._�P-;T 4 � --
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<br />— __-- - t2. !Fmrr�ors sad ��Soaneli JolM�!8srer�! t�sMl4lrt _C.�.AM�. The cove�uats �nd agreema�ta oc tbla
<br /> 5exurity Itutrument �iull blmi �nd beneCt thc wrceuar�axf wiwi�r+r of L.encier nnd Borrowcr, wb,ject W IjK provisions of
<br /> purrgty{�h 9.b. &�moN�cr'�c rnvc�twttr�rxi w�roemcnb �Iwll tx joint �nd ceverxl. Any Borrower wha co-si�nc thic Secudty
<br /> - � la�trwncnt twt d��. �xn cxaut�the NMe: (�1 ix co-ciRnin�thir Socurity In�trunxnt only to martg�c, gr�nt u�d convcy that
<br /> Borrou+er'�interc�t in the Propeny u�xier the tem�c of thi�Seeurity Inatrument; (b)is not persorwlly obli�xed t�� p�y the sumc
<br /> �_�—__ _..�� «e�:unscl My thi�Security In�irunxM; s�nd(c)Agroec thAt Lcnder anci any other Borrower mxy agree ta extend,mudify,farbes►r or
<br /> -- = makc�any arcan,�mxi�tioeuc with rc�urd ta the termY ot thi4 Savrity Instrument or tho Nate withaut thw Rarrower's oon�ent.
<br /> 1;.Notkai.Any n.xiceto Horrowcr provided far in this Se�udty lnstcument shull be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> - it by fir�t clasx mail unicss�pplirnble law royuires uso of w�ther method.The notice shall be dirxtod to the Property Address
<br /> or any aher addrccs Borrowcr dcwignates by naice to Lender. Any noticc to Lcnder shull bc given by first class mAil to
<br /> ___ ______�_�_� I.endar's address stated horein or uny address I.ender de�ignuea by notice to Barrower.Any notice provided f�r in this Secucity
<br /> In�irumont shr�ll be desmed to huve becn givcn ta&►rrowe�or I.snder when given�provided in this parayraph.
<br /> I�. Governi�g Law;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by fedcrul law und thc law of thc
<br /> � ju�iuiiution in which the Property is lacuted. In the event that any pravision or cluuse af this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> _- �- _� confliate with applicable law,such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of this Security Instniment or the Note which can be _
<br /> given effect without the con0icting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note�ro declared
<br /> :;��, to ba severable.
<br /> ,, ; ;�,:;��' 15.llarrower's Ce►py.Borrower shall be�iven ane canformed copy of this Security Instrument.
<br /> .�, .c�''��....-..t,�:�t
<br /> ` �"�y���°�;~"� 16.Assignment af Reats. Barrow•cr unconditionaUy assigns and transfers ta Lender all thc rents and revenues of tho
<br /> Ai��Y'�'�'S.`S!�Y�. ,
<br />. �as ,,'�''y7'�!'"�t
<br /> ���:�•": •'��.k,��s • Pt� �rt Barrower authorizes Lxnder ar Lender's a ents to collect the rents and revenues and he�eb directs cach tenant af the
<br /> �h�� �w. ,� �•,f" 'P Y• S Y
<br /> �^I ,��; tn�.•� � Pr��porty to pay the rents ta Lender or Lender's agents.However, prior to[.ender's notice to Borrower of Harrowcr's breach of
<br />. ' 1�'�;��41�` ��� _
<br /> �,r:..t�„ ��!��ff�,, any covenant or agreement in the Security lnstrument,Borrower shall collect und receive all rents and revenues of the Property
<br /> �a�'�:>.�=•��� )' as trustce for the benctit of L.ender und Borrower. This acsignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignmcut and not an
<br /> , �r"�pyt.'v;t';�.�.t}:.., s�.
<br /> „�Ft(�,,� �'� �� assignmont far Additional r,eecurity only.
<br /> ' �' 1.•.�
<br /> + ?��,M� '� �'l�t:♦
<br /> �� ft s
<br /> ,, '--- �k'���°� it'!4ix!?r giv� nn!ire nf Breactt to Borrowcr: �a)nl!renss rrcciv�d by Borrower shall be held by Pon�wcr �s tn�stee for
<br /> �' '''��` ` benetit of I.ender anly,to lx applicd to the wms�ccured by thc Security Instrument;(b)Lender shall be entitl�d to collert and
<br /> •�,,�i:"c'
<br /> ,. "'Y'�•• • receivr all of the rents of the Property; and(cl each tenant af the Property shall pay all rents due and unpaid to I.ender or
<br /> � � Le.nder's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant.
<br /> ' 'u't�,i,�'�,,,. .
<br /> Borrnwer hac n.�t execuled uny prior assignnxnt of the rent.und ha�not and will not perfurm any act that wnuld prevent
<br /> � � I.ender ftom exercising its ri�hts wxier this parugraph 16.
<br /> " l.crxicr tihall ne�t lxe rcyuirrd to cntcr up�m, takc contral�►f or nuintain thc Property lxfore ur aflcr giving n��ticc uf brwch
<br /> to Borti�wcr. Howevcr. Lci�lcr or a judi�•ially :►p�x�int�d r�crivcr nwy �u.0 at any timc thcrc i,a brcach.Any�pplicutiun uf
<br />= renla �hall tu�t curr ur waivc am•default ur im•aliJ:�tc any nthrr right or rcmedy uf I.rrxicr.This a�signmc�t of mnts af the
<br /> ' y Pr��urty shall terminatc wl�cu thr dcht xrurcJ hy thc Sccurity Imtrununt i�paid in Ful1.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.&►rrowcr and l.cn�cr tunh�r r��ccn•rnt and agrer a�fiiUow�:
<br /> t7.Forcclosure Pr�ec�dure.If I.endcr rcyuireti immcdlutc pu}•mcnt in full undcr pa�aRraph 9, I.ender ma�•imnke the
<br /> � ' power oi' wle und un,r utkr ren�edi�� per�niued b� upplicuble IaH. I.ender shall tk entitled to rnllect nll expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuin�the remedies under thk paru�;raph 17. includln�,but not limited to.res�sn�uible attumeys' fi�s�nd
<br /> msts of'tit1�evidenre.
<br /> : If the poNCr of wle is invoked, Trutitaw sLull r�YUrd a notim of defuult in cuch count� in w•bich uny part of the
<br /> � " � Property is I�xatcd�nd sFull muil rapi�w uf+udi n��tice in the munner pr�wrrilxd b��applirublc Is�M to Hurrower and to
<br /> .'v�� the nther rW�us rc�crit►ed b�•u licuble lu���.After the time re�uir��d b�u licable I�w.Trurtcr sBall �ve ublic notim
<br /> !x•' P Pn I pp �� p
<br /> _ '. ' of sale to the per.u�ns and In the manner pr��crll►ed by applicuble la«. Tru�tcr. ��ithuut demund un&►rrnwer,shall sell
<br />-""' �• .«-�• tlx Proprrt�at public auctbn tn the hi�;h�yt bidder at thc timc vnd placc and uuder thc term+deri};n�trd In the niNice of
<br /> ;�;".:',;;, �le in one or more parcels and in any ordcr 7'ru�tm detcrmirn�.T��ust��mu� ��stpone wte ot all or an� parccl of the -
<br /> ' �� •.•. Property br�public �nnouncement At the time and place of am•precioush• scheduled tiule. i.ender or its deslgnee ma�• �
<br />'i_ I;V':::�'• purchasc the Propert}�zt any sale. �
<br /> _ �-4RINE) P��c 6 01 6 �,
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