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<br /> of wk,�nd tbe�le�IIICIYI�III�111!P11y111Cp1 O�(ht 7y'YTtlC'�f!!S i1�tUally IACIIITtd�not tu exceed 3.0 96 of
<br /> -- tUe pMncip�i�mrwnt ui'ii�uuie p4 tQe tlmc af thc dtclaratlon e�t dete��tl�Awd rearonabk attorneys'feei ax permftted
<br /> by I�w�(bl to dl waa�ahured by thi�Se�writy Imtruauat;aNd(c)aay exces�to the perw�or persoai k�lly entitkd .
<br /> a u.
<br /> 22. Recoavey�ace. Up�x� �uyment of�►11 xums secured by this Security Insirument.Lender shall reyuest 7tustee t�
<br /> recatvey the Pre�xrty +u�d s+hall surrcnder this Security Instn+ment und nll nate+evidencing deM secured by this Security
<br /> In�trument to'Ii�u�ta. 'Iiustce xhwll rcconvcy thc Poaperty without wurr�nty+u�d without churQe to the perse�n or persons
<br /> -_ _ __ _ -____�.,� legrlly entided ta it. Such person ur penons shali pay nny rccardation costti.
<br /> — -- - --- 23. Substitute Trustee. Lcndcr,at iis uptiv��,niay fram timc tn time re�nove'Il�uStec and appoint a wcccssor wstcc ta .
<br /> --- --= any 'livstee appointal hereunder by pn irntrument rccorded in th�county in which this Security lnstrument is rccorded.
<br /> Without conveymue af the Property,the SUCCCSSOf INSICC BBiiII fUCCCCd IO AII II1C 11IIN, power and duties conferred upon
<br /> 'Iirustec hercin and by applicable luw.
<br /> ----- — 24. Request[or Noticee. Barowcr rcyuestx that copics af thc noticcs of default�nd sale be sent to Bormwer's address
<br /> which is the Propcny Addrers.
<br /> _ � 25. Riders to thls Security Instrument. If ane or man:riikn s+re exccuted by Borrowcr and recorded tagcther with
<br /> this Securiry Instrument,the covenants and agmemenls of euch such rider shall he irxurporated tnta and sh�ll amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and Agneements of this Security Instrument ati if the rider(s►were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> _ �Check applicuble box(es)1
<br /> __ - __--_-----_ �AdjusWble itate Rider �Condominium Rider �I�4 Family Rider
<br />�'•'� �araduated Paymeat Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Paymcsnt Rider
<br />� Rider Rate Improvement Rider �Se�ond Nome Rider
<br /> �Balloon ❑
<br /> � i ..�,1• 1...F 4
<br /> � �Other(s)(specify] pSSIGIVnIENT OF RENTS
<br /> BY SIGNINa BELOW,Bartower uccepts nnd agrees to[he rerms and covenants contaned in this Security Instrument
<br /> , { and in uny rideKs)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ; Q, Witnesses:
<br />-� Y�r.�%: "�� (Scal)
<br />-,',�:. ` ,
<br /> - l308ERT E. Si�ECK -���+�t►
<br /> .�r�rr-x:r-,3a•�r��..r;,I:r 5�6-58-?661
<br /> i':�i' .� • a,,`i>,.j{�. Sociul Security Number�j�'
<br />.,(1; .1�6y_.u:Ma;',..'.J. ,+ ____1^S'���fSd6.CLf�'-"�=_ �/C / IC[�:Il)
<br /> `�-�;;�� . .• ' SHARON A. SPECK -s�xmw�r
<br /> . _, .. . , Socia!Sccurity Number 506-60-6625
<br /> `��' � '� � HALL Countytiti:
<br /> -�....;.� , STATE OF NEBRASKA.
<br />�:,. •;ri�v�;.+,1.+.�:,,,�7r+;wc..
<br /> �' �-�'•r•�_� 18TH y NOVEI�BER 1993 ,hcti�rr me.thr undrrri ncd.a Now Public
<br /> "� ' � On thi, da uf F TY
<br /> � ���''"'n duly commissioned and yuulified for suid counq,penonatly cacne ROBERT E. SPECK AND SHARON A. SPECK,
<br /> :.••... ., ..
<br /> '' " � � HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me known to bc thc
<br /> � ,��_.�,�.�•. ,�..: identical persons(s)whosr name(s) arc xubxcribcd to the forcgoinF instrument and ucknowledged the exccution thcrcof to
<br /> ���",�.,�r ,••-�-�;••• b� THEIR voluneary act and dced.
<br /> '.n�T':`''�'"�`�'' Witness my h:►nd und noririal scai at GRAND I SL ND, NEBRASKA in said county,thc
<br /> '�. .. L J �
<br /> �w;i�.-:,.••;.. r; �� datc aforesaid. ?7?�
<br /> �':,.�, , �-.� /
<br /> " ' � My Commission cxpi s: �L�tA11M.Sa1M N�r1it� �,��
<br /> �� �' pEpQR/W L KMAOLE Nanty Poblic
<br /> t .
<br /> �_^�. c...�..;_',.,•'�•�.� ' RRECONVEYANCE
<br />_ ��{�,,�,� .. TO TRUSTFE:
<br /> ,-=- _ - The undcrsigncd is thc holdcr of the notc or notcti srcured by this Decd uf'ii�uxt. Said note or notes, togcthcr with all
<br /> '— ,��'.4_�tl' other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Rv+t,havc been paid in full. You an hrreby directed to cancel said note or noteti
<br /> ,, s• r,� •., and this Dced of'Iivxt,which arc dclivercd hcrcby,and to rcconvey.without warrunty,ail thc estate now hcld by you under
<br />-- -:•�,M.� • this Deed of'Itust tu thc penon or penuns Icgally cntiticd thcrcto.
<br />_ 'C.�t:.Y?'., .:,
<br /> '-� ,<�h; >M-�.,..:. Date•
<br />_ _ :,+'����.�, Fbnn i028 9/90 i rbn A esl
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