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<br /> � � ' periodc ttwt Lender roquircs. The insurau�ce canier providing the insuronce shall be chosenTi�orrower subject to I.cnderh
<br /> approval which shall not be unreasonably withluld. lf Bocrower fails to m�lntAin covecage described above.Lender mty,at
<br /> Lender's option,obt�in coverage to protsct Lender'.s rigl�ts tn the Propeny in xcordance with puagraph 7.
<br /> ____— _--- AI!insurance paltcles end renewels shall lr.acceptable m Lender and shnll includc a stundard mortgagc clause. I.encier —
<br /> —= shall t��ve the right to hold the palicles�nd renewals. If Lender roquircc,BoRUwer shall pmmptly give to I..ender aU receiptY
<br /> .,.__� — of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss.Borrower shall�ive prompt noticr to the insurance c�rrier�+nd
<br /> _,,.�T — — - i.ender. Lendcr muy malcc pxrwf of los�;i1'not made proniptly by Borruwer. _-
<br /> -- Unlass Lender end Borrower aherwise Agrce in writing,insurancc p�ac:ceds nhall be ypplied ta rcstorAtion or rcpair of
<br /> ''�': the Pre►�erty dAmuged, if the nstorsition or rcpajr is economicutly feasible und LenJ�r� xecurity i.na les�ened. If the
<br /> ` .� ' 1 .a.vibe or L.cixier��urit would be lerzcnrd. the iatiurwxc mcecdz xhull bc
<br /> s �� o rc ir fs ncx economicnl f� I
<br /> rc tarati n r y y p
<br /> Pa
<br /> -_ — upplieQ to[he xums securcd by thiti Secu�ty Inrtrumem, whether or nW thrn due,with uny exces�Ewid to Hcxmwer. If
<br /> ��- Bixn►wrr utHUidanx Ihr Pn�eny,ur d�xx run anxwer within 3l1 day.r a �x,ticr fn�m l.ender thut the in.urunce cxrcler huv
<br /> � ufferrd to Mttl��a clr�m,thcn Lendcr muy colicct ihe in�urwxc pn►c��cJa. Lcndcr rnuy u►e ihe pnxecdz tu rc ir��r rcxturc �
<br /> -- - - ---;�n���� Ihe 1'r�qxny ur tu{wy rumx�ecurcd by thii 5ecurity In+:trumcnt,whrther ex not thcn dw:. 71tr 3l/-day prriuJ w II beyin whcn
<br /> -- thc rKNfre i.�ivcn.
<br /> li�dn�� l.e�xkr wnd Horrnwer utlkrwisr Ay�r�e in wrltiny�,uny uppticution uf�x�x�v�d� to princlpul .hull not extend cx
<br /> �x��t�xMx 1hc due d,uc uf Itk munlhiy p+►ynxnt��ferred to in{utugr,�ph� i uiui 2 or chungc the am�wnt of thc payn�ent�. If
<br /> uixlrr purug�uph 21 ihr Pn�{xny i�+icyuircd by Lender.Bomiwrr� nght ta uny insurunce p��liciex und pnxe��ds rc,ulttng
<br /> ` fn�n�dumngc to tlk{'n►prny priur tu ihr ncqulxitian shall�wss tu l.ende�to the eztent nf the sums srcured by thix Security
<br /> Instrument immediatety prior to thc ucquiaftion.
<br /> -: �sr`-:�.: � 6. Uccupwocy. Preserv�tion, M�Inten�nce and Protectbn uf the Propertyt Borrower'R Loan AppUcationt �._
<br />' t��'���' I.e��►ehuldx. Harruwer+hutl acupy,estublitih,and usc thr Pra{krty u.9onuwcr:pdncipal residcnce within slxty duya uferr =_
<br /> ���y�fi�,�!'�:����`:-� the rxecution of thix Secudry In.trument and shall condnue ro occupy the Property a.�BoROwerl princlpal rcsidence for at —
<br /> ��.��"��'' ��.m � Ieast one y�ur ufter the dute of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise ugrces in writing, which consent xhuli not be _—_
<br /> ,, ,� unre:�wnubly withheld,or unless extenuating circumsta�ues exist which ure beyond Borcower:.control. Borrower rhull not ���
<br /> "`°"`"'��%'8'�''�"'-� dcetray,dumage or impuir the Prc�perty,Allaw the Pmperty to deteriornte,or commit waste on the Property. Horrower shall .
<br /> ,., ;' „'... pe
<br /> .. be in defnult if any forfeiture actfon or proceeding,whether civil or criminul, is begun that in Lender's gaod fuith judgment =_=
<br /> • `N/,A•
<br /> ` �.r�:��:; ;:„.,� could result in forfciturc of thc Property or othcrwise materiaUy impair the lien cmuted by this Security Instrunxnt or �
<br /> �-• ; Lenderk security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and rci��stote,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action —
<br /> '�-�'�'�.', .,.'�; �� or procecding ro bc dismissed wlth a ruling that,in Lendcr:s good fuith determination,pr�ecludes forfeiture of the Borrowcr's
<br /> :;;;�:�'::��;s.�•:';.= ;� interest in the Property or othor material impaimxnt of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's• security __
<br /> ���;�-•,� �.,:,... �
<br /> ,,, ,_�,,,�N�.,, intereu. Bo�rowe�shull also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or �.�_.,
<br /> "� •. F�" inaccurnte information or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in cannection with
<br /> ^'=�-'.l` she losn cvidenced by the Nots, inclstdin;. bst not limited io. rtpstsentatioas c�nncrmi!tg Pesrowcr's occ�pancy of iht ,
<br /> �'�"� 'Y`•''"�����::',:r��� Pr rt as a rinci al residence. If this Securi Instrument is on u leasehold.Borrower shup cam 1 with all the rovisions
<br /> �':i.:°.:�r.,.?; � Y P P. �Y PY P
<br /> `i•^ �-, ,:!��tt,�1��f � of the lease. If Borrower ucquires fee title to ihe Property,the leusehold and the fee eitle shall not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> .: . . �,.��;. �.:� ,�. tothemergerinwriting.
<br /> �:; � • 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenAnts and Agreementc
<br />, �, . . . contAined in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may cignificantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �•Md-M��� � �•�;•' PropeAy(such as a proc:eeding in bunkruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatians),then
<br /> ' Lendcr may do and pay for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> • �' � Lender's acttons may include paying any sums secured by a lien which ha+priority over this Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> I��`,� �! ' � in court,paying reu.sonable attorney�fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may tske action ��
<br /> =�' ��`"" ' under thi5 puragraph 7.l.ender dacs not have ta do so.
<br /> �- `'�"'''`-`�'""•" ''�' An amounts disbursed b Lencler under this ara ra h 7 shaU become additional debt of Bonower secured b this
<br /> >v.�.°�:t,x�s;r�.�,,,� , Y Y p 8 p Y
<br /> �'- ' , ;� ��• Security In�trumcnt. Unless Borrower pnd Lcnder agrce to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the �• :
<br /> �� '-"''"�"":. �"'f'''• date of dixbunement nt the Note rate and shall be payuble, with interest,upon not ice from Lender ta Borrower reyuesting �"."°
<br />.f;' ':�:;'..i;�,,,�. ----
<br /> . , payment. _"`:-
<br />- ,- � 8. MortgAge Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurunce as a condition af making the lo�n tiecured by this �`''��
<br /> �� „ Securiry lnxtrument, Borrower�hull pay the premiumx reyuired to muintain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any �:+•�
<br /> ;" .,.�r
<br /> �,,�. • . reuson, the mortgrge insurance coveragc required by Lender lupses or censes to be ln effect, Borrower .hall puy the
<br />._, . ;.".":�::"� ' . . premiums required to obtain coverage substantially eyuivalent to the mong.ige insurance previously in effect, at u cost
<br /> ,.�,•�..•• substantially equivalent to the cost to Barrower uf Ihe mortsage insurance previously in effect, from nn altemate mortgage _.
<br /> � � . insurer c+pproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covera�e is not uvailable,Barrower shall pay to
<br />:,y +,�� � • Lender cuch manth u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeady mortguge insurance premium beins paid by Borrower when the
<br /> `• � `� "',,e,;a,';,M� insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will uccept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu --
<br /> �---?`.^, w,.::.:.,, :., 8 B' P Y Y S 9 P 8 g --
<br />- : .•�. .,��•,,,t.'..;�,,;,;.;. ,; of mort u e. insurance. Loss reserve a ments ma no lon er be re uired,at the o tion of Lender,if mort u e insurance _
<br />- ..;a;;.:;;;�:��, wveruge(in the amount nnd for the period that Lender reyuires)provided by an intiurer approved by Lendcr aguin becomes �`
<br /> , ,�" �"''•• available and is obtained.Borrower�hall a the remiums re uired to maintuin mort a e insurance in effect,or to rovide a '"'
<br /> '��� •°` �� ' loss mserve,until the mquimment for mortgage in�urance ends in•rccordance with:uiy written agreement between Borrower �"
<br /> ��� '1 �.M'�t•'.�:. . ' — _
<br /> r''•�"' ''' � und Lender or upplicublc Inw.
<br /> , rA:...
<br /> '"`"�� ��� �` � � 9. Inspection. Lender or itti agent muy makc rcasonablc cntries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender tihall
<br /> c.�.�.,,,�,. :;�.;;;: '...• _.
<br /> '��Y�,�,t,,��'=;�°� give Borrower notice at the timc of or prior to an inspection spccifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> '•+,�;,,•',;,�„�-. 10. CondemnAtion. The procceds of any uward or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any ��
<br /> - °.'•"=�tl'M� �+� �-_:�
<br /> Singk Family•-Fsank MAdtl�Mdk Mac CNlEORN IYSTRUMENT••Uniform Covrnancs 9/90 (pixe.i njn pageal
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