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<br /> �pplic�bk I�w mry opecify for rcin�temenq bcforc �ale of the Praperty punuant to any�r of x�k cani�ined in Ihi►
<br /> Security Insttumenr cx(b)entry of�judQment enforcinR thix Socudty Inctnime�t. Tho�e condition��u�e thrt Bnrmwer: (�)
<br /> — pNyi Lxnder dl rumr which �hen would be due under thir Securlry InY�nimcnt Mnd thc Nar �� if no �cceler+�tiun h�d
<br /> -_ — oc:currcd:lb)curex+u�y dcf�ult af�y wher cuvenants a w�rermentx:lc)pwY�wll expensex incunrd in cnf��rciny thi�;Sccurity
<br /> [nsiturt�ent. includ{n�,but not timitcd to,rcasoiublc �ttomcyr'fixi;and(d) wkes xuch action�x l.c�ufcr may �bly
<br /> - ra�uirc ta Nrsure thAt the lien of thi�Security Insuunxnt,l.ender�riQhts in the Pro{xny und 81�rtawcrk ubligwion ro ps�y the
<br /> �. sumY �socured by thi+� Sccurity Inatrumcnt shati cc�ntinuc u�uhungcd. llpon rcinstatenknt by Bnrrowcr, this Sccurity
<br /> ,; lastrument u�d the oblig�►tiona�ecurcd hercby sh�ll rcm�in fully effective As if no rccolcratfan had occurred. However,this
<br /> ri�ht ta afttst�te sh�tll not�pply in the case af acceieration under parugruph 17.
<br /> '�' 1!. Sale ot Note=Ch�n�e of I.oan Servker. The Nate or Y purtiat in[crc�t in the Note(together with thic Secudry
<br /> �„�;F::,a�_� Instnunent)m�y be sold one ar more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sule may rcsult ln u chunge in the enttty
<br /> (known as the"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly p�yments dua under the Note und thic Security Instrument. There also
<br /> _:_�� may be one or morc chonges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a salo af the Notc. If there Is a change of the I.oan Servicer, � :
<br /> _._� �i , Borrower wlll be given writtan natico of the chsuige in accordance with paragruph 14 above and applicable law. The notice __
<br /> -- will state the name and eddress of the new Loan Servicer and the address ro which payments should 6e made. The notice wili -
<br /> _-—. �`a;"'�'� also conain�ny other infamation required by applicable law.
<br /> ,�p ��'`'� 20. Huardous Substances. Borrawer shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,stocuge,or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subslances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone rlse to do,anything affecting the �„_
<br /> -' � Property that is in vioiation uf any E�vironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shap not apply to the prcsence,use,or ---
<br /> �������� stora e on the Pro rt of small uantities of Hazardous Substances that are enerall rcco nized to be a ro ate to nonnal �'
<br /> ��,_� . B Pe 9 9 8 Y S PP P� —
<br /> ��.��,,. ; residential uus and to maintenance of thc Property. __-
<br /> �,,,.,,..•'�.-' Bortower shall prompt{y give Lender wri[ten notice of any investi�ation,cluim,demund,lawsuit or other action by any �r�;�;:
<br /> } w ;,,. ., govemmental or regul�tory�gency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> .`',• • ' Law of which Borrower hus actual knowledge. If Botrower learns, or is notiGed by •rny govemmental or rcgulatory ���
<br /> k �`. '- authorit��.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary,Borrowe� �.;
<br /> *���=•' ���'� '. ,�:''' shall promptly talce all necosstuy rcmedial actions in accordance with Environmentul Law.
<br /> „::`.'J4•".:.� � '•;�:` As used in this paragrnph 20,"Huzardous Substance.s"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substance+by ����
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substs►nces: gasoline,kerosene, other flammuble or toxic petroleum product�,toxic �-
<br /> ' "' �'• pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents, materisls contuining Asbestos or formaldchyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> ,.: ;.`_• ;.
<br /> � ' , used in this parngraph 20."Environmental Law"mcans federal laws and laws of thc juriuiiction where thc Propeny ix located ��_
<br /> :::4:..,. }:..�.�;._.
<br /> ?�,c�:••�'�-.1 .:� that rclatc to health,safety or environmental protcction. -
<br /> ::.`.;','� .~ :;�t ,: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and asree as follows: ==�-
<br /> �...�-
<br /> ���,�;� = + 21. Acceleration; Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Bo�rawer prior to accelerallon followiag Borrower's --.-.
<br /> -;;.,;.� �,�*::.�, ��;::��,�•�, bre�i.uf���y cuvr��ruf ur�grrrmrni in tbi�Securiiy Instrumeni ti�ui not priur tu Acceiecaiion under paragrap6 I? =-.-�
<br /> - • • unless Applicat►le luw provides otherwisel. The notice shatl speclfy: (a)the default:(b)the xction required to cure the '-"-
<br /> � � defoult;(c)a date,nbt less than 30 ds�ys trom the date the notice is given to Rorrower,by which the default must be --
<br /> ` "'' `���' ' , cured;and(d)that failure to curr the default on or before the date specifled in the notice may result in pcceleration of' �ia;:
<br /> ;;'�;,:.i1:' <,, the sums secured by thie Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The nottce shAll further inform Borrower of �".�
<br /> � ' . the right to reie�sts�te at�er accelers�tion and the riRht to bring a court action to assert the non•existence of a dePault or '��
<br /> � • • Any other defense ot Borrower to Acceleration and sale. If the de�ault is not cured on or before the date speclfied in
<br /> the notke,I.ender at its option may reyuire immedixte puyment in full of s�ll sums secured by this Security Instrument -���
<br /> , " without further demAnd and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by s�pplicable law. r.•
<br /> � i.ender shall be entiUed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21. •�
<br /> � lncluding,but not limited to,reasonuble Attorneys•fees and costs of title evidence. �--
<br />�,;, � : . ' If the power of sale is invoked.'I�ustee sh�ll record a nutice of defautt in each county in which anv part uf the �;_
<br /> rt•;��- �'��� Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the munner pre.r•cribed by applicable law to Borrow•er and to ,a,_.;.{
<br />`�'�;;,_ � .���•-:,.::• the other persons prescri6ed by appllc�ble law. After the Ume required bv applic�ble taw.Trustee shull Rt�•e public
<br /> -� . � notice of sale to the persotts and in the manner prescrihed by applicable law. 'IYustee.without demrnd un Borrower. -
<br /> ` shull sell the Property at public yuctiun to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desiRnated(n t�.
<br /> � •�,''�;,�',�' �, ' the notke of sele in one or mo�e parcris and in any arder'I�ustec determines. 71�ustee m•ry postpone sale of all or�ny ;;=,�:
<br /> � • parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and pluce of any p�eviously scheduled wle. I.ender or its '°��
<br /> , ,•- � s designee may purchasc the Property at any sale. �'°^
<br /> . .. Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shull deliver to the purchuser'It�ustee's deed cun�•eyinR the ��%
<br /> Property. The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed�hall be prima fycie rvidenre oP the truth of the statements made therein. ., '
<br /> -�-�'�"�1 'Ilrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fullowin�order: t�1 to ull costs�nd expenuw uf exercising the poa•er -
<br /> 'F�.
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