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<br /> perluds that Lender cr.yulrn. The insurance carrler provldlnR the insurance �tu►11 b¢chosen by 8arrower subjat to Lenderk
<br /> °_- - Approval which sholl not be unrcasatab�y withheld. tf Bcxrower fi�ils ta mxint�iu cuvcrrgc�kM:��bcd atove.t.aider may.at �--
<br /> Lenderk optian,obtain coverwge to protect Lender'�ri�hts in the P�+nperty in accord�nce wlth psra�raph 7.
<br /> All insurance poUcies and renew�l�stwll be�cceptable to L.ender w�d glull include a standard mortQr�e clu►�e. Lsnder
<br /> � shsll have the righ►to hold the p�licies�nd renewals. If l.ender requirc�.Borrower shall promptly�Ive to Lender yll rocefpt►
<br /> �' . uf p+iJ pieu�iums and rencws:l naticcs. !n tha cvcni af luas, Borrawcr sh�l! �Ive prompt notice to the fnsurance cenkr and -
<br /> �;---- — � Letxkr. Lender rtwy make proof of lora if not made promptly by Borrower. `
<br /> ; Unless L.ender and Bamower othervvise agrce in wdting,insun�nce procceds shall be xpplied to rcsto�tion or apair of
<br /> thet�roperty damAged, if thc Rsturatiuu or repai��is ecoiianiicaily feasibl� and Lc:nek;r's• zccurlty ts nat lessrncd. !f tlte
<br /> _ rcstoration or rcpair is not economicnlly feasible or Lender's securiry would be lesseneci,the insurwice proaecl� shall be
<br /> i applied ta the sums secured by this Secudty Insirument.whether or na then due, with uny excess paid to Bomower. If
<br /> �--�-"" ----- Bar�awer abandons the Praperty.or does not answer within 30 days a natice from Lender th�t the insurwna certler has
<br /> r,�q�r,� offered to settle a claim.then Lender may collect the tnsurance pracads. Lender may use the pra:ads to re r or rostore
<br /> ,�,�«��.;��� thr Property ar to pay sums cecund by this Security Inswment,whether or na then due, The 30-day period w II beyin when
<br /> ____ � the notice is gtven.
<br /> -- -"`- �"� Unless Lender and Sorrower othcrwise agcee in wricing,any application of pnxeeds ta principal shall not cztend or --
<br /> — ---" """"�" postpone the due date af the monihly puyments referral to in paragraphs I and 2 or chenge the arnount of the payments. If
<br /> ��s, .,,�.Y-�'..,-,-.'�,.,;{ under psirragraph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender,Borrower's dght to any insurance policies and procads resulting
<br /> a� from damage to the Property prior ro the acquisition shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the snms secured by this Socudty
<br /> •���=-`'=`����=��=`�`M'� Inatrument imme�tiately prior to the acquisition. � _
<br /> ° ' ' 6. OccupAacy� Preservatton, M�Inteaance And PrMectbn ot the Property; Borrower'a Loan Appik�tion;
<br /> 's' �. ;, ;'. , l.easeholds. Borrower shali acupy,establish.end use the Plroperty as Bomower!e principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> =���=�YY��'� the executicx�of thix Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence fo�at _
<br /> ,�;:rr�"'J,w'r"-,-;--•i+
<br /> IeaSt one yeur after the date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br />- �`:�'i•��'"�' �'�'�'1'.i`�; unreasonably withheld,or unle.es extenuadng cic+cumstance.r•exist which are beyond Bocrower's control. 8orsower shall not
<br /> .' <:,:.
<br /> � �� t • "�•"� destroy.dumage or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteri.orate,or commit waste on the Property. 8orrower shal l
<br /> " "~ ';�:?��;j'`; be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender�good faith judgment
<br /> , �.;^.. ; : r:�'i,�`z
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materi�l]y lmp�ir the lien created by this Security strument or
<br /> ' `� �t'� Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a def�ult and minstate,as provided in paragraph I8,by causing the action
<br /> ' � .�' '���'' or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good faith dete�mination,preciudes forfeiturc of the Borrower's•
<br />- . � ��������� interest in the Property or other material impaitment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender�s security
<br /> � ' ��`�+�.� interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the lo�n application process, gave materi+tlty fuls¢or
<br /> • ' ' • inaccurate informution or statements to C.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any muterial information)in cannection with
<br /> � ':',:,.:_ • c� ihe laan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, rep�sentations conceming Borrower's accupancy of the
<br /> ';���,,r,�y,�;•;;:'� Property as a pdncipal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehald,Batrower shall comply with all U►e provisions
<br /> - - , --- of tl�lease. tt Sacrawcr acqair�es fee sisle to�.he Pcvperty.�he Itasehdd en!1 the fr!�titte chall not merge unleass Lender agrees
<br /> . • to the merger in writing.
<br /> . 7. Protectbn of I.ender's Rights in the Property. if Bortower fails to pedorm the covenunts and agreements
<br /> � contained in this Security Instrument,or there is u legal praceeding that muy significantly uffect Lenderl•righis in the
<br /> Property(such as a prc�ceeding in bankruptcy,pf011Atf,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfnrce laws or regulations),then
<br /> ''•' Lender muy do and pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and LenderE rights in the Property.
<br /> '� "� Lender's uctionx may include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrurnent,appearing
<br /> • in court,paying reasonable attorneys'fees und entering on the Prapertv to make repairs. Although Lender rnay take nction
<br /> ' under this parrgraph 7,L.ender doe+not have to do so.
<br /> � Any Amountx disbuned by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrowec secured by this �_
<br /> ' "� Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower and Lendcragree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear inlerest from the
<br /> ' dute of disbur.+ement ut the Nnte rate und shall be payable, with interest,upon noticc from Lendcr to Borrower rcquesting
<br />_ � .i.�. .
<br />, �� payment.
<br /> 8. Mortfioge Insurance. If Lender requimd mortgage insuranc:e ati a ronditian of making the loan saured by this Y
<br /> . Security In,trument. Borrower shall pay the prcmium�Rquircd to maintuin thr mortgage insuranre in effect. If,for any
<br /> ' reason, Ihe mortguge insuruncr eoveruge requimd by Lender lapses or ceatieti tu be in effect, Barrowcr+hall pay the
<br /> .t prLmiums rcyuircd to obtain coverage substuntially eyuivalent to Ihe moriguge intiur.tnce previouxly in effect, at a cost
<br /> . tiubstuntially eyuivalent to the cost to Borcowrr of the mortgage insurancr previously in effert,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> imurer npproved by Lender. If subtitantially equi�•alent mortgage insuranc�covcrage i,not availabl�,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> • ` � Lender each month a sum eyual to one-twclfth of the yearly mortg�ge insurancr premium bcing paid by Horrower when the __
<br /> � insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in rffect. Lender will arcept,use and rctuin thesc puyments a�a loss retierve in lieu
<br /> .;• ~ of mortgagc insurancc. Lotis reserve puyments may no longer be reyuircd,at thc uption of Lendcr,if martga�e insurancc
<br />� • coverage(in thr amount und for the periai that Lender requims)pravided by an imurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> ;!,���;�� avuilable and is obtained.Bortower xhaU pay the prcmiums reyuirrd to maintain mortgagr insurancc in effect,or to provide a -�.
<br /> I. ��
<br /> �-"' lo,�reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage in+ursnce ends in accordance with any written agrerment be[ween Borrower ''`�
<br /> � ��,�'�,_�,,� . . � and Lender or applicablc law. ��
<br />- ti 9. Inspection. Lcnder or its agent may makc rLa.onable rntrir,u��n.►nd intipectinns uf thc Propeny. Lender sh�ll �,?`
<br /> -.�, give Borrower notice ut the t im�of ar prior tu stn inxpection spe�ifyinF rwtionaMe cau.e ti�r the inspecticm.
<br /> 10. Condemnation. Thc procecds of any awurd ur rlaim for darna�e,.direct or con+eyuential,in ronnettion with:u�y �t!;_.
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