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<br /> ^�i�� �.yl� ��..�.J. .
<br /> " _� l.� _•r�.
<br /> .'N� i•.� . ..__.__-..—_�-��� .._
<br /> _r�! i102f1F3
<br /> ���"""""'� A�iRiNM�NT OF IiENTS RIOER 93�
<br /> THIS AbaK�NMENT OF RENTS RIpER f�m�d�and�x�cutod this 1� dAy ot NOVII�R ,�p 93 ,����
<br /> i�oorpo►at�d Into�nd�h+�ll M d�A�Mld.tq�nd and auppUrrHnt th�Mortfl�p�or DMd of T�wt�h�►�Inaft�r nbrrrd to�s th�
<br /> - - "a�auriiy imtrum�nt"� of itM,s�mlt dn��►,�iiY�ii t,y tt�: un�:rai�r+ed, h�ralnafi�f r�terrod to��tiH "6wrower", tu wuui�
<br /> Ba�aw�r'�Ind�bt�dn»�t,h�Nn�flK nhKr,W to u th�"Not�",to HOME FEDERAL 8AVIN�B ANO LOAN AS�OCIATION OF
<br /> • �HANO IBLAND,h�rNn�ft�►nhrnd to��,tl�wt"l.�nd�r",of th�au�Wt�and cow►i�p tM prop�rty d�acrlbW In th�S�curNy
<br /> _.._�_-..�.:_:—��_�
<br /> Imt�un�+t�nd laaat�d at:
<br /> � 1Q32 S. PlullM, GRAND ISLANA� HE. 68801 _
<br /> (Prop�rty Addrlss)
<br /> ._. �.-�-_-___—____-'___..__--� c_
<br /> - WHlEREAS,Borrow�r �nd l�nd�r hwe apr*sd thst��y�ants and proflts att►ibutabl�to th�prappty�hould constitut�
<br /> - --- additlonal s�auNty to th�L.�nd�r fa th�p�ymtnR of th�Not�;
<br /> ��- NOW.TH EREFORE,it ii apr�ed th�t th�8�qurtty inetrum��t�hali bs am�nd�d hsreby and de�mW.to tnalud�the tollowi�p
<br /> -- ���--•--•�-°—_- pto+rl�lom: _.
<br /> 1. A�elpnment of Rants and 4end�r Rant�1 Coileattan Rlahts.Bor�ower hereby absotutely anA uhqonditionally aasiyns atl
<br /> — _- r�nt�, issuss and profits of the prcp�rty to Benafklary. Lender sh�ll h�ve the right, ppwe�.and authority durinp the
<br /> — continwnc�of the S�cudty lnstrumAnt to c0114Ct th�nnte, lesues and pratltR of thp prap�rty a�d of any p�raonal prop�rty
<br /> locat�d tNSnon with or withqut hlcinp pqsee$ston of the property affectad hsraby. Lender,F1aw�ver� hareby conaents to `
<br /> Borrower's coil�ation�nd t�bntion of euch nnts,lseu�s and p�ofita as they pGCrueanQ beppme payable.ao�ony�s Borrower
<br /> _ ia not, �t suCh time,In d�fauit with��sp�at tp p+lyment of any Indsbtedaeis s�cu�qd hereby,or in tha pertormanca of any --
<br /> aprNment h�nund�r. __
<br /> ' 2. pocotntment of Recelver. if any event of detauit in reapact to the Security instrument shall have occurred and be
<br /> `�""'i`*: - ,
<br /> ,�,:-.. .. . . continulnp, Under, es a mstt�r of�i9ht and without notice to Borrower or a�yone ctalminp under Borrower,and without _
<br /> ` ' ` r�p�rd to th�valus ot the truet satate or the intar�st ot tht Borrower thorein,shall have tha ripht to apply to any court havinp =
<br /> •'' �° ;*�, juritdtctlon to�ppoint a r�slver of tM property.
<br /> .3�:• �L'p:<, '
<br /> . ��r 3. R(pht to Poaseaaton. In case of d�fau�t in the payrrwnt of the safd principa!Note or interest.or any pa�t thereof,as It
<br /> '�� shali matur�,or in the aaee of fatlure to keap or pe�torm any of the covenents or apreements contafned i�the Security Inatru•
<br /> � ., rnent, ttNn the L�nd�r, itt aucceseora or aasf�na, shalt be and Is hereby authorized a�d empowered to 2ake immediate
<br /> poasession of the sa�d pr�miees th�rain de�aribod and to colloct the rents�he►efrom,and to apply the proceeds thsraot to th�
<br /> paym�nt of th�Nott.
<br /> _.s.�• 4. Aoollaation of Rants.I��ge and Protfts.AII re�ts cotlected by Lender or the recefver shail be applied fint to payment _
<br /> --`i�; ���•��+�.. ° vf ths coate�ot rii�ii��yi:wit�O{Q�'i6�ia�@i2y iiii�CG1t8GtI8ii 81 i8fi25,tncludlrsQ,bu!ssa!!!mltsd ta�rccalvas'a tcca,Pramlusrss ars
<br /> ��:��ti^ �' .l r�iver'�bonda and r�aaon�bte�ttom�y's feea,and then to the aums securod by the Security inatrurnent. Lender and th� -
<br /> ?l��'"��`."•=`�'�"" r�c�ive�=hait be IfaWe to acCOUnt only for those renta actually received.
<br /> .:,r»,�.�. ;. • '•tl .. •
<br /> 4'
<br /> i:•��,...••..:+�;::.�'c"" � 5. ¢onstruction of Provieione,Each of the proviaions contafned in this Assipnment of Rents Rider and the Security Inetru�
<br /> � (s�`��':����"`"`�"` rnent shall, uMeas otharwise apeclfical�y requlred, be construed in accordance with Nebraska Iaw,s�nd in the avent any =
<br /> Fr.-• •^
<br /> , a '�M��+��-�->� 4 proviNan herei�or therein contained shatl be determined by a court of competent jurfsdictbn to be unanforceabie,the oame -
<br /> ���'��'j��'�'� shali be eonetrued as thouflh such unontorceabte provision were not a part he�eof or thereof.
<br /> '��'���.'�:�' � �A'' X 8. �fect of Rider.Excapt as apeciflcatiy modified by or incon tent with this Assiqnment ot Rents Rid�r or by any other
<br /> �����" � � ~�t- �= applicabie ridar.��I ot the terma and provisions contained in the S curity instrument ahalt continus in tuti forco and etfect -
<br /> L��("�fe�M�h+u..�1�w
<br />_.�1� �'.�1,°.:Tt'.��.w u�.':�u/c"�..fi.a —
<br /> �l. ��,�;��:�. ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Bor�ower hAS executed thta Asaiqn e t of nts der Q da e first noted above. _.
<br /> .� s, �nn•�i,.
<br />- �r��� .::J:.�•,,;,.::.
<br />�� . '•%�i,iS-x+It•'o_w-.-:• •
<br /> ••rplar;r.b�n.a.,/,lK.�••.' � 8orrower
<br />�_�� ;�y� :.;. .i.�,,�t�i•:
<br /> ,�;, ` :.�_;:t;. ��� S.��K =
<br />. � _
<br />�,• �::. �.: .. ... MARILYN S��rower ,-=
<br /> � ,.,i .. r:' -
<br /> xt:�r.r:d::�ti:�•
<br /> � 1 ..r. .::: _
<br /> �'��� ,`� ���" STATE C1F NEBRASKA)
<br /> '' �?.: • (aa:
<br /> '"�� x� �� COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> �w.
<br /> ��-�..4' On this�,1�L day of NOYFMBER ,19�_�be(ore me,the underatyned,a Not�ry Pubtic duly commisaion�d and
<br /> •-,-��,�j�, 1:;:.� � q�+0}i�d fw uld county,peraonatly ctme neVtn t ARNni n AND MARILYN S. ARNOLD 1HIISBANU 9I�LD_
<br />��;,�. - e����:.I,::. WT�) ,to be the Identicai person(s)whose nam�s)ialue subacribsd
<br />— �. ,1•,j�i..�� .
<br />--�= ta•tha forpo�np i�strument,and helahelthey acknowledye the execution th�raot to be hislh�Ntheir volunt�ry�ct and dwd.
<br /> �` � ...
<br /> _ ' ,�;. Witneae my hand and Notarlal S�al at GRAND ISLAND. NEBRA5KA
<br />� •� r _
<br /> , in sald unty,th�date afassald.
<br /> 't
<br /> -_�� ° �MIM�ARf,1qItMYr� fL � �. Ka��
<br /> �L�� NOtary Publlc
<br /> 0�■n fi�.Ok 29�I896
<br /> —° My Commissbn�xplr�s: �CG. 2q_ i�y �
<br /> ��m� .
<br />