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_^.�_.- �•w � Y� ...,- - <br /> - .�� � ` _- , .` _`_ <br /> .:�r'"-- <br /> ,..:� <br /> �----� - �--�••�w • AtiWNMENT Of RENTa MIDRII �� ��sS <br /> _ . �� THIB ABSI3NMENT OF RENTB RIDEA I�m�d�and�x�out�d thl�_�_d�y of November ,�p 93 ,�� <br /> Inaorpad�d I�to�nd sMll b�dwm�d to an»nd�nd suppl�m�nt th�Morf�ap�or pNd of T�u�t�h�nlnaft�r nf�rnd to a�th� <br /> "�ou�tty IMtrum�nt". of!h�sam�dat� piwn Oy th�und�nlQn�d, Mr�ln�tt�r ntKnd to as tM ��Borrorwr', to�aun <br /> SarawM's Ind�bl�dtNS�,tw►Nnaft�r rN�nW to lu th�"Not�",to HOME FEDERAL SAVIN38 AND LOAN A$SOCIATION OF <br /> __6_�_� _ QMND 111LAN0,h�nlnattK nh►r�d to a th�"L�nd�r",of th�Wtnw daN and eovWinQ th�p�opKty d�NUltwd In tlw S�cuhty <br /> In�trum�nt and loa�t�d at: <br /> 40� Johnson Dr Crand Island, Nebraska <br /> _ _=--_ _—=� ------- - - <br /> - YWTN�88ETH: (�opwtY�ddr��y <br /> - WM�i1�Jt8, Borrow�r�nd l.�nd�r h�w aprMd fhat�ny r�nt�aod proflt�attribul�bl�to th�prop�dy Mould constituf� <br /> •d0►1b�W s�uxity to tM L.�nd�r for th�payrrNnt ot th�Nots; <br /> — NOYV,TN�R�FOR�,It le apnsd that th�S�curity instrurtf�nt thall b��rr�ndnd Mnby and dNm�d to fnclud�t!N tollowiop <br /> Prarit►W�: <br /> — 1. �sfnr�nt of R�nta and Lendar Rental Callectlon R�hte Borrower hereby abwlutNy and uncondltlonsiiy ass�pns al) <br /> r�nts, IasuK �nd profits of ths property to Bensflol�ry. I.sndsr sh�ll have th� rl�ht, pows� and authority duHnp tho - <br />'""? - contirwar�,�4�t1»S�curity Instrument to collsat the nnt�,issues�nd protfts of ths prope�ty and of any p�rao�al propKty <br /> _ loc�t�d th��pn wfth or without takinp poa�eeeion of ths proputy affeoted h�r�by. l�ndsr,however,h���by cons�nts to <br />-°->�;; Bonqrw�"s cW1+pGtbn�nd rstsnti0n ot such rsnte,iasuaa and proflts�s th�y accrw and b�cocn�payable,no lonp aa Borrower <br /> - Is not,�t such tln�,In d�tault with r�ap�ot to paym�nt ot any Ind�bt�dn�s�s�cund h�nby,or In tM p�rformanc�of any <br /> - a0►Mrp��I��rund�r. <br /> � � 2. �c�ointment of Racsiver. tf any evsnt of defauit In rsspect to tM S�curity tnetrument ahalt have occurrsd and b� <br /> .� - �"":��" �' continuinp. t�nd� a matter of ►ipht��d wlthout ootics to Bwrow�r or anyona ctafminp u�der Borrowsr,and without <br /> Y�: �s, • rpa►d to tfw valw oP th�trust sstate or the Inter�st of th�Borrow�r th�r�in.thali have tht ripht to apply to any court havl�p <br /> � � Jutisdictipn b�ppolnt a nc�ivsr of ths propeny. <br /> - . � ~ � � 3. Rioht to ceae of dstault in the paymont of the taid princtpal Nots a intsrest,a any part thsr�ot�as it <br /> - sh�ll m�tun,o�in th�caas ot falture to kesp or pe►form any of the coren�nt�or apresmsnte contatned tn th�Securlty Instru- <br /> • �.. _ _ . <br /> { � �� �'•w� m�nt,tMn tht Lend�r. its auccessora or assipns,shail be and Ia twnby�uthorizsd and empow�red to tak�irt�m�dlate <br /> � i �,::� , possession of ths s�id p�emises th�r�in describ�d and to coiiect the nnt�th�r�from,and to apply th�procsWs thsr�of to th� <br /> _ �,y� x paym�nt of the Note. <br /> '3 ,;, � .,.�„�., :, i. Ac�oiicaQton oi Renta.iaeuea and Profiits.AU rente cotiectatl by LenCe�or the receiwr shali b�applisd Hrat to payrtknt <br /> •;.q�t��w of the coats of manApeinent of the property and coiteatlon of rents.inciudin9,but not Itmited to,recefvsr'a fees,p�emiuma on <br /> � _ recslver'a bonde and reasonable attorney's feee,and then to the sums aocurad by the Security Instrurn��t.L.�nder and th� <br /> � s.�•.�'- r�cdver ah�ii be 111�b1s to account onty tor those rents actuaily received. <br /> � �„~. .,, 5. �onstruation of Provisiona.Eaoh ot the provisions containod in this A9si�nment of Renta Rider and the Security Inatru- <br /> •. ..: ment shail, unleee otherwise speoifically requlred,be conatrued in aocordance wiih Nebraska law, and In the svont a�y <br />. provislon hereln or therein containad ahail be determined by a court of competent Jurisdictlon to be unenforceabie,ths sama <br /> � ' •� • shall be conttrusd aa thouqh euoh uneniorceabie provl�lon were not a part he�eof or thereof. <br /> � „�,,�:�„ __ � 8. Effect of Rider.Except ae spectfloatiy modified by or inconsistent with this Assipnment of Rents Rider or by any othK <br /> , Yr,. . . ... . . ,- applicabte rider,all of the terms and provlsions contained In the Securlty I�atrument ahali continue in full forc�and sff�ct. <br /> 'ifrl,� . r � • : •.c, <br /> '+ -� ` ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thfs Assiynment of Rente Rlder on t date first noted abovs. <br /> � . `.�� 1��` �ii-r�.� <br />, ....�.��;�•,i4;.•'r`.:;. Robe�t nlpJ Zahm rower <br /> �., ' j_.. . � � , <br /> ��ffOWBf <br /> �lary E hr� <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br /> s�.�:._._.. <br /> -, �'�� (ss: <br /> � K COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> �--- On this 16th dpy p} nvP ar ,19_93__,before me,the underalpned,a Notary Pubifc duly commissfoned and �-1 <br /> � qualitiW tor wid county,personatiy came RnFiprt IYI 7ahm �d m= y E Zahm - <br /> ��:�- -.». f <br /> � ' i+�.;�t;t{._ ,to be the tdentical person(s)whose name(s)lalare aubscribed <br />-� - •::r •.. to the forspoln�instrum�nt,and holsheJthoy acknowledpo the executlon thereof to be hislheNtheir voluntary act and daW. <br />�.` �� �� �°�''t;`�`•`""•�' Witn�ss my hand and NotaHai Seal at Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> �.�:�����;�:.:::`. <br /> ,�. . ,:a.,1ti... ,- <br /> - ,�1,.:;.�;�r�, '� in s 'd , th date oresa . <br /> ��*r,�.y:,.' <br /> � .� <br /> - , y�t'. <br /> • -��� Notpry publio <br /> --+� � � <br /> -.��oa---,— My Comml e� i <br /> — — -_-.:� <br /> �� wrmn+w Mr�4. <br /> � .__. __ _iy���'�► <br /> � �,��� _ <br /> _ �� <br /> C <br /> 4-- <br />