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� - <br /> r� - _ . " , .u:--- <br /> � ^. ..��w«:,,,,�,,.�►.�,�.....,._.. . ..-. -' <br /> .,. .�' ' 'k.. <br /> �u,� <br /> � . . - - � <br /> __ _...�.":�.��� � ��� <br /> _—�'�`"°"-"�' TO(iETHF.It W ITH all Ihe impr�►vememh n��w or hereafter erected on thc property.�nd ull�mentc,wppurterwnce�. and <br /> - fixtu�cs n�w an c�rcaRcr a Ewn ��f thc pmpcny. All repluccmants w�d udditinns nhall �1� be rovered by thic 5ocurity <br /> _ _ - bu�trurnrnt.AU of thc funKuinR i,rrf'errcci tn!n this Sccurity Inn�rument:u the'Prop�ny." <br /> �--�- z: BORROWER COVENANT5 tlwt &n•mwar ir IuwfuUy s�:ikd ��f thc crtatr hereby cunvcycxl�nd huti thc right to grunt�ncl <br /> _'a� cunvey thc Prnpeny and thut the 1'roperty iti ttnenrumt+erai, except for encumhrr�ur�ol'rccord. &►rrower wurrunt�xnci will <br /> �:�.��s-I--_-- defend generulty Ihe tiNe lu the Pruperty�gain�t all cl:�itns utul dcaw�xls,+ubject to uny cncumbruncc+ot rccard. <br /> " ' THIS SECURITY IN51'RUM�NT comhineti unifomi roveiwnts tiu nutionui uk urxl nc�n-uniti�rm cove�uuuz with limitcd <br /> ', .�••.... , . <br /> �;.�; ��N�tl { vxriwti�ms by jurisdirtion to cunsNtutc a unifnrm security in�trunxnt rovcring rcul pruperty. <br /> , �,��J;,a,•.,,�,•. • UNtFORM COVGNANTS. &irruwc►•u�N! Lcn�c►•cuv��w��t•rnJ u�r4�:a..f�illuu•.: �_ <br /> - , ,d�A:':i.,:�'�ti��: 1. Pxyment of PNncipwl wnd Intctr.�t; Prcpwyment and l.�te Ctwrgex. kk�rmwcr�hull promptly pay when due the <br /> t•� �-�^ princlp•rl uf und ineer�st on the d�bt eviJenccd by ihe Notc urxl any prepaynxnt u�xi lutr charges duc under the Note. <br /> .�`i.� .-', N a�F. ,. 2. Fundx for T�xes ynd In�urAnce. Subject to applicrblc luw or tn a written wuivrr by IAndcr. Rittrowcr shull pay tu _ -- <br /> �- - ' �;r�+- LendQr on Uic duy mcmthly payments ure dua undcr thc Note,until thc No�c is puid in fu�l. •r tium("Funds")fi�r:(u)yearly raxes =- <br /> J",`�'_�T"'";`_.�::'•..:"` +�' and axse;ssmentr whirh nu►y att•rin priorlry o��o�thir�Security Instrument as a lien on thc Pmperty;(b►ycarly Icaychold paytncnts �� <br /> -- �Y'r`'' "' � ' ar rcutnd rents on thc Pro n•, if an ;(c) cur! hu�.urd or rc� rt insurancc rcmiums; id) c.�rl t]�xici intiuruncc rcmiums, � ° <br /> _--a�.a�+llt',.�._.. .. .,,. �, S P� > Y Y Y P P� Y P Y ' Y P • <br /> -.� � , if any; le)yearly mortgagc in�ur�nrc prcmiums, if uny: und(il•rny +ums puyablc hy Borrowcr t�� l.endcr, iu urcordancc wjth <br />�� � • ' � �.� the provisionA af pur:�graph 8, in lieu of tha pa�mKnt of mongage insurance prcmiums.Thcu itcros•rro r•rlled "Fticrow Itenn." <br /> ,�} .` _ ; '�;,; I.ender muy, at any timc, collect und hold Fundti in an :�mount nut to excecd thc maximum umuunt a Ic�xlrr fiir u 1'�Klcrully �- <br /> _---'�'�`:, . . :�", relatod mnrtgage loan muy require for Borrrnvor's escrow ucruunt utuler the fedecul Read Estute Settlenxnt PrixrJureti Act of - <br /> . �.�.:` � 1974 as amended frorn time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 ei sc�y. ("R�SPA"),unlcs� anothcr luw diat upplicti to thc Funds K_ <br />• �.', � sets a 1QSrer am�wnt. if so, Lendcr m;iy, at �ny time, collect •rnd hol�t Fundti in un umount not to exceed the lc�ur umuunt. � <br /> . S '�� Lendar muy estim:ite the amount of Hund�due cm the Busis nF current dutu and reuxun•rble estim•rtes oY expenJiwrcti of future <br /> � Escrow Itema or athcrwisc in accordancc with npplicublc luw. -_- <br /> � Thc Fundn shAll be hcid in an institution whotic dcposits urc insured by a fcdcrul ugency, in+trumcmulity, or cntity �'� <br /> � (including Lcnder,if Lender i+such un in�titution►or in any Federal Homc Lo•rn B•rnk.Lender shall upply thc Funds to pay the �'� <br /> ��+��°� ' Escmw ftems. L.endar mny not charge Borrowor for holdinF and opplyin�,the Funds, annua�� d�e rxcruw arc�iunt, or �r • <br /> „ verifying the Esrrnw items, unlers Lender pay�Borrower interest on the Funds uixi upplicuble law permitti L.ender to make surh <br /> , ' ; u charge. Howcver, Lender mny require 8orrawer to puy u one-time churge for an independent rcul cstatc tux re�ning service `w <br /> uscd by L.cnder in connectiun with thi� limn, unles� upplicablc law provides othcrwise. Unle�ti un uFreemcnt is mude or �p_ <br />_- ,•.:�'';;. .' • applicabl¢luw rcquires interest to be paid, l.onder tihull not be rcquirui tu pay Bnrr<�wrr uny intcrest or carning�on the Funds. <br />. �';`� �'��� �'�, Borrower and Lender muy agree in writin�. howcver, thut intcrc+t �hull bc paid on the Fundc, l.cndcr tihull givc to&�rrower. '°�' <br /> � '`�"'.�� ' ' ''�� without ehurge, un annuul accountin� of tha Funds, showing cr�dits nnd debits to the Fund� and the purpcne for which each �•�i <br />_-- ,"—''"`�°`�':'`'--"!s"- J�bii io tlro Funds wuti niudr.7'iic Fmxl.aro pled�,ed us uddition•ri tiecurity t'or aii wmti secuted hy thix Security Instrument. ° <br /> 5�.. _-'__ � we��--. <br /> ,,,�."•,; If the Funda held by Lender exceed tho amount�permitted to bc hetd by uppliclhle law, Lender shull uccount to Bc�rrower <br /> • ' for the excetis Funds in accarJunce with thc nequircment�of upplicable luw. If the umount i�f the Fundti held by Lender at any �_. <br /> : :;�� . <br /> • , ., � time is not sufficient to puy thc E.crow Item+whcn duc,l.cndcr may ui notify Borrowcr in writing, and,in such cuse&irrower -- <br /> shull puy to Lc.ndcr thc amount nccctixap- to mukc up thc def icicnry. Borrower shuU muke up the deficiency in oo morc than <br /> � twalve monthly puyments, ut I.endcr's�ole dlrcretion. <br /> Up�>n payment in full uf all tium� ticcured b�� thiti Secw•ity Intitrunxnt. [Andcr shull pr<miptly refwid tu Borrowcr any �+'� <br /> ' . Funds hcld by Lendcr.If, undcr parugraph 21, l_rnJcr,h:dl aryuirc i�r ticll thc Prop:rty.L.cnJcr,prior to thc acyui,ition<�r salc <br /> .:•�; of tha Property, rhulL apply any Fund�held by Lcnder ut the timc��f acyuisition or tiale us u credit ugainst the sums tiecured by • - <br /> �,R � thie Sccurity Instrument. �`°�-:: <br /> ,�f � • 3.Application of Htyments.Unlc.,.�ppli�ahlc la�v providc�i�thcrwixe,all paymentti rcrciveJ by Lendcr undrr par�graphs �_- <br /> � I nnd 2 shull bc uppl icJ: tint. to any� prepuymcnt rhurge.Jur midcr the Notc; xrcond,t��amountx paynblc under paragraph 3; �_. <br /> � . • interctit duc: fiwrth,to pri»cipal duc::md lu�t.ta any latr rhargc�Juc w�dcr thc Notc. ��-=�• <br /> t ' •� 4.Cha cs, Licns. Borrowcr�hall i alf tuxc�,a.,c.ymcnt.. rhar �. tinrs und im ��tUi�n,uttributable to thc Pro n r��, <br /> � � • t'� .•• p:y g•.. }x _. . pc y �.�,;::. <br /> � . which mu attuin ri�irit uver thi. Srrurit � ln,u�umcm. and Ica�chuld �u=�•- <br /> � , Y P Y > puymcnt.or grnund rents. if any. Borrc�wcr tihall puy <br /> �� � � thesc obli€ationx in thc munner prirvidrd in para�:ruph 2.or if nut paid in thut mamnr. &irrowcr shall pay them cm timc direcdy <br /> . :;;:,�,; to thet p��rsan i;wecl payment. &irru�•er�ht�ll prumpNy furni.h t�,l.rnder all n��tireti��f amc�unt�to he paid undrr this paragraph. �---�a� <br /> . � � If Borrowcr mukc�thcK paynnnt.Jircrd��. Borruwr�•�liall prurn�xly I'urnitih tu I.cixtrr rcrriptt r�-idrnring thc puymrnts. � <br /> �.. � ,� _.�'•; ' &�rrower shull promptly di�rhar�*c any licn whirh ha�pri��rit�• uvcr thiti Scrurih� In,trumcnt unlr+�&�rrc�wer: ;a)a�rcex in ��.i• <br /> ,. . 1'�'...:W <br /> .. wrfting to the paymcin of thc obli�atiun xcrured hy thc lien in u manncr urccptablc tu I.cnJcr. (bl rontetit�in g�xxi faith the licn in�.�ar <br /> �•_� i"' ., b ar d�stends u+uinst entiirccment of the lien in. Ie�al roc«Jin�� ���hich in thc IAnJer'> o inion o ratc ta revent thc �`��; <br /> Y• b 6 P b P P� P ,. . <br /> t �� ��;' enfnrcement of the licn:or (r).crur�.frum dic huldcr ut'thc licn an aerecmrnt tiati�Cactury tu Lender sutx�rtilinuting thc lien to '`—`-=-� <br /> �4 ;' ;:,ti thie Security Instrument. If I.rnJer determine�that any part nl'thr 1'ru�xny i,whjr�t to a lirn w•hich may attain priority uvcr �',: <br /> _! ti i. thie Sc.�curity inrttum�nt.l.cndrr ma}•giec Bnrn►ur�a nuti�c id�nlif'ying thr licn.&.rruNrr.hull satisfy thc licn or takr one or �:,�;. <br /> = t '.' • more of the uctions set font�abovc a•ithin IO duy+ot'thc giving iit noticc. �" <br /> ��x <br /> -�� � �• � � ""� Fam 3028 9l80 • <br /> - 1:;� ��--' <br /> Ppx 7 0�6 7wc,w•..- <br /> -- �•iE�:��':rp . . '^,R���.;. <br /> — :i��^ �;��: <br /> - �. <br /> -- ,.�. - • � �.. <br /> -!;:;:; �h. <br /> ';}�.:k ��, '� ..�;:. � <br /> —_ .•a <br /> :c- .t , .!.> . � " ' . ...:.1._ `:.'S.�.cY... <br /> �~ i.�i�. .:t,� _ __ ••_«.SaLGirt.. - <br /> ..—t��� +Lt:C..�.liJu„nv��.� _— . _ _ ._— r__.,- _--_—._ __.' __`�-' '.,`- ._,.� —,__=c _'__ .. .._-.. . .- <br /> -��ry `R"'y• y- . .. - '. ., •,j�{' ..#l'��:��.�n.'.,v_ . . <br /> �$ l'� :•� . . 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