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<br /> �•_�,�.�� 16.Borrowe�'�Cap Borrawer shaf I bo�ivon ane conformed copy of the Noto and of this Sa:urity Inatrumnnt.
<br /> -- �re�,.,..��__���.,,.a� �� 't~ Ti�nsfor af t�e�ropert c,r� nouo�ticiri laroredt iu$urruwor. tt,.il u,°a�►y �rt�f ti�o P,��rty��rny �--
<br /> .' -��� interost in it ie eold or transterred�or if a benetici�l interoet in Borrow�r ie aold or trinafeme.i and &�rrower is not�
<br /> _ � �: �.������M�-���;: nstural person) without I.ender'a p or written conaent,l.ender may,at its aption, roquite tmmediste pRyment in full ot
<br /> �• all sums sxured by this Socurity lnstrument. Huwevor, thia optton shall not be exercised by Lender if eYercioe i�
<br /> :�" ' ��'� prohibited by federal law ua of the date o[thiaSecurity Inatrument.
<br /> ', � ...;� lt L�ender exercises this option,Lendar shall�ive Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide t peciod
<br /> i , , of not lese thm 30 days from the dite the notice ia delivered or mailed within which Borcower muRt pay all sums exurod
<br /> , by shis Socuri�y I�u,�ruruCUe.II Iiurrowc:r[ail:,tu pay th�wums prior tv the expiratiun c�i thi3 pericxi,Ixndc�r may invoFc =-- _==--
<br /> any remedtes permitted by thie Socurity Instrument without further notice or demand on Barrowcr.
<br /> � l8. Borrower'a Rij6t to Reimtate. If$orcawer mats certein conditions, Eorrower shall havo the right to hsve
<br /> enforament of this Securit�Instrument discontinued at eny ttmr priar to the earl ier ot:(+�) S days(or such other period
<br /> ' as applicable law may epecify for reinsUUment)beforo sale ot the!'roperty pursu�nt to�nypo wer af sale conu�ned in —
<br /> � • this Security Inatrument;or (b) entry of a jud�ment entorcinE this Secunty Inetrument.Those conditiona�re th�t "��'�"
<br /> �'�. Borrnwer. (s) pays [.ender all sume which then would Ix due under this Security Instrumcnt�nd the Note�s if no
<br /> ;�;„�;�, acceletation had occurred;(b)eures rny delault of any other covenants or agreements;(c) pays all expcnsrs incurrrd in �- ��
<br /> •r; enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but not limited to, reasonable attorneps'fees:and(d)takes such action as -
<br /> �%;- Lender may rwsunably require to es4uro that the lim of this Sccurity Instrument,I.ender's rights in the Property and �°"""°
<br /> '� Bonower's obli�atian to pa thssums secured by this Security lnstrumentshalt continue unchnn�ed.Upon reinstatement �:..�a,:�__,
<br /> ��'1�- by Borrower.thisSecurity�nstrurnent and theobliYUions securcd hereby shell rem�in fully ef[xtiveas if noacceleration °"`��"���
<br /> �:�,,, had occurrcd.Howcvcr,thia��igi�t tu rcivatutCShu11 nut rpply in thv casc uf accclerytiun unJcr paragraph 17. - -
<br /> - • 19.Sale oi Note; Chan��of Losn Servicer.The Nata or a pattial interest in the Note(to�ethe�with thisSecurity
<br /> ' Instrument)may bo sold one or mon times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale mey result in a change in tha entity :.—
<br /> •' ��i (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collxts monthly ptyments due under tha Note and this Security Instcument.Thece " s,:.=::
<br />. also may be one or more chan�es o[the Loan Servicer unrelatai to a sale of the Note.lt there is a change of the L.oan �,—.-:� '�•-�'
<br /> � Servicer,Borrower will be given written notice of the chanee in accordance with paregraph 14 above and epplicable law. �``'��� ,
<br /> The notice will state the name and address of the new I,oan Servicor and the address to which payments should be made. �,?. �-�
<br /> The notice aill also contain any otherinformation required by applicable law. • :..���._�1
<br /> , 20. Hax�rdous S ubstances.Borrower shall not cause orpa rmit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of ;. • �•�-.�
<br /> , any Hazerdous Substances on or in the Pro�erty,Bocrower shall not do,nor allow tnyone�Ise to do,anything affecting � :�����•
<br /> the Property that is in violation of any Envlronmental I,aw•.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, �r''`!'�=`
<br /> . use, or storage on the Property of smell quantities of Hazardous Substances that are eenerally reco�nized to Ue -����-�
<br /> , appro riate to normal resident�al uses and to maintenance of the Property. i'"�����'�'
<br /> ;'�.t',...,,,:_.._—
<br /> � • rrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invest�gation,clairn,demand,lan•suit or other action by ,�:
<br /> ' any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or '=•
<br /> Environmental L,aa of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns, or is notif�ed b��any governmental or �
<br /> � ..:�.:,: . : �
<br /> -- regujatory authority� thet any removal or other �emediation of any Hazardous Suestance afiecting the Praperty is �.,, .,,,.:.. , �
<br /> ; . necessary,BoreoNer shaU promptl�takeaU necessary remedial actions in accordancewith Environmental I.aw. F .' '•'
<br /> As used in this paragraph Z0. Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances a,•::.•.�`,
<br /> ' by Environmental Law and the iollowing substances:gasoline,kerosene,other ilarnmable or toxic petroleum products, � ;,;" . "�
<br /> taxic pesticides and herbicides, volatila solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehy�de, and radioactive � �-s
<br /> matenals.As used in this paragraph 20. "Environmenta)I.aw"means federal laws and lews ot the jurisdiction where the • '�: •r .�
<br /> Property is locatedthat relaceto health.safetyor em�ironmental protection, r ,,:;.�'�'''�':��'
<br /> ' NON'UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Borrower and I.ender further covenant and aeree as follows: i `w�~4'.�:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Ramedies. Lender sball �`���!
<br /> give notice to $orrower prior to acceleration followinE , �;:�-'
<br /> � ' . Borrower's breach of any coven�nt or agreement in this Security Instru�nent (but aot prior to acceleration ,
<br /> � under paragraph 17 unlessapplicablelaw providesotherwise).The noticesh�ll specify:(r.)the default;(b)the _•�•
<br /> � action requ�red to cure the default; (c) � date, not Iess than 30 da}•s frorn the date the notice is �iven to �n"
<br /> � �' Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) thst failure to cure the d�fsult on or before the date , k�•;
<br /> ' speclfied iA tha notice may result in uceleratian of the sums secured by th isSecurity Instrument aad sale of . �;�%'�
<br /> '' � the Property. The notice shall further inform Horro�ver of the rlght to reinstste aiter acceleration tad the _
<br /> ri�ht to briag a coort action to�ssert the non-existence of a default or any� other defense ot Borrower to , .,�... �;
<br /> acceleration and sal�. if the default is not cured on or bcfore the date specitied in the notice. Leader, at its • . _
<br /> •_ optioa, may requir� immediste p:yment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument withuut • .
<br /> . further demand and may invoke the poKer of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. '
<br /> • Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the rernedios provided in this paragraph . ,
<br /> 21,includinY,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs af titlec�•idence. .
<br /> If the power of sale is iavoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default i neach county in which my pact ot � • - �
<br /> the Property is Iocated and shall m�il copies of such notice in the manner Qrescribed by spplicable law to .
<br /> • '' Borrower and to the othar persons prescr�bed b��applicable laH.After the t�me required by applicable law, �•
<br /> •� `" ' Trustee shall give public notice ot sale to th�persons and in the manner prescribed by�sp�licable law.Trustee,
<br /> without demand on Borrower.sh�l l sell the Property at public auction to the highest b�dder at the time and �
<br /> ! place and under the terms desipnated in the notice of sale in one or mare parcels and in an3• order Trustee ' ��=
<br /> � determines.Trustee may postpone s�le of all or any psrcel oi the Propert}•by public announcement at the -
<br /> ' time�nd place o[an3• previously�scheduled safe. I.ender or its desiYnee rn�y purchase the Property st any
<br /> ��, � sale.
<br /> i. �
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