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<br /> -� 17.Trau�ter ot t6e Property or�BeneflcW Iate���B�*ro�ra'.1f all or any�an of the P•operty or�x�y inter�cst ia it
<br /> '��'- is sold or tranaferred(or if a tieneiici�l intercst i�Borrower i�sold or transfened end Bomnwer ia not a natund petuon)wlthout
<br /> a�s° Letder's prior wr�tten consent, l.ender may, at its optian, rcquire immediote payment in full af WI sums sacurod by Ihis
<br /> _—� Secu�ity lnspument.However.thlc aption�hall not bG exercisod by l.ender ii exercice is prahib i t e d by f a k r a l�law as of the dwe _ _
<br /> � of thia Savrity lnstrument.
<br /> if L,ender eaer+cises tNis option,I.ender shall give Borrower notice of aoceleratian. The notice slwll provjdo a pericxl af not
<br /> - - ' less than 30 days from the date the nottce is delivered or mailed within which BoROwer must pay all sums serured by lhis � _
<br /> - - Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay tl�ese sums prior to the espimtion of this period.L.ender may invake any romedies .�_:
<br /> . pennitted by this Secudry Instn�ment without Rur11►er notice or demand on Borrower. i_
<br /> F.- - 18. Borrower's RDght to Reinstste. If Borrower mats re�n rnnditions, 8orrower shall havm the right to have �`
<br /> • enforcement of this Secur�ry Instrun�t discontinued at Any time r to the earlier of: (a)5 days(ar sach other periad as _
<br /> appliceble law may spaify fot reingtutarieny before sole of the'�} pursuant to uny power of sale cantainad irt �his �:_
<br /> "==_. ,;� Security Instrument:or(b)eniry of a jud�nent enfarcing this Securiry I�trument.Those conditions are that�Borrower:(a)pwys �._
<br /> - �,_'�-`�?-�- Lender all sumw which tb�a waold 6e due under this Secudry Inatrument and the Note as if no xceleratinn had accurnd;(b) �;`°_`�
<br /> ��M�'i=�� curcs any default of anp acher tove�anu or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurted in enfarofng this�J�ecurity Instrument.
<br /> _.._. an
<br /> �.a�' "�' including,but not limi�od w.reasonable anomeys' fees:and (d)taka such actinn as I.endet may reasonably mquite to assure ___!
<br />- - -- - "` thut the liea of�his Security Instnunent, Lender's righta in the Propeny and Borrower's obligatian ta p:iy tha sums secured hy e�• -
<br /> • _.s.���:.:'�� this Securiry Insuvment ehal! continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instniment uMl the ���°
<br /> ---• "'����; ' obligations secured hereby shall retnain fully eifective ns if no acceleration had accurred. However, this right to reinstate ahall --_.=
<br /> ,�y�,`r. �-- rat apply in the case of acceleration under pamgraph 17.
<br /> '�d•� - 19. Sale ot Note; Cbarq�e ot I.os�n Servker. The Ncite�ir a panial interest in thc Note ttc►gether wf�h �hiti Scrurity ��°
<br /> _�._ --::��..w,i��;;.,;n.ti.,• ,
<br /> �--• __.�. .. Insirumenq muy be sald one or more times without prior n�Hice la Burmwer. A sale may result in a change i�t tlte entity(kix�wn
<br /> �-����_• qa the"L.oan Servicer'1 that collects manlhly payments due u�xler�he N��te und this S��urity Instrument. Ttvtv'a Wu�nwy be une �"
<br /> � n�
<br /> --�=y�:k.! or more chanyes of tbe l.c�an Servicer unreluted to u�ale��f�he Nate.If there is a change of the[.oan Servicer, &�rn�wer wi .r•,
<br /> =� �� -__ '``'''�`�""`"- " given wriuen nuti��c uf the rhange In uccorJunce with parugmph 14�f+ave ami upplirable law.T he r��ire w N l ��atc t h e nam�a m i "
<br /> ���=i�'��'� .
<br /> widre�.c af the new l.oan Servicer ond �he uddres. to which paymems rhould be made. The nutice will ulso unntuin uny othe�
<br /> '"` � ,.�' ., infornwtion reyuiari by c�pplirublc law. .
<br /> ��_��,:` :n�„�ri� 20. N�rdous Subawnc�. Borrawer�hall nut causc u�permit the presence, use. dispnsal. storu�o. or releatie of any
<br /> - � �" � Hacurdouh Subuances on or in the Propeny. Bc�ROwer shall nat do. Mx ullow onyane else to do, nn�thing uffcctinR �he ..a.
<br /> ��`"��� •''� • Pn�peny thut is in violation ot any Environmenlal I.aw. The preceding two xentences shnll not apply tu the presence, use,or `"
<br /> ` •�, r,torage un the Propeny of small quantities of Hazardous Subs�unces that tue gener�lly recognized to be yp�►n�priate ta nortnal ��•°•�
<br /> "r`_v.�� �• ' ��' ��, rc�xidential uses and ro msunterwnce of the Propeny. ��-.
<br /> .'�:�*_.�n^�' '' Borrower shall promptly give Lender wriuen notice of any investigation.claim, denwnd. lawsuit ur other nctian by any ' `
<br /> '���,�• . 8 8 �Y 8 Y P P Y 8 Pe�Y Y
<br /> - ��—=�. � overnmental or re ulato a enc or rivate art involvin the Pro and an Huznrdaus Substance or Hnvimnmental Luw �?��"
<br /> � J�ti.A�.,.
<br /> _-W—��,�;,_ ;•:•. . o f w hic h B orrower h a s act u a l know l e dge. If Borrower leums,or is notified b y uny governmental or regula�ary authority, Ihat
<br /> � ��., •i;D any removal or other remediation of any Hozardous Substance affecting the Property i4 necessary.Borrc►�u shall prompUy take ` _
<br /> ;�� ',�,�� , all necessary reme�i�l actions in acrnndance with Environmental Law. - .
<br /> �, —
<br /> �::`4 ;:t..�.: . As u s e c i in i hi�p•rrugrap i�2 0, "Hezar d o u s S u b s i a n c c s" a r e t h a;e ::u b s s a r.c e s d e f:s�e d a+t o x l c c�r h 3r�r�inuc wbstences by
<br /> �=.p-.; � �-_ � Environmental I.aw and the following substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other Qamrrwble or taxic petn►leum Qraducts, toxic
<br /> �' '"! ;'�l;���` 's ��• pesticides and herbicides,valatile salvents,materiols containing asbestos ar Pornialdehyde,and radioactiv.;matenals.As used in — __
<br /> _ •,.� ;�;r,r�. •� ;�.. this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means fcdcral Inws wxl laws of Ihe jurisdictian where tiie Pmpeny is located thnt =
<br /> �"��°' , . relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br />- � ��`•'�-`�" � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 9orrower und Lender further cuvenant and ngree as follows: �.�
<br /> �`�"",;�F�� � o . 2l.Accelernhoa;Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Burrower prior to acceleradon folloHing Aorroe�er's breach �;
<br /> • � .,,�„�,���,y. ... ot any covenant or agneement In this Security Iastn�ment (but not prlor to acceleratlon under para�raph 17 unklss �=
<br /> 0
<br />. �� ''y ,}: appltcable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specii'y: (a)the dePault; (b)the actbn requlred ta cure the dePaWR; �
<br /> .,�,: ., (c)A date,not lecs than 30 days from the d�te the notice is given/o Borrower�by which the detaull mugt be curetl; and ��
<br /> ' 3 "�� �'�'� �" (d) that failure fo cure the default on or before the date specified in the notfce may result In occelerutlon of the�cua�s __—�—_�_'_''"
<br /> � ��"�'-�~ secured by this Security Inslrument and sale oP the Property. The notice shall further Int'orm BQnm.►��r nf the rtght tn --
<br /> � '" � � reinstate at4er acceleration and the �Ight to brfng a court action to assert the non-exlstence ot�, default or any other _-__
<br /> ��. ; x,�:.. detense ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured an or bePore Ihe ds�te speciiled in the notice, �
<br /> .`,,.� ,;;;:;;,,,:`,,, .
<br />, ' ;,�. ..,;;;;�;-,�, Lender,at its option,may require immedlate payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Itt4trument wtthout —.
<br /> ' !�s';�J� tlirlher demand and may imoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by upplicablc�la��. Lender�hall bc �''"
<br /> ' �� ;'� ` �"'' ''� �� endtled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�1he remedle:g pmvided in this par�raph 21. Ineluding,but not limited �'`_'
<br /> _:;,• ',7 .��'' '. . to�reasanable attorneys'Pees and costs of Ntle evidence. _
<br /> :� '� IP thepo wer of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notfce of dePault in each rnunty In�whirh uny part of the
<br /> .•r�� � � Property is I�cated aad shall mail rnpiea uP.r•uch notice in the mynner prescrii�ed bv applicwbie li���ta Burrower and to
<br />;:;: � �� E"'"• the othe�persons pres�ribed by applicable law.After the time requircd by upplicable law,Tnu�tee sh�ll�ive publk notice ___ _
<br /> �_ :;:; •: � of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appflrable law.Trustee.withnut dem�nd on Borrnw�er, stwll sell �.
<br /> �', .�' , the Property al public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the tlme and place and under thc lerms de�+iRnated in Ihe notire ot --
<br /> -� ir ' . sale in une or more parcels and in am�urder Trustee dete�ininis. Trustee may pmtpone.ale oL ull or nn�• parcel of thu
<br /> Property by public Aanouncement at the time and place uf um• prc��iausl�• scheduled �ulc. I.cncter or ils designcc ma�
<br /> jl ' purchase the Property at any sale. —
<br /> ,�� .. •. . ' �,.
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