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<br /> .� 3:Haz�rd or Proporty Ie�uranco. Honower sh�11 kee�p the impeavements now oYistin�ar herufter orected on
<br /> __---_- — the Pto�rty insti�red e�ainat�ur b��ise,hazaed-inc�exled x�thin the term 'crteslded covern�e'and any otfier hazards, �—
<br /> — includin�flooda or tloc�din�, for which Limder requtras imur�nce.Thia iniurance sfwll be maint�ined in the amounta
<br /> - �nd for the periods that Lendor requiree.The tnsunnce c+rrier providing the inaunnce eh�11 be choeen by Horrower
<br /> v�r�.''�nr.°"�� eubject to I.endor's approv�tl which ah�ll not be unreaeonably withheld.It Borrower hils to maintain cuvera�tl daecribed
<br /> ' � •��•�'-� ibove,I.,�nder may,�t Lender's option,ubtain cover�Qo to protect Lendec's ri�hta in the Proporty in�ordanco with
<br /> �''k R.R h �IYQCaat 7.
<br /> '� .-�:�.��..��..�:, A11 insurance poltcies md renewals shall be�cceptsble to l.ender�nd sh�ll include a stanciard murt�Ye clauee. ' _
<br /> � ,,�3.x;r;�;:;.'..F:,� ' I.e�der ahali hAVe tho ri�ht tn hoid the palicies rnd renewaia. It I.enderrequires. lforrower stult prornptty �ive w
<br /> . ""`�" '-` 3"�° I.ender all raeipta oi paid promiuma and renewal notices.In tho event oi lcxas, Bormwer shall Qive prompt notice to the
<br /> ��� • . ` insurance carrier and Lettder.L.ender may make proof of laes if not made promptly by iiorrowec.
<br /> - ry� .'�"`.`°�` :�° Unleea I.ender and Borroaa otharwiee a��e in aritin�,insursnce pcoceeds shd l be applied to rostor�tion or repir
<br /> _� i ' oi the Property damaQed,if the restoation or rep�ir is economicslly iusible and Lender's security is not leesened.If the
<br /> __y� �,' ' ' ':1 `�' roetoration or rep�ir is not xonomic�lly feasible or Lendor's security would be lessened,the insurance procads shall be
<br /> - applied to the auma sacured by thia Security Itiatcument,ahtthec or nat then due,with eny eYCess paid tn Horrower.If - -
<br /> g�-•, .. <• ..,-,,�i �' Borroaet abandons the Property,or does not mswer within 30 days a notice[rom I.ender thut thn insunnce carrier h�s
<br /> � " oftered to settle a claim, then Lender may copect the ineurance procads.Lender may use the procceds to repair or
<br />-=�'��� � ��-� �� �" `" rcstoro the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whethcr or not then due.The 30-day per�od will
<br /> f�ST=�a•'a�+�'�"'"'�'�""� be�in when the notice is given.
<br /> -� ° � � � Untess Lender and Borcower otheraise agree in writine,any appl ic�tion af proceeda to princi txl shall not extend ar `
<br /> � ���� "'�'' ��� ' t no the due date of the monthl ments roienod to in r� ra ha 1 and 2 or chan e the emount of the ymenta.
<br /> �,,7•'' • P�P� Y PaY M � P Y Ps
<br /> ;:,��'� �:.`����: • . "'•" if under peragraph 21 the Pmperty is acqui�red hy T.ender, Bonower's right to any insurance policias and proceeds w ���
<br /> :t ' . '� resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shsll pass to Lender to the extertt of the sums sxured by ==��
<br /> -! ' ``���.' this Security Instrument immedietely prior to the acquisitian.
<br /> �`, �� 6.Occupaacy.Preaervation.Msintea�nca snd Protection of tha Property;Borrowor's Lwn Applicat�ioa; f,.__
<br /> '�' • Le�sahoide. Bonower ahall occu y,establish,and use the Property as Bonower's principel residence within sixty cieys
<br /> S.=• • P
<br /> �.• atter the execution of this Secunty Instrument and ahall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal �.,,,,,,
<br /> � " ' residence for at least one yoar afur the date o�occupancy,unlesa I.endar otherwise agrees m writing,which consent shall '
<br /> `�`'., . not be unreasonably withheld,at unless extenuating circumstences eaist which are beyond Borrower s control.Borrower
<br /> � shall not destroy,damage or impair the PropeRy,allow the Property to deteciorate�or commit waste on the Property. _
<br />. Borcower shall be in default if any for[eiture action or proceeding.whether civil or crimina(,is be�un that in I.ender's
<br /> s good feith judgment could result in forteiture of tho PropeKy or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this
<br /> Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrawer may cun such a default and reinawte,es provided in `
<br /> __ _________________ peragraph 18, by cauising the action or praceoding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lendar's good faith �_.�~
<br /> determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's intereat in the Proparty or other materiat irnpairment o!the lien --
<br /> creAted by this Sacurify Instrument or Lender's security interest,Borrowec shall also be in default if Rorrower,during '°�
<br /> the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to f°:'"
<br /> provide L,ender with any muterial i�formation)in connection with the loan evidenced by tha Note,including, but not �`��s
<br /> limited to,representations concerning Borrower's cecupancy of the PropeMy as a principal residence.If this Security ,
<br /> . Instrument ie on e leasehold,Borrower shall comply with al!the provisions of the lease. If Aorrawer acquires fee title ta _
<br /> the Praperty,the leasehold and the fee title shall not rnerge unless L,endar agrees ta the merger in writing, �,'.�
<br /> 7.Protection of Lender's RiYhts in the Property.If Borrower tails to parfarm the covsnants and agreements }L=
<br /> contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly aftect [.endar's rights in the r��'._-
<br /> �, Property (such es a proceeding in bankruptcy, pr�bate, fot cond�mnation or forfeiture or to �nforce Iaws or ,.._
<br /> V ' regulations),then I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valua of ther Property and Lender's �`"'-
<br /> i�-`.
<br /> i, rights in the Property. I.ender's actions may include paying an}� sums secured by,a lisn which has priority aver this -
<br /> ,� , Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reesonable attorneys fees and entsr+ng on thn Property to rnake repairs. �;_�=
<br /> �. Although I.ender may take action under this paragreph 7,I.ender does not ha��e to do so. --�_-'�,-L
<br /> . Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bocrower secured by this
<br /> w:-;,
<br /> Security Instrument.Unlesa Borrower snd Ixnder agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest a�;
<br /> • irom the date of disbursement at the Note cate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from I.ender to Borrowcr �
<br /> requ�sting payment. �~��'�
<br /> $.MortYa�e Insurance. If L.�ndar requi red mortgage insurance as a condition of maki ng the loan secured by this .- .�
<br /> Security Instrument,Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.Jf,for any "
<br /> L . reason, the mortgage insurance coverage tequired by Lender lapses or ceases to br in ef(ect, Borro�ver shall pay the �;��,"
<br /> �� premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in cffect,at a cost • ,
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of tha mortgage insurance prr��ioasly in effect,from an alternate -,�;;�.
<br /> ;;•., . � mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. [f substantiatly equivalent mortgagr insurance coverage is not available,
<br />� • ' � Borrower shall pay to l.endar each month a st�m equal to one�welfth ot the��early mortgage insurance premium being
<br />_ ;�....-
<br /> •< < •} paid by Borrower when the ineurancr coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender a•ill accept,use and retain these �
<br /> • � • payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�a�e insurance. L.oss reserve payments may no lon�er be requirrd, �
<br /> .-.�` '
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