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<br /> R�LiAS� OF !lOf�P(iIW� 8li OwN�Ft
<br /> � 93- u�
<br /> WHBRYAS� bi► tbrtWt�e dated the .1BTb dAYoE ��LL . �_�
<br /> auad recorded in !+�►�J• Coe�nty, �11rY�a of record under INSTRUNBNT
<br /> fi �,{,�].01929. �1L'=R1�['a i t�Af�BR HD gI�A F, gL17�1�R. F{llgg�Np AND WTP6
<br /> �eort�ed real eetate dedcribed tl�erein: for the purpoae of aecuriri� the
<br /> , ,��.-._-�-.��—,., paysent of an indebtedroaa also describsd therein: and
<br /> - WFI6RBAS� all of the indebtedneaa aecursd by aaid !'brt�a�e hoxs
<br /> been pnid in full, and there ia nothin� due of a+in�t in conr�sotion
<br /> t��ita:
<br /> NOW THIItfiFORfi, in conaideratfon of the premiaea. L,eader Federal
<br /> Bank for SavinQa f/k/a Leader �ederel Savings eu�d Lorm Aeaociation, aa
<br /> oWner of the indebtednesa eecurad by eaid Mortgage, acknoal�dgea full
<br /> payment and eatfefaction thereof and doea hereby releaee and diacherge the
<br /> lien to aecure aeme in fuli.
<br /> _ - The underaigned covenants thnt the party neuned ab�,ve as auch was
<br />.:,f� tbe aale and unconditiana2 otimer of the indebtRCin��a et time+ o� the final
<br />`�::;�: payment and having the lawful right does hereby execute this relee�se.
<br /> ' � ' Lot � :�irr, . .
<br />:;;' Ptita�ati� VIfiW FIFPH DIVISI •
<br /> :1� � ��''•
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<br /> • BXSCUTBD this _�TFL_ daY o� N�VfirID_ER_ , 1993. _ � � :� I :•o�:
<br /> • 4'k��.. • �' •-
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<br /> - LSADfiR FEDERAL BANR �'OR SAVINGS f/.k/a . • -
<br /> :_,� Leader eral Loan s iatfon ' �, •� • . .
<br /> ,
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<br /> -- •.,�?�''�;�;y,.4-s�:.-� BY: . -, . .. ,;- �
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<br /> :•-:{^�'��� �```.:,A: � PAllL DALTON - A ISTANT SECRE'PARY ,
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<br /> -;;'�;,°'�: w.. �� ODUNTY 0� S41�I,�3Y
<br />• '' '�:;:- . .::. •�
<br /> ,` '�'!�`"'"-�'"�°`'`'��� Personally apFeared before. me, the iindersigned, a Notary Public
<br /> '' .`�`'����`• � " within end for said Stnte and Cotuity, at l7emphis� duly commisaioned and
<br /> �'�';�Y'�,,,� �;� '� qualified, Paul Dalt•on. with ahom I t+m gersona.11y acquainte�, and who,
<br /> ."•�?�+��.••." upon oath, ac}uiowledgrd himse�lf t.0 k�e t.lie ;l�ai3tant Serret.ary of LEAAEk
<br /> y� �,.•kAii., .• :�s. FEDFsRAL BANK FOR SAVINGL;, thc: withir� iiamed bar�.ai�i�r, �n�.i tliat hr a� sti�h
<br /> officer, being authori2�d so to do. execut.r� the� forcguinK inytr�unerrt for
<br /> � �:;,;. , �� the purpaees therein contained by signing the iiaiue of the corjvrati�n by
<br /> � �+ himgelf as such officer.
<br />- `�:'1'"."•' ' ' '" WITNfiSS my hand and Notarial SPal, at office, thi:� i.he el'N day
<br /> . ` � .`;"+: of NOVBMBBR , 1993. . ..
<br /> �e���,r : "��:
<br /> :,��.',� .� My commiasion expirc:s: � . . ';:��' ,
<br />_ �i'"�� JULY 15TH. 195/ .,.�• '
<br /> ... , �
<br /> ;� �,`"�•••"�^;,t CAkY M:UAN I EL - NOTARY PUfiLIC .. , . .
<br />- � - L,oan Number 12.44�1-? � � :
<br /> --- :�...m,�:.: ,:'::`' Property Addres5: q � F�gT1E1�"L�R�ST.—SiB9[��.jSLANUt N��68801 '; fl' ���� :;
<br /> � „ ��Y L"� Prepared by: LBADER FEUERAL BANK H'OR SAVING5 ,�� ''�� ' .��
<br /> � w�n� �.I.F. DEF'I'. AFiAA `;�.'• .... :``��;.
<br /> '`��,',�• - A ''�'t����'�• ,.�
<br /> �,�, � ;1;,�.,:�,-.: :: 158 MADISON AVENUE, MF:MPHI�. TN. ;i81G3 ,,,,,,•
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