. � � � .� �. 1533
<br /> Thfe Deed of Ttuet el�all aecute (a) tlie peyu�ei�t uf tha prfncipnl auin aud luletest evlda��ced by a promissory note(s) or ctedit
<br /> agreement(s)as follnws: � .
<br /> Original
<br /> Date of Princlpal Maturity
<br /> Note(e) Maket(s)of Note(s) Amount(s) Date(s).
<br /> 11-1-99 Duane Rieflin and Vada Rieflin �723,257.34 12-31-2019
<br /> and any and all moditications, eztensions and renewals thereof or U►ereto and any and all futuca advancea and readvances to '
<br /> Dorrower(or any of tl�em if more U�an one)hereunder pursua��t to oi�e or more promissory notes ot creJlt agreements(I►erela called
<br /> "Note"� wl�eQ�er one or more); (U) the payment of other aums aJva��ced by Lender to protect Wa aecurity of tl�e Note; (c) the
<br /> performancc of ali covenants anJ agreements of'Trustor act forth l�erel�►; aud (d) all prosent anJ futura indebtedness and obligado��s
<br /> of Dotrower (or any of them if more lliau one) lo Leuder wl�ether direct, ludirect, absolule or contingent and whetlier arlsing by
<br /> note, guaranty� overdraR or otlierwise. Tl�e Note, tlds Deed of Trust and auy and all oU�et documents tl�at aecure tlie Note or
<br /> o0�etwise executed in cnunection tl�etewttli, IncluJing wUhout limitatio�� guarantees, securlty agreements a�id assignments of leases
<br /> and rent�, shall Ue referred to hereln as U�e "Loau Instrumeuts".
<br /> Truslor covenants and agrees wlll�Lender as followa;
<br /> 1. Fayment of lndebleJness. All lndebteduesa secured liereby elisil be paiJ wl►en due. � • �
<br /> 2. Tllle. 1'rustor is tf�e owner of Q�e Properry, i�as U�e right aud autliorlry to convey tha Property, and warrants tliat U►e Ilen
<br /> created heroby is a firat and�prior lien on tha Property, except for liens and encumbrances'set forlli by Trustor ln writing and ,
<br /> delivered to Lender before execution of tlile UeeJ of'I'rust, auJ We executlon anJ Jellvery of tl�is Deed of Trust does not vlolate a�iy
<br /> contra�t or other obligation to w6ich Truator is subject, ' -
<br /> � 3. Taxee, Aeaee�menla. To pay Uefore deliuyuency all taxes, apecial sasesemeuta aud all otl�er cl�arges sgsii�st We Ptoperty now
<br /> or lurealler IevieJ. � ' � �
<br /> 4. lneurance. To kcep lhe Yroperty (iieured againet dai�iago by ilro, hazerda luoluded wltl�ln tl�e tortn "oxtcnJed coverago"�
<br /> and sucl� other hazarde a� Lender may reyuire, li► atnouiUa and witii compenies�seceptabla lo Lender, netning L.ender ea an �
<br /> eJdi�lonal named IusurcJ, witl� loaa peyaUlc to tlio Lender. lii casa of loas under eucl� policice,'tl�e LenJer Is audiorized to ac�just,
<br /> collect and coropromise, all clnlms Q�ereunder anJ sl�all lisve the optlon of applying all or pert of Il�o'luaureuco proceeda (I) to any
<br /> InJebledneen necured hereby aud In eucl� orcicr ae L,euQcr mny dcleruilno, (II) lo U�e'I'tualot to'be ueod for U�e tepalc or restoratloii
<br />'� o[llie 1'roperty or (Ili) for any ollier purpose or oUJect sadsfactory to LeuJer wltl►out affecdi�g tl�e Ilen of Utle Deed of Truet for U�e
<br /> full amount eecurod hereby befote auch payment ever took place. Any applicatlon of proceeds to indeUledness ehall not eate�id .or
<br /> poslpone tlic due dale of any paytna�ts under Uie Nnle, or cure any Jefauit thereunJer or I�ereundor. :��`;. ., '','• � •
<br /> 5. Cscro��. Upon written JananJ by Londer, Truslor ahall pay to Lender, i�►aucli manner as LenJer may deslgnate� auCticient
<br /> sums to onable l,ender to pay as tliey become due o��e or more of Qie following: (i) all taxes,,essessments and oUier charges against �, ,
<br /> U�e Property, (ii) ihe premiums on tl�e property insurance required I�ereunder, and (ili) q�e premiums on any mortgage lnsurance
<br /> � tequired by Lender. • � •
<br /> 6. Malntenance, Repairs and Compliance wiU� Laws. Trustor sliall keep ilie Property in good condltlon attd tepair; st�all
<br /> promptly repair, or replace any improvement wlilcti tnay be Jamaged or destroyed; shall not commlt or permit any:waste or
<br /> . Jeterioration of tl�e Property; sliall not remove, demolisl� or substa��tially alter auy of tl�e lmprovements on tlie Property; st�all not
<br /> commit, suffer or permit any act to be done in or upon tl�e Property in vlolation of any law, ordinance, or regulation; and sl�all pay ..
<br /> � anJ promptly discharge at Ttustor's cost and eapense ail Itens, eucumbraucea and charges levled, Imposed or assessed agalnst Uie
<br /> Property or any part thereof. .
<br /> 7. Eminent Ilomaln. Lender is hereby assigned ali compensation, awards, damages and otl�er payments or relief(hereinaRer -
<br /> "Proceeds") In connection witl� condemnation or otl�er taking of tl�e Property or part tl�ereof, or for conveyance in Ueu of
<br /> condemnation. l.ender shall be entitleJ�at its option to commence, appear iii and prosecute'in its owrt name any act�on or
<br /> proceedings, and ahali also be entitled to make any compromise or settletnent ln connection wltli suclt taking ot damage. In the
<br /> event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged, Lender sl►all 1►ave tl►e optlon, in its able and absolute dlscretion, to epply ,
<br /> all such Proceeds, atter deducting tl�erefrom all costs anJ expenses incurred by 1t in connection willi auch Proceeds, upon any
<br /> . indebtedness secured hereby and in sucl�order as Lender may determine, or to apply all sucli Ptoceeds, after auch deductions, to the
<br /> restoration of the Property upon aucl� conditions as I.ender may determine. Any application of Ptoceeda to indebtedneas sl�all not
<br /> extend or pos�pone U�e due date of any payment�under tl�e Note, or cure a�ry default Uiereunder or heteunder. My uaapplied funcls �
<br /> shall be paid to Truator. � '
<br /> 8. Performance Uy Lender. Upon tl�e occutrence of ati Bvent of Default l�ereunder, or lf any act,is,takon or legal proceeding
<br /> commenced whicli materlally a(fecte Lendor's interaet in tlie Property, Lender �uay ln its own diacretion; but wldiout obligation to
<br /> do ao, anJ wlQ�out notice to or dema��d upoti'Ttuslor and w1Q�out releasing '1'rustor from any obligatlou Ju any act wl►lcli'1'ruetor
<br /> tiaa agreed but tails to do and may also do any otlier act lt dee�i�s necessary lo protect llte secur�ty 1►ereof.� Trustor at�all, .
<br /> immediately upon demand Oierotor by Lender, pay lo Leuder all costs a�id expenseg IncurteJ and sums eapenJed by LenJer in
<br /> connection witl� tlio eaerclse by Lender of tlie foregoing rigl►ts, togell�er witl� interest U�ereon at llie default rata provided ln d�e
<br /> Note, whlch ehall be added to tl�e InJebtedness secured l�ereby. Lendcr el�all t►ot L�cur a��y Ilablllty becaueo of anyUdng It may do or
<br /> omit to Jo hereunder.
<br /> 9. Ifazerdous Materlals. Truator sl�all keep U:e Property In coiripliance wltli all applicable lawa, ordliiancea anJ regulatio►u
<br /> releting to inJustrlal I�yglene or envlronmental protectlon (coliecdvely referred to l�ereLi as!•"�nvlronntental Lawe"):'�Truator ahall ,
<br /> keep Q�e Property free front all subalances deemed to ba I�azardoua or toaic uuder a��y Bnviro►unenlal Lawa (collectively ceferred.to,
<br /> herein as "Ilazardous Materials"). Trustor l�ereby warrauts and repreaents to Lender tl�at d�era ara no Hazsrdoua Materlals oa or
<br /> under U►c Property. Trustor I�ereby agrees to indemnlfy and I�old I�aruiless Lendcr, lte Jirectore,'officere, employeea anJ agente,,
<br /> and any successors to Lender'a interest, from and against auy and all claicna, damages, loases and Ilabilides�arlsing (n connectlon
<br /> wid�tlie presence, use, disposal or transport of any Hazardous Materials on, under, from or about Q�e Property� TNB FOREQOINCi.
<br /> 10.Ansignment o� Rent�. Tcustor hereby assigns to Lender, aud gra�its Lender a aecurlty lnteteat ln, all present, Nture and i
<br /> afler-arising rents, lssues anJ proftts of ilie Property; provlded ll�at Trustor sl�all, until tlie occurrence of an Bvent of Default
<br /> hereunder, have the rigl�t to collect and retain sucl�renla, (ssuea anJ prolits as they become dua and payable:� Upon tl�e occutreuce
<br /> of an Event of Default, L.ender may, eitlier ln person or liy ageut, witl� or wiQ�out bringing any actlon or proceeding, or by a
<br /> • receiver appointed by a couct anJ wltl�out tegard to Q�e aJequacy of its aecuriry, enter upon ancl taka poaseasion of the Property, ot
<br /> any part U�ereof, in its own name or In tl�e name of U�e Trustee, and do any acts wt►icl� it cfeems necessary,or.desirable to preserve.
<br /> tl�e value� marketability or rentability of tl�e Property, or any part U�ereof or Intereat tl�erel�i, br ta lncreasc tl�e lncoma'tlierefrom or
<br /> protect U�e security I�ereof and, witl� or witl�out taking possession of tlie Property, aue for or oWetwlse collect tl►e rents, (ssues and .
<br /> profits thereof, including U�ose past clue and unpaid, by notifyi��g tenants to uiake payments to I,ender. Lender may apply rents,`
<br /> issues and proftts, less costs and expenses of operation and collection including attorneys' fees, to any.lndebtedness secuced liereby�
<br /> all ln such order as I.ender may determine. 1'he entering upon aud teki��g posseaslon of Uie Pcopecty, Uia collectlon of sucli rents�
<br /> Issues anJ profite, end tlie applicaQon tl�ereof ne afoteeald, ehall uot cure or walve auy default oc nodce of default liereunder or
<br /> invalidate any act dono ln response to aucli default or pureunnt to eucli uotico of Jefault aud, notwitlielanding Wo co��tinuauce ln
<br /> poesession of U�e Property or the collecdon, tecelpt anJ applicatiott of rettts, iseues or profits, Trustee atid Lender al�all bo endtled to.
<br /> exercise every tight provided for in any of tl�a Loan Instruments or by law upou occurre��co of any Byent.of Defautt, incluJtng�
<br /> without Iiml�alton Ihe right to cxercise.tiio power of eale, rurtlier, Lander's rlghts a��d�remedlee under tl�ls�peragreph ehell be�
<br /> cumulalivo witl�, and iu no way a (imitatlon on, LenJor'e rlgl�ts aad remcdies under eay asslgiunent of.leaeee and rents recorded
<br /> '" agalnal tlie Ptopetty. Lendor,Truetee and tho recelver ehall bo Ilablo,to accouat only Cor Ihoae rents actually.rocolved,
<br />