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<br /> . -�-- '� Itp1a I1Mw w�uir f�.INaeNeq ow) - - —
<br />,,�v�y ���4 BENEFICIARY d1 '�
<br /> —_: 1NTERNATIONAL,lhC. .
<br /> -----�"'.�,+�If:� rMrntw
<br />�� — aR�Nraus�- 797603031
<br /> . � ilNifi {yl(T MIML �A1fIM1� FOIST Mii4l IA�itt��l
<br /> OONL�Y G@IE R �7LEY M�1RLA J 1425 N WEBB lipAD
<br /> °---��Tsir-cc�wr��r.�:.--•-=-=-'•= waw�oeu�s an a�n arcaoc
<br /> ` 1916 W 11Ch. 1lYE Qt11tJD ISIJIAID NE 68803 G�IND ISLAND Netxa�ka
<br />:" � ;e.i�i.a�"'•;:' . 'I Ht5 q�UF 1'kUS'f.Madc thic • day of NOVF,MBFR �9 93 tutwnn t tSRaND & WIFE -
<br /> . ��:;�,jVy:.�r�;;�.,��. heocindtcrcalludTRUSTOR.whose�ddm�xir 1916 W llth. AVE G1iAND ISLAND� NE 68803 �� l�
<br />• ,r . - NIICfll1Fb F PI9PZLL0 .ry�reinafer called 1RUSTEE.whou addms,i+11640 NICHOLAS ST. ST. OMAI�A•
<br /> and VCO FINANCIAL SERV[CES INTERNATIQNA��yc..a Nebr.tsl:a capa�tion, hereinaflcr called BENEF[CIARY.whase addre�s is
<br /> �t�.�*, .�µ 14� N WE8l� RlJI1D C�tJ1i�1D ISLADID. NE 68803 .
<br /> ��' '�,i0.'-01`1*;S;F•::
<br /> - �� �. described p�opr�ty.:ituated in �'i' County.Pieha.ska:
<br /> �'':' .,',•.r,y- .. .:
<br /> �'t�z•::',: '.�. .. IAT TdIRTEQI (13) IN BiACiC FIVE (5I IN BOGC'�S HILLS ADDITI4�1 TO TH6 CITY OF t�TtAND
<br /> . .',: ISf.�1[1Dr AJILL 00[�TI'Y. NE�RASKA
<br /> :.i..• .. :;
<br /> " _..._ _��La�r.a�= -
<br />. + i.
<br /> � - . togethcrwithallbuilding+andimpn.�•cment.n��wnrhemalicrrrcacJthcrc�x�andall,crcro�.awninp,..haik...turtnw,hunJblind,.•rndhcating.lighting.
<br /> ' .�,,. � plumhfng,gay.electrir.vcmifuting,tcfri�.eratingmdair-a�ndui��ningcyu�pmcntu+edinc��nnectii�ntherewith.allofuhirh,fc�rttxpu�rneafthisflccd
<br /> of Tmu,slull be decmcti fiatun.und wbjccuo tbe licn hcRti�t',aixf thc henditamcnt,anJ•rppurtrnancc+{+crtaining to the pn�n}•atx�vc de�crihd.and _
<br /> <' . ' allsta�ets.lane�.alleyti.pa�.:tge�,wa�y..v�rtrn.�+atrrcuur+r�.rightti.lilxrt�c.anJprivilrgcti.wh�ttioe�•erthercuntobehx��tmg�xmanywi+e�ppenaioing
<br />�•''' and tha revcnionx wid tcmuindrrv,x1I of which ic rctcrted to hcrcinaAcr a.ttk"pnm�k�'. _
<br /> Td HA�'E ANO'I'n HO1.D�hc aixwc-Jc�critx�J pn nn,r..w nh thc�ppunenao.�.cmd lix�urr..umu thc,aiJ Brncficiarq.it,�uccc•.un and a..igna v
<br />� • foruver.fortheput�wx.and ur�+horcin kt furtp.frc�Inxn ali nght+anJ tx n�tit.undrr and h� rmue uf am Nnme+t�:Kf Etemptiwt l.aw.of the Strtc `
<br /> of Nebmskt which muy he enuctcd,which.•rid nFht.anJ hrnctit.th..:ud Tru.tur J�x.hcnM c�pr�..l�rc1a1K`:11$I K21Y1'�.
<br /> .i _.
<br /> Tncetnr a1Ha asrign�.m B�:nuGciap ull rcm.i�.uc,a.id pmtit.uf,aid prem�+c,.Fr�ntinF thc n}M tu cullrct anJ u.c ttx wmc.with or w ithcwt tal,ing ,
<br /> , . pn�etwinni�f'tha pt�cmiti.+,dutting c�Mtinu�nce af dcfauh ficrru�drr,and durin�:contmuancr o(.wh ikl:�ult authon�ing BrrKtici�q•to cntcr upon.aid .
<br />� • -;f�•;'. Qremi�ks andlur tu�rollact una en6xce thr wnx with�w�t mga�d to:kkyu�cy o(am kcurit�tiir th��nJrNtcJne..hercb).ecund M•rny I•rM ful rtxrn,
<br /> ,'+r���' mcludinR appeiintment hf u rccerver in ttk name ot'any p.�n�hercto.rnd tu apply ttir.rnx Ic.,r.,,t+a�xt c��x n+e.at i�ration�ruf cullectiun.including =
<br /> �e • • reawnablu ottomcy�fcr+.upun un�indrMednc.+.rcurcJ hrnh�.in.uch onirr r.[i�nrfici�n nuy aktcmmx.
<br /> .,�_('',.. :�,, .
<br /> r:ic't} � FUR THE PURPOSE Of SEC'Ukl NG:(U PcA'am•rnrc��t carh•rgrccment of Tru.hx c��ntaiixd h�rcm:�2�Pa�mcm uf thc pnncqul wm w ith intrrc.t.
<br /> 't' � "� ac providM in araxd•rnce wit}t fh� krm�and ptovi,uat.nf a Pnxnnw�p N�,tcA.�un AFr��nk m itx rcm•rftrr ni�m�i tu r."pa�ni.vxy n.Nt'1 d'+tcd -
<br /> L•.�. .. �
<br /> - � .Ikr�uith cxccutcd b�Tru.tur anJ pa�able tu tlx ur�kr ul'Beoetiri•rry.in ttx Pnntip�l.umof
<br /> ��*` "•� t,'�';•:;�. , DDCEMBER 2► 2008
<br /> - , s _.and ha+�ing dx ditr ot it,linal pa�m�nt due�ri .�xa�extendcd.
<br /> > w.i�;•- •, �
<br /> , -• dc[emrf�xmschedul.�d hy rcncw�{�xrcfinance:i31 Paynxnt ut any�ufditianal aid�•an�e..x tth intcrctit�hrnixi r,mr�tk maftcr tk IiwneJ by�Bcncfiriuy
<br /> � �y$; ��' , to Truucx in a maximum wm of S?6250.OZ w uhin 1 S�ran fn�m thc datcutlhi.Dc�tii of'Tnnt _
<br /> ��, �^�;'`��� however,this n dor.not camtiiute a curnmitment by Benef ician•to m�le futurc xi��nc�::14►The p�>m�nt uf any�mmey that may be adrarK�eJ
<br /> Pu+& Ph
<br /> � a 't..'"""`-;. by the Beneficiuy to Tru.Ux[ur�ny rca.a��xtuihird prnk�,with imerc�t ther.un,whercthc am�wnh are ad�anrrJ to protect thr xrurity m ar�rxdance
<br /> - � ""f�' ,' w�th thc crnenants of�hix Oced d 1'ru.t:IS1 Any renew•rl.rctin•rn�in�ix racn�ian at viJ promi.kxy n�xr.ix any ahrr u�eRtiment to piy wAkh auy
<br /> ';R:t=J• be subuitwndd�erefix.
<br /> .� „
<br /> -- ^��Y Atl Qay�t�u�le by Truw►x on thc obliguiion secuRd by thi.Uax�!of Tro.t�hall lk�ppl�cd in ihe CuOuw ing orJer.
<br /> =�=._� ��� M7RST:Tu the payment af taxc+and a.+c+,rncnh th�t may h levied�►nd a�.e.rrd ag�in�t wid prcmi�r.insurmcc prcmiums,rcpair+.and all otAer
<br /> cLrges rd expeR+�agreed to be p�id by the Tm�tax.
<br /> _ SECOM1LF.To the pi+yment of interc�t duc oa said Iwn.
<br /> -— THIRD:'�otlie p�yment of principal.
<br /> � �m vQnTFi'1'THF.SECURITY HEREOF.TRUSl'ORIS!COVENANiI'S AND AGREE�:(I 1 To keeD��1 Dnm�sr��n.urcd apinst Icxs by firc and
<br /> __ -- -
<br /> —_= othtr huuds.casualty�ndeuntingencie+up ta the full valu�of�Il impcuvement.fix the prut�titianuf Reneficiary in wch ma►ner.in such anwuntt.
<br /> insuchcoa�nieyasBnxfici�ytnayGumtime tutirtx�ppruve.�ndthu lossproca�lsllese�xpenxof�rolkction)+h�ll.at BrneFKiuy ioptia�.bapplicd
<br /> on said i�debKdnexs,whether due ut�wt ar to the nuonl�un ot caid impro�ement�.in ev�nt of lu.�Truuor will give inwrcediatc ndice Dy m�il ta the
<br /> - Bereficiary who may maAt proof of Ims if oot m�de prai�tly by T�u�tor.�nd exh inwrance�•anpany caxYmed is hercby wthorized and dirccted to
<br /> e�ke pymmt for wch bu d�rcctty ro the Bencfkiary imteacf of tu the Truucx.l21 To psy WI t�xes�nd special asxs.utKnts of any kimf that A��e been
<br /> a msy be kvied or auessed upon said txemises.ond to deliver to Beneficiaqr,upoe rcyuret��'tlu Benefk iary.the ofFkwl t�eceipl showing pa}mrnt of
<br /> all srcA tues aod acsessnknta.l3)In tbe�went otdeCault byTrutiuu wder Puagnphc 1 ex 2 abu�e.8eneficury.at iteuption.may(s)plx�t anct kcep such
<br /> irisuran�Y�bove pmvidad(or in tonro throughuut tlrc lifr of this DrM of'Trust and pay tM rca,aybirp�miums�nd charges thercfor,lbl p�y atl said
<br /> tu�s and atsessmens vridrwt detetmi�ing dre ralidity thercoL•�nd lcl p�y swh ticns arni atl such disbursert�ems u sh�ll De dee+n�ai a pan of the
<br /> inde�e�Ye�s senr�edby tl�itDcedofTiu�t�nd�ull beimmediolely dueandp�yabkbyTn►�urto BenePkiary.l3)7bp�y wl�ndueany Iieounthtpro�enY
<br /> vrhicA is wuor b the lin oC Beaefici�ry�d.nawi�hcundieg iny ri�ht or o�tion by any srmor licn or by sey�enior tirnlakier to pem��t thr
<br /> pri�cip�l bd�noe d srcY ce�wx liea w iwcrca+e.Truswr wdl not prnnN the pruici bdatN.�e of any senKr 1 irn to inc�zre above 1hr balarkY a1 the 1w�r
<br /> aft�ea�ki�o(d�isTnetDeadwitilthixTnutDadslrllh��e6ernpidinPo1Lt51 o�thebuildingsyrlodKrimpcoremen��nuwaiuing�kKa(ier
<br /> e�eclnd iM�ood oo�eYfaw�d tep�ir.nut 1u caore a s�dter�ny wule a�my ux d said prnuxs cWwwry b�ewx�tx�ns of rcami or�bntqry to Ww.
<br /> a�d w pe�ie BaefKi�ry a ewa ac ill raw��6te tises tar�trc qrpoec of in,p�e�yinQ�he pranues:na t��snwve or 3ea�oliiA any buiWiaE theaon:w
<br /> xa����v.zan�•c�+EwKUStnr uw ) j '� 1 t:::
<br />