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<br /> -- — �- -�+ ' {93- ii0c�54
<br /> TH18 h881QNMENT OF RENT8 RIOER Is mad��nd�x�cut�d thl� 18TH �y o�. NOUEM9ER ��p 93 ����
<br /> _ _ _ Inoor�aat�d Into and sMll b�dNrt�d to�nd and wppl�nt th�µo►tQ�p�a ONd of Trust,hKNnaft�r nlK►�d to w th� _
<br /> "S�ourity Instrurn�nt". of th�sartN dat� piwn by!h� undNSlpn�d,�s►Nnatt�r r�fKr�d to u iiw"6orrowK", Ev s�cu►:
<br /> Borrow�r'�Ind�bt�dn�s�.h�nlnaN�r��t�rnd to as th�"Not�",to HOME FEOERAL SAVINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> (iRAN018LAN0,h�nlnaft�r nf�md to u th�'�L,�nd�".ol th��art�d�t�and covKinp th�prop�rty d�sarib�d�n tM 8�aurit�
<br /> ----- = Instrun�nt snd bcat�d at:
<br /> ��� �---'�� lPrvperty Addres�) --
<br /> -� WITNESSETH:
<br /> _ � - - -- WHEREA3, Borrowu and L�nder h�w apnsd that any nnts and proflts �tt�ibut�bla to tlK+ prop�rty ehould ao�stftutt
<br /> �- ����� addltional Ncurity to th�L�nd�r tor th�payrrNnt of th�Not�;
<br /> ��''`� ��W,.��"� NOW,THEREFOiiE,it Is�p►e�d that th�Socurity intt�um�nt shall b�amend�d hK�by and dNmsd to includ�th�followlnp
<br /> � - -.-------�== provisions:
<br /> — -�.�:�`iu�rni�1�
<br /> t�,. t. �sianment of Rent and Lender Rental Coitention Riahts.Borrow�r hereby�bsoiutely and unconditlontlty�atl9na ail
<br /> rsnts, Issuea and profits of the property to 8eneficlary. Lendsr ah�ii have the riQht,powe� and authorlty duriny tM
<br /> --- ==-�-•��� continu�ncs oi tha 3ecurity Inatrumsnt to collaCt th�rants,laauea and profit�of the prope►ty and ot any pereon�l propeKy
<br /> Ix�ted thereon with or without takinp possession of the prope►ty attectod Iwroby.Lend�r,however,hsreby contents to
<br /> • ` ���' "' �+' BorrowsPs coti�ction and rotention of such ronts,lssuas and proflts aa they acc►w and bacom�payabia,ao lonp ae 8orrow�r
<br />. � t, �..�...�r.�;,,�.-r.u, la eot,at auch time,in defauit with reapeat to payr�wnt of any{ndebtedrwss socurad h�r�by,or in the perfamanc�of any
<br /> ��••�•; ••••a-•-�;:� ' aprNmsnt h�reundtr.
<br /> ,jx.,��ay:y.�rL•.�.::c '
<br /> . � �� � •. 2. QQuointment of Receiver. If any event of default in respect to the Socu�ity Instrumant shall have occurred and bs
<br /> �' f� conttnulnp, Le�der.as a mAtter of ripht end without notice to Borrower or anyone clalminp under Borrower, and without �
<br /> YJ4s�;e,.y..::`•✓i�!';•';w
<br /> ,, - ,,,, rspard to the v�lue of the trost astate or the interest of th�Borrowar therein.ahalt haw the N�ht to appty to any coud havinp
<br /> '' ' � " �;: : Jurluliction to appoint a rece(ver of the property.
<br /> '*' 7i•'°���•='"�:,,••.� 3. BIaAt to Poasesalon.In case ot default in the pAyment of the seid princlpai Note or intereat,or any paR the�vot,as ft
<br /> �,; .•.�•� '�° ��� 7 sha�l mature,or In the c�se of faiture to keep or pertorm any of the covenants or apreemente contained in tlw Security Instru-
<br /> ' ment,then the Lender, its successors or asalqns, shati be and ia hereby authorized and empowered to take Immadiats
<br /> � ' • � posaeesion of tM said premleea therafn dsacribed and to coftoot the�snta thenfrom.and to appiy the p�oc�sds thsreot to tM
<br />'�;�. �•�A : ,�:.,�.' �; paym�nt of theNote.
<br /> „....•:,.
<br /> _ �'_k�.��.+���i��:s 4, e,r.nitrt�tir,n�,f Rwr�t�.�ER��An ra�i Profitn.AO rents coileated by Lendar or the recelv�r sh�ll be app�led fir3t to payment
<br /> �'�%�.� � " ' " of thecosts of m�napement of the property and cotlectlan ot rents,Includin�,but not Ilmited to,receivor's fe�a,premfums on
<br /> recelvePS bonde and reasonable attomey's fees,and then to the eums secured by the Sacurity Inst�ument.Lender and tha
<br /> recNver shail be�iabie to account onty for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> . ' . 5. ¢onstruction of Provlsions.Eaah at the provisions contafned in this Assignment of Rents Rider and the Security Instru-
<br />_ ,::•�� ment thali, unleas otherwise specificaliy required,be construed in accordance with NeDraska law. and in the event any
<br />-. � ' provialon heretn or therein contained shail be determined by a court ot comp6tent Juriediction to be unenforceabie,the same
<br /> � � shall be con�trued aa thouph such unenforceable provislon were not a part hereof or thereof. -_
<br /> �� 8. Effect of Rlder.Except as specificsily modffled by or inconsistent with thfs Asslpnment ot Rents Rider or by any other �'
<br /> � applic�bie rider,all of the terma�nd provislons contai�ed in tfie Security Instrume�t ahali continue in fuil force and etfect. �--
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> :� IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this s lynment of Rents n the �te st noted above. �•
<br /> 1
<br />• �:�- -
<br /> �Borrow =
<br /> -L�-�'9 i—i �
<br />' ' COLEEN R. FAGAN eorro r =
<br /> �'•.• '� � �ss: -.
<br /> �. � COUNTY OF HALL ) �
<br />' �'�� � On thia �8TH day of NOUEmBER ,19 93 ,�tore me,the undersipned, a Not�ry Pubilc duty commisaioned and
<br /> y�r �yr�'. ��a_-
<br />_ � , quatiff�d for sald county,personally came JAmES R FAGAN AND COLEEN R FAGAN. HUSBANO AND WIFE
<br /> ,to be the identicel person(s)whose name(s)181are subscribed �
<br /> _ �,�� to th�foapoi�p Instrument,and helshelthey acknowledqe the execution thereof to be hisfherlthelr voluntary act and deed.
<br /> h' �_
<br /> - � Witneae my hond�nd Notarial Sea1 at GRANQ_ISLAND, NEBRASKA ;-
<br /> �, ,_.
<br /> . �� � tn s�id co the date a aid. _.,
<br /> !s n ��/(y.�J
<br /> - crLa . . ��1110'N1w w�
<br /> �yk�.., . KIRK GOOOi�MGMT
<br /> �, s+tt'::;•::.!��`. Nv f.nr�Etio OG1.16.1995 Notary Publlc �
<br /> .�:':.,'
<br /> �:ti _ =L My Commisslon expires: -
<br /> ._,� �' i.��
<br /> IIF�OOOp1�1 -
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