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<br /> �4 . ' _
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<br /> �_� 12. Succeaan aad Asd�nx BouMt Jdat and Several 1.1�Wlity; CaSiQaen9. The covenams and r�greements of�his
<br /> Socudty lnstrum�mi slwll bind and benefit Ihc sucoossars ard as�igns of'Lender atd Borrower, cubject to the proviriona of --
<br /> °=_�— = puagraph 9.b. Borrower's wvenunts and agrcements xhall bc joint axl several. Any Bortawer who co-si�ns this Savrity
<br /> ";s �� �� Inc�rument but d�xs nrn ezecute the Nate: lal is cirxigning this Securhy Instrument anly tu mortga�e. en+nt and convey thw
<br /> .�;���' ' Borrower's intercu io the Propeny under the tcrm�uf this Security Instrument:(b)is not personally obliga�a!ta pay the sums
<br /> -_=°°�� securod by this Secu�ity Incuument:w�d Ic)aBrces tFwt l.ender+u�J any other Borrower may a�ree ta extend.modify,forbetu or
<br /> ` ' ��^Y makc any sccommndali�ns wi�h rcgerd ro thc termr of thia Security instrument or the Note wi11xw1 that Born�wer's rnnsent.
<br /> -�
<br /> �:�. _
<br /> _ _:�i !3.NMiecs.Any nwice to Barrower pmvided For in this Security Instrument shul)be given by delivering it ur by mullin�
<br /> —�-;�'. it by fi�at class mail unless applicable law requires usc of onather method.Tho notice yhall be directed to thc Praperty AdJress —
<br /> —'�� ;,
<br /> � or any aher addrcss Borrower desi�nales by notice to Lender. Any notice ta L.ender slwll be given by fi�st claxs mail to
<br /> _ ,,_ s;,,s�.-`: l.ender's addr�ess staled herein Qr uny oddress Lender designates by noticc�o&�rruwer. Any notice provided far in this Security =_
<br /> . _ -=°�'����. Ins�rument shall be deemed to havc becn given to Borrower or Lerder when given as provided ia this pars�raph. —
<br /> - --- ���-: _
<br /> �,� —
<br /> --�`"`=' 14. (',overaiug I.s�w; Severnbility. This Security [nstmrncnt shall be governed by federa! law nnd thc law of the
<br />_. _ _ -.;.�- .�� —
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Prciperty is locnt�d. In the event that any pravisian or cluusc of this Security Instrumenl ar the Note
<br /> �' ''� conflicts with applicable law,such contlict shull not nffect other provisians af this Security Instrument o�the Note whieh can be
<br /> ;..p,.,n. - give�effect without the conflirting provlsion.To this end the praviaiaoa of this Securiry lostrument e�W the Nate rue declwr+ed
<br /> to be severoble.
<br /> _ ��-''' � __
<br />--"�°�":``�:�� �.•. I5.Borrow�cr'�Copy.Bartc�wer shal l be given one rnnfortned copy of this Security Insuument.
<br /> __—J��r� .
<br /> :�;,,�,�;�,,,:-�.� .. l6. Assignment ot Rents. Bormwer uncondition�lly asxigns and transiars to Lender ull the rems and reverv�es of the =___=
<br /> 'wS�.�3��. Property. Borrower authorizes I.cnder or l..ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues und hereby directs earh tenant uf the
<br /> '"�!"_,�•�`'"'�"'"T�' Property to pay the rents to l.ender or l.ender's agents. However.prior ta Lender's notice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of _�-
<br /> - '"'���' an cavenunt or u reement in the Securit Instrument, Borrower shall collect and receiva all rems and revenues of the Propeny
<br /> �;.,��rT: . r B Y =°-
<br /> -� '�'�' 4 .. . aq�rustee for the benefit of Lcnder and Borrower. This assignment of rents conraitutes �n abwlute uxsignmaM and not an
<br /> ,_ ,,;ti'';,.�.:,' � _�,
<br /> assignment for additional security only. --
<br /> ,�Y.i-1.'^T` , '� �� .-_
<br /> _^ ..,�.,;���,� If I.ender gives notice of breuch to Bc�rrower: (n)aU renls received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower ns trustee for
<br /> -"�` bet�:tit aF L,cndcr only,ta bc applicd to thc sums:,ccured by ihe Sect+r':ty� lnssrument;!b)L=ndar sha!!be entitled to collect and --_
<br />,.c�:- ��.,. receive nll of the rents of the Propeny:und Ic) euch tenant oP the Aroperty shull pa� ull rcnt�due urxl unpaid to Lender or ��
<br /> • 't�t�1'ti'• • l.ender's Agent on I..�nder's written demand ro the tenant.
<br />� ��:'�.f��;� .
<br /> :��4,°:s.��' � . �.
<br /> • • ""' ' ., Borrower has not executed any pricx assisiimem of�he rents and hes not sind will not perform apy act tlwt wauld prevcM
<br /> •�� . , .. . ,;�.. n _
<br />, ' ,r•.'; l.ender from eaercising its rights under this purrgruph 16. _
<br /> � � ' �� " ' I.enJer shall nol be reyuiral tu enter upon,tnke can�rol of ex muintuin the Propeny before or After giving rwtice of breach
<br /> .�, ,. .l Y 'PP�� Y Y Y aPP� r��r�
<br /> to Borrower. However, Lender or a udiciall a r�n�ed receiver ma do so ut un time there is a breuch. An hwtion of r•
<br /> W:. �,:,�•• . �-.
<br /> rents shall not cure or wuiva uny def'uult or invuliJate •rny othcr right nr rrmedy of t.ender. This auignment of rems of the
<br />`�,'� � Property shall terminute when the debt sccured by the Security Instrumrnt is puiJ in I'uIL !_
<br />- • s��t�°� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�rr�iwcr onJ L.cndcr furlher covenunt and ugree as Follows: is-
<br /> :�5-: :', :;,• , r
<br />_-�`•- !. :�.}4.i1ti��;' -�. . 61r�!•
<br /> ;,, . 17.�oreclosure Procedure.lf Lender r�quir�immediate payment in i'ull under paraRraph 9,Lender may invoke the Lh;_
<br /> -` ;:«�:, :..-,•�. sr�;`:,, power oP sale and any othe� remedies permitted by appllcable law. Lender shall Im rnlitled to collect s�ll expenses __
<br />�°� � :���••'�` incurred i�puisuinR the remedies under this pur�graph 17.including.but not Nmited to, �son�ble Attorneys'iees ond
<br /> -�-•� �"'�, ' � ooetati ot title evidencc. =
<br /> : 'tEi'?�.:� ...�„. _e--
<br /> =_;�: _�" .�a�, _ , It the pnwer oi wle is invoked. Tru�lee shall record o nntice of default in eanc�ounty in wMch Any part of the
<br /> _�.`^, ,::t;�.,� ' ° ° Propertv is located and slwll muil cupl�s uf�uch notice in the manner presrrlbed b�� applicable I�w to&�rrower And to
<br /> =�'+""'� • '"' � the other persons prescribed by applicable Ipw. After the time reyuired bv upplirable law. Tn�siee 4Fw11 give pubflc�atice
<br /> •;:W�.:. ':. t , .,-�;� —
<br /> r� •• •�� ' ;� ot'cole to the prnoac And in the manner prc.xrlhed b��upplicabtc la�r.T�u�t�r. without demand on&�rrower.shall sell ---
<br /> ��'��`� . , , lhe Property at pub8c auctlon to the hlphest bidder at the time uad pl�cr s�nd under the terms desiRnuted in the notice ot "k
<br /> _•��...: �•�
<br /> ., �le in onc or more parcels and in an}�ordcr Trustt�r determin�y. Trust�r ma� po�tp�mc wk oi ull or am� parcel of the .�'�'
<br /> • Property bv pubNc annou�kement at thr time and plsire oP un� prc�iousl� tich�riukd cxle. I.endcr or itti deslgnee m�y �`;
<br /> � ' purclu�se the Property�t�ny sWe.
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