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<br /> 4.Firo, Flad and Otber Hazard In�w�aace.9orraw�r slwll incucp al)lmpravemen�un ttic Property,wi�ether now in
<br /> existence or subzoqueody crectod, a�Afnst uny hxr�da,cawutt;isr+.and coqlingencias, includin�8re,fi�r which tx�xkr requirea
<br /> insurunce, This insumnce shall bc mafolainod in thc unwunrh ard for th�pc�ic�l� th�t L.er�ier require.. Bom�wcr sh�ll Wso
<br /> insure all improvements an the Property.whcthcr n�w in cxi5kncc or aub�ec�uently ercxtecl,ugaintit lo�s by flaats tu thr extcnt
<br /> reqaired by the Secretary. All insuran�c�iwll tx:catried witPr,compunieti a�pnwocl by Lcnder. Thc insuranrc p�►liriea wid wry
<br /> �ev►,aly shWl be held by Lrnder ard shall includo locc payabl�rlausca in favo�of,und in a fbrm occnptabla to,l.ender.
<br /> -- -�- �,
<br /> -- - - -- ln�he event of laas. Barrawcr shr�lll give Lender irtunr�ii�te nwicc by nwil, I.ander may msJcc proof of loys if not made `
<br /> ""- promptly by Borrawer. Each insuronee company concerred is hercby uulhorii.ed umi dirc�tied to malce payment for such losa
<br /> �; directly to lxndcr, insteud of to Borrower utwi to Lender jadntly. All or at►y purt ot the imurance pnioeeds may be opplied by
<br /> ---• L.ender,at its option, either (a)to the reduction of the indahted�s undc�r tha Nute ond this Secu�ity Ins�rumenc, first to any
<br /> - _L�sw i delinquent amaunts upplied in the order in purograph 3.anrl�then to prepuymcnt of principal.or lb)to the rrworation or repair
<br /> -s-_ --_-�.�� of the damage� Propeny. Any upplication of the proceal� to the pnncipal sh�ll ne�t extend o�postpone the due date of the
<br /> - monthly payment�which ure referred to in panagis�ph 2,or chunge the nmaunt of suGh payments. Any excess�iasuronce pro��ls
<br /> -- `-; ovcr an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedndn�undcr the Nota and Uiis Secu�ity Instniment shall be paid to the
<br /> ----- -;,a' enuty Iegally emitled thereta.
<br /> -------_'''`�.
<br /> —=-''`° ln the event of foroclosure of' this Security Instn�msnt or other tmnsfer oi' �i[le to�he Property �hut extinguishes tbR
<br /> - - i�iebted�ss.all right,title u�J interest of Borrower in an�1 ta iasurw►ce puliaies in fi�rce shall pass to the purchaser.
<br /> - - ��:_;-':- � -
<br /> "`=,�'=.• - 5. Oocuppncy. Preservation. M�Intenptue �i PrnRectioa uf ths Pl�rperty; Borrower's I.oan ApplicaUon; -
<br /> --�,. .
<br /> ---�,—::I,.���' '`" I,easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,es�ablish,and use thu Propert}� Bc►rrower'ti principal residence within siaty days after
<br /> S°°�'�`� � the execution of this Security Instrument and ahall cantinue to occupy the Pmpertv uh Borrower's princip�tl residence for at least �
<br /> �,'`t'.',':i'•;
<br /> ... , :t
<br /> - n;���:.;:==?'� one year s�flcr the date of axup�ncy.unless the Secretary detemuneh this r�quiremcnt,will cAUSe wdue hardship for Borrower.
<br /> � :;,,,,, � $�i '„ ;' or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyc►�xl &►rmwe�s control. Bo�'rower shall nodfy [.enders of any _
<br /> -�_����_��,_: cxtenuating circumstances. Borrower shal)not commit waste ar destroy, dtunage or substuntially cf�nge the Property or ullow ---
<br /> -_----��ti�;.• °' the Property to deteriorate. reasonnble wemc and tear eacepGed. I.ender mAy inspect the Propeny if the PrapeRy is vacant or
<br /> �.a.�m��,
<br /> .v abandoned or the laan is in defeull. l.ender may take reaSOnuble actian tcr prot�.�et nnd preserve such vucant ur abendott�d __
<br /> •�;s?,�c°�; �s� `��r P rt Bormwer shall olso be in default if Bnrcower.during the I�n upp�icatinn pmcess.guve materially fulse or inaccut�te R-
<br /> ----����'.. � Y•
<br /> ____:,.��rY:., information or satements to Lender (or failed to provide l.r,nder wilh any materiu! infomiutionl in connectbn with the loan "`=:
<br /> --' " cvidc�ceC tsy il�e !+iote, isxlucling, but not limitefi!a. r�rescntallc►nc ro�rninp Bc�nower's accuQaney of 1he Property as u �-
<br /> ��''°-,�r�L���` i n principal residence. If this Security Inslrument is un a leakhold, BoROwer shull comply with the provisions of the lease. 1� �
<br /> ���-=s „�. � Barrower acquires fee tide to the Ptoperty,the leusehold and fce tf11c yhull nat ba merged unless l.ender aBrees to the merger in
<br /> ��T,�:�:w � writing. �_
<br /> '��"`,.:- �. ---
<br /> ��:A�..
<br /> ', r'\�.•rt s�.3�, 6.Ciuirses to Borrow•er and Protection of Lender's Rights in thn Pt+operiy. Born�wer shall p:iy all governmental or -.
<br /> ,- •,.�,� � municipal charges, fines And imposi�iony thut are not inwluded in pumgmph 2. &�n��wer shull pay these obligatians on time
<br />_���"�.� directly to the entity which is owed the paymem, If fuilurr a.pay would udversely uffect Lender's interest in the Property, upon
<br /> _� • �___ .. L,ender's request Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lendar reccipts cvidcncins thase payrrunts.
<br /> �:.... --' --
<br /> :�"v„�� rr�";:' If Borrower fails to make thcse payments��r the puyments requira! b��parugruph 2,or fuils to perl'orm nny other covenants
<br /> �;;:�- < < � and agreements wntained in thin Su.urity Inatrument,or tlr:rc is•r legul pm�r.�ling that may significurnly affect L.ender's rights
<br /> f °��+ �`� � in the Property(cuch as a proceeding in l+anktuptcy. for cnndemnutiun+x to enfurcc law`�►r regulu�ionsl,then l.ender mpy do
<br /> ��•%����.` : I and p•ry whatever is nereswry to protcct the value�►f Ihs Propr:rty an�i Lendor's rights in the Pirupeny. including payment of
<br /> '-�'��'"L`� � wxes.hazard insaranc�e and aher items memioneci in .�r h 2.
<br /> Y�,....�... p" �B�P
<br /> •,.
<br /> ,. .� - —
<br /> _ ilc,t'.�._. , .. . _-
<br /> ury'ie':.'......
<br /> ,� � '• • Any amounts disbursed by l.ender unJer�hi,pur;�graph�hall hecumr un addi�i�mul J�bt ol'Bc�nr�wcr und be secured by �t
<br /> - .� �+=:^�'� ° this Ser.uriry Instrumenl.Thex amnuntc:xhull hear in�crc�t t'rom the dacr.uf Jiaburacment,ut thc Note rate,und at the option of
<br /> --="tx_•... , . I.ender,shwll be immtldiutely due:uxi payuble.
<br /> _�t.,.-`.._.. °
<br /> ��'S�'F`�•t..g � a_
<br /> �;�« r_ ° ° 7. Condemn�tion. The pnxeals uf uny •rwanl nr claim for J:u»ugcs, direct ur c��nsc•yuential, in cwmectian with any
<br /> -- "'''" �" ' condemnudon or nther taking of uny pan of the Pruperty.or fi�r c�mveyvme in plsxti uf randemn•rtiun,ure hereby assigned and �
<br /> "..;a;^' � i �
<br /> - •• shull he paid to Lender to the extcm��i'the full amount of tlw:indebt��lnea.thut remvim unpaid under the Note:u�d this Security
<br /> � � '° � Instrument. Ixnder.rhall apply wrh praceedx�o the reJuctiun uf thc inacbl4Yinr+s undcr the Nute•rnd thi�Seruriry Instrume:nt. �'
<br /> ' � i first to any delinquent :u�wunts appli�til in tlie urdcr pruviJeJ in paru�raph ?, and thrn ai prcpayment of principal. Any
<br /> 0 UPPlication of the pnxeeds [o �he prinripal .hull ix�t r!uenJ ur �nqxmc thr dur datr �rt'thc iHOnthIY paYments. which are
<br /> .• �-4RINE) c•e�n e oi s --
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