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, g9 11�53? <br /> Thle UeeJ �f Tniel al�all eccure (n) lho paymcut uf tl►o prluclpnl einu nud (nlerosl avliloiicad by a promissory uole(s) or credlt <br /> agreemenl(a) as foliowa: ' Origlnal ' <br /> , I'[luclpal Matuclty <br /> Date of Amouut(s) Date(s). <br /> Note(�) Maker(s)of Nule(�) , . <br /> 11-1-99 Duane Rieflin and Vada Rieflin $723,257.34 12-31-2019 <br /> and any and all modi(ications, eatensions and re�tewals tliereof or tl►ereto and any and.all futura advances and readvances lo ' <br /> Dorrower(or any of U�em if more Q�an ona)hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory noles oc credlt agreements(liecein called <br /> "Note", wliell�er one or more); (U) tl�e payment of otl�er sums aJvai�ced by Lender to protect U�a aecurity of Q�e Note; (c) the . <br /> performance of all covenants anJ agreements of Trustor set forU�I�ereiii; aud(d) a11 present a�id futuro lndebtedness and obligatlons <br /> oF Dorrower (or any of tl�em iF moro ll�an one) to Lendet wl�etl�er direct, ludirect, abaolute or contingent and whetlier arlsing by <br /> note, guacanty, overdraft or otlietwise. Tl�e Nota� U�is Deed of Trust aud any and all atl►er docum�nW tl�at aecuro tlie Note or <br /> otlurwise execuled in connecdon therewlll�, including wltliout limitatiun guaranteea, security agreements and ssslgnments of leases <br /> and rents, sl�ali be[efcrced to herein as U�e "Loau luslrumenta". . <br /> Trus�or covenan�s and agrees wftl�Lender as fullowa: <br /> 1. Fayment o[lndebte�lnes�. All lndebtedness aecured l�ereby sl�all be paid wl�en dua ' • <br /> 2. 7'ille. Trustor Is U�e owner of tho Ptoperty, Las the right aud authorlry to convoy Q�o Properry, and warra��ts Uiat tl�o Ilcn <br /> crea�ed hereby i� a lirat end prior lien on tl�e Properry, except for Ilens ai�d encumbrancee'eet fortl► by Trustor In wrldng and , <br /> deliverod to l.ender before eaeculion of thle Ueed of'l'rual, a��d tlie executiou sud dellvery of tl�is Deed of Trust does not vlolate any <br /> contract or other obligadon to wl�ich Truator ia eubject, ' - <br /> � 3. Taxee� Ae�ee�menld. '1'u pay befure dcll��yue�icy all lnxes, epeclal asecseitteule aad�nll oll►er cliargee agalust U►e Propecly now <br /> or herealler Icvied. <br /> A. laeurance. 'ib kcep tlie Ptnpctry lueured agaluet damugo by tlro, liazarde IucluQeQ witld�i ll►e tetut "oxtendeJ coverago"� <br /> end sucl� o�lier I�azacd� as Lcu�ler mny tequlte, lu emouula n�id wllh compeulee�acceplablo to Lender, naming�er ae en � <br /> addllfonal named (naureJ, wlth loaa raynblo to lho Len�cr, !n oeee uf loea undor euch polloloe,iQ►o Londer la autliorizod to s�Ju�t, <br /> collect aud compromise� all clnlms ll�ereunJer anJ ehall have tlio upllo��of npplying all or part of Q�o'Ineuranco proceeJe (i) to eny <br /> Indcbtedneen necureJ I�eceby end In eucli orcicr ae li.eudcr uiny �Iclerwlno, (tl) lo Ilie'I'ruetor 1o�bo ueed !br die repalr or restoretlou <br /> o[tlie Properry or (Ili) for any ollier putpuse or obJect eatisfnctory tu Leuder w111►out affectl��g tl�e Ilen of U�le DoeJ of'I'ruet far tl�e <br /> full emount eecured I�ereby before eucl� payment eveC took place, Aoy appllcallou of proceeds l0 ludcbtedness el�all uot ealond pr <br /> pos�pone 11�e duc datc of any payments uuder tl►e Nole,or curo any default ll►ereuuder or hereunder. :�1';. ., '.'�'• • • <br /> 5. �acro�r. Upon written�emanJ by Lender,Trustdr eliall pay to LeuJer, (n euch manner as Lender may designate, sufEicient <br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as tt�ey become due one or tnora of tl►e following: (i) all taxes,,assessments and oUier ctisrges against ', . <br /> Uie Ptoperty, (ii) ti�e pretnluma on U�a property insurance required hereuiider, auJ (ili) Ilia premlums.on eny mortgage insurance <br /> . required by l.ender. • <br /> 6. Malntenance, Repalra a��d Cotupllauce will� Lnws. Trustor al�pll ke�p tha Pcoperty (n good condition�and repalr; sliall <br /> promplly rcpair. or replace any improvement wl�iclt may be dameged or destroyed; sl�all not commit or permit any,waste or <br /> dolerioration of tLe Property; ehall not cemove, dentolisl� or eubstai►tlally alter uny of tl�e (mprovements on tl�o Properry; al�all p y , <br /> commit, suffer or permit atry act to be Jone i��or upou tl►e Properly ii�violadon of eny law, ordinance, or regulation; end sliall a <br /> � anJ prompUy discl�arge at Trustor'e eost an� eape�►ae all lieus, encumbraucea auJ cl►atgea levled, lmposed or assessed agaiast Uie <br /> Property or any part thereof. . . <br /> 7. �m(nent llomeln. l.ender is hereby assigned all compensadon, awards, dameges and otLer payments or relief(herelnaRer <br /> 'Proceeds") in conneclion wilh condemnation or olher taking of lhe Property or part ll�ereof, or for conveyauce in Ileu of <br /> condemnalion. Lender shall be entitled at its option ro commence, appesr in and pcosecuta ln (ts own nama any actlon or <br /> proceedings� and shall also be endtled to make any compromise or settletnei�t itt cotu�ection wldi sucli taklag or da�nego. !n U�e <br /> event any portion of tl�e Property is so taken or da�uaged, LenQer sl�all l�ave Q►e optioi�, in lts sble anJ abaoluto Jisccetion, to apply . <br /> all such Proceeds, aQer deducting tl►erefrom all costs and expenses (ncurred by (t (n connectlon wltli�auch Proceeds, upon any <br /> indebtednes�secured hereby and in sucl�ocder ae Lender may determine, or to apply all auclt Proceeda, after euch deductlons, to tlie <br /> restoration of tl�e Property upon aucl� condilians as Leneler may determine. Any application of Ptoceeds to lndebtedneas sl�all not <br /> ealend or poslpone tl�e due date of any payments ui�Jer A�e Noto, or cure any default Uiereunder or liereunder. My unapplied funcls � <br /> al�all bc pafd to Truetor. • <br /> S. Per[ormance by l.ender. Upon Ilie occurrence of an L�vent of Default l�ereunder, or If any act,is,taken or legal proceeding <br /> commenced whicl� inalerlally a[fecls I.endcr'e intereat in Ilie Prc�pecty, Le��der may in (ts owi� cilscredou; but wltl�out obUgation to <br /> �o eo, end wlthout nutico to or �lemand upnn'Cruetar and wl�Lout releaslug '1'ruator from any obligatluu Jo any act whlcli'1'ruetor <br /> has agreed but fells to do a��J may aiso clo ai►y other aet lt deetiis uecessnry to' protect 11►o secur�ty I�ereof. �Truator ahell, . <br /> immedlalely upon demand ll�erelor b}' L.ender, pay to Lender all costs au4 expensea Incurted aud euma eapended by I.euder ln <br /> connection witi�"l�ee a���e�o tliell dee�te luo aesecurod'I��rel,y1191�enJer,,eliall�uot incur9aay Uablllty be�caueeaofte►yU�ing It may+do or <br /> Notc, which eha <br /> omit to do liereunder. <br /> 9. Ilazardous Malerlals. Truslor eliall keep U►e I'roperry (n compllauce witl� all applicable lawa, ordlnauces en� regulatiotu <br /> teleting to induatclal Irygieno or arvlronu►ental prolection (colleclivcly rcfecred to Lerei�i as!"�nvironmental Lawe"):��Truetor sliall , <br /> kecp ll�c Property free front all aubalancee deemed to ba I►azerdous or loxlc u��der s�►y L�nvlrotunental Lawe (collectively [, <br /> heceln a� "liazardous Materlals"). Trustor hereby warraats aud represeuta to Londer U�at tl►ero are no Hazardoue Materlels an or <br /> under tlic Properry. Truator hereby agreee to (ndcmulfy and I�old 1►armless l.ender, Ite Jirectore,'of[lcere, �mployeca and agente,, <br /> and any successora to LenJer'e (nterest, from and agalnst any and all clalms, damagea, loeses end llabliltles�arTj��B rOREQOlNO <br /> wlll� Il�e ptesence, usc,dlsposal or transport of nuy liezardou�Materials o�i, under, from or sbout Il�e Property� . <br /> WARRANTIES AND REPRESBNTATIONS, AND TRUS'COR'S ODLICiA'CIONS �PURSUANT ;,TO�•TIiB 'FORIIaO1Na <br /> INU�MNITY, S11ALL SURVIVII RLCONVL�YANCL� OP'1'1ll5 UL�L�U OP TRUST, j ; •. • � <br /> 1 0.A�s ignm e u t o f R e n t s. T n i s l o r 1�e reb y asal gns to Lender, and grants La�der a aecurlry Interest ln, all present, <br /> tLture and <br /> a(ler-arising rents, issues at►d protits of tl�e Property; provlded tl►at 'IYustor sliall, untll Uie occurre��ca o f an 8ven t o f Ue(a u l t <br /> hereunder, have Ihe cight to collect anJ retain sucl�tente, lesues aud pcoflts as they become dua and payable;� Upon the occutreuce <br /> oF an L�vent of Default, L.ender may, eltl�er L� person or Gy ageut, willi or wllliout brluglug any. acllon or proceeding, or by e <br /> roceiver appointed by a court end wltltout regard to tl�e aJeyuncy of Its eecurity, entec upon and taka poaseselon of tLa Properry, or <br /> any part Uiereof, in its own name or"In Ihe name of U�a Trustec, and do auy acls whlcl� lt eleems neceasary,oc.deslrablo to preaervo. <br /> tLe value, markelabllitj�or rentablllly of tbe Properly, or auy part ti�ereof or lulerest thereLi, br lo increaso U►e Income Uierefrottt oc <br /> protect tl�e aecurity liereof and, wlUt or without takli�g possassion of Ihe I'roperry, eue for or otl�orwlao colile�cn�er n ay applyerents,` <br /> profits thereaf, including thosa past duo and unpaid, Uy notifying tenauts to make paytnents to I.ender, <br /> issues and pro(its, leas costa and expenses oF operatlon and cullectlon inciudlag altorneys' Cees, lo►debtediieas secured l�ereby�� <br /> all in sucl� arder as Lender may determine. 7'he entering upou and luklug posseaslon oF tl�a Property, Q►e collectlon of aucl� rents, <br /> iaeues and pro(lls, and Iho applieation Uiereof ae aforesalJ, eliall uot euro or walva auy Jefault oc ttotico of default I�eceunJet oc <br /> invali�late any act done In res��onsa to euch default or pursuant lo eucli uotica of default aud, t►olwltl►alanding lho contluuanco ln <br /> poeseeaion of tl�e Property or tl�o collectlon, receipt aud appltcallon of rents, leauea or proflta, 'fruateo xnd I.ander ahall be endtl�J to, <br /> eaerciso every right provided for in auy of tl►a Loau lustrumcuts or by law upon occurreuca of any IIyent.of Default, incluJing. <br /> w1U�out limitetion Iho right ta►o power of eale, Furlliec, Leiider'e rigl��s eud�romediee�unclor tLie�paragraph ehall bo' <br /> cumulalivo whl�, anQ In no way s Ilmltatlon on, I.ender'a tighla aud reu�edlos tmder any aeslgiuneut of�leaeea snJ reuta recordeJ <br />�_ pgoMet tho Pcoperry, Lendor,'i'rueteo ai►d llio recelver sl►nll ba llablo lo uccount only fur lhoso ta►W actually recolved. <br />