.�"~'` • )%if�.:.u�1;i�.
<br /> •\'� .l.. _i,�-i
<br /> � ,�•_� �.'�5, i .. ,`--
<br /> ,�- --__ .-�+ • �93' ii.o�4o
<br /> . �41qNMlO�1T OF IItNTi IIIDER
<br /> THIB ASSIONMENT OF RENT8 RIO�R I�m�d��nd ucwut�d thl� �2� day of �UEMI9ER ��p 93 ,and fs
<br /> — ---� frtoa�-�r�:t�ttsta.nd ah.H t�:d..:.mrt!!a Ztss:rtt!Ctsd M�rp�lsmCrtt th:t'aKyaQa or t?so0 af Trunt,hi►i'viitMPt�ii idPMriw7 Iu��fiid
<br /> ��8�aurlty Instninwnt", of th�s�rtN d�t� piwn by th�ut�d�rtlpn�d, t��lnattsr r�fsrr�d to as th� '�Barow�r", to asaur�
<br /> Borrow�r'�ind�bt�dn���,h�rdnaft�r rN�rrtd to��tM"Not�",to HOM6 FECERAL SAYINQB ANO LQAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> ORAND 18LAN0,h�nlnatt�r nhrnd to u tM"I.�nd�►",of thr umt d�t�and aoverinp tha prop�rty d��arib�d In th�S�curity
<br /> In�trum�nt�nd loo�t�d�t:
<br /> 404 N� 4TH ST�, OONIPHAN. NEBRASKA 88832
<br /> -�=--�----�-� —---- -� - - - -
<br /> -- --- -- _ �rrop�n�Raaq.q
<br /> WHER�IIS, Borrow�r and UnM�hav�aprNd th�t�ny rsnb�nd proflts attriputabie to ttta�property should oonstitut�
<br /> -- --= additlonal NaWity to th�L�nd�r fa Ih�payrtNnl of IM Not�;
<br /> __- NOW,THEREFORE,It b aprNd th�t th�8�curlty Ins4rumrM�ha11 b��mend�d h�reby and deemed ta Inoiuda the tollowinp
<br /> --- proviNons:
<br /> �_._�.s...:�.x.,:�.
<br /> :lY;i i'•�i y(I ,r`��� 1, Aaelanment of Rents and L�nder Rsnt�l Coli�ctlon Riaht�.Borrow�r h�nby�bwtutRty and unconditionalty eselyna aU
<br /> � rsnts, Isfuss and profits of !h� proporty to 8�n�flol�ry. L�nd�t �h1t11 h�v� th� ripht, power and authority durinp the
<br /> �- - - - continuance ot tha S�curlty In4trumont to cotloot th�rmt�,istu��and proflts of th�property and of any peraonal property
<br /> ng:.� - -- iooated th�non with or wlthout takin�po�a��lon o}tht propnty�/t�o1W Mnby. L�nd�r,howsver, hereby oonaenta to
<br />-° '"' , Borrow�r'a colt�ction and ntmtian of suoh nnt�,issw��nd proHt�a�th�y�oarw and b�com�payabla,so lonp as Borrower
<br /> � `���� �+���`�� is not,at aunh tims, In d�fau�t with n�p�ct to paym�nt ot�ny In��bt�dnits Ncund Mnby,or in the pe�tormanoe of�ny
<br /> •a.,.,�.
<br /> ' �� �, .�i.��;;:,:��, aprNmsnt h�nund�r.
<br /> �,;r�.::,•. ='•}:;,.:�': 2, A000lntment oi Receiver. �f�ny we�t of dNauit In nspoot to th�B�cuNty Inatrument ahatl have occurred and be
<br /> ""` �'°�"='��;��•��%� aontinulnp, Lend�r,ae a matt�r ot rlpht and without notla to Borrow�ra anyon�clalminp under Borrower, and wlthout
<br /> �:t��•..'i�;, .,�•:;
<br /> �•�r��•M���� rsyard to the vatue of the truet sstat�or th�intsnat of th�BorrOw�r th�r�ln,sh�tl hav�th�rlpht to appiy to any cou►t havt�p
<br /> . r,: .. ., . . ,;_
<br /> jurltdiatlon to appof�t a noeivsr of th�prop�rty.
<br /> • �.�,:;,;, 3. Rlaht to Posseaston.In cass of d�f�uit in the paym�nt of th�uld prinalpal Not�or int�rest,or any part thereot,as it
<br /> ��t`� :1-;, shail matun,or in the a�a�of hilun to kMp or perform a�y of th�cov�nants a aprNm�nts contalned in the 3ecurity Inetru-
<br />- .±�?�. ment, then the L�nder, Itt suoc��eors or ��sipns, sh�ll b� and Is h�nby authalz�d and empowered to take Immediate
<br /> __ � .. �'=�;,;��u�;'�;;�: poaaeaston of ths add pnmla�s th�r�ln d�saribrd�nd to aoll�ot th�ants th�rdrom,and to sppty th�praceada thtnof to th�
<br /> °'��� '`"• paym�nt of th�Not�.
<br /> ,�s��� ��?
<br /> -�'�.u;��r• 4. Aooiloation of iiante.i�eues and�rofits.Aii ront�coH�ct�i by L�nd�r or ti��nc�iv�r si►aii be appiied first to payment
<br /> ��'•: . • ;;�:;:. , of the coats of man�q�ment of tM property�nd coll�ction of nnts,includinp.but not timlt�d to,�ecaiver'a feea,premfums on
<br /> .,:•.,{:�.. .
<br /> ;,_•�: . "'�:�.;�;. receivar'a bonds and rsasonable attorn�y's fNS,and th�n to th�sums s�cund by th�S�aurity Instrume�t.Lender and the
<br /> �• . . '" r�c�iver ehati be liabte to account oniy tor thos�nnts�atu�lty r�c�iv�d.
<br /> " ��;,,•"'.
<br />_ �;�«2+- *;'•�. � . 6. �onatruotion of provislona.E�ch ot ths provislont aont�in�d In this Atsl�mm�nt of R�nts Ridsr�nd the Secwfty inatru-
<br /> � � ment ahatl, unlese otherwlse apeciflcaliy �equlred, be conttrwd In�ccadanc� with Nsbrnka I�w,and fn the event any
<br /> '�;,::.,_ . '.'. . provision herein or thereln contalned ehtll be dete►minW by a court of comp�t�nt�urlsdiotlon to b�un�nforc�able,the aeme
<br /> ;'•'"`�`.;''•,�; , ahail be co�strued as thouph such unenfo�ceabit provlsion w�n not a put h�rwf or th�nof.
<br />_ �, ,� � 8. Eifect of Rider.Except as apeciticaliy modlfled by or Inconslstmt wllh thi�Asdqnm�nt of Renta Rider or by any other
<br />_ - • ,: I�• appllcabis Nder,all of thQ terms and provisfons contatn�d In th�S�cu�lty In�trum�nt shalt contl�w In full b�ce and eftect.
<br /> ''p '. ' . � iN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thia tl mont of R�nts Rld�r ' if ted above.
<br /> �' +
<br /> ,. � � _ . �`a"�.1� . � .�.�
<br /> . (�-L � f✓_����u�
<br /> ;.';
<br /> � � '�.'' TOQD M. UlE YOUIL�rrow�r
<br /> A__� .. . . �.�,.�1,�,�;�.',... -t� � �.,��.�r�✓. ,�
<br /> -• ��' mELISSA R. WETC�Y��"�
<br /> '` ' � , .� STATE OF NEBRASKA�
<br /> (sa:
<br /> �` ?'e�,�*"'"� � � � COUNTY OF HALL ) _
<br /> '°' �' ...; ` On thla 22� day ot NOUEI�BER �g 93 } re me'the� nd4Isl d Not r p b'Ic dul m�ss`0�isd and
<br /> �� qu�llfied tor said county.peraonaity came �OD15�1. ��140V ICK AN� f�'�E.L��A'�. i��OI�ICK� h�U��AND Arou
<br /> ���.: �,,�.; `.r. ---------. - —
<br /> :�,.. WIFE ,to be th�Idondc�t p��eoMa)whow nam�(s)IWaro subscribed -
<br /> �'.� ���.�,:: . . ';: `; --�- ------
<br /> �n, iri='•w� -. ..
<br /> to the tor�poinp inttrumont, �nd h�lahelthoy acknowladye the�x�cution th�nof to W hlslh�rlth�lr voluntary�ot and dNd.
<br /> �Y i��'=�" • GRANO ISLAND� NEBRASKA
<br /> - �� ;,;�.,,,. � Wltr►es�my hand and Notartal 3eal at
<br /> ';�.. �i;�:�;.;:�,.� .: - -- . _ _ ---- ;:
<br /> �;��;�':ss��<,.,a..,y tn ipid counfy,th�da�te�br��atd.
<br /> •: . �.jf ;.�..ti,.-, ��..�i�� ?�?-'F. {f�-_
<br /> i k �
<br /> :•. ' �a "�•, �.DElORAHLKMAd.E Noary Publtc��� - --
<br /> .�
<br /> �_—�°-��-T' MY Commisslon a �Exp tlov.2�1996 _
<br /> .� „:««,.—,..,
<br />