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<br /> `�� .s>�v d'� �y� t� � . � rt;, at��,i,' �,? u�p r"
<br /> +'� � ,ia 3 �qt � �a r '� �-�y A s .
<br /> �t a" v .� �: k �, � '� =N �t.z�, " v*. . 3� ...
<br /> �� �,. x �.y Y�, � t y ,.v„, ,,M� � ' . ,�.; .�w ..
<br />.� 1� i�y Y,� ��� <�.�ta �.k7�1 r �C�1
<br /> -'�'" '1'CX�ETHF�t WTFH dl the impruvemaw aow ar Aaealler ererted an�e+e propatq.rd a�ea�ea�ars,appYrtn�000,
<br /> ii�Rk(Yfii 8uw tH �itft�il2(7 d�i((Gt'w'it pf0�. 1�::�^���.ib0�t OOYCR,I��Iq$K�1R)r
<br /> 11uit1M11pu. Aif of Itfe(arcgMn j u rrlerted W m'�b Secwny fe�av+aeni��e"'-�-;-^�'
<br /> SORRQ�R COVENAM'$thu Botruwer is law�fully�ciied of the esra�e Aneb�cqnc�.ed rd hu d�e rifht b Qae�
<br /> a�oom'cy the RopMy ud Nst the Property h�wnDe+�d.txap fa c�vnbtaecd d rccad Bormwer warr�tks i�d
<br /> w/iu defend ra�aaiiy�i+o u,ie w+he PropeA7+taMy aU ciaims and dcszs�,:..:...r��,�branoa a(roc«d
<br /> 7WS SELVRCTY [NS7RUMEM confbMa wfa�m core�rm fa orimat �e ad sotaadam covaenn .�irh
<br /> H�ei�e�d rariMia►.tw}uri.diction w co�1e a rpHcen�,muicY sntrument corern�t�p�opi,�r,
<br /> UNIFORM OOVENAN!'S. Bortow�et aed Leoder oovqunt add sjtee�s 6dfo�wr.
<br /> 1- h�eal d Pr�e�l Md I�Ie�fi N�y�eal a�/l.aft CY�r�s Har�er�Adl promptty pry wlKn dae�6e
<br /> �af�od itaa+ai oa the debt evideot,rod bp Me I!fole�ad auy prcprymeat a�d h1e ci�r'es 4ie mda drc No1e.
<br />��.� � Plydt Ibr'Ifua a�d Lwra�e�.3�c[Iia tawr a ro s vriues wirer bs is�det.Boao�ves i6W pap�o
<br /> , 'I�rdet 6e tlie dn'moqttdl WY�ae d�e�det/ie���e No�e a pid i�fi.s a�('iinds7[or.(a)�earb
<br /> ._._�..p�ars cr Faxd eaus on�die������i��surssie�a�iolla/en�:lb)lea�fyleoe�ai!� ..:, °�
<br /> �r• �tl:(�)7"�uh trrad a RnPc�h i�auce Pre�: (�yearlr tlood
<br /> �at�oe vte�erimra. �r any:c�>,'�r���aace vma.ms.if,Ar:�.a m.ry saos p.r.ek by e«row�r eo
<br /> L.ender.in+ccordance wi�h the provisions ot piraQaph 8.in liw d the paymrnt o(mo�rtp�e iownnce pnm�wr� 'ilfex
<br /> ilemt aie called"Escrow Itetrts." L.ender m�y.�t aoy 4ne.eo�lai aod Aold fiiods m s aoa�ot oot ID aceed t6e tm�an
<br /> amouru a lender for�tedenlly rclated mort[qe lor�maY raryire tor Borto+ral tscraM accoant mder tbe fedenl Rcal
<br /> Esute Cetlktnent iTOCeawu Ac�of 197d u+mended fram[ime co timc.�t iia.C.�tb�!ec xq.('RESPA'�.unlas anothc.
<br /> law�d�..applid!o the Funcls sets a Iesfer uaouot. !f so.Lader rmy.at any time.cotfcc�t aod Aold fiodt m ao m�o�o�not w
<br /> exoeed the ksser artrc�um. L.ender may e�1e the ar�ount of FvnC;�e ao dr bnis of c�nt dua and rea�onable
<br /> estinuta of expaidimrcs of future Etcrow Itdms a atherwise ir accudanct wid�appticabk Iaw.
<br /> The Fiu�ds shall be held in an institution wlpx depas�ts arc irtsured h� .federal agafcy. irturumrntaliry:or en[ity
<br /> (iircluding I.e�der,if Lender is xuch an instirotionl or in any Fcdcral HortK Laan Bank. (.et�der sAall app�y the Funds to PaY
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lerxler may na charge Bortower for hold�ng ard app��ing the fiaids,armwlly uulyung the escrow
<br /> sccount.or verifying tht Escrow Items. unkss I.etder pays Borrowtt intcrcu on the Funds ard applicable law pertnits
<br /> Lender to make such a charge. Ilowe�er,Lender may require B,�r.�,wer to�y a one-ume charge for an independent real
<br /> estate tax rcponing servicc uud by LEnder in connectlo�with this I�un_unlrti,apptitabk law provides aherwiu. Unkss an
<br /> agreement is made or applicablc law reyuircs inittest to be paid.Len�rr shs!!not bc requ�red to pay Borrower any interes�or
<br /> eam�ngs on the Funds. gortowcr and Lender may agK in wnting,however.ttw mtere.0 shall ix paid on ihe Funds. Lender
<br /> shnll give�o Borrower,wi�Aout charge,an annual accounting o(�he Fur�ds,�twwmg c��s and debits te ihe Fcnds and the
<br /> purpou fur which each debi�io�Ix Fund,waz rt�ade, 7��n�,�r pledgeci a,�twnal secunry for all wms secured by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 1(the Funds A�Id by Lrnder exceed the smoun�s permitted to bc hcld by appl�cabk law, LeMkr shall account to
<br /> Borrower fo�C:e excess Funds in aecordance with the rcquirements of applicabk larr. If the amount of�he Funds held by
<br /> Leuder at any time is not sufficient to pay thc Fscrow�tems when dur,Lrnckr may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> sueh ea.se Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount neces.ary to m:ilce up�he deficirncy. Bortower shall make up the
<br /> deficiency in no morc than twelvc monthly paymerns,at Lender's soly d�screticm.
<br /> Upon payment in full i�f all sums secural by this Securitp Inswmcnt,Lcrxk�r s1�111 promptly refund to Horrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lendec If,unJer paragraph 21,L.ender shall acyuire or xll the Prooerty.L.erder,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Propeny, shall apply any Fund�hdd by LenJcr ai thr timr o(xymsrtioa or sale as a credi[against the sums
<br /> ucured by this Securi�y Inswmrnt.
<br /> 3. Application of Paymentx. Unlc�, �pp�i��hlc law procidr, cxhrn.�x, all paymenes received by Lender under
<br /> paragraph� 1 and 2 shall tx applieJ:first,w any�p��mem chargr>dur ur,clrr ttK�ae;�econd,to amounts payable under
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest dur;(ounh.to pnncipal dur::u�d I�.t,to;un I�ec ch�rec,due undrr the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shrll pay a�� taxr�, aiu.,ment�. clurerc_ (ine� and �mposiuons attnbutable to the
<br /> Property which may att•rin prionty ovrr this Security trotrumcni,anJ leaxM,ld Fu�ment�cx gnwnd rents.�f any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obligauons in ihr manner proriJrd in paragrrph_',ur il n.,i��d m ttut mannrr.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time direcUy to�he prrson owrd payment. Borrowrr�hall prompdy furni h tu L�•mSer all ncxica of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Rurrow�r make.the>e oa}mrnu dircc[ly.Borrowrr.h.�ll promptn fumi,h tu Lender receipts e�idencing
<br /> the payments.
<br /> $ortower shall prompdp dixhargc any lirn whirh has priont�o�cr thu kturm Imwmcm unle�s Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to the pryment of the ohli�ation.ecurcd hr the lirn m r m:uinrr ar.rpt�hlt to Lcnder,�b)contests in good fai[h the
<br /> lienby,ur defcnds against enforcemcm of�hr brn in,Irgal prcxtrding,wh�ih m tht Lernlrr',opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or Icl,rcurc�frum ttx hulJrr of che hen an agrerrtxm.;iti frson to Ltndtr iubordinating the lien
<br /> �o this Securily'�strumem. If Lender dcirrmi�r.Ihat any par,of thr Rc.prrt� �.�ublrrt tu s lizn which ma� attain pnorit}
<br /> over this Securiry Inswmem.Lender ma�givr Bortuaer e nouce i�kntif�m_ttx hrn Borrouer;hafl�atisfy the lien or taF:e
<br /> one or morc of the actions set forth a��ve w�thin i0 da��of tfie grving of notnr.
<br /> 5. Ha7ard or Property Insurance. Borrowrr,ha11 krrp thr impnnrrtxnt.now zii�ung or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Ropeny insured against lo,s by firr,h�zarJ.inctuJrd wrthm thr Irnn"euen.k.1 cu.zrs�r"and any othrr hazards,including
<br /> f7oods or flooeling, for which Lrnder rcywrr. imueuicr. This m,ur�nir .h�ll hr msint�med in the amounts and for the
<br /> . Furm3028 9/90 r�er?nf6�uKrs�
<br />