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<br /> 17.Tr�nota'oi the PropeHy or a BeneflcW Int�rest In Bomewer. If all ur any prcc uP the f'raperty or�ny interect i�i it
<br /> ii rol���r tcqn►ferced(ur if x beneUc�al intefe�t in Borrower is sold or tr�nsfcrrai u�xl Hc�rraw¢r is�xx w rwtural peruml withcwt
<br /> l.emler's prior wrltten con::�nt. l.ender may, a! its optian, reyuirc imuiedEste pssymr»t in full of el! ►t�mc Rncun+ci Ay thiK .
<br /> Security Inxtrurnent.However,thic optiun sh�ll rat be ezercfcod by I.ender if exercise is prohibitod by faier�l I�w s�o!the d+�te
<br /> uf tMis Socuriry Inslrunxnt.
<br /> --- if Lender exercises thi�optfon.Lcixfer�Iwll give Borruwer notice of acceler�►iun. 7'hr�wtice shall prc►vide u period ul'not
<br /> : Iess than ;Q duyc from the date the notice is delivereci or nuiiled within which &�rrower mu�t pay ali wms u-cural by thi�
<br /> a� Security Instrunxnt.If&►rrower fuils to puy these aums priar to the expirution��f this periad, l.e�xler nwy invuke wiy remedie►
<br /> .:.��____.—.� permittai by this Securiry Instrun�ent withcwt furth�r notice ar dema�ut on&►rruwer.
<br /> _ --_- iR. &�rrower's Ri�ht to RdtutAte. If tlonower nxe�s cenuin �v�iKlitiuu+. Ii��rruwer sliull fwve tlx riKlu tu 1►avc =-
<br /> �a cnforrement of�his Security Instrunxnt Jiu:ontinued at any time prior to the curlier uf: (u) S days(��r curh other pericxl a+
<br /> epplicable law muy specify fix reinstetenxnq before snlc of the 4'ropeny purruant tu uny power of sule amtained in this
<br /> - Security instrurnent:or(b)entry of a judgment eoforcing this Security lnstrument.Thox ronditions u�e thut &�rrower:(u>p�ys
<br /> °------°---- [.ender all sume which then woold be due under this Security Inun►ment arxi the Note ati if no ncreleration hu! nccurral: (b)
<br /> —_ _ cures any defuult of any ather cavenantti or agreements; (c)puys all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Srcurity Instrun�ent.
<br /> - - including, but not limitcd ta,reasonable attarneys' fees;and td)takes surh action us l.c�xier n�ay re:uonably rcquir�ta assurc
<br /> `— � that the licn af this Security[nstrument, l.ender's rights in the Propeny unJ&►auwcr'ti ubligatian to Ewy the sunu sccurcd by -
<br /> this Security Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Srcurity Instrument und the
<br />, obligations secured hereby shall remain fully efPertive us if no accelerntion had accurrcd. However, this n�ht tu minstate shull
<br /> not upply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> !9. Srle af Note; Clwnge of I.oan Servtcer. The Note or a partiai interest in thc Nnte (together with this Securiry
<br /> � - _ -__= Instrunknt3 may bc sald o►�a or nwre timeti witl�uut pri��r n.�tic�to Barrowcr. A udc may result in a change in the entity(known
<br />.;,V-;;;y i�� ,',�� as the"Loan 5ervicer"1 thut collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security lnstrument. There ulso may be one
<br /> or more changec of the Lonn Servicer uarelated ta a sale of the Note. If there is a changc of the Luai�Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> ; '-' ��;�..;..:,,.
<br /> given written notice of the chunge in accordance with p:tragraph 14 ahove and applicable law.'1'he notice will state the name and
<br /> •'.�;'�r':;�.,..
<br /> g,a�.,,� adJress uf the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be nwde. The notice will ulso contain ;u�y oiher
<br /> 1 �'"� inforn�ation required by upplicable law.
<br /> 20. HAZardouc Substpnces. &�nower shull not cause or permit the presenre, use, disposal, storage, nr relc:ti.�r��f any
<br /> ���`rr���. -����� '����• Huutrdous Su6stances on or in the Property. Borrower shnll not do, nor allaw anyone else to da, anything rffititing the
<br /> •� -'' Property that is in violation��f uny Environmental Law•. 'i'he prcceding two xentenccs shall not apply to thr prc,enrc,use. or
<br /> -�a��;;:�•,�=;�'r�,�i!�•• storage on the Property of small quantities uf Hazardous Substanees that ure generally recognizeci to be:app�apriute to ixmnal
<br /> . f<• .
<br />- , �,h,�•:j+;wt residential uses and ta malntenance of the Property.
<br />__ �sr:���=4:.�s:"-'1��• Borrower shall promptly give I.ender wnttcn nuticc of any investigation, daim, demund, lawwit or otlx;r uction by any
<br />, ;����•�••• � .. governmental or regulatory agency or privute party involving the Property and any H:vrrdous Substunce or Environmental I.aw
<br />.- �,• �;:'.:�'f�Y:-�!' of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leurns, or is notified hy any guvernmental or regulutory authority, that
<br /> - •�`�'•' ` any removal or other rem�i•rtion of any Huzard�u5 Substance uffecting the Property is necessury, Bonower shall prumpQy take
<br /> ��Wr•�%..� '� ell necessarv remedial actions in accordance with Environmental I.aw.
<br /> • • • As used in this patagruph 20, "Haxardaus Substances" are those substances defined as taxic or haiard�wti �ub.tances by
<br /> Envirunmental Law unJ the following sub,tunces: gax>line, kerusene, other tlummable or toxic petroleum praiucts, toxir
<br /> � pesticides and herbiciJes,vnlutile solvents, materiuls cont:�ining atibe:stos or formaldehyde,and radiaactive materiul+. A�used in
<br /> ' this pnra€�uph 20, `Envir<mmental L.aw" mcans fedcr•rl luw, •rnd law, uf the jurisdiction where the Properly ia l�xated that
<br /> ' � � ' relatc to hcalth,safety or envirunmental protcction.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bc�rrowcr und I.cndcr thrthcr c�ivrnunt and agrce a.s followti:
<br /> '�" ' ' 21. AccelecAtlou;Remedi�. Ixnder shall�ive notice to linrrow•er prior to acceleration fuqow•inR Borrox�er's bmach
<br /> "'' ' of any covens�nt or aKceement in thiti tie�urity Instrument (hut not prlor to acceleration under paragrsiph 17 unl�s.r-
<br /> , . .. • � •�� Applicable Iaw provides otherK�tx). The notice tihull specffy: (a) the defuult;(6)thr action requir��d to cure the defs�ult:
<br /> � (c)a date,not letis than 30 duys frum the datc thc notice is Riven to iiurrow•cr.by which the dcfault muu be cumd;und
<br /> ,�,r.�;.:b.;• (d) th�t fallure to cure thr default un or Ixfore the dute specifi��d in the notice muy result in acceleratton of the sums
<br /> "� ' • secured by this Security Instrumcnt und wlc of thc PrapeM��.Thc n��tice sl�all further inform Borro�►•cr of the rl�;ht to
<br /> �;�" 1 „ reinstate ufter acceleration and the ri�ht tu br1n� a c.�urt uction tn s��.tiert the non{xistenre of a default or any other
<br /> , defense of Borrower to accelerution und sale. If the def�ult is not cun�d on or befure the date speciftcd in tbe not(ce.
<br /> Lender, pt its optfon.m�y reyuire immrdiWte pa�•ment In full uf ull sumti utiured b} this k�curtty Imtrumcnt w•ithout
<br /> ' .� ��••+�:. ' further dcmnnd and may invake the pow•er�►f rale and an�•olher rem��dt�w permitt��d by upplicublc law.Lcnder shall bc
<br /> ' entitled to cnlltrt All erpenxw incurred in purtiuin�;thc remeciics provided in this para�;ruph 21.includin�,but not limited
<br /> � • to,reasonrblc atturneyc'fir�und co�ts of title evidence.
<br /> � � If thepo w�er of sale i� invoked. Trustee shyll ntiord u notice of default in each county in Khich unv part of tl�e
<br /> � . Prnperty Is t�cated and shall mail cupicw of such notice in the manner pre.uriixri by Applicable lax�to&�rrow�er and to
<br /> � ' the other penuns prc�scribed b�•upplicable luK�.Af'ter the time reyuired b� upplicuble la��.Trustee sMal1 g(ve puWic notice
<br />__ '"'' `� �• ° ;' ot sale to the pers�ms and tn the manner pr�crilx•d by applicable law.TrustcY, without demand on Burrower.shall sell
<br /> _ • _ , , the Property At public auction t�►the hi�;hest bidder�t the time and plpce s�nd under the term+dcwignated in the nutice of
<br /> �� sple in onc or more parcch and in any�order Truste�determin�K.Tru+tec ma� potitponc+ale of all or any ps�rcel of the
<br /> ��� , Property by public annuuncement s�t thc ti�nc and placc �if am� previou�h� uhcduled xulc. I.endcr or itti d�wi�nce may�
<br /> , �`:' purchase the Property at uny sale.
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