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<br /> �x�a�hac l,ender�eyu�ra. 7't�e inw�wnoe canier provWiaR the inwru�x rha�!be cho�en by �Bomowor w-b t to nderti
<br /> sp{xovd which slWl no1 be unre�uon�Wy witht�eW. If�amwu t�itr to m�intairt covera�e d�r�:rii�cJ�Gavn. m�y.zt
<br /> Lenclert option.obuin caven�e W protoct Lenderb riYhts in the Propecty in�rcord�nce with Pua�r�ph 7• �
<br /> � All inauru�ce pc�licies�nd renew��tWl be xxeWaele ta Lender u�d ehall include a:tindud mort��ga ctwse. l.ende�
<br /> ahatl hAVC the dght to hold the policies�nd anewals. (f Lendcr requiK:.Botrower sh�ll peomptly Qive to Lender all receipu
<br /> of p�id premiums md rcnew�l noticeu. In the event of lots,BoRCnver stwll�[ve prompt notice to the insuriurce curkr�nd
<br /> Lender. Lender may m�e proof of locs if noe madr promptly by Bo�rower.
<br /> - !Inte�.c Lender and Burrower othenvise��ree in wnting.insurance proceeda sh�ll be aPPlied w restonttion or repair of _
<br /> _ _ -- theproperty damaged,if the rcstaxtion or repiir is oconomically feASible and Lender's �ecurlry is nd lecsened. if the
<br /> � _ rcstoration cx rcpair js not cconomically feeaibk or Lender�s securlty wonld be lesKned.the insurrnce procoed+o shall be
<br /> ��- � applied to the sums securcd by this Sccudty Instrument.whether or not ihen due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> - Borrower abwuions the Property,or das not answer within 30 d�ys a notice from Lender that the insw�nce cnrrier hos
<br /> offened to settle a claim,then Ler�der may collect the insuru�ce proceeds. Lender may use the prnceeds to npair or restore
<br /> the Prqxrty or to pay sums cecured by this Security L►strument.whether or not then due. The 30-day per�od will txgin when
<br /> —�—�°--�--�---�•_- the noticc ts given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwjse agrce in writing,any applicatIon of proce�ds to princjpal shall not extend or
<br /> - postpone the due dau of the monthly pnyments rcfermd to In pu�agrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of th�payments. If
<br /> under parugrlph 2l the Property is acquircd by Lender, Borrower's right to any tqsurance poGcies end proceecls resulting
<br />__ —� from damage ro the Property prlor to the acquisition shali pass to Lender co the extent of the sums se�urcd by this Socurlry
<br /> - - lnsuu�aent Immcdiatrly prior to ehe ucquisttion.
<br /> __= 6. Occupancy� Preservwtion. Maintenanc�e aad Protectton ot the Propeny; Borrower's Lwin AppUa�Uoa;
<br />-:,;,=`, Leasebolds. Borrowc�shall accopy,establish.and use the Properry as Bo�rower's principal c+esidence wlthin sixty days after
<br /> ��;�� the execution ot'tAis Securiry Inswment and sha11 continue tu cx:cupy d�e Property as Borrowerk princIpa!resideaee for at
<br />��'� � least ane yeAr after the date of accupancy. unless Lender otherwise bgrees in writing, which consent shall nat be
<br /> unreasonobly withheld,or unless extenuating circumstences exist which are beyond Borrower�s control. Borrower slwil not
<br /> ���I's �� . ',°. destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wuste on the Property. Bocrower shall
<br /> . be in default if any forfefture nction or pracxding,whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's goc�d faith judgment
<br /> � : � ��� could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Insdument or
<br /> �, . . •
<br />-- ' � Lender's security interest. Borrower may curc such a default and�+einstate,as provided in pacagraph I8.by causing the acaon
<br /> r,��, ;* or proceeding to be dismissed wit�a ruling�hat.in Lcnders good faith detecmination,pr�ecludes forfeitun of the Borrower's
<br /> ._``�, '�;i
<br /> .. �:ars�'F� interest in thc Property or other material impaimxnt of the tien created by this Secur3ty Insbument or L.cndcr§ security
<br /> � •k ' l�.; �;=•�; interest. Borrower shall also 6e in default if Borrower, during the loan application process. gave mater�ally false or
<br /> _ '�•-,„�;;�`,?.,. innccurate information ar statementa to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with any material information)in connecuon with
<br /> • .r:�'"': �' '' the low� evidenced by the Note, including,bwt not limited to. representations conceming Bomower's occupancy of the
<br /> . � Property as a QrincipAl ms�idance. [f thi.r Security instrument ts on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> ,i'`�"'"`."'',""'"` ''• of the lea�e. lf Borrawer acquires fee titic to the Ptaperty.the leasehold and the fee ttqe shali not merge uniess Lender agrces
<br /> � to the merger in writing.
<br /> � 7. Protection oP Lender's Rights tp the Property. [f Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> .'. . contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal prceeeding that may signi�cantly uffect Lender's rishts in the
<br /> . - � � Property(such as y prceeeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeitum or to enforee laws or regulations),then
<br /> � � � � � � l.ender may do und puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Property.
<br /> ��'�� Lenders actions muy include pnying:►ny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Inspvment,appearing
<br /> � in caurt.p:�ying reusonuble attorncys'fees and entcring on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br />-. �> � - under this pamgruph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �, . � • � Any amounis di•bun+ed by Lender under this parusraph 7 shall become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> — Security Intit�ument. Unl�ss Borrower und Lender agmc to other termx of paymcnt,thesc amaunts shall beur interest from the
<br /> *, `' date of disbunement�it the Note ratc and shall be pay:�ble, with intcrest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> � ' 8. Mort�;s��e Insurance. if Len_ier reyuircd mortgage insurance as a cundition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> . Serurity Instrument, Borrower shall pny the premiums required to muintain the mortgage insurance in effec[. If. for any
<br /> muson, the mortguge insurance coverage reyuircd by Lender lapsex or ceases to 6e in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> , •> • premiumx mquired to obtuin cover:��;e subxtuntially eyuivalent to the mortgage imurunce previuusly in effect,at u cost
<br /> � tiubstuntially equivalcnt to the cost to Boerowcr of thc mortg•rge in,uruncc previously in effcct,from un altemate mortguge
<br /> � insurer approved by Lender. If sub�tantiaUy cyuivulent mortgagc insurancc roveruge is nat avuilable,Borcower shall pay to
<br /> Lender eaeh m�nih a sum cyual to onc•twelfth of the ycarly mortgage Insurancc premium being paid by BoROwer when the
<br /> - insurrnce coverage lapscd or ceased to he�in effect. Lender will arcept,ux:►nd retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> �'.
<br /> _- ' .� • of mortgage inwrance. Lors reservc payments muy no longer be reyuimd,ut the opt:on of Lender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> .., '�' • ,�� coverage(in the umnunt und for the period thut Lender reyuires)providrd by un insurcr approved by Lender aguin becomes
<br /> avnilable und i�abtained.Borrower shull pay thc prcmiums reyuired to maintuin mortgage in�urancc in effect,or to provide a =
<br /> , �f losx reserve,unlil the reyuin;m�nt for mortgugc�in�urance endx in uccardance with:u►y writte�i agreement between Borrower
<br /> ��•- � I and Lcnder or applicablc law.
<br /> �.'� 9. InspecCa�. Lcnder or its ugent muy muke reu.onable entries upun:u�d intipections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> �- ' ' give Borro�cer notice at the time of or prior ro cm inspection speeifying rcusonublc caux;tur the inspection.
<br /> �'�� : 10. Caademnption. The pcoceeds of any uwnrd or claim for dum.iges,dimet or conxeyucntial,in eonnection with any _
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