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<br /> ,a x1�y �l � t,.. �� ���1�= 1�� �O� Fi. �@1 I Patrioi�a Mader =--
<br /> Yf
<br /> - '"�:';. Marcia Ann Jahar�eri.iL�ssell Johanef�►, Ca�ml Ja�acr Ethartron. ���'1 Ethe�cto�'s �- -
<br /> �
<br /> ' '�' , and 3hirlee Jane�p�i�Off 'u�i JUSeph MudlAff an udivicled fcu�'-r1.EtilA 4/5
<br /> � �r ,
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<br /> n,�ao�q: i17tAY'est. •
<br /> - - ,,�..w.,
<br /> =�`�.�:it�r-
<br /> _ .�'.-' for the aoneide�cdtion
<br /> -��.'�4�A�; � of the �ty of Hal.l ar�rl State of Nebraslca `
<br /> --__ - _ - ...�::, .` ;�i � . . 1 00) uolLars _._._
<br /> of �tia �I]�r� �Ot1L0' -----�---� �� —
<br /> ,—,.�:,�f � ty of
<br /> ��±*��r_;�. hereby quit�claiw and aonvey to fIall CauitY _ of the Oo� �,_
<br /> -- .-.�..�-,;�• —
<br /> �.�'��..<�.��
<br /> -�;.°�`�'��;,• Flall ' State of 2lel�rasl�:a t1�e follawirnJ desaribed real -
<br /> -` ,��� �.��,^�,�:n^��,1 est,ats. situaT�d 3n N4� o� Secti,on 25 in the Oo�u►ty of Ha].l ancl State --
<br /> -Jr�: .a�i'_'.:n�,j�F-'����.� � —
<br /> '�•�,'j/� d y�.:�•�' p� j�PbrA9k�a � t0 Ml�.ti _ �
<br />--��'Yi�`��'�a,7a�.7'� .���+ �
<br /> a'� ��fir �,
<br /> �;F�";a�•�� of Section �nty-Five ''�
<br /> :���r},tt . A Tract of land -situated in the Narthwest Quarkex' (i�c) '��;
<br /> _ { ' � �„',�:; (25)� �P T�aelve (12) North. Range Ten (10) West of ths 6th P.M., Hall „`�"'-
<br /> ; ��� . `!t`��� ' Qounty, Nelaraska, and m�or� �,�+-j^��A*'ly deacrit�ed as fallaws: =•--
<br /> �' ::'� �.�-`�' �-�:
<br /> �;i��� (N�h) `� -
<br /> � i4 '� .�/. Startin9 at the sout:hwest corner of the NortYr�nest @�r .
<br /> ., �,�;-': �'�
<br /> .'�;•-i-- -- '-,:.r.� " '- of Secti�on Rt�enty-Five (25). Z+a�a�ehiP ztaelve i12) �West line of `,'";�
<br />,,�.., `J�.�e.,. northerly along a�d upo
<br /> - �y..� . (10) Wes3ti the.ncc3 riu�nir�cJ =
<br /> .nc a
<br /> . '� said Nc�rthw�est Qu�arter (N��t), a distanca of onQ T'i�ousat�d Seven H�uuired
<br /> -'.� '�r �.. ' �.�
<br /> - .,_.� , Thirty-53:c anc7 Sixty-Five ltur�dreclths (1736.G5) Feet: theru� runni.rK'! �
<br /> - .� � •s= easf:erly t�aral,lel with the south line of said Ubrthwest Quartere1NF�x?� r:_;:.
<br /> :: '` ..:i�t�>, a clistanct oF rorty (40.0) feets �� � ��lY P�'
<br /> � � . i�ir wtth the west line of said Northwest 4�r (I`�)� a cli.stance of --
<br />-�:';,.. , �r sevwsi Hundred �aenty-Seven (727.0) feets thencQ running easterly, _
<br /> ._ :':: ' � ':."'• parallel with the south line of said Northwest 4uar+ber (NW�).
<br /> a clistanoe �--
<br /> � of I'ive (5.A) feets thence numit�l soui:herlyr P�allel avi.th tt�
<br /> _ � . �� :, west line of said Northwiest 4uarter (t`]4�t). a distance o£ ztao Hun�dred _
<br /> - ►'�'�.�''`f' 'I7tirtY�'ee (233.0) feet: tllc.nce running weaterlyr Paz'allel wi�h the
<br /> , . _ .„,,,,,a...,.
<br /> � ..� south line of said Northw�est Quarter (NW41 . s distance of Five (5.Q) �,�
<br /> �:�� ; �..+�..�-. .�:' � , allel with the west line of said `=-
<br /> feett ��e n�nning sautt�rly. E�'
<br /> - »4� - �rt}�„�� �a�ter (Nh�x), a distance of Fifty (50.0) feets thence _-
<br /> -_���.� .. � . ; runniny easterly parallel with the south line of said Northwest
<br /> � QuarGez' (1V��) . a distar�ce of Five (5.0) feet; thence nu�uiin9 w�esterly.
<br /> "'rr;;:,;�;;G�� � 1a3rallel with the w�est line of said Northw�est Quarter (NWfi). a distance _
<br /> _ __ � .,j �`.. of Seven Iiundral 7.Wenty-Si� and Sixty Five Hundrec7ths (726.65) feet
<br /> . �' to a point on the south line of said Northw�est Q�sarter (N4�rit): � �:-,
<br /> -�,1�. "'�,�,:..�' runninq w�esterly along and upon the south line of said Nort�naest d
<br /> _:� � �ti�a. r ' "��, � (�arte�- (Ni�t)j a distanoe of Forty-I'ive (45.0) £eet to tlie southw�est __
<br />- ` ' �ornex of said N�rtAwest Quarter' (Nt,�i) which is the AG`1ilAL Point of �
<br />�;�'� `� � �, ,. ��:,�� beqiiu�ing and aontaining 1.70 acres, r.�re or less, of which 1.32 acres, �
<br /> ;;,: ._.
<br /> ,,: :•:; � �' .. � more or less, is pres�x►tly occ.vPied by public road right-of-way. �,.V
<br /> ', , t;�
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