.�. Y�j@� �tl+�Nk '•. Rv — -
<br /> .��. �..-.! �� e�.V'.'• .-+.. �[ - ._____ .
<br /> . � .. �r�.�j� . . , �'.•' • t '�'�i".w:•oM�.ai•._ _-
<br /> _ . . . t, .
<br /> . 7 ' ' '
<br /> ihY - ' - -rr.+. -- --
<br /> y� , . ... . �. . �
<br /> . �.� , 7.'rot.aaa�a t�++a.r. alphls M tt+.P.op.rty. M sa,ow.►w�.b pwon�+a»�.���r�
<br /> , < • Mds�a�► inMn�N, a Ihwr M a MpM proow��IhM nry dpnl�orNly M�t l,M�s dplMs N fM hop�q(� M�Pr'o�11F
<br /> v'����`� �� b�No�qMay,polv�M,br ae��rfon ur IaM1M�n a b«Norw iww a�p�IMloe�).tlNn Lrndw�r do Md pw►b►w1�Mr�►M�o�ry �-
<br /> 1_;.'_ . � b proMot 11�wM�of 1M hopMty Md LM�� tipM�b IIN PropM1y. UndM'�aolbns eMy inoM�p�yrp�r s��s Mawd b11�Iw�
<br /> �.. wNoA Iw p�1aMy aru thM t�a+d4► Miw�r�M.�ppwi�q In ooaf. P�YMq n�sombM wta�w�fs fMS�nd�M�YN on N�ho�r ts�
<br /> . .,,: �i npNr�. IYll�apb UndK�y Wu�o1on undw thN pr�pn��h 7.L�ndr dow not bw�b do�o.
<br /> 'I .'� lJ���owM Md LnM��'M 1c OMwt Mr�af p��d,� � �Map tIM dM�d i�r���t�t M�IMM
<br /> , ab.nd.hr a lo�y�bl.,v�lh rMw..l,upon eo1o.ira�,wfd�to ewrow.nqu«11na p�y�wM.
<br />- ' � ' e.:�ce�.�:;.�. !.-•� �s. a L.nar nqur.d�a+a�r�.w.no..s .oondwon a nrldrq ai.ios� �' ; e!� s.owM�r � -
<br /> � IminnwM.6anorar�IMM p�y MM p�wNYr�n4+t�d to�►Mb tlw Ma1p�0�Yw��a b��A.M.1or�ny r�oe� 1M waq�/�I�+w�a
<br /> -• povMrp� n�Y�d a1 L�nda Yip�M ot oMSM b bi Y1 �M�+t. 8olrow�► �IW py tlM P�� �b b obMin ao+iMp� w�b�M�M�Y
<br /> --"� pi�K b IM warq�p�YMUnna pnWo�Nly b �M�o1��a oo�t wbw�MirJ��qulwM�t b 1h�oo�t b Barow�of th��aq�Y��+�
<br /> � pwio�Mly b �M�A.kan an �b�nalp�p�bstrw apprnv�d by L��r. N�MWY�qu��t �t0�0����� w�ot
<br /> •�r`��. �v�bl�, oonow�r� p�y to lw�d�r Moh Month a wm �qeN to oe�wMRh ot tht y�y aw�t0�9� �'� P���b� P�bY
<br /> ~'�.,, —
<br />--:,�:,;• Bortowr wl��n tFN hwti� efovwspt MM�d or orad f0 M k1 �II�cA. l.M�d�r wi�oo�pR us�and rM�Y1 NM�V��M • bss �
<br /> _��:.. • . w. n�Mw h iw d �nalp�p�Insw�no�. Las n�w p�nw�ts�y no lapK b�hqut'�d. rt th� aplfon d L�tidir. I�alp�p�inwrnw
<br />-;i' oovwp�lh 1h�a�otrlt�nd ior th�pMiod tlnt l.wld�r nquk'MI P����►Y��'«�PP���d by L,N�dw�Pb b�oowMS�NN�W��nd is
<br /> _�'-. o6t�kad. BarowK shH WY � P�� ry4Wnd to m�NWn mortp�y� hwrar�a b MI�eR a to P►orid�a las n�v� urM/1M
<br /> �puk�nwK 1or�nalp�p��a��dt in aooadmw wNh any wrMt�NwnwK b�lwNn 8ortow��nd l�al�r a�ppfarbM hw. -
<br />- 9.MtpiQtlOtl. t,icr�u or iia a�::i a�y n�u nasorWbM�Ms sipon�nd in�p�oYon�d 1M PraP�tY. LN�du thd plw Boeow� ---
<br />• ooYa�t th� tYn� ot a pdor w an In�p�cYon ap�oiytiq�saNbN auw ta th�insWcloe. -.
<br /> 10. CwW�au�t�tlon. 71N proaMds at �ny awMd a d� lor d�pu. dk�ct or oons�qu�nWt. In oo�m�eYon wMb �nY p,�..�;
<br /> oondwwwYon or oYw WrYp W any prt of t1N Proprp►,or for oonwyM�a In Mu d oo�d�wtion.an h�nbY awpiNd and shr M p�id F'�°.V-
<br /> to Lwida. •';�..
<br /> in tM�vrit al a toW Ukiny of th�Prop�tY�th�prao�N thaN M+PPq�to th� wms s�cw�d bY thM S�arky Ins�R wh�Mr a '�,•"`
<br /> not th�n dw.wNh�ny�ocass pdd to eorroww. in th�w�nt of a putid 1�p ot th�Propwty in wM�h th�Wr mriat vaiw oi tl�e Re+p�r�Y �`'_'"`
<br /> • Nwwd�t�y bMo��th�taldnp is�qwl to a y►�tK tian t1N amax�t ot tM sums��arrd by this 3�a+riry InsYwmnt MndWMi►bNor�1M
<br /> Wdnp,unMss Barowr and UndK othatrvi��aprN N w�Ninp,th�swnt s�axrd by tNs S�axilY Insln�►t sh�b� nd�iad by th��moiru _
<br /> d ih�Dma�d��r�IpY�d NY th�foNnwiny tractlon:(a)th�total a�nant W tha wms s�a+rrd hrr�Nat�ty b�la�tht hWrp.dMikNd M►(W Mw
<br /> i�t nwk�t valw of th� Rop�ty kixn�t�ty bMon th�trdnp.My b�Mrkw shaN be pNd to Bor►ow�►.N�th�w�nt of a pAW Wdnp o1 Yw ��
<br /> t PropMty b whbF� tlw Wr mMk�t vaMw of tM Propwty Yrrn�Uy b(on th�takirW ts IKS thm th�amoa�nt ot th�wmt s�axrd Yn�Mi�l �°```''
<br /> bMor�1M t�idnp. unbss 8omiw�r and L�nd�othwwM�ptM In wrMinp c►unl�s aPP1eM�M hw olh�rwM�p'ovidw.th�prooMds shd b� �._.
<br /> �ppi�d W th�Nimt uound by this&rauNy Ins�N wh�AMr or eot th�swns w th�n dut. ---
<br /> J M tl»Pr+op�rty N abanJorwd by Boaowr•.or If�aRr notia by l�ndu to 8artowu that th�aoed�nnor aN�►s b tr��n�wd ar aMW __
<br /> � a d�Nn tor drn��.Bomow��r(�i��la�Wy�,.n�spo.n�d•b�L�nd�r withh 90 d�ys alt�tiw dat�•t►h-��otic�is piv�n.Lw�{�.� Qi��.��uti�►c.4�w�id..�ia yca:.:�y���.s�d �
<br /> ��_—•�•`YI`i�'_ � ��M/����11� W,�iN11-W�1����������W MI�����Nw �ww�w7 �IIM��4 A��1� k•.Sn..
<br /> �,M N�1 YM. rM�.. �
<br /> . Ur�� Un��nd Barow�r othMwia aprM in w�tbip. any applicatbn ot proc«ds to prMidpd shY not �oG�nd ar potlpon�th�dw d
<br /> d�ot th�monthtY WY�►ts��d to h psnpraphs 1 and 2 or ehanps ih�amount d sueh Wym�nls. �''�.-
<br /> � 11. Borrow�r Not R�taas�d: Fo�b�aranc� By L�ndor Not a W�Iva�. Ext«nk�+� N th. wn. b► pYm.nt « �� �
<br /> nw�afkn of w�atlr�tlon oi th�wm� s�cund by thit S�curily InaWrtwnt 9rant�d by L�nd�r to any wcassa in intwst ot Bonowa tMY �','.�:�
<br /> ! not opwst�to nN�a�th�R�bWry ot th�oriyku�Bortowr or BortowK's wee«eors h ht�nsf. L�ndK sh�M not b�nquY�d to oom��w �.:.--
<br /> prooM�ny� �p�k�st any wcc�asa in Int�r�at or Mus�ta�xi�nd tims tu paym�nt or olhe�wis�rtadNy a�morltt�tla� of th�s�rrn a�w►�d by r:"�'
<br /> i, this S�ourNy In�fnriwnt by n�son of�ny d�rtwnd tnrd�by ih�oriphat 8arowK cx 8orrowK's waewssors h iquw�My lorbrrar�a b�l� �• .
<br /> � Und�r in pc�dtinp any dpht a nm�cly sh�not b�a walv�►ot or pndud�the aKd�e o(any�lyht or ranwdy. " "'
<br /> :� 1Z. Sueewaors and As�ipns Bound; Joint and Sovorsi Usbllity;Castnn�rs. Th. cov«unts and apn.m.na ot ': �
<br /> thft B�a�My In�tnamnt thY bind snd b�n�lit th�wccaason and astipns ot t�ndK and Bortowr. sun�a w tn. w�ovt�on• a w�v�
<br /> 17. BorrowK'� cov�nb and aprNnwnts shal b� joint and s�v�ral. My Bortowar wno co-sipns this S�axity fnstrunNnt but dop not r...;.
<br /> �x�ub th� Not�: (�)Is aasipnMq thit 3�w�ity insirummt onN to matya9���ranf,and conv�y that 8orrowr's intr�st b ih�P►op+rpr trid�► �; •-
<br /> � th�t�rms ot this S�a�ily Instrumrit: (b) is not p�rsonaNy oblip�t�d to pay th�sums s�cund by thts S�auky InsUUrNnt; +nd(c)�On+s ti�t �
<br /> L�ndr�nd any othu Barowv m�y�yrM to uchnd� modiM, torb�a m�k�any accortrnodations witb np�rd to Ur�s oi thb Srarily ,_
<br /> � In�trwMnt or ih� Nob without that Barow�r's con:ent. ��"^-
<br /> 13. LosD Chi1'gYl. N the Ian sseund by this S�auity InsWmmt ta wbJ�ct to a kw whbh s�tt nyxlnmrn bsn elw��,�nd th�t r.:..,
<br /> " t�w ia �w1y ht�prM�d w that th� ht�nst or oth�r lan ch�ryas coq�cted u to be eoMct�d in eonn�ctbn wkh th� lo�n bteMd thr
<br /> � pMmMbd Wnki,th�n;(�)any wch lan chvy�s ahat b�ndue�d by th��nount n�sary to nduu th�eharp�to th� prn�tl�d 1n��nd • . .
<br /> � ro�a�y .�n..r.�a,r�.a.a ,r«n eoROwK Wn�n .��..a.a p.�,�,�ec.a �nu. w� e.�w�a.d to eo�ow.�. �«w..�,.y cnoo..eo m.k. s,:-:<,-
<br /> �.,_;.;
<br /> , thl� �und by ndudn� iht PrindpN ow�d undK th�Not� a by maWnp• dinc! payrn�nt to Ba►owK. M a�dnd nduas pindpd.tM ;•'�=
<br /> ! • nductlon wiM b�trMi�d u a patW pnpayment withaut�ny pnp�ynwnt ch�ry�undar the NoU. �
<br /> 14. Notieol. My�oda to 9orrow�r provid�d tor h this S�curily Insinwront ihar be 91van Dy d�W�rk�p k a by m�Yinq k by irst
<br /> :;� dus m�t unM�s �ppYo�bie rw nquk�s uu of anothK m�thod. Tlu notla shaM be dinebd to the Rop�ty Addnss or my othr addnss
<br /> ' 3 " 8orrowK d�slpn�tK by noUo�to L�ndK.My nottu to Lend�r sheM b�ylv�n by 1lrst cdss m�i to UndK's addr�ss sLbd hrMn or any
<br /> 1 �� ,, olhr addnss L�d�r dKiqn�ta by noUc�to Barowr. My notla provW�d ta In ti�is S�cudty ImtrunMnt sh�A b�d�n�d W h�vt bMn
<br /> ;;.: �'' • ' yM�n to BorrowK a L�d�r whm pN�n �s provkl�d In thls parayraph.
<br /> �.±:: � . . 15. Qov��ninp l.aw; Sovorability. This S.curity!nstnm.ni ahal be povwned by bdwal Mw and tM ww of tM JurM�fon h
<br /> Li,� �� ' • ��' whtch th�PropKty k bcatad. In tho w�nt that any provtsion a dMtse af ihls Security Inatrum�M a th�NoU�an�ctt wNh appMabk I�w,
<br /> , �.., wch oa�llct shat not �M�ct othK provt�lona of thts Seeudty Insv�.mtnt a th� NW� which can be yiwn MK.'t wklaut th� con�Yn9 .
<br /> re•� provbbn. To thfs md tM provkbns of thN S�curily Inatr�xn�nt and tik Note an d�cYr�d to b�s�w�bM.
<br /> , � ,':�'.i;,, 16. BoROWK's C�fy. BortovrM siwl b�yNen om contamed copy ot tM Not�and ot tl+w S�a�rily Natt�wnt
<br /> %,`i`�,.� . 17.Transf�r of th� Prop�rty or a Ban�ftc W Inbnst in aorrow�r. K.�a�ry wn d tM Pro�N«any h�Mt in
<br /> ••t-��� t '��;`, :�.:
<br /> k k�old or rinsMmd (ar M�Mndci�l Y�t�rat in Barow�r is satd a transt«nd and Borroww is aot a naAx�l pwsoo) wkhaut L�nd�r's
<br /> �'",-�-. --- -� pdor wda«� oonsmt,t..ndu m.y, at Rs opaon.�hw�i.a.t• p.ym.nt in 1w ot a1�t s.ax.a�y w.s.awny�su�nw�. i�iow.�r� -
<br /> �' Ws apfion sh�t not b�rards�d by L�ndu M�xrds�is pmhibkd by 1�dra1 ww as ot tM dat�of this S�arUy Inslnrr�n�
<br /> � . i K LMI�f�(�fO�iM 1�1{{ OP11011. LQ1d�f ih�N QMf BOROWK tW1iC�O��CqIQNIOfI.TIN IfOUC!shN pfOV{��PM� OI IWf IMi 11MI1 30
<br /> �=� ' d.y.ro�s�.a.r m.oo�e. a d.w.r.a a m.wa�nr, wn�n u+. e�oww nwa p.y w � ..o�,�.a by u�.s«w�y w,.a�«x. M
<br /> .�` _ , . BOIIOWK�{tQ �thM!�IMtlt�LO iM�OfpM�t{Ofl 0}111M p�fbd.L�fIdK fYMy YIYOi(��II�I fMll�s pMRIMt«I Ey t111� S�qIfNY klt�{NIIQIt
<br /> . . ' 1M�W11�*NI�Nf IfO�Of dMlMfld Ofl BOffOW�f.
<br /> .r.:.,:�:.., •
<br /> � Pav.a a s ��e woo
<br /> •t t
<br /> c��r�.. M.h .�'',,,, �'•�.��(�� ..
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<br />.�'�—-- • �� �
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