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E� �• , . � _ • _. <br /> .n . I� �s.«._ , ' '_�_-:� . <br /> � <br /> 1._' ___ .;��.,,.� <br /> = 91-- 1u884i <br /> �� i. P�yweat of IMacip�l,lntenst and Late Chu�a. Borrowcr�Iwll pny whcn duc itw principal of.and inter�cst on, <br /> --�- -- the dob evf�cnced by the Nde and late charges due undcr the Note. <br /> --i� 2. Montbly p�yment�ot'11u�es,l�urnace snd Olher Cbwraay. Borrower shall include in¢och mon�hly payment, <br /> _����:,..f� togeiher with 1he princ{pxl u�d intercst as set forth in the Note and-any la�e chorgea,un installment oi any(a)waea nnd <br /> -�- spocinl assessments levled or to be levled ag�fnat the 1'rop�ny,(b)leasehold pnyments or grou�d rentc an thc Propehy,rnd <br /> (c)prcmiums for insurance rcquircd by Puagmph 4. <br /> _ �u� Fach monthly installment for items(u),(b)and(c) shull oqual one•�welflh af the unnu�l amounts. us rcasonably <br /> - =_ _ esllmatod by Lender. plus an amount sufficient to mui�tain an udditinnal bulwn.�e of not nr�re ihon one•sialh of tix <br /> estimatod amounts. The full annual emount for each item shall bc accumulated by Lender within n period ending one <br /> " month before�n item would become Jeli�uent. Lcndcr slwlt hold the wnounts collected in uust ro pay uems(a).(b)and <br /> _- - <br />