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<br /> applic�ble law may�pecify fbr rcin�Natement) befa�c csle of tha Propatty pqr�w�nt to t��bwet of We conWned in this -
<br /> Secudty Inurument;or(b)entry of�judQment enforcM�ttii�Socurity Inr►trWr►snt. 7'ho�e condidana�rc that Borrowor. (�)
<br /> p�ys Lender dl sums which then would be due under thi� Securiry Itw�{rµ»tene u�d the Note ns if no uccaler�tfon had
<br /> occ�md:(b)curcs any defwlt ot any other rovenar►ts a agreemant�;(ca pr�X�d�axpenses incumed in enfotoing this Security
<br /> Inztrurtaeut,i�cludin�, but not limited to, rc�sonabte �uorneys'feas; and (ci)Wke�such ection u C,ender may re�u�wbty
<br /> roquiR to�csurc tlut thc lien of this Sccurity Instrumem,Lenderb ri�htn irt►f�Propeny aid Bom�werl�obli�tdon to pny the
<br /> . sums serured by th�.s Security Instrument shall continue unchnnged. ltport rcinstntement hy Rorrower, ihis Security _
<br /> -� Inctrument and the obligetlons sxurcd hereby stWl rcmain fully effectiva�.ef nq scceleratio�had occurrod. However.this�
<br /> '"� ri�ht w reinstate sFull nat apply in the case of scceleration under pangraph a 7.
<br /> 19. Stle ot Note; Chan�e ot Lou Servker. The Note or A�Artia) inttircst in the Noro (rogether with this Security
<br /> Instrument)rtny be sold ane or more times without prior notica to Bixxnwvr. A sale may result in a change in the entlty
<br /> �� (known as the"1.oAn Servicer')that colleets monthly payment�dua undcf 1i�1 Nota and thic Sccuriry [nsuutnent. There�Iso
<br /> - _— may be one or morc changcs of thc Loan Scrviccr unrelated to a sale of thq NW,�. !f there is�change of thc I.o�r►Servicer,
<br /> --_ -- �v�:�� Borrower will be given written aotice of the char►ge in accoedanca wtth�qg�sph 14 above and applicuble law. 77�e notice
<br /> - - --- wlll state the nama and address of the new La�n Servicer and tha uddcK�s ta vrhi�h payments should be mode. The notice wiU
<br /> ��,� also contain any other information roquired by appikabte law.
<br /> -- - 20. 1{AZprdoua Substances. Barrawer shall not cause or p�rmit thu prssenGa,use,disposal,storage.or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or In the Property. Barrower shAll not do. nrx all�ow�anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br />',•- P�•opeity tlwt is In violativn of•any F.�ivi��unmentat Law. Thc preceding twa sentanGas st�lf not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> ____ = storage on the Property of small quanuties of Hazu�dous Subatances ti�t arc ganarally recogniud to be appropriate to normnl
<br /> - ='a residential uses and to maintcnanca of the P'roperty.
<br />_ �;;�;a";:�;��:j, Borrower shall prompdy givc[.ender wcitten ix�tice of any in�•estigutinn,claim,demand,lawsuit or otl�er action by any
<br />. --+� ����; govemmental or regulatory agency or pdvate party invalving che Pn�.�eny and.any HazaMous Substance or Environmental
<br /> :� .''.:�:'� Law of which Barawer has actu�i knowledge. [f Borrower learns, or is nqtified by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> .�,.y .�,• . .
<br /> �'ti,�::. , ' authority,that any removal or ather remediation of any Huzardous SubstanGa aff'ecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ��,;;:.bY:�,,•__,�:,� � shall promptly take all necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Eti�vicanmantal Law.
<br />. fY . .
<br /> '� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Sututances'are thuse�ufr�tanaar�defined as tozic or ha�ardous substances by
<br /> -�°•�;�t .•c;,��:,�,� Environmental Law and the following substences: gasoline,korosen�,othur flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> � `°�''''"''°'�'�r •.- sticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containin atibestos or formaldeh de,and rudioactive muterials. As
<br /> �.°y� • �. P� R Y
<br />_ +b������=;�. used in this parugraph 20,"Environmental l.aw"menns federol I�ws�nc1 lawe pt,tt►e jurisdiction wtxre the Property is located
<br /> ',,��-'�`"`F'� ' tlu�t nlate to health,safery or environmental protecdon.
<br /> �.t�4.�.::e..._. ::7 �_
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and I.ender furtber cavonnnGand agree as follows:
<br /> :��;,;'Y;�,°,,: �.4:'•` 2 1. Ac c e kra U o n; Re m e d i e s. L e n der s h a l l gi�e a o t ke to B o crawer p�ior to acce lera t ion t d low ing Borrower•s
<br /> _ _ ��tiy` ` breach otmv covenant or aRrcement in this Security Ingtrumenl td�M,rtn+e,prior to Accekrs�tbn uoder paragraph 17 ,
<br /> • unless applicable Inw�provldes otherwise). The notice shall Hpecify: (ay tht default;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> "' `� ��' ' default; (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date ihe eotiice is.given tu Borrower,by wbtch the default must be
<br /> �;, . . cu:ed;and(d)that tailure to cure the default on or bePore the da�te spscif3ed in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> >,,;.� _. the sums secured by fhis Security Instrument and sak of the Prq�eM��, The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> r,;<5,;� . " the r(ght to retnatate a�ter acceterAtian and the righk to�rinig:►car�t act4ow to Assert the non�existence of A detault or
<br />° 'r" " any other defense of Borrower to acceleration And sak, If tlae defau�l i�nvt cured o�ur before the date specit7ed in
<br /> - „ . the notice,Lende�at its optbn may require immediate payment�ir.�aK nP,ail sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ���'��� � �- without furtNer demand and may invoke the power of sak aMd as�v,w,�er remedies permitted by applicable Inw
<br /> • Lender shwll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pyrraiir�t the remedies provided in this paragraph 21. `
<br /> • • . lncluding,but aot limited to.reasan�ble attorneys'fees stnd c�sts nP titk evidence.
<br />_�. �! : N It tt�e power of s�le Is im•oked.Trustee shall�record a nr�tice of dreFault in each county in whkh s�ny part oF the
<br /> _� ,� � ` Property is locwted And�sh�ll m�il copies of sucb ootice iR the m�nn�tr paescribed by�pplicable law to Borrower and to
<br />,_�'' ' �:,��.:�;.F• ,,�a the other persons presceibed by upplicubte law•. A�ter the�io�e n.qviucrl by upplkable law.7Yustee shAll give pubik
<br /> " � ' notice of swle to tt�e persons And in the mannrr prescrjbed b�•r�ppleSat�fle lae: Trustee.wlthout demund on Borrower.
<br /> shall sell the Aroperty s�t puWic uuction to the hi�hest bidder�t tM1 time and place and under the terms desi�nated in -
<br /> • « �"'• • ;,r• the notke of sale in one or more parcels and in�nv order 7Yustee d4termines. 1Yustee m�y postpone sale of pll or Any _.
<br /> ' ; �: , ° parcel of the Property by puWic unnuuncemrnt�t Ihe tiroo und placa nt aoy previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br />` desi�nee may purchosr the Prupe�ty ut any sale. -
<br /> `- • Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.7lrustec shul!d4li�er ro the purch�tier 7Yustee's deed conveying the '
<br /> '•� Property. The recltals in the 71�ustce's dc��d shall bc primu Fuie ev�dance of the truth of the st�tements m�de therein.
<br /> � " 'I�ustce sball�ppi�the pruceeds ot the u�le in the fo1l��winA order: ta)�a ali custs and expenses of exercising the power -
<br /> -`+... r�,;�i,; .
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