;and lc)agrce.Ih:n l.endrr and any uther Burruwer�nay ogree to extend, <br /> modify,forbc;v or makc uny uccommodutionti with ngurd to the tcrms of this Sccurity In.trumcnt ur the Note without thut <br /> r��°' � ' • Borrowcrk conscnt. <br /> ,..�., � _ <br /> • - �:.., � 13. NoHees. Any notice to Borcower provideJ for in thi�Srcuriry Instrumrnt.hull bc givrn b•delivering it or by <br />� '��; muiling it by fint cla�s mail unlcxx;�pplicuhle law nquirc.usr of anoth�:r methal. The nuticc sha�l bc dirccted to the <br />. � � �. �::, . Pmperty Addrctis or any uther uddress Borrnwcr de.ignatr,by noticc tu Lrndcr. Any notirr tu Lender+hall be given by <br /> ,:. <br />� 1""" '�' first class mail to Lender: uddresx stated hrrein or any addre�ti Lrnder de�ignate�by notirr to Borrowec Any notice <br /> . .ii�:"a . . rovided for in thix Security Intitrumcnt xhall be dcemed to h•rvr becn given to Borrower or Lender when given as providcd <br /> ; ''' �n this parngraph. <br />_��•;. ' 14. GovernlnR Law;Severability. This Security Imtrument,hall lx guvemeJ by FeJeral law;u�d the law of the <br /> � - urisdiction in which the Property i,located. In the event that any provisi�,n ur rlau,e of thi,Security Instrument or the <br /> �. ?. ;� �otc conflicts with applicublc law,such ronflict shall nnt affcrt athcr provi,ionti of this Scrurity In,trumcnt or thc Notc <br /> which can be given effect without the conFlicting provision. To this end thc provitiionx of this Security Instrument und the <br /> :�,„ .;��;;��;'�� .. Note um declarcd to bc sevcruble. <br /> - s , • .; 15. Borrower s Copy: Borrower shaU Ix given one conformed copy of thi.Srcurity Imtrument. <br /> t��'`?�"'.�:;�..• 16. Assignment ot Rents. Borrower unconditionally axsigns und transfers to I.endcr ull the rents And revcnues of thc <br /> � ` �`'K"�'" �- ' Property. Borrower suthorirxs Lendcr or Lendcr's collcct the rents and mvcnucs and hereby directi each tcn;u►t of <br /> ;�;:r%�`, the Property to pay the rents to Lendcr or Lender's agcnts. However,prior to Lender+notice to Borrower of Borrower's <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument,8onower shall collect 3nd rcceive all rents nnd revenues of <br /> ��_� the P'roperty as trustee for thc benefit of Lendcr und Burrower. This a5signmcnt of rents constitutes nn absolute�csignment <br /> and not an avsisnment for ndditianul securitv onlv. <br /> _� If Lender give�notice of brench to Borrowcr. (a)all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bortower as trustee <br /> _:� �• for benefit of Lender be applied to the sums sccumd by the Security Instrumcnt; (b)Lender shall be entided to _ <br /> collect end receive all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Nroperty shall pay all rents due and unpuid to <br /> . Lender or Lender's agent on Lendcrl written dem;uid to the tenant. <br /> Barower has not executcd any priar assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform nny oct that would <br /> - pnevcnt Lender fran exencisin�its nghts under thic Haragraph 16. <br /> i.onder shall not be royuu�ed to enter upon.take control ot'or mainuin the Property before or atter gtving notice of <br /> Ixeach to Barower. However.Lender or a judici�lly apQointed roceiver may do so ut any time there is a brcach. Any <br /> application of rtinW shalf not cure or waive any default or mvalidate:u�y other right or reme�i�of Lender. This assignment <br /> of trnis of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Securiry Lnswment is pa�d in fulL <br /> Ipa�e 3 a!*na�es� . • <br /> � , <br />