_.� �`►.� J—
<br /> ^'� ,d� - �_—�—
<br /> � -- _��. �• —-
<br /> paiods that l.ende�reyuiro�. The inrurnr�co ciurie�providin�Ua inwr�ace shall be charen by��l��endati
<br /> {. --� �pprov�l whkh�II not be urmeason�bly wlthheid. if Hoccower Caiti to�rWinain coven�e deicribod�bove.LaKier map,�i `
<br /> L.awier�optfon,i�buJn cavera�e tn pnxact Lrnderh ri�htr in the Propeny in�crad�na with p�ra�nph 7.
<br /> All inwnnce policies and renewal:siull be�cceptRblo to l.enekr nnd�11 include aµwxl�rd m�xt�+�{e clause. l.aider
<br /> slwll have the right to hold thc palfcies�nd rcnew�iK. ff Lender roqulte�,Bom�wer shrll promptly�{We to Leoder atl teaxipuc
<br /> of paid�x+emiwns and rcnew�l notices. In the event uf lu�,HpROWC�iI1�iII Y�YG pl'�OIt1j�t10tIC!t0{IfC IfIfY(YICC��ITIOf MKI
<br /> — — Lender. Len�fe�may nwlce prouf of I�s if tat m�de promptly by Bcxrower.
<br /> �— -� Unlr+,Lcnckr end Borrower ahervvi�e�groe in writing. inwann�:e Qnx�oafr Rhall 6e�pplied w rc�utuntiun cx�cprit of
<br /> -��-� theF�o�erty damxged. it the rcctotAtion or repair i;a:u��nksity Pawble and Lciwiera sCCw�ty i� r�:t Ir�«.:�.d. ➢t tts� —
<br /> rcxturalon or rcprir is not econamically fe�sible or L.er+derl xcurity would be lessmed,the insur+u�ce proceecls�hsll be
<br /> - . applied w the sums�ccurcd by this Security Instrument.w�r a nat ttrcn due. with any excess pxid to Bamwec. If
<br /> H�xrower al+ancbns the Property�or does�ot an�wer witMin 30 days �ndice from Lender th�t thc i�uutuxr curier Iw
<br /> offer+ed to settie a claim.then Lendsr m�y collecl the inw�u�ce proceods. Lender m�y use the proceeds to reprir or rcstcxe
<br /> thc Pn�erty or to pxy sums socurcd by this Sxurity Inswment.whether or not then due. The 30�day period wili beain when
<br /> - _—_"�°'""'-�"PL7"sr'-'�0�� the notice ix given.
<br /> - Unless Lender und Barrower otherwjse a�rce in wridng,�ny�pplicatian of procee�ds to princip�l shall �x�t extend or
<br />-_ - ��---�-��— pastpane tlx due datc of the monthly pnyments afenrd to in puugnphs 1 and 2 or ch�e the amount uf the puyments. If
<br /> under puragroph 21 the Propeny is pcyuircd by Le�xier. BoRawer�right to any insuran��e policies and procceds rcsulting
<br /> �_.._._.__._� from dama�c to the Property prior to the s�cyuisition st�ll pas�a�to Lenda to the extent oF the:utns securcd by this Secudty
<br /> - _ems.�,t.,.,� lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisitiex►. --
<br /> �-.,4s� 6. Occu p anc y� Preserratio�. Malll�!'�IIC! AAfI PMICCf�OA OP 1M! PropertY: W�rrower'� I.oaa ApplksUon:
<br /> Leaseholda Borrower shall occupy.euablish.and use the Property�s Bomower�p�incipsJ nesidence within sixty days afler
<br /> �t, the execution of this Security insuument:uid�twll cuntinue tu occupy the Propeny as E3aru�rr�principal residence for at ---
<br /> ' leaut one year after the date of accupancy, unless Lender othervvise agrces in w�riting, which consent shsdl na be
<br /> --'•,:,; :,.• .;;.�.;;:,Y,,fy,.�:. unrcasonably withheld.or unless extenuating circumstances exist which an beyond Bonuwer�control. Bomower shall not
<br /> ' � �'�'�`�:>' �' destro dama e or im r the Pr rt allow the Pro rt to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Pro Borrower slWl
<br /> ..� a... • ' 3'� S P� � Y� Pe Y perty
<br /> � �'�' �'��'' be in default if any forfeitura action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is 6egun that in Lender�good faith judgmrnt
<br /> � � •� •;''� �� � could nsult in forfeiture of the Property or dhecwise materiully imp�ir the lien crcated by this Sacurity lnstrument or
<br /> � .f? .
<br /> , ,..7f,;•..>�,,.5.�
<br /> :. '���� �:;" •''-�� �� t'��,.: L.ender�s securiry interest. Borrower may cure such w default ur�d reinst�te,as provided in puagraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> : . ��� _
<br /> � w-��,.,.;..���.,�., or proceeding to be dismisscd with a ruling that,in Lender's good faith detertnmation,p�ecludes forFeiture of the Borrower�s
<br /> � �l''-�i,'.�•��°: ;� intereu in the Property or other material impairment of the lien crcated by this Securiry Inswment or I.enderk security
<br /> .�`�' s v materiall false or
<br /> ,�,t y�':��.yb� , interesG Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the loan applicAt�on proces , ga e y
<br /> , . ;,,,�"�g'J_�� c�" �� im+ccurnte infomiation or statements to Le�det(or failed to provide Lender with any muterial infom�ation)in connection with
<br />_ ��::;;,�i����"�,:;�1� the la�n evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, npresentutions c�ncerning Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> ;#,t,��;af�r� ' Prapeny as a principal residence. If this Security Insuvment is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all tt►e prov isions
<br /> ?"C�"°'�*•�•�'.=;�:;; • ?� of the lease. If Borrower acyuircs fee title to the Propeny,the leaschotd u�d the tee tstie st�att not merge unicss Lender agiees °
<br /> ``;""", �' :;. to the merger in writing.
<br /> ���• �'��?�•;�`��` 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfbrtn the covenants and agreema�ts
<br /> '���•,.i . ,
<br /> � � -�•'�'�. , contained in this Securiry Instrument,or there is a Iegal proceeding that may signifirantly affest Lender's righis in the
<br /> • " • � � � � Property(such us a proceeding in bankruptcy,probaie,for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce lau�s or mgulations).thcn
<br />_ �� ��';, ` Lendcr may do and pay for w•hatever is necessan to pmtect the value of the Propeny and Lcnder's rightt in the Properry.
<br />- - • � Lender z actions may include paying any sums�ecared by a lien which has priority over this Securit}�Instroment.appeuing
<br />� . • •� in court, paying reasonabic attomeys'fees and eniering on the Property to make repairs.Although l.ender may tnkc �ction
<br /> t :. � under this paragruph 7,i.cnder does not have to do so.
<br /> , . . Any a�nounts disbu�hed by Lender under this p:iragrrph 7 tihall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br /> '° j. �" �""'"'""'�• Security I�strumcnt. Unlexs Bormwer and Lendcr agree to other term�af paymcnt,these amounts shall becu interest from the
<br /> �'' ' datc af disbursement at the Note rate and xhall be payablc,with intcrest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesGng
<br /> �: f paymcnt.
<br /> '' 8. Mortgage Insurance, lf Lender required mortgage insurance a,a condition of making the loan secuced by this
<br /> � • Security Inctntment.Borrower,hall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br />! � '�'" ' maxon, the mortgage imurunce cove��age required by Lender lapses or ceasex to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br />'�� , premium� mquired to obtain coverage sutxtantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a wst
<br />� substantially eyuivalent to the co,t to Borrower of thc mortgage insurance previou�ly in effect,frnm�n altemate mortgage
<br /> ' � in�urer upproved b}•Lender. if xuMtantially equivalent mongage in�urance covera�e is not av�ilabte.BoROwer sh�U pay to
<br /> • � Lcndcr cach month•r sum eyu:�l to one-twelfth of the yearly mort�age insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the —
<br />�, �; ,�ry � insur:mcc coverage lapsed o�rrased to be in effect. Lendcr w ill uccept,u.e and retain thexe payments a+a loss reserve in lieu
<br />`'� •'',�'•'•-'� of mort u e insurance. Lnss reserve a ment,ma no Icx►�er be re wred,at the o tion of Lender,if mort a e insurance
<br /> . � fi8 P'Y Y b y � P R8
<br /> � y;,;f`�r. coverage(in the amount and for the perioci that Lender requims)prov�d�d by an insurer approved by Lrnder ugain becometi
<br />; � ,,.� ,�r., ., availablr and is obtained.Bormwcr shall pay the pmmiums rcyuircd to maintain mongage in,urance in�ffec4 or to provide a �
<br />• ,i i'• loxs reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage imurunce ends in •rccordance with:u�} wriceen agreement betwee�Borrower �-
<br />�:: :� ;�, . �' �i�f�. aixi Lender or applicablc law. �
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lendcr or its agcnt m3y make reasonable enttics upon and in+pections of thc Property. Lender shall `
<br /> "�. � givc 8orrowcr noticc at thc timc of or prior to an inspecticx�.}xcifying masonablc causc for thr inspertion.
<br /> ��� � ' 10. Cundemtwtion. The pnxeed,ot'�ny award or claim for dama�e�,direct or conxquential,in connection witN uiy
<br /> .�� :.:-:, ;.. �:
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