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<br /> RIDER TO MOItTG/1GE/UC�W Of�.TRU57'-Vfi 93
<br /> This ride� supplements and �+rnends tl�e murtgagc/dccd Q[..trust of even datc licrewith by
<br /> and between Columbus Federal Savings 15ai�k As n►crrt�agcclbimrticiu�y and
<br /> —= p�VID � SlOL� 1UID IU1?KLS41 M ST01�x HUB.�Ii.Q.y1�1� f,�iIPP� _
<br /> as tnortgngnrs/grantUrs. 1'itii5�r�c�cr s ncorporotc �n a�y
<br /> referencG ma a part ot t ie atoresaid n►artgagc/dcc�! c�t. trust, as follows:
<br /> This loan ia lmmediaYely duc and payaWc up�n trans[er ot the property
<br /> �� '�y' -'' securI�g such loan to any transieree. Ui�14ss the acceptability oi the
<br /> assumptton of the loan is estabiisl�pd pursuant to 5ectiui� 18L7A oi Chapter
<br /> 31, Title 38, Untted States Cod�,
<br /> �----- �"—? A tee equal to oncThal! o! I percent o[ thc baltt+u:e u( this loa�� as of thc �
<br /> _— date af lranster of ttie prop�rty sl�aU bc payabic�at tlie tlme ot transier
<br /> o! tiia.prc��ty to Colu�nbus.Fsderal Sav�ug$.l3unk:or its sutl�orized agent,
<br /> as trustee for the Administrator oi Veterans Atiafrs. Ii tl�e assumer iails
<br /> to pay thls iee at the tirne oi trai�st,er. thc tec shall constltute an
<br /> addttlonal debt to tl�at alrctady secur4d by tliis Ir�strument, sliall bear
<br /> Interest at the �rate I�erQin pr4vlded, and, at tlie optlon of Columbus
<br /> Federal Savtngs Bank. hereby secured or any transterce tl�ereoi, shal! be
<br /> jmmedfately due� and payable. This tec is autotnatically waived if the
<br /> i assume� js exempt uncier the provisions of 38 l 1. S. C. 1829(G).
<br />_ � Upon, appllcatlon for appcoval to allow assutnption of this loai�� a
<br />_ processing fee may be charaed by Colutnbus redQral Savings C3ank.or its
<br /> - atsthoriz�d agent tor determining the creditworthiness ot the assurner. and
<br /> , '���'� subsequently revlsIng ownership records whcn un upproved transt�r �s
<br /> ,�,,,,,.
<br /> ♦���...A
<br /> . .!�s•,::,� completed. The amount oi this char�e shall not exceed the max�mwn
<br />- '�t�%�: establtshed by the Veterans' Administration for a loun to whith Sectioi�
<br />' . ` � ,�p 1817A of Chapter 37� Tltle 38, United 5tatcs Cc�do appllc5•
<br /> _"tl•�1•.���. r::
<br /> � � :d.''v�:_`�b'v�i��f�
<br /> %�'��i�''.��'"•';�-°"• lf this obligatlon is assumed, then lhc ussunu•n c�rcby a};rc�es to assuina ali
<br /> �•. _ .;.,�T.
<br /> of the obllgations oi the Vetera�� undcr thc tern�s Ui th� I(1StfUtTl�tlt5
<br /> � :�7� :-,..�,� .;, creating aad securing the loa��, inc�ludinti tl�� obliu��tiut► af .the �Vuleran to
<br /> '� indemnfiy the Veterans' Adnrinistration to llic c•strnt ot any c•lr�h���
<br /> - '- �..�.�� payment artsing irom thc guiu�a�ity or i��su�'siu:r ut the �inclautcdness
<br /> � . , �u�� � created by this Instrument,
<br /> �-�.:-w� ,,
<br /> ;�,.-,... � ';'
<br /> � ' �;;, ,:k• �� IN WITNESS WHECtEOC', MOI21'GAc,O1t5/C�ItANfc�ltti II�vL' CXL•CU'CCU '�I-{IS 121uCit f
<br /> '�`4�'�`S ,4 TH1S 24th DAY OF Hovember ' ��� 93'
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<br /> }�G[';tN�l MOI�HYSute Ot M�iSta
<br /> �f H08ERTA L RE@D
<br /> .r-t��+.Yy Cum:n Ex� luly'i0,199d
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